

  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Yes, is right sounded same, also art and points... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I believe the only way this can be cleared up once and for all, is if DD and MJ voices were compared by a speech/language/voice expert.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    thats a good idea I would have thopught only family would have the same voices for example when my daughter speaks on the phone people think it is me. but it would hard to understand with just being friends
  • I cannot and will not believe that MJ was Dave Dave in that film. My friend and I sound very similar and on the phone and if we answer the phone for each other the caller will assume we are each other. Michael has up to now been Dave Dave, Hatman, Blonde next to hatman, Doctor Murray etc and he was seen in the back of his brothers car after his death, he has also been seen out with Elizabeth Taylor and his kids at a halloween event, he has also been sending messages via Cassandra and other sources on the internet. I have to say that all the things he has been up to since his "death" it will have been easier for him to do the 50 concerts! A hoax death is serious stuff and to appear in front of millions on film even if in disguise will be far too risky. I am sorry but this is not just a prank like when he used to get disguised to go out-the worse that could happen then is getting mobbed by fans but what will happen now?-dont you think there will be very serious repercussions? what if he was in danger? what about fraud? I just dont think most of you are taking this serious enough. I bet he is really scared now, can you imagine how hard it will have been for him and what he is going through now? He was far from an idiot and I do not think for one second he would risk doing something as illogical as that.
    Sorry-I don't think Michael would do this and more to the point-WHY would he do this?
  • I agree Harleyblonde. Just because someone "sounds" like somebody else sure as hell don't make them that person.....
    I find that whole concept so "far-fetched" that it in itself is laughable.
    Rehashing and rehashing seems to be the norm right now, because there is just nothing left to talk about. If, (and that is a BIG if, in my opinion) this is a "hoax"....time will tell I guess.
  • I agree Harleyblonde. Just because someone "sounds" like somebody else sure as hell don't make them that person.....
    I find that whole concept so "far-fetched" that it in itself is laughable.
    Rehashing and rehashing seems to be the norm right now, because there is just nothing left to talk about. If, (and that is a BIG if, in my opinion) this is a "hoax"....time will tell I guess.
    Exactly!! I read some of these theories and start scratching my head in amazement and is funny you should say about them being laughable as when my Mum visits and I log on she will have a good laugh and ask who is MJ today? she also tells me quite often that she is glad that I am sceptical as if I believed then she would have worries about my mental state and BTW she truly believes in the hoax. It is funny but also quite sad as sometimes a person is capable of convincing themselves of something if they want it so bad.
    I actually find it in quite bad taste and do not think that Michael would even contemplate disguising himself as his dear friend who was so horrifically burned and if Dave Dave were to come upon these sites then goodness knows how he will feel, it is to my mind hurtful and dont forget that he too if he is not in on the hoax will be suffering from the loss of Michael.
  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217

    i just don't think Michael can change his voice like that.
  • well, whatever his reasons are, for me there's no doubt it was michael at LKL!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • For my he is too.And what if Dave Dave new from his disquise?Am sorry but if you dont see that you are no believer in my eyes!M.J could disquise him that even his own mother dont requenice him.Is that see enough to you?Ofcours the question stay;Will he ever wanne come back?
  • There are voice changer devices which can alter voices from male to female and vice versa. Have a look on Google. Just type in "voice changer device" and there are audio samples for you to hear. Anyway the DD on LKL I believe is MJ for more reasons than whether the voice is the same. MJ was impersonating DD therefore either trying to sound like DD who may in fact sound similar to MJ anyway. MJ was trying to not sound like MJ. He was trying to disguise his voice.
  • well, whatever his reasons are, for me there's no doubt it was michael at LKL!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I absolutely agree!
  • As I already stated several times on other forums too, I'm deeply convinced that DD at LKL was definitely Michael.
    Just my opinion, though....
    The first time I saw the video, I was shocked... Then, I decided to listen to DD voice with earphones, without watching... And I was really, really impressed since that voice, that accent, that way of pausing were incredibly similar to MJ's... Try and listen...
    A MJHD member from Germany (is she here?? I hope so!!) made a comparison of Michael's and Dave's voices, she also mixed together words and phrases, you just couldn't tell the difference between the two!
    Too bad all research work on that site went lost....
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • JustAnotherPartOfMe, I remember hearing that video you are talking about, it sure did sound extremely similar. It's such a shame all the hard work is gone. It's hard for newer members to get up to date.
  • First time I saw it, I also thought, OMG it's HIM. But now I just can't see the reason, why would he do this <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • First time I saw it, I also thought, OMG it's HIM. But now I just can't see the reason, why would he do this <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    i wonder what the purpose would be as well!!! maybe that what you see is not always what is real!! he was pretty fanatic about that! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • For my he is too.And what if Dave Dave new from his disquise?Am sorry but if you dont see that you are no believer in my eyes!M.J could disquise him that even his own mother dont requenice him.Is that see enough to you?Ofcours the question stay;Will he ever wanne come back?
    Hmmm, sorry but are you saying that if we do not believe that Dave dave is Michael then we must be believers that Michael is in fact dead? Sorry but my brain is telling me otherwise-it is telling me that MJ was not disguised as Dave but is also making me believe that Michael is very much alive.
    All those who believe that Dave Dave on the LK video is Michael can you please just tell me WHY HE WOULD DO THIS? If he is a master of disguise and his own Mother did not recognise him in disguise then he was not giving you clues because if his own Mother didn't recognise her son in disguise why would he think we would?
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Do not know why he this, however, would act very strangely with Dave LKL Dave had a lot with MJ commonly <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    One reason he could have done it was to deliver a public eulogy to Michael Jackson. He spoke of the MJ nobody knew who was like a father to him after he received those terrible burns. His reference to his father's "criminality" also points obliquely to Joe Jackson.
  • lilithlilith Posts: 105
    I remember that Michael once said that some girls always recognize who he is - even when he is carefully disguised. He said that they look into his eyes and he only thinks "Oh no!" Because he knows, that they know who he is.

