murray face to face with MJ's family in court

katoooooookatooooooo Posts: 371
edited January 1970 in News
Dr. Murray Face to Face with MJ's Family in Court
Posted Apr 5th 2010 7:00AM by TMZ Staff

There figures to be pandemonium down at the courthouse Monday morning --we're told Dr. Conrad Murray will be in the building and come face to face with some of Michael Jackson's relatives.

Our sources say the majority of Jackson's immediate family plan on being there. We're told family members, including Joe, are very upset with the information in TMZ's story Sunday -- that Dr. Murray's defense team will argue MJ killed himself by self-medicating with too much Propofol.

As for Jackson fans, a Facebook group has organized a protest outside and so far nearly 500 people are scheduled to show.

The hearing is set to begin at 1:30 PM PT/4:30 PM ET. We'll bring it all to you live. Stay tuned ...

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  • imissMJ147imissMJ147 Posts: 123
    We'll bring it all to you live. Stay tuned ...

    Can't wait.! But kinda nervous
  • TMZ are really earnng their pay's story after story, it's hard to keep up!!!!
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