help of Impersonator & Damien shields TII

Sternschen87Sternschen87 Posts: 526
edited January 1970 in News
I found MJ watching THIS IS IT


Ok there was an Impersonator who helped MJ. So he is able to dance his moves right? Means they have used an Impersonator....
maybe not for the film but for rehearsals and for stunts for sure...

and then I found an Impersonator named Damien shields...

Wasn't Damien shields also a dancer at THIS IS IT?????

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  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    No, he was not one of the dancers.Not officially, that is.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    SHAMONE!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    He seems to be a really good dancer.
    I think he could definitely pull it off.
    Esp. around 1:43.
  • Please go on his website
  • mjselfsweetmjselfsweet Posts: 146
    I think it was Travis standing in for him.
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    who's to say if he didn't use him in the film? we don't know.
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    I have seen his teaser, and all he has on his homepage. But he dosent look like Michael.. His body is to long, and his legs are to straight.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Ok I got it, MJ was using doubles. But, why would MJ use impersonator on rehearsals or TII. I really want to understand the point. Was he busy planning hoax, was he not feeling good, was he already killed and AEG was using doubles, was he saving himself from getting tired....... What is the reason how it is related to the hoax?
    When he was using doubles before for trip to somewhere or meet peolpe he did not have much interest in I can understand that. But if Michael was filming TII as a sort of good by movie instead of TII live Tour, he should have rehearse in whole movie himself to be remembered by fans , real Michael, not impersonator, right? Explain me, may be I am missing something.
  • nice video <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • The answer to the question is in the video. He was watching Travis step in, in his position to see what it would look like from the audiences point of view.

  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Aha. Mmmm... Not the strong motive though.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    So you have Damien Shields used as a stand in for placements and for Michael to see how the show would look. Michael was VERY particular about how the dancers and everyone else should be placed on the stage. He was bothered if they would cover his moves or if it did not look right for the song. Remember how he spoke about the original thriller - he did not want the zombies to look corny so he had to get the exact dance moves to suit them. That is why he taped his rehearsals or had standins to see exactly how the audience would view it and if he needed to change something to perfect it. As you can see in the clip above, Damien does not do Michael's moves in threatened. It was just to see how the dancers below would look and if they would cover the real Michael.
    Ok I got it, MJ was using doubles. But, why would MJ use impersonator on rehearsals or TII. I really want to understand the point. Was he busy planning hoax, was he not feeling good, was he already killed and AEG was using doubles, was he saving himself from getting tired....... What is the reason how it is related to the hoax?
    When he was using doubles before for trip to somewhere or meet peolpe he did not have much interest in I can understand that. But if Michael was filming TII as a sort of good by movie instead of TII live Tour, he should have rehearse in whole movie himself to be remembered by fans , real Michael, not impersonator, right? Explain me, may be I am missing something.

    I totally disagree about doubles being used in the actual TII movie. After all as you said - the fans did not need to see a double. If we believe Michael is behind the hoax then we should believe it was ALL REALLY HIM.

    If we believe there were doubles, then we should believe that either 1) He was actually murdered and hence they needed the doubles to finish the movie or 2) He died of illness and he was too frail to perform for the movie. I think Michael was interested in regaining his crown and he would have shown his real self in the movie for that purpose. He knew he still had it and he did not need any doubles to prove it.

    Also if there were doubles don't you think there would have been an overload of Michael's favorite moves. All of the impersonators we know are great at moonwalking at least. Don't you think there would have been at least 5 or 6 different times in the movie when they moonwalked across the stage. At least if I was the director trying to make it look like Michael, I would see that it resembled his old dance moves - that people were familiar with. I would include the lean - it isn't hard to learn, remember they did it at the tribute on the VMA's. Also there would have been a more polished finish to the movie, not bits and pieces like we have now.

    Well now that we know his lip slants to the left when he smiles, we need to go back and take orange pants and other screenshots and check that lip out. Unless he got botox in the previous 48 hours and then it wouldn't be able to slant <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Well now that we know his lip slants to the left when he smiles, we need to go back and take orange pants and other screenshots and check that lip out. Unless he got botox in the previous 48 hours and then it wouldn't be able to slant <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Also his teeth! His teeth are a dead giveaway for me idk what it is about them they just are... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    If someone could get the pics together of all the costumes we could compare. I may have some time on my hands tomorrow so I could try and get some and then we could bring them all together. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    Damien Shields...i had a look at him since the begining...i thought i saw him singing at the Memorial by singing " Heal the world", at the Funeral very closed to Katherine Jackson...speaking to he and Joe Jackson.
    He was so exited, but then very pissed of...tweets " This is shit " and so on...
    Look at Twitter and his Tweet from 29 November :

    It's your job, just do it. don't whinge, you're being paid.Eh!

    I think that he rearly believe in Michaels death...he had planned a Tribute in Bribane, he had a date, but a few days before....nothing about it....

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    The 4. post here in the link from an MJ Forum Germany, you see the name Damien Shields and that he comes from AEG live UK ?

    <!-- m --> ... en+shields<!-- m -->
  • It wasn't this Damien kid, it was Travis. Travis new all the moves, he was the only person who worked with Michael with the actual dance moves for the show. If you see the "TDRCAU" video where they are in that prison with the dancers who did the jail house Thriller, you will see that Travis is in Michael's spot and that he knows all the moves. This Damien kid was just a dancer, I highly doubt Michael would choose the dancer to portray him when you have Travis who has worked with Michael before right there.
  • rayvynrayvyn Posts: 139
    I think it was Travis standing in for him.

    That's what I thought too.
  • so travis will be mj in the tii tour?

    when the tii dancers do a tv programme he always takes the role of mj

    see the prison thing
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    He looks entirely healthy and dances like MJ did in the 80's.

    Congrats an 80's MJ impersonator..
  • michael wanted to direct thats why doubles were used sometimes <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • This is nothing about using impersonator's, but I love the music that he put at the beginning of Thriller. I think that is my favorite part about it. I just love it and I wished it was on the cd, just like that.
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