Responses on June 25th

MichaelangelaMichaelangela Posts: 171
edited January 1970 in News
I don't know if you guys already read this. The seventh comment from the top down is very interesting.


most people thought he faked his death the same day he ''died'', it took me three days to realize that <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


  • Could you resend the link. It is not working.

    Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    hope it works now, my left click isn't working, if someone can copy paste for me ,
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    Posted on Thursday, June 25th, 2009
    By Allie Pruitt


    NEW YORK, NY – Has The King of Pop imitated The King by faking his own death?

    In a 1994 issue of Weekly World News, it was predicted that superstar Michael Jackson was so heartsick with the nightmare his troubled life had become, he would fake his own death – just like Elvis!


    “Michael Jackson, like Elvis, is sick and tired of being larger than life and wants to get a life,” said world-renowned psychic and metaphysician Dr. Andy Reiss at the time.

    “The superstar trip has trapped Michael in Neverland. Also there’s a very good chance he could end up in prison if he’s convicted of child sex abuse.

    “The only way out of this mess he’s in is to fake his death, cut his hair and go underground,” says Dr. Reiss, who specializes in celebrity predictions.

    Dr. Reiss believes The Gloved One will try to escape his hellish existence by “dying” in Neverland, his remote amusement park retreat.

    “The cover story will be that Michael Jackson suffered a fatal heart attack while riding his Ferris wheel. Jackson’s ‘remains’ will be cremated and his ‘ashes’ will be scattered on the grounds of his estate,” he explains.

    “The only way for Michael to start a fresh new life is to end the grotesque life he has now. He learned the trick from Elvis.”


    While Jackson did not end his days at his beloved Neverland, he did indeed “die” of a heart attack this afternoon.

    Did Jackson’s plans come to fruition? Is he still alive somewhere?
    Do you think he is still alive?
    Yes, he needed to start fresh
    No, there's no way he could have faked his death
  • Thanx for posting....

    Has anyone read comments? See what Hotoffthepress and Impossible commented on June 26th. Very interesting.....
  • I dunno, time will tell. What is suppose to happen on Murray's next court appearance? Does anybody know? They still will have to pick a jury, wouldn't they?

    Is there still time to get the sentence changed from manslaughter to murder? I know there is a petition going around that regards that. I signed it, but I don't know if it will just fall on deaf ears ...
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    Thanx for posting....

    Has anyone read comments? See what Hotoffthepress and Impossible commented on June 26th. Very interesting.....

    There are multiple pages of comments...what page(s) are the comments on that you want us to look at?
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    I dunno, time will tell. What is suppose to happen on Murray's next court appearance? Does anybody know? They still will have to pick a jury, wouldn't they?

    Is there still time to get the sentence changed from manslaughter to murder? I know there is a petition going around that regards that. I signed it, but I don't know if it will just fall on deaf ears ...

    I'm sure it will fall on deaf ears frankly. It would be unlikely and surprising if they changed the charges at this point. They would not win a conviction with murder charges, which is why they're going with manslaughter. Much easier to prove...beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • Thanx for posting....

    Has anyone read comments? See what Hotoffthepress and Impossible commented on June 26th. Very interesting.....

    There are multiple pages of comments...what page(s) are the comments on that you want us to look at?

    I am on another computer now, had technical difficulties...
    Here it is.... maybe it was posted before if so, I truly apologize <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    hotoffthepress says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 6:38 am
    A friend of mine who works for the fire department near UCLA has spoken to the paramedics who tried to save jacksons life. Both paramedics have told him that the scene on arrival at the stars home had an 'unusual feel' about it, that something seemed out of place. on examining the stars collapsed body, it was clear that he had undergone recent surgery and 'didn't look like any of the photo's' the paramedics had seen. both are uncertain that the person they took to ucla, was indeed the 50 year old star.

    Smak says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 8:21 am
    I was thinking the same thing. He faked it.

    Maybe he conned a buttload of money with a promise to do a tour and then bailed!

    It's much easier to pull off than 9-11. He already has his pick of wax dummies.

    Johan says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 9:43 am
    He did fake it, why else would he have auctioned off all his stuff before his apparant death?

    Impossible says: June 26th, 2009 at 11:00 am
    If you only knew what really happened, you would be astonished. Every thing has been so well prepared and calculated for so long, with so many people paid off, to make this fly and disapear off the public eye; again, you would be astonished to find out how it is almost an art to fake a death, and slide away into a completely different life away from massive problems.

    I can not say no more, I already said too much.
    But God bless Mr. Jackson into his new life of a well chosen little corner his chose to live on our planet.
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Those comments are interesting, I wish they were true, but this entire site is a joke, so I don't know about the comments. Anyway, if you had something that important to say, wouldn't you rather go on TV or something?
  • Welll no if you knew something and you cared about Mj, I do not think that you would go on Tv and advertise it. Plus if you went on Tv after knowing something your life would change as you know it. Many people would start bugging you, your name would be in the news and controversy would begin with you at the center. You would be bugged by paparazzi too. So no, I believe that you would do like alot of these people and just let it out a little at a time, while being incognito.
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