Jason something on Idol doing moonwalk & MJ moves - a JOKE!

MJmakesmespeechlessMJmakesmespeechless Posts: 1,468
edited January 1970 in News
Did any of you just watch American Idol and see that guy Jason performing (sorry didnt catch his last name)

He is a fairly new artist just signed by Kara Dioguardi one of the judges. Anyhow i dont know who the hell this guy thinks he is but he came out with a hat and a jacket with some studs, did a spin, then the moonwalk which nobody cheered for and then at the end he stood on his toes. He was trying to do MJ moves the entire time and failed miserably. What a joke and a disgrace!!! He isnt no Michael...not even close!!! Just had to vent LOL

Michael come back...nobody can top you!!! Seeing these wannabee's is getting so tiring and lame


  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    This last few months it seems that all the top artist are screaming Michael Jackson from the top of their lungs, and here on American Idol as example, but officially no one is allowing to give actual tribute to MJ. It's like there's a conspiracy not to mention his name at least not when giving tribute to his brilliant contributions. When it comes to mentioning his death, the drugs, and his weirdness the press is okay with that. To me all the artists are fighting back in their own way, and again I say they are screaming MJ's name and their honor for him. I believe Michael takes these all as complements and is happy to see all his many musical protege developing their careers with all he has taught them. Just my feeling...
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    well i havent seen the perdormance yet, but im really high on jason derulo at the minute.... hes the only star that ive seen tgat has shown a real michael jackson influence, yea he does those moves and i really dont see any problem, i think michael would enjoy his music
  • naomifurynaomifury Posts: 98
    Yes, I was watching. His name is Jason DeRulo. He is extremely inspired by Michael Jackson...as you can see. I don't see it as him trying to take his place or anything, he may have wanted to not use as many of MJ's moves though. You can tell how much he admires Michael, I think it's kinda sweet. I'm not really into his music, but each to their own, right?
  • Yea, to each his own.

    But, it's just so annoying seeing all these copy cats. Why do we love Michael Jackson? Because he's his own person. An artist. He was inspired by other artists, but did anyone ever accuse him of simply imitating them? No.

    There's a difference between artists and people who can simply imitate someone elses ideas. That's why MJ is a legend, and Jason Something won't be. No offense to him, it's just the truth.
  • naomifurynaomifury Posts: 98
    Yea, to each his own.

    But, it's just so annoying seeing all these copy cats. Why do we love Michael Jackson? Because he's his own person. An artist. He was inspired by other artists, but did anyone ever accuse him of simply imitating them? No.

    There's a difference between artists and people who can simply imitate someone elses ideas. That's why MJ is a legend, and Jason Something won't be. No offense to him, it's just the truth.

    Didn't MJ start out by imitating James Brown? You've got to start somewhere. Learn from the best and try to get better. Maybe that's what he is trying to do. (He is in Jason)
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    This is just my opinion but I don't like to see people copying Michael's moves. It really gets on my nerves and I get tired of the media comparing other artist to MJ.
  • Someone told me "imitation is the highest form of flattery". It was a radio announcer for a country/western station after he tried to imitate Michael on the air. He did what I thought was a horrible job. I emailed him kindly and told him how inappropriate I though it was. He made that statement to me (meaning no disrespect as he loves Michael too) and it got me to thinking that in a way he's right. Every time someone does an MJ move or sings one of his songs or dresses like him or wears a glove, etc., we are reminded of Michael. He's once again in the forefront of people's minds and he won't be forgotten. It reminds the world just how incredible Michael is. I don't think Michael would mind these copycats - it's obvious that this Jason adores Michael and that would put a smile on Michael's face. Who knows - this kid may have diverted trouble as a youth by practicing to be like Michael instead. I too thought Jason overdid the moves and ending it on his toes like Michael was a bit much but I think he meant well. Overall I think the world for a moment was reminded of Michael Jackson for a few minutes tonight and that is a good thing, right? The only thing missing was Jason actually saying how much Michael inspired him, but I think that was obvious. Blessings.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    "The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work." Michael Jackson

    God bless you all for your love and your inspiration. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Yea, to each his own.

