If Authentic, HUGE Clues From Another MJ Website!

heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
edited January 1970 in News
<!-- m -->http://michaeljacksonhoax.lefora.com/20 ... -messages/<!-- m -->

Here is the first "message".

PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS "IN CODE" FIRST and then DE-CODED BELOW THAT! Keep scrolling down....either someone is EXTREMELY clever or this is an amazing find for Hoaxers!

-legnA crA
31853211 :edoc noitacitnehtua egassem .281 rebmum LRU glob ta eb lliw noitacinummoc texn .reklawnoom ot tseb ym evig .won ydaer era snaf dna tiab eht nekat sah aidem .ecnemmoc nac daed eht morf kcab noitarepo rof raelc lla erofeb won gnol eb tndluohs .evif esahp hcnual ot ydaer nehw esivda esaelp .ruof esahp htiw drawrof gnivom dna lead fo dne sih pu gnidloh si yarrum .noos ouy gniees ot drawrof gnikool dna ouy ssim tub enif era nerdlihc .ereht snoitcurtsni rehtruf tiawa .ouy eviecer lliw anetha erehw dnalsi soiproks ot ouy reviled lliw ohw aihtaprac htiw mp2 ta souvzedner dna yletaidemmi 12 tosp ot deecorp .mih etacoler ot emit .noos noitisop ruoy no tasf ni esolc lliw sevlow krad eht.

When you break it down it reads this:


the dark wolves will close in fast on your position soon. time to relocate him. proceed to post 21 immediately and rendezvous at 2pm with carpathia who will deliver you to skorpios island where athena will receive you. Await further instructions there. Children are fine but miss you and looking forward to seeing you soon. is holding up his end of deal and moving forward with phase four. please advise when to launch phase five. shouldnt be long now before all clear for operation back from the dead can commence. media has taken the bait and fans are ready now. give my best to moonwalker. next communication will be at blog URL number 182. message authentication code: 11235813.
- Arc Angel

Now relpy to this message was.

-leahciM .tS

.won refsnart etucexe dna reklawnoom ot egassem yaler lliw .ypoc


When you break that down. you get this.


copy. will relay message to moonwalker and execute transfer now.

-St. Michael

Could it be that all along Michael Jackson is alive and is being moved around from one hideout to another and it’s all being coordinated via blog posts on pre-determined Internet blog site URL's with pre-determined message authentication codes? Since it would be logical that all forms of normal phone calls can be traced, this form of communication may be what they are using.

“ST. MICHAEL” [this is who the message is addressed to and probably a handle name of the person (body guard or agent?) who is with Michael Jackson and in charge of moving him from point to point.]

dark wolves [does this refer to media, paparazzi, government agents or police? The word “dark” connotates bad, evil or even out of touch as “in-the-dark” or “not in-the-know”. I doubt it refers to persons of dark skin or else the term “black” wolves would have perhaps been applied here instead of the word “dark”?]

will close in fast on your position soon. [apparently these “dark wolves” know where MJ is hiding now and they are moving in on him?]

time to relocate him [at least we know it is a “him” and not a “her” that they want to relocate but who exactly is “him”? Obviously St. Michael and Arc Angel know who!]

proceed to post 21 immediately [this would indicate to me that all hideout locations have been pre-mapped and labeled. It’s also possible that each hideout location also has several surrounding pick up and drop off points or “posts” nearby and they have chosen post number 21 for this exchange to take place. They could also be look-out posts as well?]

and rendezvous at 2pm with carpathia [Carpathia is the name of the ship that rescued the remaining survivors of the Titanic. Ironically, the RMS Carpathia was, herself, sunk by a German U-boat on July 17, 1918. Interesting how they don’t capitalize this name in the message, perhaps they didn’t want to draw attention to it being a proper noun? Also interesting that whoever or whatever Carpathia is, it connotates “rescue” and/or “a passenger ferrying vehicle”. This could be a rescue mission of sorts. If it turns out that Carpathia is just a simple reference to a “boat or ship”, perhaps MJ is currently hiding out near water and Carpathia (boat/ship) will be the boat that transports him to the next destination? This is an interesting point when you consider where that next destination is – an island]

who will deliver you to skorpios island where athena will receive you. [ is the island of legendary international jet set glamour, the island where Aristotle Onassis stunned the world and married President John F. Kennedy’s widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, on October 30, 1968. It is also Onassis' final resting place. In a strange twist of irony, according to reports in the British and Greek Press today, Skorpios Island has been put up for sale by the sole heir to Aristotle Onassis - his daughter, ATHENA Onassis.]

