Jackson documentary to reveal more details?

QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
edited January 1970 in News
Chris Grant, the president of Shine International, the film's distributor, said the film will tell "the story of what actually happened to Michael". He added that the documentary would "eventually be known as a really important piece of the Michael Jackson saga".

Yes this is Ian Halperin, but if he has footage (he does) and the footage is of interest, it might shed light on what was going on. As for him commenting on his health/drug problems, the autopsy report is out so any sensationalising of these topics will really discredit him.

<!-- m -->http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/61087,peo ... last-days-<!-- m -->


  • Hmmm this is strange. I liked Ian's book EXCEPT the way he painted Michael in the very last chapter. He did a total 180. This guy is wierd!!!
  • mformichaelmformichael Posts: 114
    Sure...88 min; 8+ <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> 8=16 ;1+6=7
  • Hmmm this is strange. I liked Ian's book EXCEPT the way he painted Michael in the very last chapter. He did a total 180. This guy is wierd!!!

    could you say more about the book please - want to buy it but would like more info thanks
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    @arabian nights Just a little information. The trouble with Halperin is you cannot separate fact from fiction. He seems to write both.

    <!-- m -->http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... s-ago.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -star.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ew-US.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... drugs.html<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://charlesthomsonjournalist.blogspo ... -plop.html<!-- m -->

    Here's Taraborrelli
    <!-- m -->http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... l?ITO=1490<!-- m -->

    What to believe, isn't that always the problem?
  • The book is called Ian Halperin - Unmasked (The final years of Michael Jackson)

    He basically talks about the very beginning before the first trial mess and how it all came about him to be accused of the molestation and all the induendo and lies and conspiracy about it. Ian went in thinking Michael was guilty as sin but as he uncovered more and more he realised that he was so far from the truth and it was extortion. Greedy people wanting Michael's money and making him look bad. It was a really interesting book and he laid it all out on the line. He went in a believer of him being guilty and totally changed his opinion once he uncovered the facts. However the last chapter is GARBAGE saying Michael was deathly sick and that he wanted to die and a bunch of other BS. But all in all it is a good book
  • Ian Halperin is a d**k cheese.
  • Ian Halperin is a d**k cheese.

    While that is true i think he is a good writer except when he gets off course and wants to bend things around. He turned alot of my non believer friends into believers (that Michael was innocent of course).
  • I read the book, from the library. (did not spend money on it) and I did not like it. He needs more proof to state what he did, I think it is the definition of slander. I will say, about his health, maybe he was on to something. I have been reading the trial transcripts off and on for the last month and there is a section where Mesaro (the good guy) is asking questions to one of the housekeeprs of MJ and he says to her...I am paraphrasing..."so, you were aware that in 2003 Mr. Jackson was ill and was recieving daily injections for this illness by his personal physicion, were you not?" and her reply was "yes, we were all aware of that situation." she also said that if MJ was feeling well, she would see him around a few times a day. If he was not well, she would not see him all day. If I find out what they are talking about, I will let ya all know. Maybe it has to do with the spider bite in 2002?
  • jm1lvmjjm1lvmj Posts: 81
    Ian Halpernin=Bottom feeder. How to separate fact from fiction? One Love.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Back in the day it was fashionable to deprecate Jackson. Now, since his death there is less appetite for that. Perhaps Halperin knows that at the moment sympathetic views toward Jackson are more popular. Maybe this is how his documentary will turn out.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Ian Halperin is a d**k cheese.

    i don't like him either. first he's all about 'unmasking' and bashing michael jackson (didn't he even make that famous prediciton, michael jackson had '6 months to live'?), then you see him after june 25 all in favor of mj. just weird. same like diane dimond. like all of a sudden they've changed their minds...opportunist b*tches! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Back in the day it was fashionable to deprecate Jackson. Now, since his death there is less appetite for that. Perhaps Halperin knows that at the moment sympathetic views toward Jackson are more popular. Maybe this is how his documentary will turn out.

    I believe that too QuirkyDiana and believe that's why he quickly rewrote part of his book before release and revamped his website quickly too. When I first saw the change in his website after Michael died I never revisited so don't know what it looks like now, but it was a big change from what it was. That's what I recall anyway. Could have been my perception at the time. It seems he's just going with whatever is going to get him the bigger buck. Hows that for integrity. I could be wrong but I wouldn't give him a dime for his book. I'd rather spend my money on a more credible source or on something I know the kids are going to get a % of.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Ian Halperin is a d**k cheese.

    Speaking of cheese, <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Why doesn't Jermaine or one of his brothers do something about people making money off of Michael?
    Do they care anymore?
    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    It's all about the $$$$$$$.
    This a-hole has dollar signs in his eyes. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • KrayzeeKrayzee Posts: 11
    Hmmm this is strange. I liked Ian's book EXCEPT the way he painted Michael in the very last chapter. He did a total 180. This guy is wierd!!!

    could you say more about the book please - want to buy it but would like more info thanks

    Please don't buy it! Go on to Amazon website and read the reviews about his books. He claims to have followed Michael for years and 'know' him intimately but what he writes is rubbish. It's often taken straight out of the media, or twisted to his own liking. Many people that have bought his book tell others not to. I'd stay well clear. He's on my 'list', with Martin Bashir grrrrr
  • Fedora777Fedora777 Posts: 60
    Didn't he say in his book that Michael dressed up as a woman to meet his male lovers in sleezy Las Vegas hotel rooms? Or something to that affect? <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
  • grayshkigrayshki Posts: 90
    I doubt Halperin knows anything about Michael. I don't believe anything from him, whether good or bad....
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    What is more startling is that there are so few people who are well-placed and reliable, who are willing to set the record and the truth straight in the case of Michael Jackson. You would think that someone would know the truth about MJ's life and would seek to cut the speculation and rumours that keep on going around. Did he confide in no-one? Or do people who know him just not want to come out and speak? It was so refreshing to hear from 2 Sony/Epic executives on Youtube (topic is in 'AEG/SONY). Yet there is more and more mystery surrounding the TII concerts, his emotional/physical state during this time, the kind of environment he was put in by the people around him (promoters, manager etc), whether he really thought he could do it and whether people were pressuring him to do something that became impossible? Someone must know what was going on, and how well it was going.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I wouldn't believe anything Ian Halperin writes. He just comes across as strange and he seem like the type of guy that would lie just to make a dollar. I bet he got a lot of skeletons in his own closet while he trying to talk about MJ's business. I think he's even trying to write a book about Brad and Angelina. I'm sorry but unless you know these people and spend time with them and have been in their homes it's all speculation to me. I think he only knows as much as we know. Their public image that's it. I think he needs to keep his mouth shut and go get a hobby or something.
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