Tom Sneddon

simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
edited January 1970 in News
I'm sure this isn't news for many of you but thought I'd post it anyway. I did not know or completely forgot until tonight that Tom Sneddon called Michael "Wacko Jacko" when making his public announcement that "they got him". A clear lack of oversight of his then department to the point he felt free to speak like that and some serious mental health issues. So I was looking around to see who he was in bed with. I came upon this post and pasting it here.


Date: Thursday, 3-Feb-2005 15:24:18 WHAT'S GOING ON IN SANTA BARBARA?

While it is obvious that District Attorney Tom Sneddon has a vendetta against Michael Jackson, there are other allegations of abuse on Sneddon's part that have been ignored by the mainstream media. The following people have accused Sneddon and his employees of malicious prosecution, conspiracy, abuse of power and civil rights violations.

And these are just the cases that have been made public...

Gary Dunlap

In November 2003, Santa Barbara defense attorney Gary Dunlap filed a $10 million lawsuit against Tom Sneddon, accusing him of racketeering, witness tampering, conspiracy and malicious prosecution. Earlier that year, Sneddon had charged Dunlap with perjury, witness intimidation, filing false documents and preparing false documents in a case that Dunlap had handled. Dunlap was acquitted on all charges but claims his reputation has been irreparably harmed as a result of the proceedings. In an interview with Online Legal Review's Ron Sweet, Dunlap claimed that Sneddon stacked the charges against him in order to get a conviction on at least one count; apparently, this is a common occurrence in Sneddon's office. Dunlap also discussed Sneddon's frequent abuse of power and claimed that there are other lawyers who have seen this. A judge recently upheld most of Dunlap's lawsuit and the case will soon go to trial unless a civil settlement is reached.

In related news, Dunlap's lawyer Joe Freeman recently sent a complaint asking that federal, state and county officials investigate Tom Sneddon and members of the Santa Barbara Police Department for misconduct. "In my opinion, the matters to be investigated are the possible criminal violations of several felony and misdemeanour statutes, including conspiracy, illegal taping, deceiving a court and a prosecutor illegally assisting the defense of a case," Freeman said in his complaint. "I respectfully request that the U.S. Attorney, the California Attorney General, the Santa Barbara County Grand Jury and the State Bar open investigations and seek whatever sanctions are found to be warranted against Sneddon and his staff." In response to the allegations, the SBPD's attorney Jake Stoddard said that Sneddon and his employees are immune from legal action because they are prosecutors.

Efren Cruz

In 2001, a man named Efren Cruz filed a federal lawsuit against Santa Barbara prosecutors accusing them of negligence and conspiracy to keep him in prison. The lawsuit also accused District Attorney Tom Sneddon of malicious prosecution. Cruz was incarcerated for four years after being convicted of murder in 1997. The lawsuit claimed that prosecutors had evidence favourable to Cruz but failed to hand it over to the defense before the trial. After Cruz was convicted, the real murderer was caught on tape confessing to the crime. Regardless, Santa Barbara prosecutors stood by their conviction until the case was taken to a higher court where Cruz was exonerated.

Thambiah Sundaram

Thambiah Sundaram's contentious relationship with Santa Barbara authorities began when he opened a non-profit dental clinic in the county and began to attain political status as a result. After unsuccessfully trying to have the clinic shut down, authorities arrested Sundaram for grand theft, impersonating a doctor and malicious mischief. His wife was also arrested and an employee at the clinic was later charged with committing a drive-by shooting. All three were found not guilty. Sundaram sued Sneddon and his employees for conspiracy, false imprisonment and several civil rights violations. He was awarded almost $300,000 in damages.

Sundaram also attended a private fundraising dinner in 1994 where Tom Sneddon and other government officials allegedly discussed their plans to get rid of certain individuals in Santa Barbara who owned substantial amounts of land. Michael Jackson's property was allegedly brought up during this meeting; Sundaram claimed that authorities wanted to acquire Neverland for vineyards.

