Proof TMZ is connected to TIAI and Hoax?

TouchedByAnAngelTouchedByAnAngel Posts: 143
edited April 2010 in News
Hello everybody,

It has been quite a while since I posted here, but I have been studying this hoax daily. This morning at approximately 7:15 am CDT I went to see what the new redirect from TIAI was. Three times as I tried to pull up I got a pop up log in box?! That was strange, so I clicked the X on the box and then got a "access denied" screen. I double checked each time and I was using the drop down in my address bar. I type "t" and is the first listing in the drop down. Anyway, after 3 quick tries, it finally went to the redirect from TIAI. Then I noticed something that blew me away! Check out the screen captures I did of my drop down list and my browsing history.



So what do you guys think? I have thought for a while now that TMZ was working with MJ. I know their stories are crazy and unflattering to Michael, but I think they are playing their part in this hoax, with his direction. Michael is quite the "Joker" and these TMZ "stories" are driving the non-believers crazy LOL. They wonder why nothing makes sense, but they refuse to look at all we have been researching for 9+ months!

I'm a believer and this is just the cherry on top for me. Thank you Dearest Michael for this great adventure in Awareness, Awakening, and Hope! I KNOW it was planned and executed with the greatest LOVE for us all. I'm wishing you well and wishing you home SOON!

So very blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel
<!-- m --><!-- m -->


Paradigm Shift is a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation. It is driven by agents of change... US!


  • MissinMJMissinMJ Posts: 73
    Interesting find... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Hi Carol!
    Thank you for this post!
    I was asked for a login too this morning, but I didn't think about it too much, I was still so sleepy ! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    TMZ is part of the hoax imo, Harve gives us a lot of clues!
    And yes, TS may be connected to TMZ...
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Hey Carol!
    Excellent info very strange

    I posted this picture a long time but no one seemed at all interested. when I first saw this picture it looked like MJ at the TMZ offices to me. I can't read what is on the piece of paper on the wall or what he has in his hand. On the shelf though I see a DVD or something for the "Blair Witch" movie. Which was a movie marketed as "real" but was actually a "hoax". Let me know what you think.

  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Doesn't MJ have affiliations with TMZ anyway?
  • ahh
    my beloved topic
    jee. you know my point
  • Thank you guys for your replies. In case some of you didn't notice what was critical in my images, check out the logo to the left. It was TMZ who asked for a password and denied me access to TIAI ( As I stated in my original post, I tried 3 times (in less than a minute) to go to TIAI to see what the new redirect page was. To me it appears that TMZ was in the process of updating TIAI and that is why for some reason, the log in box appeared. A friend on twitter said she also was asked for a password while trying to access TIAI during this brief time frame. Did anybody else try to log in to TIAI and get asked for a password. Check your history and drop down address bar if you did and were denied access.

    Love & Light,

    Touched By An Angel

  • Sorry TouchedByAnAngel, but cookies can explain all that.
  • Sorry TouchedByAnAngel, but cookies can explain all that.

    Well I don't know too much about cookies. Can you explain to me how they cause a log in pop up box while I'm trying to access thisisalsoit, and then cause a page telling me "access denied" by TMZ? To me that appears that TMZ is the owner of TIAI. Who but the owner can deny access to a web page?

    Love & Light
    Touched by An Angel
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Has to do with cookies, on my computer it has the youtube logo.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • i thought of smth like this - computer factor, just couldn't explain
    so all cleared out?
  • Has to do with cookies, on my computer it has the youtube logo.

    Hi Souza. What has a Youtube logo on your computer caused by cookies? Did you try to access TIAI this morning around 7:15 am CDT and get denied access?

    Sorry, but I don't see how cookies from one site would appear and cause this when you are trying to access another completely different site. If it is cookies, it is because both sites originate from the same place I would think.

    Touched By An Angel
  • I also tried more than one browser window this morning and got the same results. Don't know if cookies jump from browser to browser window or not.

    Touched by An Angel
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    Hey Carol!
    Excellent info very strange

    I posted this picture a long time but no one seemed at all interested. when I first saw this picture it looked like MJ at the TMZ offices to me. I can't read what is on the piece of paper on the wall or what he has in his hand. On the shelf though I see a DVD or something for the "Blair Witch" movie. Which was a movie marketed as "real" but was actually a "hoax". Let me know what you think.

    A little off topic, but did you all notice the garbage can on Michaels left? Sorry I couldnt resist. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I also tried more than one browser window this morning and got the same results. Don't know if cookies jump from browser to browser window or not.

    Touched by An Angel
    well it's a pretty relative thing
    i means it can depend on many factors connected with internet and browser stuff
    tho i don't deny your theory completely
  • Hi my dear Carol,

    Nice to have you back posting again <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->.