    But, it's just so annoying seeing all these copy cats. Why do we love Michael Jackson? Because he's his own person. An artist. He was inspired by other artists, but did anyone ever accuse him of simply imitating them? No.

    There's a difference between artists and people who can simply imitate someone elses ideas. That's why MJ is a legend, and Jason Something won't be. No offense to him, it's just the truth.

    Didn't MJ start out by imitating James Brown? You've got to start somewhere. Learn from the best and try to get better. Maybe that's what he is trying to do. (He is in Jason)

    When I saw that guy perform tonight I thought the same thing immediately. Oh no here come another MJ wanna be. He basically took MJ's bad look and updated it and then he does the moonwalk on top of that. I was like wow but not in a good way. I agree with the comment that it's annoying. It's okay to be influenced by somebody but don't try to be that person because you can't. Especially someone who had so many signature moves like MJ. The difference with Michael being influenced by James Brown is that he learned from James Brown different moves but he took the things he learned and made them his own. He never tried to be exactly like James Brown. That's the difference with these artist today. It's okay to be influenced by him but they need to have there own style and creativity.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I don't mean any disrespect to Jason Dirulo (or however you spell it). He is just starting out around the time of MJ's "death", he was probably a huge fan & was inspired by him so he is just honoring him in his own way, showing how much he respects & admires MJ. However, I think he over-did it just a bit. Not only was he trying very hard to dance like him but he also seemed to try to sing like him too. I appreciate him paying tribute to my favorite artist of all time, whom I love & adore, but I think he should try to be a little less like Michael & more like himself. I saw him perform on something else, idk what it was, but he did all the MJ moves & was trying to sing like him there too. It didn't work. & his video for that "In My Head" song, he is doing all the MJ moves AGAIN. There's a point where it goes from honoring someone to trying to BE someone. I don't mean to be rude but his moves were off & when he went on his toes, he lost his balance. He was trying too hard. idk, maybe he is being marketed that way, maybe his managers or Kara told him he should try to be like MJ because MJ's hot again. Who knows, or maybe he is just really trying to show how inspired he is by the master. I personally wasn't feeling it though. It kind of bothers me, I respect Usher & don't see a problem with him. The thing about Usher is he does a couple moves here & there but he doesn't try to be MJ during his performances unless that's the purpose of the performance. He also doesn't try to dress or sing like him. Same with Justin Timberlake, Neyo, Chris Brown. They all have their own individual style with a little MJ flavor/influence mixed in. This Jason Derulo guy, doesn't have that, he's just straight up copy-catting MJ. He really needs to learn how to be himself & not copy cat what he can't. Michael is one of a kind, often imitated but NEVER duplicated. & yes imitation is the biggest form of flattery, I'm sure MJ would appreciate what Jason did, but he won't ever make it if he doesn't establish himself as an individual artist. MJ copied James Brown when he first started as a CHILD but he also put his own personality & style into everything he did.

    SIDE NOTE: Ryan Seacrest said something after the performance that made me go, what? He said now Casey (one of the contestants) is going to want to use pyrotechnics in his next performance but that he's a little worried about Casey's hair catching on fire. & then everyone laughed. Reference to Mike? Or just coincidence? If he was referencing MJ because the performance was so MJ like, & laughing about the hair incident. That was very uncalled for & rude.
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    I don't mean any disrespect to Jason Dirulo (or however you spell it). He is just starting out around the time of MJ's "death", he was probably a huge fan & was inspired by him so he is just honoring him in his own way, showing how much he respects & admires MJ. However, I think he over-did it just a bit. Not only was he trying very hard to dance like him but he also seemed to try to sing like him too. I appreciate him paying tribute to my favorite artist of all time, whom I love & adore, but I think he should try to be a little less like Michael & more like himself. I saw him perform on something else, idk what it was, but he did all the MJ moves & was trying to sing like him there too. It didn't work. & his video for that "In My Head" song, he is doing all the MJ moves AGAIN. There's a point where it goes from honoring someone to trying to BE someone. I don't mean to be rude but his moves were off & when he went on his toes, he lost his balance. He was trying too hard. idk, maybe he is being marketed that way, maybe his managers or Kara told him he should try to be like MJ because MJ's hot again. Who knows, or maybe he is just really trying to show how inspired he is by the master. I personally wasn't feeling it though. It kind of bothers me, I respect Usher & don't see a problem with him. The thing about Usher is he does a couple moves here & there but he doesn't try to be MJ during his performances unless that's the purpose of the performance. He also doesn't try to dress or sing like him. Same with Justin Timberlake, Neyo, Chris Brown. They all have their own individual style with a little MJ flavor/influence mixed in. This Jason Derulo guy, doesn't have that, he's just straight up copy-catting MJ. He really needs to learn how to be himself & not copy cat what he can't. Michael is one of a kind, often imitated but NEVER duplicated. & yes imitation is the biggest form of flattery, I'm sure MJ would appreciate what Jason did, but he won't ever make it if he doesn't establish himself as an individual artist. MJ copied James Brown when he first started as a CHILD but he also put his own personality & style into everything he did.

