hoax mentioned on french "celebrities" websites

edited January 1970 in News
Hi there!

Today a huge french website dedicated to celebrity news talked bout the hoax. The article is quite ironical but at least they talk bout it. They talk about julia142 s vids. But they say we believe in hoax cause we are desperate fans who cant face the fact he s dead:
<!-- m -->http://www.purepeople.com/article/micha ... t_a53644/1<!-- m -->

other french celebrities sites relayed the info today in a more positive way:

<!-- m -->http://www.ninapeople.com/michael-jacks ... 37203.html<!-- m --> (this one is short. They ask ppl their opinion bout the hoax an say julia142 s vid are well done)

<!-- m -->http://www.evous.fr/musique/Michael-Jac ... ,9697.html<!-- m -->

SORRY tho got no time to translate....will be on later and post a translation unless sbdy else has time to do it


  • Okay so here s a reverso translation of the article on Purepeople (i tried to make it sound a lil bit more english...sorry for the mistakes tho) :

    On June 25th, 2009, Michael Jackson died, provoking an unprecedented media frenziness. The circumstances of his death due to cardiac arrest remain partially clarified, in particular as regards the person in charge of its death. His personal doctor, Conrad Murray is charged with manslaughter and prepares his defense to face the trial, by blaming on... Michael Jackson!

    At the same time, the fans, the desperate persons, refuse to believe in the disappearance of their idol. Rumours were so born that the King of Pop is not dead... However, an admirer of the star propagates little credible gossip but made a kind of documentary on the alarming music of "Requiem For a Dream" to present her theory: Michael is alive!

    According to her, he would have orchestrated his own death, as an ultimate challenge pushing away the limits of what has already been made. Fan for twenty seven years, she knows the slightest details of Michael Jackson.

    Her speech is the following one: when he spoke about his future projects a few years ago, he wanted to make a movie which would change the world, was he talking about making a movie about his fake death? The exit of the ambulance the day of his death rises questions about the professionalism of the driver, the quality of the 911 call(hearing better the voice of the one calling than the voice of the receiver). Furthermore, this fan questions the cardiac massage done to MJ: how his doctor, a cardialogist, could be so incompetent?

    Besides, one of the strongest theories of this admirer are Michael's disguises. Fond of disguises, Michael was dressed as an old man to attend his own burial. Furthermore, he would have disguised as his friend, burnt Dave Dave, to make an interview on Larry King.
    A lot of details which each person can be interpret in her way. The theory of plot is also very easy to mediatize...
    Look at the first four parts of this long argumentation motivated by the despair and the immense sorrow of an admirer

    At the beginning of the article, they put the four first parts of the vids of julia "Dead or alive"

    i ll translate the 2 others next
  • on the web site Nina People (smaller than Purepeople), they say this:

    Is Michael jackson still alive? The debate rages

    The 3 videos you can watch below have already made the tour of the Web. Maybe you, even if u are a fan of Michael Jackson, never got to see them.
    It's now or never!
    This tape recorder, in 3 parts, is going to raise many questions in particular this one: is Michael Jackson still alive? A little as the other King ( Elvis Presley) many people think that the star did not die and "simply orchestrated" his death.
    The true reality, conspiracy, bad joke? Each one will forge his own opinion! Discover or rediscover this good work and share your opinion: according to you, is Bambi still alive?

    They put 3 vids made by julia142 s (they didnt undertsand they were 30 of them...lol)

    and the last article on evous.fr (i honestly didnt know that site b4...sth about music, never heard bout it tho)

    Michael Jackson dead or alive: the investigation goes on

    Tasteless joke for some, machiavellian plan for others... The hypothesis according to which Michael Jackson would always be alive continues to fascinate the Internet users. Some even started their own investigation to get the indecise to follow them. " The hypothesis of a real plot makes more and more followers" according to TV channel Direct 8 in a report they presented. Michael Jackson didnt die but simply crossed on the other side of the curtain, becoming the unique director of his own death. "He would have attended his burial by wearing an ingenious disguise and would wait for the convenient moment to reveal the trickery...
    Discover below some videos which are interesting, in particular regarding the mysterious Hat man. (the same videos of julia142)

    The rest of the article is about a show organised in France with an Mj impersonator
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Waouh ! It's great !
    Before this, nobody talked about hoax. In France we talked a lot about Michael and his music, but talking about hoax it's new, and in mass media it's good <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • NickJ47NickJ47 Posts: 87
    Thanks for the translation.
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