Slick Gardner

Slick Gardner is a horse rancher who owns 2,000 acres of land in Santa Barbara. In 2003, Gardner was investigated for animal abuse after his neighbours reported that some of his horses looked unhealthy. Around the same time the allegations hit, Gardner ran for 3rd District Supervisor against John Buttny, Steve Pappas and Brooks Firestone. Firestone - who owns a successful winery in Santa Barbara and who also has political ties to Tom Sneddon and former Sheriff Jim Thomas - won the election by a landslide. As a result of the bad publicity from the animal abuse allegations, Gardner got the least amount of votes.

While investigating Gardner for animal abuse, Santa Barbara authorities also stumbled upon evidence of grand theft. Gardner was charged with 12 felony counts and hired defense attorney Steve Balash to represent him in the case. Balash later backed out of the case saying it was too complicated.

According to Gardner, Sneddon has had a grudge against him for 30 years and is only prosecuting him out of spite. "It just seems like it's almost a vendetta deal. These guys are going so far out of their way to do things to me that normally wouldn't be done," Gardner said.

"The same thing that’s happening to Michael Jackson happened to me. One day Sneddon is going to wake up with a boot up his ass with a white glove in it, and it will be about time."

Judge Rodney Melville, the same judge who will be presiding over Michael Jackson's trial, is also involved in Gardner's case.

Adams Bros. Farming, Inc.

In 1997, the Adams brothers purchased 268-acres of land in Orcutt and began agricultural grading on the site. 95-acres of their land was deemed an "environmentally sensitive wetland" by Santa Barbara authorities, which prevented the farmers from using it.

The brothers filed a lawsuit against the County in 2000, alleging that officials had falsely designated a portion of their land as wetland in an attempt to jeopardize the company's financial earnings. At the request of Santa Barbara County officials, Judge Rodney Melville dismissed the brothers' action. The brothers took their case to an appeals court where Melville's decision was overturned.

The Court of Appeals ruled that the County had violated the company's constitutional right to use its land and that the County and a county consultant had conspired to interfere with the company's income.

Emilio Sutti

Emilio Sutti is a dairyman and farmer who recently filed a $10 million lawsuit against Santa Barbara County, claiming to have been the target of a government conspiracy to interfere with his company's profits. Sutti alleged that Santa Barbara authorities have been targeting his family's land for years. The battle began when Emilio's brother and business partner Ed was sued by Santa Barbara County Planning and Development for alleged environmental and grading ordinance violations.

After winning a partial victory in the lawsuit, Ed Sutti was arrested and indicted for arson, witness intimidation, making terrorist threats, making false statements to an insurer, giving false deposition and four counts of state income tax evasion.

Emilio's Sutti's civil lawsuit was handled by Judge Rodney Melville.

Nuevo Energy Company

According to an article from The Lompoc Record: “Nuevo Energy Company has a launched a three-pronged legal attack on Santa Barbara County, claiming it violated state environmental law in using wrong baseline data in an environmental impact report, wasn't the correct lead agency to prepare the report and wrongly applied mitigation measures in denying the Tranquillon Ridge project.” Judge Rodney Melville presided over the case.

Art Montandon

Santa Maria City Attorney Art Montandon recently filed a claim against the Santa Barbara County District Attorney's Office, alleging that they falsely accused him of bribing a defense attorney in a case that Sneddon was prosecuting. Montandon had evidence favourable to the defense and prosecutors tried to stop him from interfering by threatening to bring bribery charges against him. A judge later ruled that Sneddon's office had no right to stop Montandon's involvement in the case.

In a letter, Montandon denied any wrongdoing and lashed out at Sneddon and his employees, saying: "Unlike (Assistant District Attorney Christie) Stanley and current and former members of her office, I have never had my license to practice law suspended by the State Bar, have never been convicted of a crime, and have never been terminated from any attorney job."

