Murray Allegedly Stopped CPR to Hide Drugs

mjlovebugmjlovebug Posts: 122
edited January 1970 in News
Murray Allegedly Stopped CPR to Hide Drugs

Posted Mar 22nd 2010 6:22PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray stopped administering CPR to Michael Jackson to collect drug vials ... this according to documents obtained by the Associated Press.

Dr. Conrad Murray, Alberto Alvarez

According to bodyguard Alberto Alvarez (right), Dr. Murray stopped CPR and handed Alvarez drug vials and told him to put the vials in a bag.

Alvarez told investigators when he went into the room he saw an IV attached to Jackson's leg. Also Jackson's mouth and eyes were wide open and there was no sign of life.

According to the AP, Michael Jackson's kids, Prince and Paris, entered the room and cried as they watched Dr. Murray administer mouth-to-mouth.

The report says, after Jackson was pronounced dead at UCLA Medical Center, Murray said he needed to go back to the mansion to get cream Jackson had "so the world wouldn't find out about it." The statement did not get more specific.

As TMZ first reported, Alvarez -- who called 911 -- told cops several months after Jackson's death that Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol in a closet so family members
and cops wouldn't find them.

Sources connected with Dr. Murray's defense say the doctor didn't hide anything.

More Conrad Murray

* Eyewitness: Dr. Conrad Murray Hid the Propofol
* Conrad Murray -- I Tried Saving Michael Jackson
* Dr. Conrad Murray Withheld Info About Propofol

Filed under: Celebrity Justice, Michael Jackson

Tags: alberto alvarez, AlbertoAlvarez, bodyguard, conrad murray, ConradMurray, cpr, documents, drug vials, DrugVials, michael jackson, MichaelJackson, propofol

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  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    This is CRAZY!!!

    I just posted on the other thread about Murray hiding the propofol asking when he had time to hide it?
    Now they're saying he actually stopped CPR to hide it???
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Also, if Murray didn't hide the propofol, then the EMTs should have already known about it because it would have been out, wouldn't it? Why wouldn't anyone know about the propofol until 2 days later when Murray told the police?

    Wait, time out.

    Wasn't Murray AWOL after he left the hospital and the police couldn't find him?
    Does anyone remember how long that went on?

    None of this is making sense.
    I'm so confused.
    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    Something is not adding up...
    1) Murray does something impulsive and irrational like adminster CPR on a bed instead of a hard surface. However, he manages to snap back to attention in order to rationally think about hiding drug vials as he is administering CPR.
    2) Why were the drug vials lying around in the first place?. Why weren't they discretely deposited in a bag all along and not just during this crisis? I would imagine that Mjs kids had access to his bedroom. Why take a risk that the children, especially Paris or Prince, see the drugs and ask questions.
    3) At the time that MJ was pronounced dead, his home should have been roped off and on lockdown. So are they suggesting that Murray was allowed in to remove Mjs mystery cream that he wanted to conceal from the world?

    This weird list continues to grow....
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    This seems odd;

    As TMZ first reported, Alvarez -- who called 911 -- told cops several months after Jackson's death that Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol in a closet so family members
    and cops wouldn't find them.

    Who went first to the house, police or family.
    I think so, the family hid bottles of propofol in the closet where the police found them.
    Well if I were Murray I get the bottles, do not leave ... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    This is crazy. This about the third or fourth post on this subject today. I wonder what is going on?
  • What hits out to me is.. Jacksons eyes and mouth were wide open.

    If this is true and he really did die.. MJ was awake when he died... his eyes were open at the moment of death. He wasnt asleep.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    The media is crucifying Murray and the alleged eye witness is helping the circus to be built up. Remember exactly the same thing happened to Michael! History is repeating itself! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • The media is crucifying Murray and the alleged eye witness is helping the circus to be built up. Remember exactly the same thing happened to Michael! History is repeating itself! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Yes, history is repeating itself and, again, very few have learned anything about the past. This story doesn't make sense and once again we have TMZ involved.
  • Can anyone give me another explanation as to why his eyes would be wide open???

    I dont mean to upset anyone here.. but for one minute imagine he has died.. he must have been awake for his eyes to be open and not asleep.. right?? Anyone help me here with this one. Im deeply disturbed by this.
  • Murry went back to get "cream" that he didn't want the world to know about???
    Maybe it was Vanishing Cream?
    I know this is nothing to joke about but couldn't resist, lol.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Ok it it is getting crazier everyday but we have to keep our feet on the ground.

