What do you think of this??

MJs TinkerbellMJs Tinkerbell Posts: 163
edited January 1970 in News
at 5:36 They are saying the spider bite was injection marks....

<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvu301ATe_0<!-- m -->


  • JavaJava Posts: 162
    at 5:36 They are saying the spider bite was injection marks....

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvu301ATe_0<!-- m -->

    What he suggested and was probably taken as fact [and shame on him to offer an opionion for national television without knowledge of the patient, namely Michael] was that the big wound was a common result of numerous injections. I want to mention here that Marc Schaffel said that a needle broke off in Michael's leg when he was shooting-up and caused that, not a spider. I'm not sure when Marc said this, but I'm sure it was after the home documentary that Michael did with Mr. Bashir, because Marc helped Michael with that. Michael and Marc ended up having money issues. That's another story. The needle marks the doctor was talking about were the little marks you saw, but they could be anything and shame on the doctor again. People get skin irritations from a number of things. Even poor nutrition can cause irritations and people pick at them so they look like little holes. A spider expert said those spiders don't exist in Cali, but they do. So shame on him too. He made that comment because of Michael. Everyone has to open their fat mouths instead of just leaving it alone and leave Michael with some dignity and strictly focus on his art, accomplishments, originality and all the rest. Most of this is junk anyway. I have no illusions that Michael was a saint. Not one of us is. In the same story where Marc is quoted they talked about the song Morphine, which I don't even think was autobiographical. Michael was writing about at least one other person whom is dead now. Another story I read recently was the day Michael trashed his room at the Bev. Hills hotel [I think it was]. His mom and other guys were there. Michael got the news that Neverland was being raided again. He got upset and started throwing things around. His mom started to clean it up and one of the guys said to her that there were people there who could clean it up. But she didn't listen and cleaned up the whole thing. She didn't want the world to know or see what he'd done. But this blabber mouth has to repeat the story. Now how do you think that made Katherine feel. The blabber mouth didn't have an ounce of integrity. If I'd gotten news like that again, I might have done the same thing. Pressure - pressure - pressure, diet, rest - just everything. How much can one person take. I remember when Whitney Houston got on TV [watched online] and talked about his problem from years back [she said she was a really good friend of his, but I don't think so-honest-I'm not being sarcastic] and I think she said that was her wake up call and that she never wanted to get that bad.[ she said this like she never did] I know what time period she's talking about and I'm here to tell you she went way past whatever problem Michael may or may not have had. It was all very publically documented. Who does she think she's kidding. I remember it. It was clearly visible and again publically documented. I remember when Bobby Brown [Whitney's husband] got into trouble for drugs and the judge ordered him to do something -therapy probably, but I don't remember the particulars now. Whitney kept saying, "this is so wrong, so wrong". I knew then that she was an addict. Michael was not any thinner than he ever was. Sometimes he was a little heavier. He basically was a small to average size man. Remember his costumes sometimes make him look bigger. Cameras can do all kinds of things. Well, I'm gonna go. I'm on a rant. Michael was one of the greats in the long history of the screen and music world. Can you imagine what kind a feature film he could have produced. His imagination knew no bounds. He saw everything vividly. We're running out of greats. I'm really going now.
  • at 5:36 They are saying the spider bite was injection marks....

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvu301ATe_0<!-- m -->

    I didn't watch this but years ago my mother (who was not a junkie) did have a spider bite from what we think was a brown recluse and her leg looked worse than his. She went to the doctor many times because of it. So, I believe Michael when he says it was a spider bite.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    at 5:36 They are saying the spider bite was injection marks....

