The best singers ever: the unofficial list

AnnieIsNotOKAnnieIsNotOK Posts: 979
edited January 1970 in News
I just like what that guy told about Michael's voice <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

Michael Jackson: As tired as we all are of hearing his name (which you better get used to because it ain't going away ever!), the truth is that the boy could sing. From the earliest age, he possessed the ability to connect with the content of a song, be it about family, young love, or his relationship with a rat. He had that something special he always called "magic". Then as he got older, his ability to really sing evolved into something different, yet equally captivating. To MJ, every song was a blank canvas, and he was Monet. I recommend hearing Who's Loving You, and keeping in mind that he was no older than 11 when he sang it. Step outside of the typical hits and listen to I Wanna Be Where You Are, Good Thing Going and Farewell My Summer Love which were all pre-pubescently recorded. Also, his version of Charlie Chaplin's Smile is the best one I've heard.

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  • YES - the boy could sing! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    He could also dance like no other, compose, choreograph, arrange and mix songs, care for animals and kids, dream bigger than any other human, and charm the pants off women AND men. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • YES - the boy could sing! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    He could also dance like no other, compose, choreograph, arrange and mix songs, care for animals and kids, dream bigger than any other human, and charm the pants off women AND men. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    totally agree with you
  • YES - the boy could sing! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    He could also dance like no other, compose, choreograph, arrange and mix songs, care for animals and kids, dream bigger than any other human, and charm the pants off women AND men. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    totally agree with you

    So agree - and that smile that could warm the coldest heart. He has "it" and very, very few can ever say that.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    YES - the boy could sing! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    He could also dance like no other, compose, choreograph, arrange and mix songs, care for animals and kids, dream bigger than any other human, and charm the pants off women AND men. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    Amen, honey! Well-said. God bless you for gorgeous, economy of words. Nobody can do it like MJ does! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> MJ, Big Daddy, I love you more! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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