Await further instructions there. [Does Athena have additional instructions for MJ when he arrives on ? Is MJ going to purchase this island from Athena who just mysteriously put it up for sale after years of being in possession of the family? Coincidence? I think not!]

Children are fine but miss you and looking forward to seeing you soon. [WHO’s children? MJ’s or St. Michael’s? Probably MJ’s. Most celebrity body guards don’t have family due to the nature of their work. But for those who do, their children are accustomed to having them be away for lengths at a time. So does this mean that MJ’s children will be re-united with him soon?]

is holding up his end of deal and moving forward with phase four. [ as in Dr. Murray? Gotta be! So, a “deal” was cut and the good doctor is still holding up his end of it, eh? Makes sense to me. More interesting is the mention of the word “phase”. This whole faked MJ death plan has multiple phases! We’re only in phase 4 now which Dr. Murray is responsible for executing. How many more “phases” are remaining? So what happened today, the same day of this anonymous coded post? Dr. Murray released his YouTube video statement, didn’t he? Hummm…was that phase 4?]

please advise when to launch phase five. [perhaps it is MJ himself or St. Michael who determines when the next phase is to be executed?]

shouldnt be long now before all clear for operation back from the dead can commence.[Operation “Back From The Dead”?!!! Sounds like a new album or tour to me. Unless, of course, these guys can actually bring people back from dead!]

media has taken the bait [what bait is that, exactly?] and fans are ready now [ready for MJ’s return? Ready for what?]

give my best to moonwalker. [“moonwalker”? Ah, yes, MJ was famous for his moon walk!]

Authentication code: 11235813 [apparently they use this to verify that the message is, in fact, real and originates from one of their own and not someone who has broken the code and attempting to interfere with their communications. At first, I thought that perhaps they have a list of authentication codes they use on certain dates and this is just the one for 8/19/09. Then, my brother, a high school Algebra teacher, took a look at it and started to laugh. I had missed the obvious! Turns out, these numbers just happen to be the beginning of the Fibonacci sequence; 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13 and so on. Hence 11235813. Clever, but is this the ONLY authentication code they use?

Arc Angel [this is who the message is sent from and probably the handle name of the one who is coordinating the whole plan of action from afar. Possibly the professional who designed, engineered and choreographed the whole plan from the start as well. For all we know, Arc Angel may be notorious for engineering many a celebrity’s disappearing acts. “Arc” connotates “authority and power”, “Angel” is just that, an angel, angelic in nature. Hence the interpretation is that “Arc Angel” or “”, as it is more commonly referred to, is an angel who has authority and power over other lower ranking angels. There’s much more to it than this if you Google the term but I won’t waste space here. It is also the name of a band. Suffice it to say that the Bible only mentions a single and that would be (drum roll please)…yup, you guessed it - Michael. Surprise, surprise.]...Or it can be our Magician Criss Angel?...hmm..Magic?


  • I think we have officially lost our brains....

    if fans manage to intercepte coded messages and decode them....welll...huh....hmmmm...

    or maybe i didnt get it right...

    Source please?
  • It's not in code!!
    Start reading at the end and from right to left!
    I think it is just a bad joke.
  • lol ok

    i didnt even bother to read and scrolled immediately down to the real text which sounds silly

    lost 2 mins of my life on that one...
  • mjssoulmatemjssoulmate Posts: 820
    That was posted a long time ago. It was discussed in the old forum.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I don't understand where exactly this coding was posted or said or written in TII? please explain.
  • Anything coming form that web site is questionable!


    Not Death Hoax, Not Hoax Investigation, No just the HOAX! That site has someone on it CREATING clues, distractions, misdirection. Believe it if you choose but it is complete BS!!
  • I think this was found on the Illuminus Theo Web Site, I am sure I saw this August time last year.

    Will see if I can find it.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    If you scroll down the page to the comments its dated 21 August. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I remember it appeared on this forum last year, in August 2009. As far as I remember, it was later debunked...but I got caught up by it, too and believed in it for awhile... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    But again, you never know.... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    wow that is interesting
  • Interesting! Don't know if it is real or not but hey us crazy MJ fans wont give up!!!
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    It;s embarrassing that anyone would even think this is real. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    I could code things better.
    It's just backwards.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • EmpathyEmpathy Posts: 58
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    This is truly nonsense!!!
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Interesting! Don't know if it is real or not but hey us crazy MJ fans wont give up!!!

    Yep, I am one of those fans who will not give up until I know what happened to our beloved, MJ!
    MJ, Big Daddy, I love you with all my heart! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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