Interview with La Toya from Argentina!



  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I'm going to summarize the interview, I hope it is understood

    Journalist, La Toya asks you as you hear about Michael's death, by the media, someone calls you, .. as
    La Toya, I found out that my father called me and told me to go to the hospital, I lived very close to Michael as a 2 or 3 minutes away, Joe called and asked denuevo to hurry on the way I talk his cousin who helps his mother, his mother took the phone and shouting that is dead, almost wrecked car was a shock.

    The reporter asked if on arrival at hospital and learned that the suspicious death of a Conspiracies.
    La Toya replied that when his madrese told immediately thought he'd been murdered.

    The reporter asked if Michael had almost no nose.

    La Toya answers, all are lies, in fact in the coroner's office, "I tarbaje with them" "I was with them during the autopsy," laughed or little they said, had always heard that he had no nose. Sometimes you believe in everything that you look on TV, but we do know the truth.

    The newspapers he was able pregunata Michael, according to the autopsy weighed very little 47 kgrs, was in very bad physical Conditions by, as you see it.

    La Toya replied that the last time she saw him looking very fragile, very thin, always was skinny but not when I hugged him I could feel the bones in the back

    The reporter says this phrase is yours, Michael was killed?

    La Toya respond, if at all, from the beginning I thought my brother fua killed, and I say, is what happened

    Journalist, you said that MJ was worth 1.000 million dollars, was worth more alive than dead.

    La Toya, if definitely a situation I really felt that something was wrong and people knew that was worth more dead than alive, generating a lucrative entertainment and Therefore important for those around him

    Journalist, but it could generate live entertainment, had insurance for the proceedings, the cash generated from sales, Which says it is worth more dead?

    La Toya, was excellent with the shows and generated a lot of money, but when he died people hear their songs and their albums are worth more, you have 700 thousand songs that are heard around the world, piblico not know what was a machine could generate , people do not know that in terms of merchandising.

    Journalist, Perceived MJ's death, had a large family, died practically abandoned to the care of a physician that is almost an offender, accused of homicide invonluntario, the family is leaving?

    La Toya, is not what you are trying to say, was not abandoned, the people around him tried to keep away from his family.

    Journalist, was so strong the environment around him, Which did not allow his family closer.

    La Toya Michaelamaba his family and always wanted to be with them, but when it is surrounded by people who control their lives is very difficult, my father and my mother always went home to check on him, spent much time with him, but there were times when security is not allowed to approach.

    The reporter asks about the relation of testamentoy if Michael and his father, however, that no mention of a will, if she loved him but did not trust.

    La Toya there are many things you do not concoct and someday will know the truth, we will know the truth and everything else, is a question of time.

    The reporter asks about children, custody of children and if she sees them.

    La Toya said, I wonder if children are protegu?,, The are having a good time and enjoy every moment of his life are well and happy, have changed and retrieved easily, there are days when you are sad, but we must go forward

    Journalist asks about the conspiracy to kill Michael, the economic situations and insurance.

    La Toya, many people do not understand that MJ was the owner of the catalog, ie all emissions piblicaciones, catalog call it, are the songs that are owned by the Beatles songs, so Michael told me that it wanted to kill and lodecia very seriously , and told the family, I was afraid.

    There's a part where they talk about the relations of Michael with his father, and said they were very close, Michael left notes saying he wanted at all meetings, Because his father could control the people around him.

    I Hope this is understood. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Everything has been understood very well… <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> Thanks
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