Hoax mentioned in French media

edited January 1970 in News
We just found this article and the translation of it in our mailbox. The sender said it was posted on mjhd.net. Thank you!

<!-- m -->http://www.liberation.fr/culture/010162 ... n-a-paques<!-- m -->

Musique 06/04/2010 à 00h00
Bambi pose un lapin à Pâques

Mystère. Les fans vont être déçus : la résurrection de Michael Jackson n’a pas eu lieu. Depuis sa mort, en juin, les plus folles rumeurs circulent sur Internet à propos de la star américaine.

Michael Jackson le 5 mars 2009 (REUTERS)

Au terme d’un suspense très relatif, Michael Jackson n’a pas fait sa réapparition publique le jour de Pâques. Cette résurrection était pourtant attendue par des dizaines de milliers de fans qui vivaient dans l’espoir d’assister, le week-end dernier, au plus gros coup médiatique accompli depuis Jésus-Christ.

C’est donc raté, mais cela ne calmera sans doute pas les ardeurs des inconditionnels de la star, disparue le 25 juin. Depuis lors, le Net s’est enflammé sur l’hypothèse d’un canular organisé par Michael lui-même. Dans quel but ? Au choix : échapper au cruel harcèlement médiatique dont il est victime depuis son enfance, jouer un tour aux promoteurs de la tournée This Is It, capter l’attention afin de faire passer un message de paix… La thèse la plus répandue, et la plus séduisante, affirme que Jackson tourne en ce moment même un film «novateur» qui bénéficiera, par le fait, de la campagne de pub la plus audacieuse jamais conçue.

Il aurait été surprenant que le phénomène de déni de mort, vieux comme la célébrité, ne s’applique pas à l’une des icônes du siècle. Avant lui, James Dean, Marilyn, Elvis ou encore Tupac avaient eux aussi fait l’objet de mille rumeurs insensées. Leurs aficionados apaisent ainsi la sensation de manque en les imaginant dans un ashram de l’Himalaya, sur une île privée du Pacifique à siroter des cocktails ou tenant une épicerie porte de Bagnolet. N’importe quoi pourvu qu’ils ne soient pas morts. Toutefois, avec l’usage massif du Net et des réseaux sociaux, l’affaire a pris cette fois des allures de complot mondial.

Illusionniste. L’histoire commence avec la mise en doute de toutes les informations disponibles. Et ce n’est pas ça qui manque. Qui a passé le coup de fil aux urgences ? Pourquoi l’ambulance a-t-elle emprunté le chemin le plus compliqué pour sortir de la propriété ? Comment la seule photo qui montre Michael intubé sur la civière a-t-elle pu être prise à travers les vitres teintées du véhicule ? Sur les images de CNN montrant l’hélicoptère transportant le corps, ne voit-on pas distinctement «bouger» le buste du supposé cadavre ? Pourquoi le gospel choisi pour ouvrir la cérémonie du Staples Center, le 7 juillet, était «Soon and very soon we are going to see the King» («bientôt nous verrons le Roi»)…

Au petit jeu de la coïncidence révélatrice, le vivier est inépuisable. Certes, il y a de petits ratés, comme cette vidéo montrant une silhouette ressemblant au chanteur se faufiler hors de la camionnette du médecin légiste. Un faux grossier, mais il y a tout le reste. Comme le cas passionnant du «Hatman». A la cérémonie du Staples Center, les images de télévision montrent un personnage assis au deuxième rang, ce qui suppose qu’il s’agit d’un proche. C’est un homme âgé de forte corpulence, aux longs cheveux gris, portant une barbe naissante et dont le visage est partiellement masqué par des lunettes de soleil et par un large chapeau clair. Or, non seulement aucun internaute n’a pu l’identifier (Andy Gibb, des Bee Gees, ou Johnny Depp ont été soupçonnés, or ils étaient en vacances), mais en plus, Hatman semble grimé. Et si c’était Michael lui-même assistant à ses propres funérailles ? D’autant qu’il était un spécialiste reconnu (si on peut dire) du déguisement. L’idée est tentante, surtout que le toujours anonyme mais désormais célèbre Hatman s’est également pointé aux obsèques du chanteur, le 3 septembre au Forest Lawn Cemetery de Glendale.