At the end of his letter, Montandon said he would reveal in court: "the full and complete story of not only the District Attorney's unprofessional conduct, but the inappropriate conduct and motives of others working behind the scenes to cause community conflict."

Recently, Montandon requested that the State Bar investigate Sneddon and his office for obstruction of justice.

William Wagener

William Wagener ran for 5th District County Supervisor in 2002 and was arrested shortly before the election. Because he was a convicted felon, Wisconsin authorities claimed that he had no right to run for political office. As a result, Wagener was arrested by Santa Barbara authorities.

In response, Wagener's attorney John Holland said that his client’s prior conviction should have had no effect on his right to be a political candidate. He also said that because the terms of Wagener's probation had been given to the SBPD in 1998, authorities were already aware of his record when they allowed him to run for office.

The charges against Wagener were dropped and he was released from jail. Still, his attorney accused Sneddon's office of making sure Wagener was: "defamed and ridiculed in the local media in order to destroy his campaign for public office." Wagener filed a lawsuit against the city of Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County and former Police Chief John Sterling, accusing them of violating his civil rights.

The lawsuit alleges that Police Chief John Sterling "had actual, advance knowledge of the plan by other defendants to falsely arrest, inaccurate and violate (Wagener's) California and Federal civil rights." Wagener claimed that authorities conspired against him because they wanted his opponent Joe Centeno to win the election.

Diana Hall

According to Gary Dunlap, when a local judge refused to change her ruling in Sneddon's favour, Sneddon brought bogus charges against her, ruined her career and publicly humiliated her by exposing that she was a lesbian. When it became apparent to Sneddon that this judge would be a witness in the Gary Dunlap case, he threatened to bring more charges against her. The judge in question is Diana Hall.

On September 29, 2003, Hall was acquitted on charges of battery but eight months later found herself accused of violating campaign laws. On January 16th, 2004, she showed up at Michael Jackson's arraignment because she wanted to see how Judge Rodney S. Melville handled motions. Hall told reporters: "I'm not being treated well. This has ruined my reputation, and I'm just not going to take it any longer."

Members of the SBPD

In 2002, Santa Barbara County law enforcement groups filed a lawsuit against Tom Sneddon for threatening the police officers' right to privacy. The lawsuit stems from a policy which allows the District Attorney's office to give information about police misconduct to defense attorneys at its own discretion. According to Sgt. Mike McGrew, "It's confusing. He's an aggressive DA. There are actually no files right now on any officers in Santa Barbara. We really don't know why he did this." Future blackmail material perhaps?

David Allen Richardson, Carina Richardson and George Beeghly

In a civil lawsuit that was settled out of court, David Allen Richardson, Carina Richardson George Beeghly sued Sheriff Jim Thomas and several Santa Barbara police officers for unreasonable search and seizure, false arrest/false imprisonment, excessive force, retaliation for exercise of speech and petition rights, conspiracy to violate civil rights, violation of First Amendment right of association, malicious prosecution, negligence, battery and conspiracy and other charges.

The Case Sneddon Ignored

Is Tom Sneddon a concerned government official seeking justice for an allegedly abused child or is he merely a prosecutor with a grudge trying to get a conviction? Sneddon’s handling of a past child molestation case would indicate the latter.

In 2002, David Bruce Danielson, a forensic investigator for the Santa Barbara Police Department, was accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl. After returning home intoxicated, Danielson climbed into his bed where the girl, who was a guest at his home, was sleeping. Danielson admitted to “accidentally” molesting her, claiming he had mistaken her for his wife. Sneddon closed the case stating that there was no evidence to corroborate the girl’s claims.

The girl involved in the case wrote her feelings down in a letter that was published in the Santa Maria Times. “I am astounded at the stupidity the DA showed by allowing this man to be released of all charges. David Danielson may be free, but I am still emotionally trapped. There is not one day that I don't wish I wouldn't have come clean.”

