EPIC Stuggle in 2002... Sony WAS to return music in 2009!

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Check this article. $ony were due to give MJ his master recording back in 2009... now they have retained them all in this new deal brokered by Branca and look like they will get the ATV catalogue this November.

Conspiracy anyone? Oh.. you betcha!! This smells of gone off kipper so bad!

Guess Michael Ovitz isn't the only entertainment bigwig who blames his career woes on a conspiracy. In widely reported remarks at yesterday's Rev. Al Sharpton-sponsored Music Industry Summit, Michael Jackson reiterated his charges that the recording industry is thoroughly racist, and that it launched a smear campaign against him as soon as he became as big a seller as Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Yet, even as Sharpton tried to expand upon Jackson's critique, extending it to the way all music companies treat all African-American artists (not just Sony and its chief Tommy Mottola, whom Jackson singled out Saturday as a racist, in remarks that Sharpton and many black music executives have disagreed with), the New York Times reported that Sharpton and lawyer Johnnie Cochran's current initiative to help black musicians really originated with Jackson's dispute with Sony, which the Times says may erupt into a lawsuit.

Jackson has spent the last couple of months complaining that Sony didn't do enough to promote and market ''Invincible,'' released last November on Sony's Epic label, which sold 2 million copies in the U.S. and only a few million more in the rest of the world -- lackluster figures by Jackson's standards. Sony says it has done plenty, having spent $50 million producing and promoting the album, but it balked at Jackson's request earlier this year for $8 million to shoot a third video for the album, the Times reports. But the dispute over the handling of ''Invincible'' grew out of a larger struggle between Jackson and Sony over Jackson's effort this year to renegotiate his contract with the label, where he has spent his entire adult career, those involved in the negotiations tell the Times.

At issue are two sets of assets. One is Jackson's master recordings, which Sony is supposed to turn over to him in seven years, but which he wants in three. (Owning those will mean he no longer has to split royalties with Sony.) The other is Sony/ATV, the music publishing company that Jackson co-owns with Sony, which holds the copyrights to several hundred thousand songs, including the catalogs of the Beatles and such Sony artists as Bob Dylan. (Last week, Sony/ATV bought Nashville publisher Acuff-Rose, which holds the rights to 55,000 country songs.) Both Jackson and Sony want to buy out each other's stake in the publishing venture, the Times says.

The Times quotes two people close to Jackson as saying he plans to sue Sony. ''If you look ahead to what can happen, it's in the courtroom,'' one of them told the Times. ''Then it gets interesting.''

Sharpton tells the Times he didn't know that the dispute between Jackson and Sony was that acrimonious when Jackson called him in May with the idea for the black musicians' initiative. ''Michael had told me he was involved in a negotiation at that point,'' Sharpton said. "But I did not know if it had turned hostile or not''.

But it had, coming to a head with Jackson's public appearances Saturday, including one at a Sharpton-sponsored rally, at which Jackson called Mottola (who is also Mariah Carey's ex-husband) a racist. Later in the day, he held up a poster depicting Mottola as the devil. Sharpton distanced himself from those comments, saying he had never known Mottola to say or do anything racist in the 15 or 20 years he has known the exec. Other African-American music executives and producers rushed to Mottola's defense.

At Sharpton's Music Industry Summit yesterday, Jackson continued to call the industry racist, though he no longer singled out Mottola by name. He blamed industry racism for turning the public against him. ''Once I started breaking sales records,'' he began, ''I broke Elvis Presley's record, I broke the Beatles' record -- once I started doing that, overnight, they called me a freak, a homosexual, a child molester.'' (Actually, it was about 10 years between Jackson breaking sales records with 1982's ''Thriller'' and the child molestation allegations, which Jackson settled out of court with a multimillion-dollar payment to his accuser's family. He was never charged with a criminal offense.) ''They said I bleached my skin. They did everything they could to turn the public against me. It's a conspiracy.'' He added, ''I know my race. I look in the mirror, and I know that I'm black.''

