James Brown "Career" Conspiricy comparison to MJ

IjustcantstoplovinguIjustcantstoplovingu Posts: 1,230
edited January 1970 in News
Following the other story James Brown body is missing see other thread

I have been looking into other areas of James Browns death and came across an interesting comparison

JON ALPERT: Well, I had never seen James Brown perform before, And my friend said, Jon, before you die, there’s one thing you have to do, you have to go see James Brown. So, I went up to Beacon Theater, and there were only 10 people in the audience. The theater was absolutely empty. James brown started to sing and he was fantastic, but in the middle of his concert he got on his knees like he does and he began to say folks, look around, the theater is empty, why? Am I bad? No, I’m the greatest man in show business. The mafia is freezing me out. They won't let anybody come to my concerts, I can’t get on the radio, I can't get into concert halls, I can’t be in the movies, I’m not on television. But I'm the great James Brown, “bump, bump, bump”, and he finished his song.

So, afterwards I went backstage, I mean, I was so intrigued by this. And, there he was sitting under one of those beehive hair dryers, next to Al Sharpton, under another beehive hair dryer. I’d never seen Al Sharpton before. And he told me this story, that he wanted to manage himself, he wanted to be independent, and that because he was independent, he was getting frozen out by the people in the corporations that controlled the music industry. And I was in the process of being blacklisted, myself, at that time by public television and I was really angry about this. And I thought, this is one of the greatest performers in the history of America, he's being frozen out too. So we started to make a documentary.

In my opinion there are many coincidences this is what happened on a much larger scale to MJ certainly in the UK for years you didnt hear any of MJ music on the radio or the TV (now its on all the time). It seems to have all started after his speach about SONY.

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  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    If the rumor of James Brown's body was missing is somehow connected to the hoax. Does that mean the Brown family is in on the hoax as well?
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