About Sneddon’s handling of the Michael Jackson case, the girl’s father said, “Maybe it’s because it is high profile… but still, in her mind it’s the same situation. She’s still angry.”

While it seems that child abuse might not be Tom Sneddon’s first priority, the question still remains whether or not he would really pursue seemingly false allegations in order to carry out his own personal agenda. After learning the facts about the Michael Jackson case and reading through the numerous accusations that have been made against Tom Sneddon, I'll let you draw your own conclusions about that...


  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    The way that's written, and especially noting the cases she's cited, seems likely that was written by Aphrodite Jones, author of Michael Jackson: Conspiracy.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    The way that's written, and especially noting the cases she's cited, seems likely that was written by Aphrodite Jones, author of Michael Jackson: Conspiracy.

    Yes, it was. It says that at the top of the paste.
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    Just curious...
    Does anyone know where Tom Sneddon is and what he is doing these days? Also were there any reports of his reaction to MJs "death"? I would really be interested in finding out where he was and how he handled the news.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Just curious...
    Does anyone know where Tom Sneddon is and what he is doing these days? Also were there any reports of his reaction to MJs "death"? I would really be interested in finding out where he was and how he handled the news.

    I don't know what he's doing now but as of sometime in 2007 he's no longer the DA. He put in about 24 years. When Michael Tom said something like he was sorry he died and sorry for the family.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    "The same thing that’s happening to Michael Jackson happened to me. One day Sneddon is going to wake up with a boot up his ass with a white glove in it, and it will be about time."
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> Now thats funny <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • I hate this guy! If I was to live close to him, I'd throw eggs at his windows. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Last week I was reading transcripts from the MJ trial, I swear I was reading for 10 hours straight. It was like a long movie.

    I can't believe what they did to Mike. And Tom Sneddon made a fool of himself again.
    I hope a ghost is hounting him at night <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    The way that's written, and especially noting the cases she's cited, seems likely that was written by Aphrodite Jones, author of Michael Jackson: Conspiracy.

    Yes, it was. It says that at the top of the paste.

    I only saw Jones there.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    The way that's written, and especially noting the cases she's cited, seems likely that was written by Aphrodite Jones, author of Michael Jackson: Conspiracy.

    Yes, it was. It says that at the top of the paste.

    I only saw Jones there.

    Hi Christiana, Thank you for correcting me. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> There certainly is more than one Aphrodite in the world.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    He had a grudge against Michael and it showed in the way he handled himself and the trial. I don't care for him at all.
  • Judge Melville was involved in many of those cases and when reading this I get the feeling that Afrodite's implying somekind of relation between Melville and Sneddon. If this was the case and Melville was in on the conspiracies with Sneddon it would mean Meserau did hell of a good job! That or the case was actually so weak it shouldn't even have gone to court but maybe Melville allowed it...
    Also, what caugh tme eye was "government officials" - what! To me this is all very scary because many of you believe that the only way Michael could have hoaxed his death is if he's in a government protection programme. Would the same people that have been out to get him now protect him? Very unlikely... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    It breaks my heart just to read about an suggestion of making Neverland into a wineyard <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    "Tom Sneddon is a cold man"
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    The man has serious issues!
  • Just his name...brrrr..... Snape, Slytherin, Sneddon.... a new character for Harry Potter...LOL!
    "The same thing that’s happening to Michael Jackson happened to me. One day Sneddon is going to wake up with a boot up his ass with a white glove in it, and it will be about time."
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> Now thats funny <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
    i believe slowly one by one will get whats coming to them first
    EVAN CHANDLER commits suicide
    MARTIN BASHIR now has a lovely brain tumor
    and i cant wait until tom sneddon, gavin arvizo janet arvizo fuck it the entire arvizo family who now go by janet and gavin JACKSON lmao what a joke, gets their revenge im counting the days <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Just his name...brrrr..... Snape, Slytherin, Sneddon.... a new character for Harry Potter...LOL!
    bahaha they shud have casted him <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    Judge Melville was involved in many of those cases and when reading this I get the feeling that Afrodite's implying somekind of relation between Melville and Sneddon. If this was the case and Melville was in on the conspiracies with Sneddon it would mean Meserau did hell of a good job! That or the case was actually so weak it shouldn't even have gone to court but maybe Melville allowed it...
    Also, what caugh tme eye was "government officials" - what! To me this is all very scary because many of you believe that the only way Michael could have hoaxed his death is if he's in a government protection programme. Would the same people that have been out to get him now protect him? Very unlikely... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    It breaks my heart just to read about an suggestion of making Neverland into a wineyard <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    "Tom Sneddon is a cold man"
    bahaha he dedicated a special song to him at one tour <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> saying those exact words ahaha how i died oh mj how i love him <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • The corruption in LA has been, and is, absolutely despicable. They need to do some serious "spring cleaning" over there. I was checking out the justice4mj site, and they seem to be making a difference in CA. I have to say, I really respect and admire that most MJ fans are politically and socially aware and active. MJ has the best fans in the world!

