Dr. Conrad Murray -- Emotional Wreck

edited January 1970 in News
Dr. Conrad Murray -- Emotional Wreck
Posted Apr 5th 2010 7:30AM by TMZ Staff


Dr. Conrad Murray is "an emotional wreck" over the prospect that the judge in his criminal case could suspend his medical license ... sources tell TMZ.

We're told Dr. Murray knows the Texas and Nevada medical boards will follow suit and yank his license in those states if the California judge takes action -- and he is "distraught, worried sick" over the prospect of not being allowed to practice medicine.

"It's the hardest thing he's dealt with since Michael's death," one source tells TMZ.

But Dr. Murray is not nervous about seeing Michael Jackson's family in court today. We're told he "feels deeply for their loss but isn't responsible for his [Michael's] death."

Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0kEb2wqLS<!-- m -->


  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    WELL you know how the saying goes....."YOU SHOULDNT HAVE JOINED IF YOU COULDNT TAKE A JOKE"..........lol....xxxx tell that to murray!!!!
  • MissinMJMissinMJ Posts: 73
    I don't know why he would be an "emotional wreck." If he didn't do anything, then he has nothing to worry about. He keeps saying he didn't do anything yet he is worrying about loosing his license. There will be enough evidence in the end to tell the complete truth. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Murray is an "emotional wreck" that can "lose" your license .. said a "source."
    This "Anxious", "very Concerned ",... by your license. It's a very hard, said a "source." Not worried at all about the "death" of Michael, (clear, If Not Die), here the problem is the license, AND NOT worried to see the family in court today, ¡of course¡, and Who Told Michael to take so many Amounts of Coca Cola. Not That Michael is responsible for this lost, gone ... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I don't know why he would be an "emotional wreck." If he didn't do anything, then he has nothing to worry about.

    I think one indeed worries sick facing a trial because he's accused of something he didn't do. How would you feel if that happens to you..?
  • MissinMJMissinMJ Posts: 73
    I don't know why he would be an "emotional wreck." If he didn't do anything, then he has nothing to worry about.

    I think one indeed worries sick facing a trial because he's accused of something he didn't do. How would you feel if that happens to you..?

    But going from the fact that we think this whole thing is a hoax then why would he worry sick? This is a hoax. It may seem real, but it's all an illusion to the eyes. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I don't know why he would be an "emotional wreck." If he didn't do anything, then he has nothing to worry about.

    I think one indeed worries sick facing a trial because he's accused of something he didn't do. How would you feel if that happens to you..?

    Of couse! Very true! But he hides it well when he's stroling around the beach.. I hope there will be online transfer from inside the court to see his facial reactions.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    This is a hoax and the purpose is that (maybe) we have to make a parallel with Michael and figure out in what state of mind he was before going to court for something disgusting he didn't do, despite claiming his innocence and despite there was no evidence. I would be in an emotional wreck for sure. Michael is really strong. God bless him.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    sarahli.......your post is very sensible........and its working isnt it....we can get a feel for just how much micheal went through.........micheal you are a genius...xxxxx
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