Why ??..."Come Together" and wake-up to truth

cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
edited March 2010 in News
Why are not more people working to clear MJ's name ?
More & more are beLIEving and enjoying MJ's adventure.
Sooo many peoples' lives continue to be enriched by his entertainment.
Where is gratitude for this ?
Meanwhile, people have time for chat, chat, chat; over & over about the same stuff.
Why not support him ?
Why not give him as welcome a return as possible ?

Aren't people reminded of the trial in 2005 by the Murray case ?
Do you recall what the media did to him & why he felt the need to leave the US ?
Do you even notice he is still defamed by media ?
Gee, if you've forgotten, see all the archives at <!-- m -->http://mjtruthnow.com/<!-- m --> !
The newsletter there does not obligate you to anything. It simply invites you to
stand-up for Michael.
This is not a hoax site or tribute site !! it's a vindication site.

We are building quite a strong case for MJ based upon facts & truth. The more support we have, the stronger we become.
"There's nothing that cant be done, if we raise our voice as one!" MJ

"Lies run sprints, but the TRUTH runs marathons." MJ
We can know this yet, it takes effort to stand for truth.
Don't you see that he needs us ?
He deserves more.you want to return to hate ?


  • so your saying to sign up for your newsletter?

    i would think it is pretty safe to assume that everyone on this sites does not believe any allegation made about mike - re: mol. so why sign up - i dont understand and you have not responded to my pm.
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    No I do not believe he is dead !!
    I am a beLIEVer since Oct. & working to clear his name since June.
    What to do...please visit <!-- m -->http://mjtruthnow.com/<!-- m --> .
    Support the justice for Michael groups on FCBK such as <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=245285374695<!-- m --> , <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2 ... 6895399..1<!-- m --> , <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=194908062330<!-- m -->

    Whenever you see a derogatory article about MJ, BLOG to it. Speaking up makes a difference !

    Disavow any & all lies about Michael pertaining to those horrid allegations.
    There has been mention of these lies ever since that day in June.
    Media persists in disgracing him !
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    Fine,Arabian Knights...I also think that most people here believe in his innocence.
    Meanwhile, do you think we are the only ones here when he comes back ?

    Realize that there are too many people that sucked-up to the perverse sensationalism of media !
    The least we can do is stand up for him !
  • the protection of his name - the estate should be protecting his name

    every newspaper always quotes the allegations so the estate - his legal team should be doing something about this - resolving this issue with the press authority in the US.

    have you contacted the lawyers about this?

    what can facebook do?

    how come it took you so long to believe and what made you believe?
  • i am willing to stand up for him and i have done in conversations i have had about him.

    but to stop the press takes someone with weight and thats the lawyers of the estate.
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    Lawyers, shcemayers...like Michael suggests in TII, "they who ?" lawyers ? gov. ? media ?
    No, "it's up to us."
    Shoulda, woulda, coulda...

    belIEving was intuitive with me since that day... 50/50 a long time..then I saw the clip of MJ after credits of TII...followed-up on all my hunches.
  • hey not all lawyers - dont judge pp you dont know
  • mike was protected by the law and lawyers in the end?

    what happened to the liars nothing?
  • why not campaign against the source the liars who made false allegations - why not start a pressure group

    dont bash the very pp that protect freedom

    you have to work from within a system

    look at obama.
  • and also mike used lawyers all the time
  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    from what I understand its not illegal to print false stories in the US unlinke the UK....So I dunno what the Estate can do about it...
  • that seems strange why dont we hear more sensational stories then?
  • anyway - i dont see how facebook will work
  • andy1andy2andy1andy2 Posts: 212
    No I do not believe he is dead !!
    I am a beLIEVer since Oct. & working to clear his name since June.
    What to do...please visit <!-- m -->http://mjtruthnow.com/<!-- m --> .
    Support the justice for Michael groups on FCBK such as <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=245285374695<!-- m --> , <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2 ... 6895399..1<!-- m --> , <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=194908062330<!-- m -->

    Whenever you see a derogatory article about MJ, BLOG to it. Speaking up makes a difference !

    Disavow any & all lies about Michael pertaining to those horrid allegations.
    There has been mention of these lies ever since that day in June.
    Media persists in disgracing him !
    I signed up for that newsletter your talking about months ago. I speak up and defend any and all negative articles or comments I read about Michael,on the spot. I am a Michael Jackson supporter 1000% I do all this and I am willing to do more for him because this wonderful man did not deserve to be treated like garbage. All he wanted to do was make this world a better place and mean vindictive jealous people did everything they could to bring him down. That's why it's time for all good hearted people to stand up for him at every chance we get.I realize that he was only human and not perfect but I sure as hell never believed all those allegations made about him over the years and I have always stood up for him even before June 25th and will continue to do so till the day I die.(and yes Im driving my family crazy but hey that's life) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .... Remember good always wins over evil...so lets all stick together on this Michael Jackson supporters journey,on this and all other blogs you signed up for,THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • i support mj too

    just dont think a facebook page will do it -

    try brain storm other ways

    i am thinking of joining the official fan club, although i am not a fan as such.
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    so good to hear andy landy2 !!
    The FCBK groups I mentioned are just leads for ppl to find out what they can do.
    At <!-- m -->http://mjtruthnow.com/<!-- m --> we take action.
    You can see simply by visiting & referring ppl.

    I don't put down all lawyers, all in gov & all media (?)
    The point is, if the estate and others are not doing anything, that's even more reason for us who believe in Michael, as a person to step up, speak up & stand up.