Dans le même registre, une thèse soutient que Michael a fait une apparition sur le plateau de l’émission du journaliste Larry King déguisé en Dave Dave, un homme grièvement brûlé dans son enfance que le chanteur avait alors aidé. Comme les questions en amènent d’autres, les fans se demandent comment leur idole a pu accomplir un tel tour de force. Simple : il est aidé par son grand ami Criss Angel, un illusionniste fameux dont l’affiche du dernier spectacle annoncerait clairement le canular.

Par ailleurs, comment Michael Jackson a-t-il pu faire un coup pareil à sa propre famille ? Evident : tout le monde est dans la confidence. Sinon, comment expliquer le lapsus de Kenny Ortega, le scénographe de This Is It, affirmant avoir travaillé avec Michael «il y a moins d’une semaine», alors que celui-ci était censé être mort depuis plus de quinze jours. De plus, ne voit-on pas sa sœur La Toya réprimer un fou rire pendant la cérémonie du Staples Center ? Et les enfants, pourquoi ne versent-ils pas de larmes ?

Curiosité. Bref, le mystère Michael Jackson est en roue libre, tout comme le déroulement des événements du 11 Septembre continue à alimenter les thèses conspirationnistes les plus ardentes. Un site américain fait référence sur la question. Michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com fonctionne un peu comme un Wikipédia, recensant tous les travaux des enquêteurs du Net. Avec un peu de curiosité et beaucoup de temps, on peut ainsi apprendre que, le 7 juillet au Staples Center, Elizabeth Taylor et Diana Ross, pourtant proches amies de Michael, n’étaient pas présentes car refusant de participer à cette mascarade. A l’usage des francophones, un journal vidéo sur YouTube, intitulé «Michael Jackson mort ou vivant» et animé par une blogueuse québécoise, Julia142, se montre également prolixe. La saga en est au 30e épisode et, manifestement, c’est un début.

Reste la question suprême : à quoi rime tout ce bazar ? Pour Michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com, la réponse tombe sous le sens. Michael veut dénoncer un complot planétaire mené par les membres d’une puissante secte infiltrée dans les plus hautes instances financières et politiques (dont la Couronne royale britannique) qui veut contrôler le monde grâce à des puces électroniques implantées dans chaque individu. Et dire que certains croyaient à une farce. Illustration Beb Deum


Bambi is a rabbit at Easter

Mystery. Fans will be disappointed: the resurrection of Michael Jackson has not occurred. Since his death in June, the wildest rumors circulating on the Internet about the American star.

After a suspenseful very relative, Michael Jackson has not made his reappearance public on Easter Sunday. This resurrection was yet awaited by tens of thousands of fans who lived in the hope of attending the weekend, the biggest media coup accomplished since Jesus Christ.

So it missed, but that does not subside without doubt the enthusiasm of fans of the star, disappeared June 25 Since then, the Net was ignited on the assumption of a hoax organized by Michael himself. For what purpose? Your choice: to escape the cruel media harassment of which he suffered since childhood, playing a trick on the tour promoters This Is It, to capture the attention of passing a message of peace ... The most common argument, and most attractive, says that Jackson is currently shooting a film even "innovative" which will benefit, in fact, the ad campaign the most daring ever conceived.

It was surprising that the phenomenon of denial of death, as old as the celebrity does not apply to any of the icons of the century. Before him, James Dean, Marilyn, Elvis or Tupac had also been the subject of a thousand crazy rumors. Their fans and soothe the cravings by imagining an ashram in the Himalayas, on a private island in the Pacific to sip cocktails or holding a grocery Porte de Bagnolet. Anything as long as they are not dead. However, with the massive use of the Internet and social networks, the case has taken this time the allure of global conspiracy.

