Why are they doing this for Corey Haim.. but not for MJ??

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in News
Los Angeles-In an ongoing crackdown on prescription-drug fraud and abuse, Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that his office is investigating an "illegal and massive prescription-drug ring" linked to the death of Corey Haim.

An unauthorized prescription under the former child star's name was found during an ongoing investigation of fraudulent prescription-drug pads ordered from a vendor in San Diego.

"Corey Haim's death is yet another tragedy linked to the growing problem of prescription-drug abuse," Attorney General Brown said. "This problem is increasingly linked to criminal organizations, like the illegal and massive prescription-drug ring under investigation. It's a serious public health problem."

The prescription-drug ring under investigation operates by ordering prescription-drug pads from authorized vendors using stolen doctor identities. The pads are then either sold on the street to prescription-drug addicts or to individuals who are paid to fill the prescription and then sell the drugs on the underground market. The doctor whose name is printed on the form is usually unaware that his or her identity has been stolen for this purpose.

The investigation has thus far uncovered more than 4,500 to 5,000 fraudulent prescriptions linked to the fraud ring in Southern California.

The San Diego Regional Pharmaceutical Narcotic Enforcement Team (RxNET) is conducting the investigation. RxNET is a cooperative effort of the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement; Department of Health Care Services and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. RxNET also works in conjunction with other state, federal and local law enforcement agencies.

Prescription-drug abuse is a growing problem. Brown's office has investigated and filed charges in more than 200 cases-against both physicians who have abused their trust and patients who go from doctor to doctor in search of drugs.

In February 2009, Brown filed charges against Dr. Lisa Barden of Rancho Cucamonga, who stole the identities of her patients to obtain highly addictive painkillers. The San Bernardino County District Attorney is prosecuting the case.

In April 2009, Brown's office arrested five college-age individuals who conspired to fraudulently obtain thousands of prescription drugs. The San Diego County District Attorney is now prosecuting the case.

In addition to costing the state millions of dollars each year, prescription-drug abuse can have serious public safety consequences, as many of the top abusers hold down regular jobs including truck drivers, transit operators and medical practitioners.

California is at the forefront of technology that makes it more difficult for criminals to operate prescription-drug rings. Brown's office has introduced significant technology upgrades to the state's prescription-monitoring program, known as CURES, by creating an accessible, online database. The database is a critical tool in assisting law enforcement in investigating these types of crimes.

For more information on the California Department of Justice Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement and California's prescription-drug monitoring system visit: <!-- m -->http://ag.ca.gov/bne/CURES.php<!-- m -->.

For doctors and other authorized healthcare and prescription-drug providers, visit <!-- m -->http://www.ag.ca.gov<!-- m --> for more information on CURES.

<!-- m -->http://www.jerrybrown.org/node/643<!-- m -->


  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Feels like a slap to Michael's face <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Feels like a slap to Michael's face <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Yes.. seems strange they are doing all this for Corey Haim... yet when the Worlds biggest superstar dies, they seemingly do nothing??
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    They are doing lots of things because of his death. I have seen it in action. There are states that have double enforced their measures and quoted MJ as the reason.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    But when they discussed this problem on Larry King - they said it was all due to Michael Jackson's case that people are sitting up and taking an interest now.
  • Because it's hoax lol Michael is not really dead, u know lol
  • They are doing lots of things because of his death. I have seen it in action. There are states that have double enforced their measures and quoted MJ as the reason.

  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    Guess I'm the oddball. I don't understand how this is something they could "do" for MJ. Corey Haim's prescriptions (or at least one of them) was obtained using an illegally purchased prescription drug pad, which was part of a much larger organized drug ring. MJ's wasn't. So how is MJ even related to this?

    MJ's "death" involved propofol, and the improper (reckless) use of it outside of a hospital setting. The DEA said not long after MJ's "death" that they were putting in action plans to review how propofol is obtained and distributed. In other words: it's NOT been a controlled substance, so relatively easy to obtain, and they are working to change that.

    Corey Haim's death was related to one or more prescriptions obtained illegally involving an organized illegal drug ring.

    MJ's "death" was related to propofol, obtained legally, but used improperly (according to the official story).

    They just aren't the same thing, nor do they involve the same players or circumstances.
  • Read this, please.

    <!-- m -->http://www.theinsider.com/news/2770322_ ... Physicians<!-- m -->

    Edmund Brown.... he is in MJ´s Family Trust!!!!

    <!-- m -->http://wills.about.com/b/2009/07/03/rea ... riller.htm<!-- m -->
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    They are doing lots of things because of his death. I have seen it in action. There are states that have double enforced their measures and quoted MJ as the reason.


    I didn't get this information on the internet. I experienced it first hand. Don't disbelieve people because there is no link involved, half of the carp you read on the internet is false because people can hide behind a wall of secrecy. No accountability.
    First in Ky where my daughter goes to a clinic and they released 500 patients from their roster because of a double enforced database that traced these people to having more than one doctor. Citing MJ as the reason

    I go to a clinic here that immediately upped the days between visits and start random pill counts. Citing MJ and cases like him as being the reason.

    But I will try to find you some links to some of the boards I frequent.
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    Here's one

    Southern California — this just in

    State officials are set to unveil improvements to their prescription medication tracking system this morning, including the capability to instantly flag whether patients are abusing those drugs, an issue highlighted with the deaths of celebrities Anna Nicole Smith and Michael Jackson.

    The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System, known as CURES, includes more than 100 million entries for controlled substances prescribed in California. But doctors and pharmacists had to wait days to find out whether a patient was seeking a prescription legitimately or not.

    The upgraded system allows healthcare professionals to instantly track a broad range of controlled substances, including anti-anxiety medications, painkillers and sedatives through the Internet. It also gives law enforcement officials access to the database to combat prescription drug abuse.

    The CURES system, which has been in use for a decade, contains the name of every doctor that prescribes controlled medicines, the person for whom the drug is prescribed, the quantity and the date.

    California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, who will announce the improvements this morning at a press conference in downtown Los Angeles, argued for the need to upgrade the system last year after the death of Anna Nicole Smith.
    Earlier this year, prosecutors charged Anna Nicole Smith’s boyfriend and two of her doctors with repeatedly supplying the former Playboy centerfold with addictive prescription drugs since 2004, nearly three years before she died of an overdose.

    More recently, state officials provided help to the LAPD in its investigation of the circumstances surrounding the death of pop star Michael Jackson, who died June 25 in what the Los Angeles County coroner’s office has ruled was a homicide due to acute intoxication from the anesthetic propofol.

    In search warrants, police have cited Jackson’s use of pseudonyms to procure prescriptions. Brown told The Times last month that authorities wanted to be able to monitor prescriptions to make sure that the drugs were linked to a diagnosis of a medical problem and not being abused.
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