    I encountered the same problem with accessing TIAI 2 times before, but not recently, and I admit I haven't checked the history in my browser bar. Anyway, to me it seems like we have two possibilities for answering the TMZ logo problem: the first one is more comfortable and it can be explained through the "cookies theory" or by the fact that TIAI had been long redirected us towards TMZ/ was about to make a redirect towards a TMZ category or was searching redirects on that site. Still, this last theory can be easily dismissed by the fact that both yesterday and today the only TIAI redirects were made towards this particular forum. The second explanation is, of course, that TIAI belongs to TMZ, which does not seem far-fetched at all, considering all the recent similarities (especially numerological) and consistencies, so called "predictions".

    I would very much like to put it all on cookies, but we will have to ask for the opinion and expertize of professionals in this area. IT at this level is out of my league unfortunately.

    Anyway, thank you for sharing this with us, Carol!

    Please remember all of you that finding out the truth is more important than any personal or group interest. Moreover, we are doing this for Michael so let's try to keep our minds clear, objective and analytical. This is another issue to follow and update, by whoever will encounter this situation again.

    Keep the faith!

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Regardless of the cookies, I do believe that TiAI and TMZ are related. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Ok, I've been reading about cookies and I still find NO way that cookies could have caused this to happen this morning. Here is some info about internet cookies-

    Cookies have, for some reason, gained a rather sinister image. But they really are simple and harmless. A cookie is just one or more pieces of information stored as text strings on your machine. A Web server sends you a cookie and the browser stores it. The browser then returns the cookie to the server the next time the page is referenced.

    The most common use of a cookie is to store a user ID. For example, the cookie might contain the following string:


    ­ is one site that uses this technique. When you order a book, you fill out a form with your name and address. Amazon assigns you an ID, stores your information with that ID in its database on the server, and sends the ID to your browser as a cookie. Your browser stores the ID on your hard disk. The next time you go to Amazon, the ID is sent back to the server. The server looks you up by your ID and customizes the Web page it sends back to you. The page might say, "Welcome back, Joe Smith!"

    So, TIAI doesn't require a password (for the public to access it) and I have never had TMZ ask me for a password either. AGAIN, I clicked on in my address bar and was asked for a password and login id. Of course I don't have this info for TIAI so I WAS DENIED ACCESS BY TMZ. To me this means that TMZ is the one who controls TIAI, and they were probably in there at that very time making the new redirect for

    How else could TMZ deny me access to the website? How does that saying go? You think you're right, then you better prove that I'm wrong? LOL

    In the long run it really doesn't matter to me. I know what happened, I know what I saw and I used print screen to capture what is on my computer. I put it together in this post to share with you all, make of it what you will.

    Love and Light to ALL,
    Touched By An Angel
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TouchedByAnAngel, thanks for sharing, and as I said in another post if I think TiAI and TMZ are related .. I think it is very evident. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I believe TMZ is connected to the hoax and that they do on purpose nasty comments about Michael as a part of the hoax.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Hey Carol!
    Excellent info very strange

    I posted this picture a long time but no one seemed at all interested. when I first saw this picture it looked like MJ at the TMZ offices to me. I can't read what is on the piece of paper on the wall or what he has in his hand. On the shelf though I see a DVD or something for the "Blair Witch" movie. Which was a movie marketed as "real" but was actually a "hoax". Let me know what you think.

    Hm, where did you get that? I've never seen it. But that doesn't look like TMZ's joint to me, that room in the doorway there has some kind of blue thing and it looks like futuristic or something.. Which thing is the "Blair Witch" thing?
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    It is possible for websites to have a special icon show up next to their url. Perhaps tiai chose to use the tmz logo.
  • It is possible for websites to have a special icon show up next to their url. Perhaps tiai chose to use the tmz logo.

    No. TIAI is forwarding its URL. Therefor the HTML is automatically created by GoDaddy, and does not contain a fav icon.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    It is possible for websites to have a special icon show up next to their url. Perhaps tiai chose to use the tmz logo.

    No. TIAI is forwarding its URL. Therefor the HTML is automatically created by GoDaddy, and does not contain a fav icon.

    I agree. It would be possible if they were forwarding the URL on an inline frame on their page, but they aren't.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    Just in case anyone doesn't understand, what I mean is that if you go here: <!-- m --><!-- m --> there is no TMZ icon. That's because I forwarded the URL in my own (admittedly not well formatted) iframe.

    I could make a page that looked like TMZ but had a different icon in the URL bar if I wanted to...but to be honest I don't know how haha. I hope you get what I mean though.
  • smilessmiles Posts: 129
    wow that is very interesting...
    you know what i have been wondering about for a while now. every time somebody from this forum comes up with a new and unanswered question... somewhere (mostly TMZ) on the internet there will come an article related/answering that question.

    the latest is a question about the jackson kids getting questioned about their dads dead.. treat: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=8296<!-- l -->
    and the question answerd: <!-- m --> ... 26598.html<!-- m -->

    mostly the questions are answered by TMZ but this was the only ex i could find..

    so personally i think they are followring the MJ forums to find out what we want to hear and then writing about it.. get my point <!-- s:-D -->:-D<!-- s:-D -->
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