Illusionist. The story begins with the questioning of all available information. And that's not what is missing. Who passed the call to the emergency? Why did the ambulance on the path most complicated out of the property? How the only photo showing Michael intubated on the gurney she could be taken through the tinted windows of the vehicle? On the CNN images showing the helicopter carrying the body, do not we see clearly "move" the bust of the supposed corpse? Why gospel chose to open the ceremony from the Staples Center, July 7, was "Soon and very soon we are going to see the King" ("soon we shall see the King") ...

In quick game of suspicious coincidence, the supply is inexhaustible. Certainly, there are small failures, as this video shows a silhouette resembling the singer sneak out of the medical examiner's van. A crude forgery, but there is everything else. As if the exciting "Hatman". At the ceremony from the Staples Center, the television images show a person sitting in second place, which implies that it is near. This is a man of strong build, with long gray hair, wearing a beard rising and whose face is partially obscured by sunglasses and a broad hat clear. Not only could not identify user (Andy Gibb, the Bee Gees, Johnny Depp or were suspected, or they were on vacation), but in addition, seems grimed Hatman. And if it was Michael himself attending his own funeral? Especially since he was a recognized expert (so to speak) of disguise. The idea is tempting, especially as the always anonymous, but now famous Hatman has also pointed to the funeral of the singer, September 3 at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale.

In the same vein, a thesis argues that Michael has appeared on the set of the broadcast journalist Larry King dressed as Dave Dave, a man badly burned as a child, so that the singer had helped. As the lead of other issues, fans are wondering how their idol has been able to accomplish such a feat. Simple: he is helped by his great friend Criss Angel, a famous magician whose poster of the last show clearly announce the hoax.

Furthermore, how Michael Jackson could he do such a thing to his own family? Evident: everybody into confidence. How else to explain the slip by Kenny Ortega, the designer of This Is It, claiming to have worked with Michael "it is less than a week, whereas it was supposed to be dead for more than fifteen days. Also, do not we see his sister La Toya suppress the giggles during the ceremony from the Staples Center? And the children, why do not they pay with tears?

Curiosity. In short, the mystery Michael Jackson is coasting, as the events of September 11 continues to fuel the conspiracy theories the most ardent. A U.S. website refers to the question. Michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com works like an encyclopedia, listing all the work of investigators on the Net. With a little curiosity and a lot of time, we may well learn that on July 7 at Staples Center, Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Ross, Michael's closest friends, however, were not present for refusing to participate in this masquerade. With the use of French, a video diary on YouTube, titled "Michael Jackson dead or alive 'and animated by a blogger Quebec Julia142, appears also prolific. The saga is the 30th episode, and obviously it's a start.

Remains the ultimate question: what is all this stuff? For Michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com, the answer is obvious. Michael wants to expose a global conspiracy led by members of a powerful sect infiltrated the highest levels of financial and political (including the British Royal Crown) who wants to control the world through microchips implanted in every individual. And some thought it was a joke.


Mo & Souza


  • nice to see this - but they have not done any research themselves or come up with any answers -
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    I don't think anyone suggested that Andy Gibb could possibly have been Hatman. AG has been deceased for many years.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Good to see the hoax is getting attention globally. Where did they get their information from ???? Or where they tipped off??? Thanks for posting. As always, with L.O.V.E xox
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    Good to see the hoax is getting attention globally. Where did they get their information from ???? Or where they tipped off??? Thanks for posting. As always, with L.O.V.E xox

    Seems like they watched TF1 aswell and then wanted to know more and came to the forum
    But they think that it is ridiculous
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Good to see the hoax is getting attention globally. Where did they get their information from ???? Or where they tipped off??? Thanks for posting. As always, with L.O.V.E xox

    Seems like they watched TF1 aswell and then wanted to know more and came to the forum
    But they think that it is ridiculous

    Yes the last sentence is sarcastic "And some thought it was a joke"...
  • I like in the beginning they said he "disappeared" instead of dying!!

    thanks Mo-ster for this!
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Whoaw ! Great !
    It's good to see this kind of news.

