just a simple question

loveratheart4mjloveratheart4mj Posts: 651
edited January 1970 in News
In you guys opinion....what is the purpose of the hoax? Someone enlighten me please. Does this possibly have a happy ending? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


  • In my personal opinion, I think Michael just had enough. I think his heart was in it to do the shows, until he found out there were 50, and I think he knew in his heart he could not complete them. He was 50 years old. I think people (fans) forget that alot. Do I believe he is still alive? I have some doubts like everyone else, but if he is alive, I believe he left because he was soooooo tired of the limelight, which he said numerous times. I believe that he does spend time with his children alot, but have explained to them this rest and departure had to happen. I think his mom looks this way because she misses her son, and finding all this hard to except. I'm sure she does see him, but its still not the same. However, in my heart, I do not feel that if alive, he will ever return. Would you?
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  • I don't think he would return.

    If he hated living in a very small fish bowl before, how would he live in a smaller one now?

    That media would be ALL over him.... I gotta say that I can't see him looking forward to that.
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    I've never formed a fully cohesive theory on what the purpose of the hoax might be. All I can guess is that it is something he HAD to do. I don't think he would do it for any frivolous reasons--it had to be something that was necessary...like he had no choice. Nothing else would make sense to me.
  • katson45katson45 Posts: 116
    Agree ! 'This is the greatest demonstration of freedom' ....... If he's as smart as we know he is, he's free now and gone from the media prison. I believe he truly misses his fans but this is the price he had to pay just to live like u and me..we can be happy for him now...
  • I've thought about the same things as was mentioned in this thread. If we were to come back what would happen when he eventually does pass away?

    Although if Michael ever returned I could see him doing a video where NO ONE could find him. But in all honesty, I can't see him coming back either. I believe he's alive and everything, however, we have to be realistic and accept that he faked his death for a reason.

    Granted we can't relate to the media spotlight or the fish bowl life. And I think we all can relate to the idea of wanting to disappear(nothing horrific) and live a life of isolation away from people, drama, and sadness. I think that's what Michael did. I think Michael just had enough of the media, enough of touring, tabloids, and wanted to rest.

    But I also think there was someone out to kill him.
  • Butterfly JButterfly J Posts: 305
    I believe he was in danger.
    He already was out of limelight, so, why make a plans to come back and then fake a death to get out again?
    I do NOT believe he did it for us or to save the world, to spread the message. I believe this has nothing to do with us but with him and his family safety.
    I believe it will have happy end, if not for us then, I deeply hope, for him.
  • If he werent to return, there would simply be no purpose of all these DRAMATIC clues over 10 months......

    You might say that he's been giving all these clues to say thta he's alive to his fans....but he could have given clues for say 6 or 7 months and well,...called it quits..or even give one BIG clue and then leave it all alone....If he werent to come back what would be the purpose of him taking the pains to keep churning out clues all the time? What does he want to do? Because if he indeed doesnt want to return and then again simulatneously, WANTS his fans to believe that this is a hoax, well then thats not gonna happen.

    Its not gonna happen because, a lot of his fans REALLY do believe that he is DEAD....Hoaxers are still a minority.....Afine example of this is the 1000 candle thingy thats gonna happen on 25th June......How will other fans and thereats of the world come to know that he's staging a cover up? Not until he himself says so.
  • Thank you for all the different replys friends. This has givin me some food for thought. Think i will chew on it a while.
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    I think he has multiple reasons, and I believe one of them is that he was tired of his career.
    That's why the King Of Pop has died, and not the person.
    The biggest part of his life he gave himself to the world, and now it's time to live in peace with his family.
  • nynyronynyro Posts: 296
    I think he has multiple reasons, and I believe one of them is that he was tired of his career.
    That's why the King Of Pop has died, and not the person.
    The biggest part of his life he gave himself to the world, and now it's time to live in peace with his family.

    I agree with this. This makes me a little worried about my mental well- being though. I don't won't to end up like those Elvis fans... Maybe it's simply enough to know that he's alive and then move on with our lives. Someday soon I'm going to stop following this hoax, but I guess I'm still not ready to let go yet.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    i don't think it was so much personal reasons to do this. that, too, but i think the main purpose is something else, like bringing down certain structures (like corporate/ political), exposing the 'bad' business that's running us all. if you really start thinking about it, the world is in the hands of a few corporations which are so big, they influence governments.

    i think one of mike's big concerns is just that: fight the powers that ruin you. waking people up to finally make them notice what's going on (and wrong) in their lives.
    this hoax is really looking like it is about something much more than just 'disappearing'. i think he had to be officially dead to do what he wants to do. and that's far more than just being 'a regular joe', IMO.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    I think the reason was, because he was threatend by AEG and Sony. I think it's because of money. They made a deal, cause he is worth more dead than alive.I think his miserable looks just before the " death " was because of that. His nervs. Poor Michael <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Money rules the world. They triedd to make him do the 50 shows, but they knew at a point, that he could not do them. He knew it from the start I think.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    you might have a point here, tina. he looked tense whenever he was caught outside rehearsals by paparazzi, pale and way too skinny. much like you could actually see the burden on him in the 2005 trial. you could always see it in his face and he almost immediately lost weight once he trial started. he looked much better in between and after march 2009, he went back to looking 'frail' and all. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    i dont know why he did it or for what reasons.... but what if michael did have all these problems with drugs..... and that doing the shows would make him take more and more to get rid of the pains... and he done this to get his life sorted and compose himself.... then make a possible return
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    I think to have a rest, to recover, to collect his ideas, to be away from the spotlight and finally the most important one- to save his and his children's lives cause i strongly believe that his life was in danger, i think he was no way able to do those 50 shows, so to escape the contract, he had to do this, otherwise he would have been jailed. It's only my humble theory and opinion.
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