Sharpton called Jackson's comments ''eloquent'' and also tried to expand Jackson's complaint into a systemic critique. ''We are today calling for a meeting with every head of every record company... to begin to discuss artists' contracts and their business dealings in the African-American community,'' he said.

Still, it was hard to see the complaints as pertaining to any artist besides Jackson, since only one other musician seems to have joined Sharpton and Cochran's crusade: '80s rapper Doug E. Fresh. Explained Fresh, ''There's a lot of artists who are afraid to stand up.''

<!-- m -->http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,319537,00.html<!-- m -->


  • jilljill Posts: 917
    This new record deal that the executors and Sony have come to really smacks of conspiracy! It makes me wonder if Michael is gone and they did murder him for the money and the catalog. Surely the athorities are checking into this in light of Michael's death. It is so "in your face." The arrogance of these people surpasses anything I have ever seen in my life and I have been around for quite some time.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    This new record deal that the executors and Sony have come to really smacks of conspiracy! It makes me wonder if Michael is gone and they did murder him for the money and the catalog. Surely the athorities are checking into this in light of Michael's death. It is so "in your face." The arrogance of these people surpasses anything I have ever seen in my life and I have been around for quite some time.

    My thoughts exactly!

    How would MJ be able to sit back and allow them to re-negotiate his contract if he were alive?

    The only thing that I could have thought was that he bought his freedom & life back in exchange for basically everything he had rights to. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I have a hard time believing that this would just be a "sting" operation and that once the "bad guys" are caught doing all the dirt then everything will be righted again and he'll get his assets and rights back.

    I also wonder exactly who was in on all of this?!?!
    It seems that all the people that MJ had problems with in the past(and fired!) have all come back and have nothing but wonderful things to say about him. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Not to mention that most if not all are making big bucks off of him.

    When trying a murder case one of the first things the prosecution tries to prove is motive.
    By playing all nice and sweet as pie, it seems like Dileo, Branca, and Mottola(please correct me if I left anyone out) are trying to erase their own motives and seem innocent in all of this.
  • This new record deal that the executors and Sony have come to really smacks of conspiracy! It makes me wonder if Michael is gone and they did murder him for the money and the catalog. Surely the athorities are checking into this in light of Michael's death. It is so "in your face." The arrogance of these people surpasses anything I have ever seen in my life and I have been around for quite some time.

    Jill, I am beginning to feel like you are. With all the surrounding conspiracy and evil that abounds in this case, I am beginning to really consider that Michael was in fact murdered. Certainly, a big part of me believes (and certainly WANTS TO believe) that Michael was able to turn the tables with help and protection. But if not, it's clear to me that he was murdered and they finally got what they wanted. I pray he was able to get out from all of this shady mess.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    This new record deal that the executors and Sony have come to really smacks of conspiracy! It makes me wonder if Michael is gone and they did murder him for the money and the catalog. Surely the athorities are checking into this in light of Michael's death. It is so "in your face." The arrogance of these people surpasses anything I have ever seen in my life and I have been around for quite some time.

    Jill, I am beginning to feel like you are. With all the surrounding conspiracy and evil that abounds in this case, I am beginning to really consider that Michael was in fact murdered. Certainly, a big part of me believes (and certainly WANTS TO believe) that Michael was able to turn the tables with help and protection. But if not, it's clear to me that he was murdered and they finally got what they wanted. I pray he was able to get out from all of this shady mess.

