another news report

mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
edited January 1970 in News
Yet another news report it is upsetting to read
they say he dies with his eyes and mouth open
so why did they have that ambulance picture at first
I think it has to get worse before it gets better
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  • 4KB4KB Posts: 49
    This has been all over the news today.....I can't believe that Alvarez is saying that Prince and Paris were in the room to witness this! Kair Chase (chef) said the children did not go upstairs!
    Nancy Grace will be covering this on her show tonight....I think we should all watch!
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    [4KB » Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:33 pm

    This has been all over the news today.....I can't believe that Alvarez is saying that Prince and Paris were in the room to witness this! Kair Chase (chef) said the children did not go upstairs!
    Nancy Grace will be covering this on her show tonight....I think we should all watch!/b]

    Well, which one is it? Were the kids there or not?
    This is just bizarre.
    How much more of this foolishness?
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    well i don't wanna believe in all storys right now... they creating %$$#%^# because court is coming..
    they just need attention so they can earn more money from all lies they create..
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I can only see this getting much more 'frenzied' leading up to 5th April.

    The media will be stirring things up and releasing al-sorts of stories over the next couple of weeks. Stay strong people and don't believe everything you read or hear <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Gawd.

    Im so distressed right now. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I will stay strong....and if Murray actually does go to jail, then Im done.
  • jilljill Posts: 917

    Im so distressed right now. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I will stay strong....and if Murray actually does go to jail, then Im done.

    I am with you. I do not think Michael would let someone serve time so he could have a life of peace.
  • Me too <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Shit id spend 2-4yrs in jail for michael and for millions. but april 5th is approaching fast. nervous. i just cant seem to think the way the family acted at memorial and the whole burial thing could be real. hes gotta be aLIvE.
  • This has been all over the news today.....I can't believe that Alvarez is saying that Prince and Paris were in the room to witness this! Kair Chase (chef) said the children did not go upstairs!
    Nancy Grace will be covering this on her show tonight....I think we should all watch!

  • is this going to be the final hearing or directions type hearing?
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621

    Im so distressed right now. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I will stay strong....and if Murray actually does go to jail, then Im done.

    I am with you. I do not think Michael would let someone serve time so he could have a life of peace.

    that might be part of the deal for murray, to give up some years and come out not having to worry about a THING...but then, this is probably also or even mainly to prove how every story has at least two versions. kai chase said the kids stayed down with her (and prayed), then there's one version where just prince was called upstairs by murray before the paramedics got there, and now we have the bodyguard (who was allegedly the one making the 911-call) telling us the kids were both upstairs, how murray panicked, had stuff put away and that mj was apparently already dead before the call was even made. who do we believe now? and what is real evidence, what is bogus? or is everybody lying? this is a total rollercoaster-ride! like all this stuff comes up now just to have everybody confused to the MAX!!!
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514

    Im so distressed right now. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I will stay strong....and if Murray actually does go to jail, then Im done.

    I am with you. I do not think Michael would let someone serve time so he could have a life of peace.

    that might be part of the deal for murray, to give up some years and come out not having to worry about a THING...but then, this is probably also or even mainly to prove how every story has at least two versions. kai chase said the kids stayed down with her (and prayed), then there's one version where just prince was called upstairs by murray before the paramedics got there, and now we have the bodyguard (who was allegedly the one making the 911-call) telling us the kids were both upstairs, how murray panicked, had stuff put away and that mj was apparently already dead before the call was even made. who do we believe now? and what is real evidence, what is bogus? or is everybody lying? this is a total rollercoaster-ride! like all this stuff comes up now just to have everybody confused to the MAX!!!
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I don't believe that Michael would have someone do prison time for him.
    Prison is NOT easy time!
    And it's dangerous.
    Being the doctor who "killed Michael Jackson" in a prison with others who don't have a chance of getting free is a death sentence.
    There would be plenty who would love to brag about "killing Michael Jackson's murderer."
    There's no guarantee that he would get out alive, let alone be able to not worry about anything once he did.
    Even if he was in solitary confinement for protection, how would he come out ok?

    Prison can mess up a person's mind.
    not to mention other parts of the anatomy...

    And once he's convicted of murder or manslaughter, even with lots of $$, where can he go freely?
    He will always be known as they guy who killed Michael Jackson.

    Even though I want to believe that this is all a hoax, conflicting stories often come out before and at the beginning of high profile cases.