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvu301ATe_0<!-- m -->

    What he suggested and was probably taken as fact [and shame on him to offer an opionion for national television without knowledge of the patient, namely Michael] was that the big wound was a common result of numerous injections. I want to mention here that Marc Schaffel said that a needle broke off in Michael's leg when he was shooting-up and caused that, not a spider. I'm not sure when Marc said this, but I'm sure it was after the home documentary that Michael did with Mr. Bashir, because Marc helped Michael with that. Michael and Marc ended up having money issues. That's another story. The needle marks the doctor was talking about were the little marks you saw, but they could be anything and shame on the doctor again. People get skin irritations from a number of things. Even poor nutrition can cause irritations and people pick at them so they look like little holes. A spider expert said those spiders don't exist in Cali, but they do. So shame on him too. He made that comment because of Michael. Everyone has to open their fat mouths instead of just leaving it alone and leave Michael with some dignity and strictly focus on his art, accomplishments, originality and all the rest. Most of this is junk anyway. I have no illusions that Michael was a saint. Not one of us is. In the same story where Marc is quoted they talked about the song Morphine, which I don't even think was autobiographical. Michael was writing about at least one other person whom is dead now. Another story I read recently was the day Michael trashed his room at the Bev. Hills hotel [I think it was]. His mom and other guys were there. Michael got the news that Neverland was being raided again. He got upset and started throwing things around. His mom started to clean it up and one of the guys said to her that there were people there who could clean it up. But she didn't listen and cleaned up the whole thing. She didn't want the world to know or see what he'd done. But this blabber mouth has to repeat the story. Now how do you think that made Katherine feel. The blabber mouth didn't have an ounce of integrity. If I'd gotten news like that again, I might have done the same thing. Pressure - pressure - pressure, diet, rest - just everything. How much can one person take. I remember when Whitney Houston got on TV [watched online] and talked about his problem from years back [she said she was a really good friend of his, but I don't think so-honest-I'm not being sarcastic] and I think she said that was her wake up call and that she never wanted to get that bad.[ she said this like she never did] I know what time period she's talking about and I'm here to tell you she went way past whatever problem Michael may or may not have had. It was all very publically documented. Who does she think she's kidding. I remember it. It was clearly visible and again publically documented. I remember when Bobby Brown [Whitney's husband] got into trouble for drugs and the judge ordered him to do something -therapy probably, but I don't remember the particulars now. Whitney kept saying, "this is so wrong, so wrong". I knew then that she was an addict. Michael was not any thinner than he ever was. Sometimes he was a little heavier. He basically was a small to average size man. Remember his costumes sometimes make him look bigger. Cameras can do all kinds of things. Well, I'm gonna go. I'm on a rant. Michael was one of the greats in the long history of the screen and music world. Can you imagine what kind a feature film he could have produced. His imagination knew no bounds. He saw everything vividly. We're running out of greats. I'm really going now.

    Here's a link with quotes from an "expert" and a reference what Marc Schaffel has said - <!-- m -->http://bennyhollywood.com/blog/michael- ... -legs.html<!-- m -->

    Full of "it looks like" "it could be" "might be" "maybe", etc. Yawn. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'll put the text in a quote for those that don't want to click. If you do go to the link, there are plenty of pictures as well.

    Exclusive photos of Michael Jackson that show a serious wound on the pop star’s right leg, these pictures were released to show that Michael really suffered from vitiligo. Which a medical expert said appears to be surrounded by unusual needle punctures.

    “On the photographs of Michael Jackson, it looks like there was necrosis on his lower leg where there might have been fluid that went into his lower leg,” a possible result of an IV that had leaked into the leg, Dr. Debra Jaliman, a leading dermatologist and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Dermatology, told ABC News.

    “It looks like there are multiple puncture points from IV placement,” she said.

    The wound seen in the photos, which were taken in 2002, could have been a result of contact with highly caustic, acidic fluid that would burn the skin and cause it to turn black, Jaliman said.

    “If, in fact, he had an IV here, and the IV fluid, which may have been acidic fluid, went into his skin, it might may have, in fact, destroyed the skin,” she said. “That’s all dead skin that would then make an ulceration underneath that skin.”

    In the photos, Jaliman highlighted areas of blue discoloration in Jackson’s leg and puncture marks, which she said point to needle entry.

    “If you look at his lower leg you can see puncture points here, so it looks like there was a needle entry here, possibly a needle entry here on his leg,” she told ABC News.

    Jaliman called the practice of placing an IV in a leg “very unusual.”

    “In 22 years of training, I’ve never seen an IV placed in the legs. You would put, you know, IVs in hands, arms, but oftentimes in my training when I have dealt with people who didn’t have veins anymore in their hands or arms, you look for veins that you can use and sometimes you have to look in other areas of the body,” Jaliman said.

    Reports of prescription drug abuse had dogged Jackson for much of his career.

    Marc Schaffel, a long-time adviser to Jackson, said the star was dangerously addicted to the painkiller Demerol, as well as to a cocktail of other opioid drugs, such as Oxycontin.

    “It’s Michael who wanted the drugs — Michael who was doing it. Nobody could stop Michael except Michael himself,” Schaffel said. “If, in fact, the family was able to spend time with him over the last couple years, they would know he was on drugs.”
    Jackson’s Ailment: Expert Says Photos Show Vitiligo

    Jaliman said the photos show a loss of pigmentation consistent with vitiligo, a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation in patches of skin.

    “From looking at the photographs, it looks like Michael Jackson does have vitiligo,” Jaliman said, pointing to the uneven discoloration of his skin.

    In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Chris Connelly, Joe Jackson said his son had vitiligo, a disease that he said runs in the Jackson family and caused Michael’s skin to turn white.
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