7.7 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia today 4/7/10

nynyronynyro Posts: 296
edited January 1970 in News
There's been a huge earthquake in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia today. Not sure what the details are because the major news networks aren't reporting it yet.

Here's some of the details from a RT:
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DvrkhqO ... r_embedded<!-- m -->


  • nynyronynyro Posts: 296
    There's been a huge earthquake in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia today. Not sure what the details are because the major news networks aren't reporting it yet. Actually found out about it on Twitter.

    Here's some of the details from a RT:
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DvrkhqO ... r_embedded<!-- m -->

    Let's pray that there weren't casualties.
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    There's been a huge earthquake in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia today. Not sure what the details are because the major news networks aren't reporting it yet.

    Here's some of the details from a RT:
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DvrkhqO ... r_embedded<!-- m -->

    yeah I know that .. I live at Indonesia .. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    That's sad... It seems that there are more earthquakes nowadays...
  • I'm praying for all people over there, I hope everything will be okay and that God watches over them. This is 5th earthquake in 4 months time. Unbelievable. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    Some people believe that the planet Earth has a heartbeat (Shumann Resonance) and that it's beating faster, what's causing earthquakes and other disasters...
  • Sadly, I think we are dealing with more than nature's fury here... I don't want to become paranoid, but it is all too weird... Too many earthquakes lately, all in generally disadvantaged areas.. These must be something that can be done to stop this! People are getting hurt! Nature has balance, I can see no balance here!

    Spread the LOVE and see the TRUTH!

  • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24113287/

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Some people believe that the planet Earth has a heartbeat (Shumann Resonance) and that it's beating faster, what's causing earthquakes and other disasters...

    That could be possible but also I still think it has something to do with HAARP and also with the magnetic field around the world and 2012 and that magnetic field is getting weaker and weaker.
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    I'm praying for those ppl.. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> so sad.. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> lot's of LOVE for them.. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I remember when the Haiti earthquake happened the news media had invited a scientist on and he said that this was normal, BUT IT'S NOT. He said something like 'There's earthquakes happening all the time, but people don't notice them because they usually occur in unpopulated places like forests'. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->...I agree with you MJlover1990. A lot of this I believe has to do with H.A.A.R.P. They are manipulating the weather and upsetting the earth, so only God knows what's gonna happen next.



  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    I hate to say it, but MJ's comeback will pale in comparison to the significant damage and loss of life from the upcoming earthquakes on th horizon.
  • A 7.7 quake on april SEVENTH.


    This is probably something that really is just a coincidence, but the numbers thing is making me crazy lately!
  • JavaJava Posts: 162
    Earth quakes happen all the time. You're just not aware of them. The story about the heart beat is romantic but that's not the reason for the earth quakes. Plates are shifting.
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    either HAARP or a sign of the end of times...
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    Some people believe that the planet Earth has a heartbeat (Shumann Resonance) and that it's beating faster, what's causing earthquakes and other disasters...

    That could be possible but also I still think it has something to do with HAARP and also with the magnetic field around the world and 2012 and that magnetic field is getting weaker and weaker.

    2012 is an important year, according to the people who believe in the Shumann Resonance. They say the heartbeat of the earth is going faster and faster, and that the rotation of the earth will stop that year.
    (Sorry if I have something wrong, I don't believe it but I read it a while ago <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )
  • I dont think this is Mother Nature at work here..
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    IF and I am going for a big huge IF here, IF somebody wanted to empty old planet earth quickly - don't you think there were better means available these days than some antennas?

    Before falling for bad news, please take a step back and ask yourself who will profit from those.
    Then check the news again and what you took from it.

    We are doing some exercise here since months not to fall with a pure OMG for any information brought to our attention. And still...

    Peace. ladies, there has been an earth before mankind and there will be one after mankind if you want to go for the end of all times theory. Earth does not need us. Not really.

    Earth shape changes over time - ever has, ever will. This good old egg has a liquid kernel upon which some plates are floating - the angle of how this egg shilly-shallies around sun has changed over time and it will continue to change.
    Physics parameters of this egg are in constant change. This is a system which means that tickling it at one edge will lead to reactions on the other.
    Earthquakes are re-establishing a stabilization of the moving continent plates on the liquid underground. Nothing more, nothing less. Earthquake shocks are energy that needs distribution. Like a cork popping out of a bottle of champagne.
    You cannot create energy out of nothing. Energy does not get lost and cannot be invented.

    If you like this picture more: we are all sitting in huge boats, no matter where we are living.

    No single man will be able to control earth. This is a male dream. It will not happen.
    Earth is female and females are said to be difficult, have PMS and change their mood often.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    A 7.7 quake on april SEVENTH.


    This is probably something that really is just a coincidence, but the numbers thing is making me crazy lately!

    I didn't even notice that. Really interesting.
  • B-LIEvesB-LIEves Posts: 54
    I dont think this is Mother Nature at work here..

    agreed. there are too many major earthquakes happening in such a short time span within each other. it makes it so questionable.
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    I dont think this is Mother Nature at work here..

    agreed. there are too many major earthquakes happening in such a short time span within each other. it makes it so questionable.

    Agree with you guys... I have been studying the earthquakes since last yr.
    You can find anything out here <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> <!-- m -->http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ ... es_all.php<!-- m -->

    but the interesting thing is the depths... HAARP seems to show itself with those nice even numbers, such as 10.0 and 35.0 km readings. There are too many of these even numbers to be a coincidence. I believe they have been experimenting with their depth charges for quite some time. The scary thing for me, is that with all this kind of experimentations, they will eventually cause too much instability on this earth. Man will end up destroying this planet. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> OK, I'm done!
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