    SIDE NOTE: Ryan Seacrest said something after the performance that made me go, what? He said now Casey (one of the contestants) is going to want to use pyrotechnics in his next performance but that he's a little worried about Casey's hair catching on fire. & then everyone laughed. Reference to Mike? Or just coincidence? If he was referencing MJ because the performance was so MJ like, & laughing about the hair incident. That was very uncalled for & rude.

    Still i really dont see any problem with Jason at all he done a moonwalk... a side slide and a toe stand. all of them done with out a problem.... he didnt lose balance as you pointed out.. be made it his own and began to walk on his toes. It actually annoys me when some people get annoyed when a young talented artist starts out... showing his obvious love and respect for Michael Jackson... immedialey jump and go "oh look hes copying Michael Jackson" and yes michael copied from James when he first Started..... Jason is only new on the Music Scene.... its only his second single! and imo the in my head video for me kinda is a modern version of Michaels The Way You Make Me Feel (kinda has the same plot).

    So I actually really like they guy and tbh he can copy Michael all he wants there are other artists who use a side slide quite often and people dont jump and scream copycat... they are dance moves anyone can use, Michael Jackson is the biggest influence in Music and has been for quite a few years so to be fair its kinda hard to find someone that doesnt show that they learned from mike.....

    Oh and Justin Beiber.... HELL NO !! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Well i find it REALLY irritating and downright demeaning to Michael and his talent. When these wannabe's come out and TRY to do something like him they look like a joke. Sorry but there just IS no comparison. Michael is the gold standard therefore my standards are set VERY VERY high. Maybe that is wrong but i always have Michael at the top and anyone else is a few notches down. In this case that guy didnt even make the scale!!!

    I too find it a bit wierd when a performer/signer does some MJ moves and nobody makes a reference to it. Sure everyone KNOWS it is Michael's move but why not make some sort of comment of acknowledgement. I find alot of people are just tip toeing around it and there is no mention of Michael. It's like they are all on egg shells in the industry.

  • naomifurynaomifury Posts: 98
    I don't mean any disrespect to Jason Dirulo (or however you spell it). He is just starting out around the time of MJ's "death", he was probably a huge fan & was inspired by him so he is just honoring him in his own way, showing how much he respects & admires MJ. However, I think he over-did it just a bit. Not only was he trying very hard to dance like him but he also seemed to try to sing like him too. I appreciate him paying tribute to my favorite artist of all time, whom I love & adore, but I think he should try to be a little less like Michael & more like himself. I saw him perform on something else, idk what it was, but he did all the MJ moves & was trying to sing like him there too. It didn't work. & his video for that "In My Head" song, he is doing all the MJ moves AGAIN. There's a point where it goes from honoring someone to trying to BE someone. I don't mean to be rude but his moves were off & when he went on his toes, he lost his balance. He was trying too hard. idk, maybe he is being marketed that way, maybe his managers or Kara told him he should try to be like MJ because MJ's hot again. Who knows, or maybe he is just really trying to show how inspired he is by the master. I personally wasn't feeling it though. It kind of bothers me, I respect Usher & don't see a problem with him. The thing about Usher is he does a couple moves here & there but he doesn't try to be MJ during his performances unless that's the purpose of the performance. He also doesn't try to dress or sing like him. Same with Justin Timberlake, Neyo, Chris Brown. They all have their own individual style with a little MJ flavor/influence mixed in. This Jason Derulo guy, doesn't have that, he's just straight up copy-catting MJ. He really needs to learn how to be himself & not copy cat what he can't. Michael is one of a kind, often imitated but NEVER duplicated. & yes imitation is the biggest form of flattery, I'm sure MJ would appreciate what Jason did, but he won't ever make it if he doesn't establish himself as an individual artist. MJ copied James Brown when he first started as a CHILD but he also put his own personality & style into everything he did.