    There are also petitions out here; you can simply google justice for Michael for even more.
    Here's one over 8,300 sigs. !!!
    Trying for 10,000 ASAP-

    <!-- m -->http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/ ... i?MICHAELJ<!-- m -->

    Can anyone out here make vids ? I'm working on 2 other projects right now for his vindication and don''t know how to make vids. We could use more like these:

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1cmVAoT_eQ<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-2ZKDbeEa4<!-- m -->
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    I hadn't ever called myself a fan either but am a member of the 2 oldest fanclubs & a few others to support Michael & his innocence.
    <!-- m -->http://www.mjworld.net/<!-- m --> [out of The UK]
    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/us/home<!-- m --> [always updated, including MJ innocence related issues]
    this is another & very active one
    <!-- m -->http://www.mjfanclub.net/home/index.php<!-- m -->

    see this article. WE NEED MORE LIKE THIS !!!
    <!-- m -->http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-t ... 82176.html<!-- m -->
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    I totally agree that Michael's supporters need to speak up and out on his behalf.
    Although I find it very interesting that the man had to DIE before most would come to his defense. I don't think it's fair to assume that no one was there for him when he REALLY needed them. It was tough to be a fan/supporter from 1993 when the first allegations surfaced through 2005 when it really got dirty and ugly! There were a few that didn't turn their backs on him. I saw so many that said they loved him then denied him when he was in trouble. I for one did not. I was there as were a handful of people that cared. I am not saying that everyone could or should have been at the trial physically, but so many did forsake the man. Then when he "DIED" everyone jumped on the "I LOVE MJ" band wagon. It was no picnic but I have no regrets. Those that were there were called names and ppl would throw things at us. The cops harassed us etc. I lost my best friend of 30 yrs because I would not relent in my fight for Michael. Even some in my own family would not speak to me because they thought he was guilty. Then after the verdict they wanted details. I shared everything I could with anyone that wanted to know and I never stopped. It is something that is with me always. I will never stop defending him. So please, for those that are just now saying, "Oh my we must do something" I ask only one question...Where were you then?
  • **8392** thanks for the link
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    Wendy, thank you for sharing your experience as awful as it sounds to recall. I was there for him the best I could be, though I could not make the trip out to LA. When he went into exile, news of him quieted (though I didn't keep up w/news, I never forgot). It's when I saw reporters mention those allegations, as soon as 6-25-10, in reports of "death" that I began a more serious plight. Defamation has let-up some but go as the lies loom.
    Having re-checked 7 different polls yesterday, it appears that at least 65% of the US regard him as guilty.
    <!-- m -->http://mjtruthnow.com/<!-- m --> was founded in July.
    We work to stand up to those who defame Michael publicly; especially medialoids.

    Here's a real creep. Ppl listen to this, ppl who have not know what to think.
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fVA2vxG ... 9D&index=8<!-- m -->
    This map offers an idea of how much the ignorance over lies has influenced ppl...
    Ya gotta click on each state
    <!-- m -->http://www.timepolls.com/hppolls/archiv ... s_411.html<!-- m -->
  • andy1andy2andy1andy2 Posts: 212
    COWOBETH;I have been trying to post a comment to that guy on the video that talks sooo bad about Michael ever since I read your last post which was yesterday sometime anyway I was finally able to post my comment and I gave him a piece of my mind. I sure wish that everybody on this forum goes to that link and does the same. I must add that it was very difficult to have to listen to this guy talk about Michael the way he does,WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS ANYWAY!!!! He is nothing but a jerk with a holier than thou attitude. <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
    Oh well I'll get over it Have a good day.
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    I've tried to report this to youtube also, as have other ppl.
    I checked & that vid is still there !
    This sanctimonious excuse for a pastor has dozens of vids.
    I know, it can be very painfuil to face this stuff.
    When it hurts bad, just imagine what it's been like for Michael.
    As brave & strong as Michael is, what occurred a few yrs ago devastated him; we really only have an inkling of what he felt, what his healing from it was like & what he feels now.
  • i am willing to stand up for him and i have done in conversations i have had about him.

    but to stop the press takes someone with weight and thats the lawyers of the estate.
    The lawyer of the estate was fired by MJ in 03. Mj suspected him of stealing money . Sony & Branca are in bed together the Lapd courts are corrupt . Sony owns or is affiliated with the media . The media paid the courts off in 03 . They are all in cahoots together .I am telling you that NO ONE is going to trust someone with billions of dollars that they suspected of stealing . Mj suspected Branca & Matolla of funneling money to off shore acct. SEE the trial transcript ,the private investigator that MJ hired was questioned by Tom M. . Don't yall think MJ wanted his kids to have his unreleased music ?Don't you think he wanted his kids to have furniture & art & clothing that belong to their father ? Well it is slowly but surly being autioned off and it is the Estate lawyers that are doing it { Brana ;Mcclain } Stand up people ,raise our voice as one ,what do you have to lose ? Other than face ? Big deal If the hoax is a hoax ,big deal ,but if it turns out that MJ was murdered afterall ,yall will have to live with the fact that you got scammed,BY Sony and that you let MJ's Murderers get away ,& get all his money and assets too !.
  • We need to speak up for Michael and the truth, we are his voice he can't speak now so we have to do it for him. Let's do it all together for him, for us and for the truth!
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Michael's "death" was a shock to the whole music industry, to the whole world. I think they just don't want to go back into that, people want to move on.
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