    "Dr. Conrad Murray stopped administering CPR to Michael Jackson to collect drug vials ... this according to documents obtained by the Associated Press." What kind of document can prove this ? Because I think that if it was true it would cause a lot of problems for the Dr. So I don't really think that this information is easy to check. Only eye witness can "be a proof" on that matter but can never be believed 100%, people can lie for whatever reason. At least this is what I think, there is no solid material proof in this case.

    Now the kids entered the room and witnessed the mouth-to-mouth (resuscitation) ? Why suddenly choose these words (mouth-to-mouth) and not say CPR as always ?
    I don't remember who, Kai Chase maybe, but I'm sure it was said that the children did not entered the room. Too many versions as always.

    And now there is a mysterious cream entering the game. Important enough for our Dr. to get back to the house and take it for the whole world not to know anything about it...hmmm. How is it that he even had the opportunity to enter the house again ? Oh yes Dr. Murray was not a suspect.
    Why did he said that he needed to go back there to get that cream for that specific reason ? To raise the world's interest on it ? Sure. Bet TMZ will certainly get the info first.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Can anyone give me another explanation as to why his eyes would be wide open???

    I dont mean to upset anyone here.. but for one minute imagine he has died.. he must have been awake for his eyes to be open and not asleep.. right?? Anyone help me here with this one. Im deeply disturbed by this.

    I don't think that you need to be disturbed. It's all about the dramatic side of this hoax. I've never seen or heard someone having a CPR with open eyes and mouth. Plus he was sleeping. I'm NOT a doctor but I do watch medical programmes and tv shows a lot.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    What hits out to me is.. Jacksons eyes and mouth were wide open.

    If this is true and he really did die.. MJ was awake when he died... his eyes were open at the moment of death. He wasnt asleep.

    That was my thought too. This is awful to think about!
  • I think i am going to have to sleep on all this. Too much for me tonight!!

    I look forward to coming on here tomorrow and seeing everyones discussion on TMZs posts.. you guys are so clever and dissect everything!!

    I had forgot about Kai Chase.. she did say the kids were with her.. something about they prayed in the hallway together.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Do not understand how the declarations of Alberto Alvarez is public, and still no trial ?,.... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Can anyone give me another explanation as to why his eyes would be wide open???

    I dont mean to upset anyone here.. but for one minute imagine he has died.. he must have been awake for his eyes to be open and not asleep.. right?? Anyone help me here with this one. Im deeply disturbed by this.

    I don't want to be negative, but I'm with you on this.
    If he did pass, then this was intentional murder.
    No accidental propofol overdose or just negligence on Murray's part.
    The propofol could be a coverup for something else.
    But what else??? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    And it would kinda (I think?) explain the propofol in his system.
    If propofol is metabolized quickly, then under "normal" circumstances it would have been out of his body pretty quickly.
    Unless it was given to him shortly before or after death?
    Then it wouldn't be processed out if his body is no longer "processing."

    I'd like to think this is all just "drama" and hope that it is.
    But I'm not willing to dismiss everything as a joke when there's a possibility it isn't.
    That wouldn't be fair to Michael.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I'm no doctor, but propofol is an anesthetic, is supposed to be very sleepy <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    <!-- m --> ... octor.html<!-- m -->

    Another article on this.

    I find it too disturbing that Michael had eyes open, BUT they have been claiming this
    all along. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • And why would he hide it at all if ...

    "One very informed source says the LAPD investigation was "exhaustive" and "extremely thorough" and the D.A. has enough evidence to pull the trigger on a criminal case against Dr. Murray. That said, we're told the case is complicated, in part because Dr. Murray did not break any laws in administering Propofol to Jackson

    Michael Jackson Death Investigation Complete
    Posted Jan 8th 2010 8:30AM by TMZ Staff

    And íf he could legally administer propofol to him...
    What is he charged with involuntary manslaughter for?
    Bad CPR?
    Losing time hidding legal anesthesics?
    Talk at the phone?
    All of the above?

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    If there were other strong motives we should know by now...
  • lotus_sutralotus_sutra Posts: 224
    This is to those who are worried if MJ may have been awake, if in fact he was murdered...
    Lots of ppl do sleep with their eyes open...they close them to fall asleep but they open while ex used to sleep like that and it would scare the he** out of me at times! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Hmm..

    Seriously - IF this was a murder, why on earth would this information just be surfacing NOW? After an 8 month investigation. If Alvarez was there, and it was a planned murder, then he would have known what was going on and he would have been instructed NOT to speak about it, right?