    I don't remember where he said that but I do remember that he did. He described that those girls can tell through the way he moves and he described it a bit further.

    Does anyone here know what I am talking about? Does anyone else remember?

    Me, too, I believe Michael is Dave on LKL.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Ich erinnere mich, dass Michael einmal gesagt, dass einige Mädchen immer erkennen, wer er ist - auch wenn er sorgfältig getarnt. Er sagte, dass sie ihm in die Augen schauen und er nur denkt "Oh nein!" Weil er weiß, dass sie wissen, wer er ist.

    Ich weiß nicht, wo er sagte, aber ich erinnere mich, daß er es tat. Er beschrieb, dass die Mädchen durch die Art, wie er sich bewegt und er beschrieb es ein bisschen weiter sagen kann.

    Hat jemand hier weiß, wovon ich spreche? Erinnert sich noch jemand anderes?

    Ich auch, ich glaube, Michael ist Dave auf LKL. [/ Quote]

    Yes I also believe this... God is thanks to I am not only with these thoughts. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • guys, we need to figure out the right hand of Dave Dave <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> if someone can make identical mangled hands then this is a posibility, cause we all know Dave Dave has a mangled right hand, we need to compare that hand with the Dave Dave LKL hand <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I think THEN we know for certain if it was or wasn't the real one or mj <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    I think Dave Dave with Larry a hand prosthesis , had I would be glad if we did research there.
    Larry, Miko and Dave were never common in the picture .......... always single persons <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Harleyblonde, The DD on LKL I believe is MJ. I have said before on this site the reasons I think this is the case. Aside from all the mannerisms, odd suit size, voice, delivery, content of the message and deliberate mistakes this disguise is perfect. An example of one of the deliberate mistakes is when DD talks about "all these Paul McCartney records", "The Girl Is Mine". Do you not suppose the grown up DD would know this song is primarily known as a MJ record from "Thriller". I know it is a duet. I don't believe a 7 year old child would have heard of PM. Would they not be more excited by being around MJ and all his stuff. By DD mentioning PM it could be to allude to the PM death hoax of many years ago. I don't think DD or MJ in disguise as DD would be able to bring himself to say "all these Michael Jackson records".
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    well, whatever his reasons are, for me there's no doubt it was michael at LKL!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    while me and my grandma were talking and dave dave started to talk he she turned around and said.." boy he sounds just like mike" and i was like oh yea he does and then when i seen the photos and other info i knew..by the way my grandma does not believe mike is alive
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Harleyblonde, The DD auf LKL ich glaube, MJ. Ich sagte schon, auf dieser Website Gründe, warum ich glaube, dies ist der Fall. Abgesehen von allen Manierismen, ungerade Anzug Größe, Sprach-, Liefer-und Inhalt der Nachricht und absichtliche Fehler dieser Verkleidung perfekt. Ein Beispiel für eine der absichtlichen Fehler ist, wenn DD spricht über "all diese Datensätze Paul McCartney", "The Girl Is Mine". Haben Sie nicht annehmen, die aufgewachsen DD wären this song wissen, ist in erster Linie als MJ Rekord von "Thriller" bekannt. Ich weiß, es ist ein Duett. Ich glaube nicht, einen 7-jährigen Kind würde von PM gehört haben. Würden sie nicht mehr angeregt werden, indem sie etwa MJ und alle seine Sachen. Von DD, in denen PM es könnte sein, um den PM-Hoax der Tod vor vielen Jahren anzuspielen. Ich glaube nicht, DD oder MJ in Verkleidung als DD in der Lage wäre, sich zu bringen zu sagen, "alle diese Michael Jackson records". [/ Quote]

    Tunes exactly .... thanks my thoughts just <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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