Coroners van

Steph16Steph16 Posts: 55
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say that im on the fence about the video RTL supposedly did. The video looks quite legit especially as on the helicopter video of the coroners van going into the garage shows a man following after it. But the sirens in the background are German sirens and the blue triangles on the back door are different to the ones on the real one as well as the font on the "R".
why is it that everyone believes its not a fake? How can the blue triangles be different and why would there be german sirens. Also the guy who was meant to be MJ was too short.
I've been pondering this for a while and its been bugging me why everyone thinks its fake. Please explain. Thanks <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

peace out xxx


  • I haven't placed a lot of thought about it either way. I do think that if it's a fake they went to a lot of trouble just to "prove a point" and then quickly inform everyone that it was a fake.
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    I thought it was fake from the beginning, and I never even bothered to watch the entire RTL video. To me, the one question I have had from the time that video appeared was this: WHY would Michael need to be inside that van in the first place? He wouldn't. He also wouldn't need to be under the white sheet or cover that we saw over the body that was being transported from the helicopter to the van. If he is alive, I don't see why he would need to be in either of those places. Makes no sense to me. Never has. Never will.
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    But the sirens in the background are German sirens and the blue triangles on the back door are different to the ones on the real one as well as the font on the "R".

    Are you talking about the sirens that you hear in the 'original' video (not the one that RTL claims)
    The sirens you can hear there are not German sirens!
  • Steph16Steph16 Posts: 55
    Yes, I heard they were german sirens
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    But in the video by RTL, the sirenes does NOT sound as the ones in USA.Do you have a video with german sirenes, so we can compare ?
  • This has been discussed at length

    <!-- m --> ... r_embedded<!-- m -->

    In my opinion the link above (sorry dont know how to embed <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> )

    This is the original video which come to light and in my view is real. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    The second RTL fake video was I believe made to cover up the original "genuine" one, there are many differences when you compare the first video with the original.

    Quite apart from the vans being different, the garage setting is different, the door behind the van is different and a different colour green, the air ducting on the ceiling of the second video is different together with the fact that the actual environment setting of the second is totally different to the first. If you spend some time researching this for your own piece of mind I wont try to convince you either way you have to have your own "truth" I am convinced the first one is genuine and nothing at all to do with the second, no one can convince me of that too many differences.

    With the L.O.V.E. as always of course.

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    This has been discussed at length

    <!-- m --> ... r_embedded<!-- m -->

    In my opinion the link above (sorry dont know how to embed <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> )

    This is the original video which come to light and in my view is real. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    The second RTL fake video was I believe made to cover up the original "genuine" one, there are many differences when you compare the first video with the original.

    Quite apart from the vans being different, the garage setting is different, the door behind the van is different and a different colour green, the air ducting on the ceiling of the second video is different together with the fact that the actual environment setting of the second is totally different to the first. If you spend some time researching this for your own piece of mind I wont try to convince you either way you have to have your own "truth" I am convinced the first one is genuine and nothing at all to do with the second, no one can convince me of that too many differences.

    With the L.O.V.E. as always of course.

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    yes, it's real.Maybe Michael got RTL to make the fake video ? He has friends in Germany.
  • Steph16Steph16 Posts: 55
    This has been discussed at length

    <!-- m --> ... r_embedded<!-- m -->

    In my opinion the link above (sorry dont know how to embed <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> )

    This is the original video which come to light and in my view is real. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    The second RTL fake video was I believe made to cover up the original "genuine" one, there are many differences when you compare the first video with the original.

    Quite apart from the vans being different, the garage setting is different, the door behind the van is different and a different colour green, the air ducting on the ceiling of the second video is different together with the fact that the actual environment setting of the second is totally different to the first. If you spend some time researching this for your own piece of mind I wont try to convince you either way you have to have your own "truth" I am convinced the first one is genuine and nothing at all to do with the second, no one can convince me of that too many differences.

    With the L.O.V.E. as always of course.

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I would love to believe you but how can you explain the font on the R of coroner being different or the blue triangle next to 'coroner' being a different size?
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    I know this thing has definitely been discussed at length. Does anyone have the one with German Sirens in it?

    Sorry Steph the ones I have seen is just American Sirens
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    I know this thing has definitely been discussed at length. Does anyone have the one with German Sirens in it?

    Sorry Steph the ones I have seen is just American Sirens

    Never mind, not sure it matters. Neither video has the script writing down the side of the van.
  • I know this thing has definitely been discussed at length. Does anyone have the one with German Sirens in it?

    Sorry Steph the ones I have seen is just American Sirens

    Anyway, if sounds are different, how could we be sure which one is the good one ? I guess those videos have been recorded, mixed, then put again on the net...Maybe someday we will have one with Michael's voice saying "ok, we got it, great ! Let's go back home now !"
    I mean, what your are looking, IS ONLY VIDEO ! And God knows we cannot trust video in the world we are living now.
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    I haven't placed a lot of thought about it either way. I do think that if it's a fake they went to a lot of trouble just to "prove a point" and then quickly inform everyone that it was a fake.

    Yes I feel the exact same way. Also as far as this coroner van vid/rtl making of... vids go I think we are looking at things in the wrong way. I'm not 100% convinced we should be comparing the vans, the settings, doors, ceillings.... we are being distracted with all these off details and missing the big picture or the point.