    In this particular case, I would believe Latoya and Alvarez's story of one or both of the children being there over Kai Chase who was just a chef. Getting an ipod full of MJ songs does NOT make you an insider. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Maybe the family is trying to let some of the true information come out as "leaks" since they would normally be asked not to speak about the case publicly.
  • Why would Alvaraz wait 2 months to reveal this??? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Doesn't that make him an accomplice or something???
  • Why would Alvaraz wait 2 months to reveal this??? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Doesn't that make him an accomplice or something???

    Agree!!! Another strange thing
    This is getting so wierd. Can't people get their stories straight?
    Michael you need to come back and fix this!!!
  • mjssoulmatemjssoulmate Posts: 820
    I find it really strange that this new information is suddenly revealed two weeks before Murray goes back to court. There is that number 2 again.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Why would Alvaraz wait 2 months to reveal this??? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Doesn't that make him an accomplice or something???

    Agree!!! Another strange thing
    This is getting so wierd. Can't people get their stories straight?
    Michael you need to come back and fix this!!!

    Agree. Michael needs to come back. We cannot stand this any more.
    I remember one of the Joe interviews I think it was on Larry King again, when Joe says:"Who pays for Murrey's attorney's fees. MICHAEL IS NOT HERE" (did not say MJ is dead). And why whould Joe mention Michael as a possible payor of Murrey's fees at all??? Michale had contract with Murrey to pay only treatment fees not all other fees. Why he would say that?
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Went to the twitter forum on this website and they are in the process of trying to verify Alvarez's twitter account. BECAUSE..........he has a tweet from June 25th stating how he was preparing to go on this huge fishing trip!!!! YEAH RIGHT !!

    Could be plausible because MJ is still alive Alvarez did his part helping him, and remember Alvarez dissappeared for a while after June 25th even his wife had her lips zipped remember "Oh I can't recall where my hubby is? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> "

    Why in the F would you be tweeting about a big fishing trip and MJ (your friend of many years in which u guarded and protected) has just died.
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352

    Im so distressed right now. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I will stay strong....and if Murray actually does go to jail, then Im done.

    I am with you. I do not think Michael would let someone serve time so he could have a life of peace.

    I think the same with you .. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Well,we have to wait until 5 april,if Murray goes to jail for a long time,then i suppose i will give up ,if not-if he is justified or sentenced for a very short period of time then i'll go along with the hoax,dont forget noone knows about Michael's attitude to it,about the way of his thinking,maybe he needs Murray to be jailed for a short timein order his death to look authentic and to go on with the revenge against those who were trying to kill or harm him and his kids,time will show,we must stay open-minded.Keep the faith
  • I won't give up until the truth and the WHOLE TRUTH is out there whether Michael might still be here or gone... Might take hell of a long time but then so be it.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    ]Or maybe all this new information ,is to help make people believe that Dr Murray is a evil murderer and deserves to be punished more harshly. How can he have a fair trial if the public already have judged him. He hasn't even returned to court yet, and most people already have been reading all these LIES and have already made up their minds about him. Guilty . This is dejavu. MJ suffered the same humiliation. always, with L.O.V.E xox
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    The meaning of C.R.E.A.M........
    acronym standing for, "Cash Rules Everything Around Me."
    Originating from the Wu Tang Clan, this phrase was popular in the early/mid-ninties when the hit song was released. Unlike many current rap songs, this song stressed the importance of obtaining money, as opposed to spending it. It also showed youth that selling drugs was not a good way to make money, and that hard work and creativity would make more money.
    color=#FF00BF]"cash rules everything around me cream get the money, dolla dolla bills yall."[/color][/color]

    Did Murray have to go back for the cash??[/size]
  • Gawd.

    Im so distressed right now. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I will stay strong....and if Murray actually does go to jail, then Im done.

    I am with you. I do not think Michael would let someone serve time so he could have a life of peace.

    I think the same with you .. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    but what if he gets off on a technicality?
  • MJLOVER32MJLOVER32 Posts: 130
    Whateva happens, we are in times of the truth coming out, and with this whole mj thang the truth will eventually out. Its time to sort the wheat from the chaff yall <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Why would Alvaraz wait 2 months to reveal this??? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Doesn't that make him an accomplice or something???

    Agree!!! Another strange thing
    This is getting so wierd. Can't people get their stories straight?
    Michael you need to come back and fix this!!!

    Agree. Michael needs to come back. We cannot stand this any more.
    I remember one of the Joe interviews I think it was on Larry King again, when Joe says:"Who pays for Murrey's attorney's fees. MICHAEL IS NOT HERE" (did not say MJ is dead). And why whould Joe mention Michael as a possible payor of Murrey's fees at all??? Michale had contract with Murrey to pay only treatment fees not all other fees. Why he would say that?

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