    SIDE NOTE: Ryan Seacrest said something after the performance that made me go, what? He said now Casey (one of the contestants) is going to want to use pyrotechnics in his next performance but that he's a little worried about Casey's hair catching on fire. & then everyone laughed. Reference to Mike? Or just coincidence? If he was referencing MJ because the performance was so MJ like, & laughing about the hair incident. That was very uncalled for & rude.

    Still i really dont see any problem with Jason at all he done a moonwalk... a side slide and a toe stand. all of them done with out a problem.... he didnt lose balance as you pointed out.. be made it his own and began to walk on his toes. It actually annoys me when some people get annoyed when a young talented artist starts out... showing his obvious love and respect for Michael Jackson... immedialey jump and go "oh look hes copying Michael Jackson" and yes michael copied from James when he first Started..... Jason is only new on the Music Scene.... its only his second single! and imo the in my head video for me kinda is a modern version of Michaels The Way You Make Me Feel (kinda has the same plot).

    So I actually really like they guy and tbh he can copy Michael all he wants there are other artists who use a side slide quite often and people dont jump and scream copycat... they are dance moves anyone can use, Michael Jackson is the biggest influence in Music and has been for quite a few years so to be fair its kinda hard to find someone that doesnt show that they learned from mike.....

    Oh and Justin Beiber.... HELL NO !! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I agree with you, it bothers me a little bit when people do that. I don't know this Jason guy but he obviously admires Michael as much if not more than we do! I mean, it's not like he is turning into an impersonator. He's just showin' the love he has for MJ, and you can't hate him for that, right? Well...I can't anyway.
  • I just watched it tonight and i felt embarassed watching him... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    I did see the performance last night and I wasn't disgusted or bothered by him doing all that stuff. The only thing that came out of my mouth was, "Bless his heart, he's trying to pay tribute to Michael." I don't see anything wrong with artists doing this as long as they are not doing it in a way that would come across as trying to replace Michael. If they want to pay respects/tributes to him, I don't see a problem with it at all. If we have a problem with them doing it, we should have a problem with every tribute artist/impersonator out there. JMO.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Maybe my post came off wrong, I didn't say I "hated" him. He can pay tribute if he wants, I even said he came out now after the "death" so he was probably a huge fan & that's how he shows respect. I didn't say it bothers me that he copies MJ's moves. I said I've seen another performance of his & his video & he's always dancing like MJ, I said he should establish his own persona & style too. I didn't say he was trying to become an impersonator. He just shouldn't do the MJ moves EVERYTIME, that's all. Or do the moves but don't dress like him on top of it. It becomes over done. & I didn't see the toe thing, I missed but someone told me he looked like he lost his balance. So if he changed it up a little then that's great, that's all I was saying is he should be like Usher & do things his own way with some MJ influence thrown in. Not all MJ. That's all.
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    Michael Jackson absolutely used all of James Browns moves in his early performances and James Brown loved him for it. He said that later on Michael "got his own moves". He imitated him because he inspired him. I don't watch idol, but maybe someday Jason will get his own moves.

    There is so much footage of Michael being entertained by people who imitates his moves. He really loved seeing these people do this. Do you think he would be upset that someone was dancing like him or out there laughing clapping?