    My hopes exactly. I truly hope he escaped them and did go into hiding.
  • Funny how he died in 2009... seven years when the deadline for Sony was up
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    this is all very upsetting to read.........can anyone reasure us .........things are falling apart.....xxx
  • Well, well!!!
    Don't worry you guys he will be back to bite them all in the ASS!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Sony is as guilty as sin. I hope all of the truth comes out in the end. They dogged Michael long enough. It would do my heart proud for Michael to come back and shock the hell out of all of them just when they are getting ready to deposit the humongous check into their accounts and change the name on Michael's catologue. Michael walks in, pin striped suite, dark shades, fedora and says " If I were you Sam, I wouldn't sign my name to that document. It wouldn't be the honest thing to do. It might land you in the slammer and I just don't think you're the kind of guy who would fit in well with the occupants nor the decor." And by the way, I think that check belongs to me." The he pulls out his machine gun, out steps Tito, Jermaine, Randy, Jackie, Marlon and Omar (had to add him) and Smooth 'criminal starts to play <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Funny how he died in 2009... seven years when the deadline for Sony was up

    I was thinking the same thing this morning!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    We know that there are no real, only implied coincidences. They planned to get rid of Michael Jackson by any means necessary. They were never going to allow Michael to break ties with them and straight up own those catalogs. Never.
  • We know that there are no real, only implied coincidences. They planned to get rid of Michael Jackson by any means necessary. They were never going to allow Michael to break ties with them and straight up own those catalogs. Never.

    It seems that way now, doesnt it? <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    One thing is for sure. MJ knew they wanted him dead, He told his sister and I'm sure he told others. I remember one of the first youtube videos that was posted by whistleblower said that MJ had been planning this death in 2009 for a while. He knew he had to die or they were going to kill him. So I think he out smarted them. As for the Sony deal, remember MJ brought back Branca himself, maybe he knew what was going to happen and he knew John would sell him out to Sony just like he did before. But so what? This way his children wouldn't have to worry about the big bad Sony coming to get their father's songs. Maybe he traded his public life, fora a life of finally being able to live like a normal human being, maybe he traded all of the money and songs and other material items for peace of mind and never having to worry about who was going to get him. His kids are taken care of, his name is restored and he died a legend.
  • mjjglorymjjglory Posts: 58
    Michael signed the contract with Sony in 1991 for 15 years .So it had to finish in 2006. According to the contract Sony had rights only to release Michael's songs but Michael himself had the rights to his songs in his catalogue MIJAC Music Publishing which is under Warner Tamerlane Group but not Sony and he still owns it, he is the only shareholder of MIJAC Music.
    By the way with this new 200 million contract Sony has the rights only to release Michael's music material but has no rights for merchadizing and for his lable as well.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I knew i had this article.. bumping this up so i cant keep track of it. Hope you dont mind.

    Sony were due to give MJ back recordings in 2009.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I knew i had this article.. bumping this up so i cant keep track of it. Hope you dont mind.

    Sony were due to give MJ back recordings in 2009.

    Dancing, if he is truly gone, I believe this is the reason why!
  • I knew i had this article.. bumping this up so i cant keep track of it. Hope you dont mind.

    Sony were due to give MJ back recordings in 2009.

    Dancing, if he is truly gone, I believe this is the reason why!

    I agree totally. If by chance this hoax has been been a big lie I will believe in my heart that Sony is behind it even if they won't be the ones taking the blame.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    This new record deal that the executors and Sony have come to really smacks of conspiracy! It makes me wonder if Michael is gone and they did murder him for the money and the catalog. Surely the athorities are checking into this in light of Michael's death. It is so "in your face." The arrogance of these people surpasses anything I have ever seen in my life and I have been around for quite some time.

    My thoughts exactly!

    How would MJ be able to sit back and allow them to re-negotiate his contract if he were alive?

