Thome is related to Jermaine's wife Halima!



  • stephsteph Posts: 177
    I still find it odd that jermaine did the announcement at the hospital.You would of thought he would of been to upset and got a family spokesperson to do it.Sorry if this is off thread topic.
  • ^^We all find that weird! and the fact that Thome Thome was standing with him.....WTF????? *cringes* I got a bad feeling regarding their relationship.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    I still find it odd that jermaine did the announcement at the hospital.You would of thought he would of been to upset and got a family spokesperson to do it.Sorry if this is off thread topic.

    I would think that too, but it could be related to this whole thread.

    If Thome is really related to Halima, then that would explain a lot.

    *Michael expressed that he was afraid of Thome and that he feared for his life because of him.

    *If Thome is this dangerous, then it's possible that other people in the family were threatened and feared for their lives as well.

    *Jermaine could have been threatened and put up to making the announcement by Thome, which would explain his presence there - to make sure Jermaine didn't screw it up - and their awkward behavioiur afterwards.

    *It could also explain Jermaine's treatement of his wife Halima. In the Dynasty show he seems pretty cold towards her. Perhaps anger at her for bringing Thome into their lives? Resentment because he has little choice in doing certain things because of threats from Thome against him and/or other members of his family?

    *Perhaps Jermaine's ex-wife and children are still living at the Encino home because there is more safety in numbers?(especially if his children were threatened by Thome)

    *P.S. Thome may be just the face of a larger group. If it were just him, I doubt anyone would be worried. But if he is just the one put there to keep someone else's interests secured, then there is reason for the whole family to be concerned over their safety.

    I don't know, these are just some thoughts off the top of my head.
  • ^^Yeah, Halima and Thome's family ties makes all of what u mentioned make a little more sense.... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    virgo75 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:08 pm

    steph wrote:
    I still find it odd that jermaine did the announcement at the hospital.You would of thought he would of been to upset and got a family spokesperson to do it.Sorry if this is off thread topic.

    I would think that too, but it could be related to this whole thread.

    If Thome is really related to Halima, then that would explain a lot.

    *Michael expressed that he was afraid of Thome and that he feared for his life because of him.

    *If Thome is this dangerous, then it's possible that other people in the family were threatened and feared for their lives as well.

    *Jermaine could have been threatened and put up to making the announcement by Thome, which would explain his presence there - to make sure Jermaine didn't screw it up - and their awkward behavioiur afterwards.

    *It could also explain Jermaine's treatement of his wife Halima. In the Dynasty show he seems pretty cold towards her. Perhaps anger at her for bringing Thome into their lives? Resentment because he has little choice in doing certain things because of threats from Thome against him and/or other members of his family?

    *Perhaps Jermaine's ex-wife and children are still living at the Encino home because there is more safety in numbers?(especially if his children were threatened by Thome)

    *P.S. Thome may be just the face of a larger group. If it were just him, I doubt anyone would be worried. But if he is just the one put there to keep someone else's interests secured, then there is reason for the whole family to be concerned over their safety.

    I don't know, these are just some thoughts off the top of my head.

    Virgo, interesting thoughts. I was sort of thinking the same thing myself.
  • I think Diane Dimond should be on the enemy list

    YES she is the ultimate B****!!!

    Wow this raises ALOT of questions...I never did like/trust that Halima. She always gave me the wierdess vibe especially on the Jackson Dinasty shows
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    Interesting twist here! Could the whole family being threatened into all of this... strange behaviours! OH GOD! I hope this is not what is really happening! I hope that this is just my imagination running away with me. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    [bairieslady » Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:34 pm

    Interesting twist here! Could the whole family being threatened into all of this... strange behaviours! OH GOD! I hope this is not what is really happening! I hope that this is just my imagination running away with me. ][/b]

    U know, I wouldn't be surprise. Maybe this could be what is really going on. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
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