    Let me add. Usher makes me feel uncomfortable these days. I don't know why because I have always loved Usher. One thing that truly bothered me was at the memorial he ripped his glasses off during Gone Too Soon as if he needed the world to see him cry. IMO it wasn't to prove that Michael was dead, but rather to say.."Look how upset I am, I really do love Michael". Not sure, just uncomfortable about it.
  • I never said i hated or disliked him at all. I dont even know him. Just thought what he did was a joke

    Like Michael said in an interview with Barbara Walters when she asked him if Prince showed talent would he let him perform and Michael said yes absolutely and go do it BETTER than him

    So my point being if your going to do MJ at least do it as WELL as him and if not then dont bother wasting your time/breathe!!!
  • SeldaSelda Posts: 21
    Hi guys,

    You should watch his videaclip of 'In my Head'.....
    All signature dancemoves of MJ are implemented very smoothly in this clip.

    I really liked it...You should watch it....
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyG1FG3H6rY<!-- m -->

    Another videoclip Watcha Say
    little moonwalk steps
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBI3lc18k8Q<!-- m -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    Hi guys,

    You should watch his videaclip of 'In my Head'.....
    All signature dancemoves of MJ are implemented very smoothly in this clip.

    I really liked it...You should watch it....
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyG1FG3H6rY<!-- m -->

    Another videoclip Watcha Say
    little moonwalk steps
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBI3lc18k8Q<!-- m -->

    now look at jasons "in my head" video and Mikes " The way you make me feel" video ..... huge similarities...

  • Hi guys,

    You should watch his videaclip of 'In my Head'.....
    All signature dancemoves of MJ are implemented very smoothly in this clip.

    I really liked it...You should watch it....
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyG1FG3H6rY<!-- m -->

    Another videoclip Watcha Say
    little moonwalk steps
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBI3lc18k8Q<!-- m -->

    now look at jasons "in my head" video and Mikes " The way you make me feel" video ..... huge similarities...


    Exactly the way I felt when watching it!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Hi guys,

    You should watch his videaclip of 'In my Head'.....
    All signature dancemoves of MJ are implemented very smoothly in this clip.

    I really liked it...You should watch it....
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyG1FG3H6rY<!-- m -->

    Another videoclip Watcha Say
    little moonwalk steps
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBI3lc18k8Q<!-- m -->

    now look at jasons "in my head" video and Mikes " The way you make me feel" video ..... huge similarities...


    Exactly the way I felt when watching it!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    That's what I was saying! He does MJ stuff ALL THE TIME! In his videos, performances, the way he dresses at times. Either he was a HUGE fan or he's being put out there that way....
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    Hi guys,

    You should watch his videaclip of 'In my Head'.....
    All signature dancemoves of MJ are implemented very smoothly in this clip.

    I really liked it...You should watch it....
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyG1FG3H6rY<!-- m -->

    Another videoclip Watcha Say
    little moonwalk steps
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBI3lc18k8Q<!-- m -->

    now look at jasons "in my head" video and Mikes " The way you make me feel" video ..... huge similarities...


    Exactly the way I felt when watching it!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    That's what I was saying! He does MJ stuff ALL THE TIME! In his videos, performances, the way he dresses at times. Either he was a HUGE fan or he's being put out there that way....

    id say hes a mega fan <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    theres a few vids on YT of him doing a billie jean cover.... and one that i found him singing to MJ at his Star on the Walk of Fame on June 25th
  • There was a kind of blood on the dancefloor/in the closet kinda feel when he would dance with the girl ...does that make sense?? idk it just reminded me of the other videos <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Did any of you just watch American Idol and see that guy Jason performing (sorry didnt catch his last name)

    He is a fairly new artist just signed by Kara Dioguardi one of the judges. Anyhow i dont know who the hell this guy thinks he is but he came out with a hat and a jacket with some studs, did a spin, then the moonwalk which nobody cheered for and then at the end he stood on his toes. He was trying to do MJ moves the entire time and failed miserably. What a joke and a disgrace!!! He isnt no Michael...not even close!!! Just had to vent LOL

    Michael come back...nobody can top you!!! Seeing these wannabee's is getting so tiring and lame

    I saw it, if he has to do Michael moves he better practice and practice because is is far from it.. Only MJ can do those moves and nobody else..
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