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    (Also, check out the "Call To Action" section.)
  • I hate him!!!

    Everyone turn on DS and listed to it real loudly!!!
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    What has been posted here is merely the tip of the iceberg. Sneddon and his cast of impotent characters reach far and deep beyond Santa Barbara CO. The entire case against Michael was planned for quit some time. Sneddon wanted to got out in a blaze of glory after he saw Michael in prison. He is not only a mean vindictive man he is pure EVIL. I mean that with everything that I am. He is or shall I say was the DEVIL OF SATAN MARIA. Not sure what the pile of horse crap is up to these days but you can bet he is still steaming and his face is still red from anger over the 2005 verdict. One can only hope that he has to suffer one day like Michael did. God will not allow him to casually slide by his judgment. When that time comes he will regret ever decent individual he accused and tortured knowing all the while they were innocent! There is a place for evil doers like him.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I miss MJ. Hurts real bad what he went through and honestly this whole thing has taken over my life! Sometimes I ask myself why such a beautiful sweet spirited man had to endure sooooo much. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Remember Madonna's speech at the VMAS? "He was a human being"
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I miss MJ. Hurts real bad what he went through and honestly this whole thing has taken over my life! Sometimes I ask myself why such a beautiful sweet spirited man had to endure sooooo much. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Remember Madonna's speech at the VMAS? "He was a human being"

    I know what you mean. The other day I prepared breakfast, fixed my daughters plate and as she sat at the table I put a strawberry on her plate and said, "this is the last blueberry". I make slips of the tongue frequently when I'm very busy with a wide variety of things...I even put cereal in the frig or the remote in the freezer. Point is, I caught myself and the first thing I thought was the forum would be calling me a liar for something like that. Then I thought, "wow, the forum is the first thing I thought of". Time to step away.
  • <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    "One day Sneddon is going to wake up with a boot up his ass with a white glove in it, and it will be about time."

    Yep! And a foot-in-ass from a size 11 coming from me as well!

    Oh this pisses me off reading how corrupt the SB DA's office is. WTH? how has this man/devil Sneddon been able to get away with so much crap for so long?

    Enough is enough already! Disgusting!

    <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    You know for all the torture and torment that he had done he will reap it back horribly. The law of reaping and sowing is universal. Noone is never exempt not even him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Tom Sneddon. I can't stand that smarmy ugly toad faced looking bastard! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I miss MJ. Hurts real bad what he went through and honestly this whole thing has taken over my life! Sometimes I ask myself why such a beautiful sweet spirited man had to endure sooooo much. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Remember Madonna's speech at the VMAS? "He was a human being"

    There was something he had to learn. He'll be back in the next life even better than he was in this.
  • Did Sneddon really call Mj "Wacko Jacko" in his press conference?? Has anyone got a link to that???

    Im shocked.. didnt know that. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
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