    Of course there is a chance that he had agreed to be silent and later felt too guilty, breaking his agreement. But wouldn't there be some kind of consequences involved in that?

    I think this is just more drama, more excitement, to the hoax.

    "piece by piece... until MJ is revealed..."

    The reason this keeps getting more bizzare and fiction-like is because it IS bizzare and IS fiction.

    I don't believe this because I want to, I believe it because nothing else makes sense.

    Remember, when Michael was charged with child molestation, there was a LOT of false evidence. People simply MADE UP STORIES that caused the public to think of him as a guilty man when he was 100% innocent... Just like we are doing with Murray.

    If all of this is proven in court, if Murray goes to prison, then yes - perhaps I will believe it was murder. Until then, I will believe in all the evidence we have accumulated since 6/25/09. It is 1000% more convincing than this BS.
  • kdkennedy74kdkennedy74 Posts: 264
    I don't know what to think about this. This is from the article I found on on the second page of the article:

    Murray told the men it was his first time performing CPR, Alvarez said, though Chernoff said Murray had administered CPR many times before.

    <!-- m --> ... ?GT1=43001<!-- m -->

    "Murray told the men it was his first time performing CPR, Alvarez said"

    Now my thought on this is how could Dr. Murray, being a cardiologist AND being the personal physician to one of the most famous people in world, have never performed CPR before? I just can't see MJ hiring a doctor who didn't even know the basics of his own field of study. We all know MJ only had the very best around him. Also, Alvarez has been a part of Michael's staff for many, many years and one thing I remember from last June is that even Alvarez' wife did not know where he was (either that or she wasn't saying). I personally think that if anyone knew what was going to happen and helped to plan the events of that day it would have been him. Michael obviously trusted him implicitly.

    Any thoughts?
  • Marissa87Marissa87 Posts: 30
    I read the articles on TMZ and the first thing I thought of was that I needed to go on here so someone could dissect it for me.

    Thanks for giving piece of mind again guys! I was so confused by the articles.
  • I personally think that if anyone knew what was going to happen and helped to plan the events of that day it would have been him. Michael obviously trusted him implicitly.

    Any thoughts?

    Yes, Michael had said before that Murray was a great doctor, had taken care of his children, and also that he was a good friend.

    So - either Murray is a great actor (which he is either way - LOL) or he is in on the hoax and agreed to help Michael pull it off.

    I'd help Michael out in a heartbeat even if my career were on the line - ESPECIALLY knowing how well planned it was and the fact that Michael wouldn't really die so there's no real risk of getting into trouble.

    Sure, there might still be consequences for lying, but not the same as killing someone. Murray probably believes in the causes for the hoax as much as Michael. Instead of the thing that ruins his career as a doctor, perhaps the hoax is the pinnacle of his career by getting to use his position to pull of a hoax that could potentially change the world.
  • Hmm..

    Seriously - IF this was a murder, why on earth would this information just be surfacing NOW? After an 8 month investigation. If Alvarez was there, and it was a planned murder, then he would have known what was going on and he would have been instructed NOT to speak about it, right?

    Of course there is a chance that he had agreed to be silent and later felt too guilty, breaking his agreement. But wouldn't there be some kind of consequences involved in that?

    I think this is just more drama, more excitement, to the hoax.

    "piece by piece... until MJ is revealed..."

    The reason this keeps getting more bizzare and fiction-like is because it IS bizzare and IS fiction.

    I don't believe this because I want to, I believe it because nothing else makes sense.

    Remember, when Michael was charged with child molestation, there was a LOT of false evidence. People simply MADE UP STORIES that caused the public to think of him as a guilty man when he was 100% innocent... Just like we are doing with Murray.

    If all of this is proven in court, if Murray goes to prison, then yes - perhaps I will believe it was murder. Until then, I will believe in all the evidence we have accumulated since 6/25/09. It is 1000% more convincing than this BS.

    i agree with you
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Of course Dr. Murray is part of the hoax. We have to think in "hoax mode" and read between the lines, even make parallels with Michael's court case. They had absolutely nothing against him but it went until a trial. It just shows us how some bad and high-placed people can create and use lies, twist the truth to achieve their goals with total impunity. The press of course plays a big part because it shapes people's mind into thinking what they want.
    I don't trust the news it's often a copy-paste of one source and in the Dr Murray case more than ever. We have to learn the lesson for once and for all, just because it's in the print doesn't mean it's the gospel.
    Let's wait and see what's coming next...
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