    Soon Michael will show himself. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    This is brilliant how articles are now coming out in mainstream media, I guess this one is mainstream?
    It really doesn't matter whether they are being sarcastic about our beliefs or not, they are planting the seed and that is all that is needed. All the necessary information is there for people to look into if they choose.
    Piece by piece by piece... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • so cool!

    Yep Libération is a mainstream newspaper. The 4th in France (after le Parisien, le Monde and le Figaro) tho it s having huge financial problems (well like all newspapers lately...)

    I wouldnt say they laugh at the hoax as sbdy mentionned. I think they are pretty well documented...wouldnt be surprised if it was a beLIEver who wrote it...maybe putting some irony in it not to look like a complete fool at work and among the readers...Well maybe except for the end of the text which is clearly sarcastic (or however you say)

    Oh and BTW made me laugh: the translation of the title: "poser un lapin" in french means "not to go to an appointment", "to miss a rendez-vous" ..it s a way of saying....nothing to do with the rabbit <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> (tho lapin means rabbit....)
  • Every week, journalists of Libération chose some news and explain on video why they chose those for the newspaper. This time they talked bout the hoax among others!!!!! the journalist who wrote the article Mo posted explains why he was interested in the subject:

    <!-- m -->http://www.liberation.fr/medias/0601185 ... -en-prison<!-- m -->

    So here is more or less what he says:

    well basically he explained he chose to talk bout the hoax cause it was a huge amount of ppl who believed in it and that he was always fascinated to see how ppl believe celebrities cant die. He said ppl talked bout conspiracies with elvis, james Dean or Marilyn and he was fascinated bout that

    he starts saying he chose to talk bout the expected return of MJ on Easter and says "of course that didnt happen" (but he doesnt sound nasty even tho u can clearly tell he doesnt believe in the hoax for a second)

    he explains ppl believe that the hoax was planned by MJ with friends and family so that when he comes back he would be even bigger.

    Sometimes hoaxes can start because of a tiny detail, he mentionned the pictire of MJ at funeral. he says the internet helped increasing those gossips. There are hundreds of thousands of peeps round the world who spend their free time studying the hoax endlessly, searching for clues. he explains those ppl call themselves beLIEvers (that s the word he uses!) and say u can compare the hoax to a religion.

    beLIEvers werent really happy cause he didnt write that MJ was alive. he said beLIEvers wanted to convert him and one told him: "I cant wait to see your face when he comes back!" and the journalist ends saying: "Which is kind of cute"...
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Every week, journalists of Libération chose some news and explain on video why they chose those for the newspaper. This time they talked bout the hoax among others!!!!! the journalist who wrote the article Mo posted explains why he was interested in the subject:

    <!-- m -->http://www.liberation.fr/medias/0601185 ... -en-prison<!-- m -->

    So here is more or less what he says:

    well basically he explained he chose to talk bout the hoax cause it was a huge amount of ppl who believed in it and that he was always fascinated to see how ppl believe celebrities cant die. He said ppl talked bout conspiracies with elvis, james Dean or Marilyn and he was fascinated bout that

    he starts saying he chose to talk bout the expected return of MJ on Easter and says "of course that didnt happen" (but he doesnt sound nasty even tho u can clearly tell he doesnt believe in the hoax for a second)

    he explains ppl believe that the hoax was planned by MJ with friends and family so that when he comes back he would be even bigger.

    Sometimes hoaxes can start because of a tiny detail, he mentionned the pictire of MJ at funeral. he says the internet helped increasing those gossips. There are hundreds of thousands of peeps round the world who spend their free time studying the hoax endlessly, searching for clues. he explains those ppl call themselves beLIEvers (that s the word he uses!) and say u can compare the hoax to a religion.

    beLIEvers werent really happy cause he didnt write that MJ was alive. he said beLIEvers wanted to convert him and one told him: "I cant wait to see your face when he comes back!" and the journalist ends saying: "Which is kind of cute"...

    Beau travail, tu as carrément retranscrit en mot ce qu'il a dit, pour nos amis non-francophones <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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