    Sorry guys this is going to be one of my long posts and I hate doing this but I think it's worth a read. So please bare with me. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Ok so let's get into proper mind frame, let's just fly with the idea of RTL claiming they made a fake vid and then debunked it. Let's pretend we are the ones, with poor taste in jokes by the way <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> , who are going to make a fake vid. The death of MJ is still really hot in the news, magazines, the entire world, there is talk of murder, talk of MJ being a junky and what not!! Not a week goes by, at the time the vids were made of course keep in mind <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> , without this whole thing being discussed all over the media, tributes all over the place, MJ's familly obviously must still be in pain over MJ's "death" (familly who happens to be for the most part somewhat famous and know by the entire world), investigations going on, fans committing suicide.... So us hotshot media people at RTL <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> decide "hey we want to sell news to, what could we possible come up with that people in general will be interested in?". And then it just hit's us!! Of course we will sell a fantastik MJ story, let's get to work on it, we'll make a vid that would make MJ seem alive and the entire world will be in shock and disbelief and will want to buy our story and we'll make tons of money!!! Honestly what else could possess those RTL people to make up such a story other than money if it's not the truth as they all ready stated keep in mind. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> So after spending all this money to hopefully make a lot more than we spent what would be the logical thing to do??? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Of course, keep our mouths shut about the fabricated vid we just sold and rake in the dough, right?? Well.... no actually we changed our minds and are going to announce to the world we made a fake vid cause we we're starved for money and attention, cause we grew a conscience over night. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Oh no!!! what have we done?? At this point we are worried we just started a hoax for a joke but what if people take it seriously and think MJ is still alive??!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> How are we going to fix this now?? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> We just spent all this money on a tasteless fabricated story and we might get our asses sued over it too, ooohhh how on earth are we going to fix this now, tell me!!??!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> Of course after all this caused by our bad judgement we need to be credible when we announce it was fabricated so we need to make sure we believed. Hmm... Hey I got a brilliant plan, let's just spend as much money to make a vid to debunk it with solid proof to make sure it will be dismissed and laid to rest once and for all. Now let's proceed with caution by changing all the little details of things from our 1st vid like, use different ceillings, different shade of green but not to different though, doors, you know everything!!! For sure they will have to believe us after this guys, whooh I think we'll save the day, I mean how could anyone have doubts after we publish this vid? And let's give it a good title like the making of the fake coroner van, and then when we are asked to be interviewed about it we can tell them how much fun we had doing all this I mean people will certainly not be angry about this funny little joke of ours. We will be famous for it!!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    ok guys so how much sense did this make??? Keep in mind it makes as much sense as the actual version of this little story. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    We have seen too many doubles in the disappearance story to believe that inside the coroner's van video there was not a double story layer placed on purpose.

    The moving casket photo on TMZ lately brought the following to my attention:
    a "van" may also mean a leader's team as well as a "body" may represent a group of people.

    We found several indications that the "publishing coroner" could have been not a true coroner but an actor.

    The video of the "set up" coroner's van may give a hint that the coroner's team was "set up" and that MJ was jumping out of it.
  • The entire RTL motivation remains a mystery to me.Letting masses of people play with the thought of MJ being alive, giving them the possibility to get familiar with several hoaxsites on the internet , and then educating EVERYBODY it is not so!Knowing very well the side effect:more people getting interested in the idea of mj still being alive.

    If this was not the purpose, it was damagecontrol or a sarcastic way to increase the number of people viewing this show IMO
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    I know this thing has definitely been discussed at length. Does anyone have the one with German Sirens in it?

    Sorry Steph the ones I have seen is just American Sirens

    Anyway, if sounds are different, how could we be sure which one is the good one ? I guess those videos have been recorded, mixed, then put again on the net...Maybe someday we will have one with Michael's voice saying "ok, we got it, great ! Let's go back home now !"
    I mean, what your are looking, IS ONLY VIDEO ! And God knows we cannot trust video in the world we are living now.

    Right, I know that more than most because my husband is in TV. I wanted to hear these different sirens because I do not believe people do things with no point. So, if there were German ones suddenly at the same place there would be a point (and also a fact which is all I believe and deal with. I try not to speculate).
    But as I said, the van in both the first released video and the making of do not have the script writing that a LA Corner's van really has.
  • heard that it may be a true depiction of what happened - though not real footage

    who knows
  • In theory the "making of "video could be fake........ <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    It s realy hard to know what to believe, because they say so on television it doesn't have to b the truth......... <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    In theory the "making of "video could be fake........ <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    It s realy hard to know what to believe, because they say so on television it doesn't have to b the truth......... <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    That is truth.. but I do know this. The real LA Corner van was NOT in EITHER video because the van does not match.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Finally I found the logo upon the garage in RTL's video of the "making of the van video".

    In fact it is the logo of Warner Music Group - reversed. This is the most interesting aspect of the whole video for me now. How come the WMG logo was mirrored when all other details seemed to be obviously correct (height traffic sign etc.)?

    WMG's current logo is the former Warner Communications logo and is used under license by its former parent, which retains full ownership and control of the Warner trademarks

    On October 1, 2008 Bertelsmann completed the sale of its 50 % stake in Sony BMG to Sony Corporation of America. Sony has since renamed its now wholly-owned music business to Sony Music Entertainment. These two divestitures marked the end of the Bertelsmann Music Group division and the selected assets that Bertelsmann decided to retain from these sell-offs will be the basis of a forthcoming BMG branded division, BMG Rights Management, which will focus on building, managing and marketing artist rights.
    More on Bertelsmann:

    Warner - as to my knowledge - does not have an office in the Dusseldorf area in Germany where RTL claimed to have shot the video. Warner Music Group Germany headquarter is located in Hamburg, another office is set up in Munich.
    So is the mirrored logo a photoshop result - and if yes, why?
    Was this giving fire to a new battle of the music tycoons over Michael's music?

    Again I am somewhat speechless.
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