    To prove the conspiracy against him!
  • That's why I think all of this will be played out in the courts...but not a criminal court. I still think we need to watch Katherine and the TMZ headlines. She pushing the estate on making movies, books, etc. I think Michael is behind it. His only chance of proving a motive for murder is to expose the financial dealings with AEG and Sony, etc. The estate has to go to court against Katherine. That's when we will really see the BAM play out. All kinds of things and people will gradually be exposed. It's just a matter of time to see when the hubris of Branca et all gets out of control and confronts Katherine. I think she will make another move to push their buttons. Understand, this is all my opinion.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I fear the worst <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I understand the concern. I guess I have always understood that this was always about the money and that the only one who could unravel the different alliances would be Michael. So yes, if we think that he is not here, I don't think anyone else has the knowledge or the understanding of the complexity of his dealings to expose what really happen. I think we have to understand that Michael in and of himself operated like a large corporation. Even though Joe has filed a lawsuit, I don't think he can do much about it. There are too many people who while representing Michael also had their hands in the money. There's no reason for any of them to come forward with the truth. The only ones who would want to see justice are his family and his fans. I hate to say this, but it truly is a David and Goliath fight. I guess that's why I want to believe Michael is alive. I would like to think that good does triumph over evil. That's why I think more than anything else, Michael needs our prayers. If he is still alive, it will be a huge battle of enormous proportions...and yes, he will be in danger the entire time if they think he's alive.

    My own spiritual insight...sometimes we think God has a plan for our lives and live it that way. We maximize our talents and gifts and think that's the plan. When in reality, the
    plan was much greater and the assignment much more difficult. If Michael can do this, it will be greater and far more important than any music he ever created. It's good to have a message of love, but a message of love and justice is better. The two must coexist.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    This new record deal that the executors and Sony have come to really smacks of conspiracy! It makes me wonder if Michael is gone and they did murder him for the money and the catalog. Surely the athorities are checking into this in light of Michael's death. It is so "in your face." The arrogance of these people surpasses anything I have ever seen in my life and I have been around for quite some time.

    My thoughts exactly!

    How would MJ be able to sit back and allow them to re-negotiate his contract if he were alive?

    To prove the conspiracy against him!

    i think the same, only to prove the conspiracy against him... and i think sony only have the rights to release the songs that never were released but not new material, the tapes tha they already have, if any new material came out is not in this deal, so... if mj came with new music they maybe were paying 200 million for nothing... btw, sony donpt want to release all the mj music before but now they will do several album, they are doing profit of MJ dead... i think...
  • One thing is for sure. MJ knew they wanted him dead, He told his sister and I'm sure he told others. I remember one of the first youtube videos that was posted by whistleblower said that MJ had been planning this death in 2009 for a while. He knew he had to die or they were going to kill him. So I think he out smarted them. As for the Sony deal, remember MJ brought back Branca himself, maybe he knew what was going to happen and he knew John would sell him out to Sony just like he did before. But so what? This way his children wouldn't have to worry about the big bad Sony coming to get their father's songs. Maybe he traded his public life, fora a life of finally being able to live like a normal human being, maybe he traded all of the money and songs and other material items for peace of mind and never having to worry about who was going to get him. His kids are taken care of, his name is restored and he died a legend.

    The Sony relationship and the new album doesn't sit well with me and I can't get it off my mind. Not only are we reminded of Back and what he had to say about Sony, but in past threads, like this one, there was great suspicion about Sony at best. And recently, many of us have re-circulated Michael's extremely straight-forward remarks in what's dubbed as the "Killer Thriller" speech representative of many public statements Michael has made not only about Mottola but Sony. But now we're suppose to believe that Sony's involvement is upstanding and supportive? How could this ever be the case?

    In looking at past threads again, this one stands out. A question I have is if Michael knew Branca would sell him out again, wouldn't this be true of John McClain too? How can McClain be the nice guy but Branca the opposite or are we to believe that McClain is working on the "inside" as a mole? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I must admit that I'm most perplexed about this.

    So the question becomes: are true fans to reject this new album or does it no longer matter?
    Michael is safe in his homes in Bahrain, South Africa, Ireland and the U.S.? His children are happy, safe, and at peace? I think so.
    And maybe Sony is behind the scenes creating some forums and certain blogs and using their paid minions to collect fans, (in order to make money off the album), divert attention, and cause confusion.
    I'm noticing the diversions and I get it. I get it.

    All the while, Michael is still in control because he is alive but let's not believe that Sony has made good. A leopard doesn't change his spots.
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