Proove that TMZ is connected to MJ



  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    I agree we have to connect the dots...

    I will include a link to a post on my blog as I believe that if you read that post and then start connecting the dots we will find the answers that I believe MJ, TIAI, TMZ, and everyone wants us to find.

    Bottomline, I believe there is something morally and ethically wrong going on that many of us were not aware of. Through MJ's "death" we are becoming more aware however, I don't believe we have the full picture yet.

    This is not just about MJ... this has been going on for a long time... and it's not just about this one incident... this is on a global scale.

    We need to stop trying to prove that MJ is alive... draw your conclusions and make up your mind... do YOU believe he is dead or alive.

    Now no matter what you believe, we need to figure out answers to some of the questions I posed in my post. We need to figure out why people are dying off. We need to figure out what we are going to do about it.

    We have a voice.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The answers to your questions lilwendy are in the media and in the hands of those who are.

    I will put some excerpts from an article by Noam Chomsky which makes it a good analysis of the media.

    The role of the media in contemporary politics compels us to ask about the kind of world and society in which we want to live and what model of democracy we want for this society. Let me start confronting two other than democracy concepts. One is that leads us to say that in a democratic society, on the one hand, people have at their disposal resources to participate significantly in the management of their private affairs, and other media are free and fair. If searching for the word democracy in the dictionary is a quite similar to what I have just formulated definition.

    The spectator democracy

    There is a moral principle altogether convincing: people are just too stupid to understand things. If individuals try to participate in the management of issues that affect them or interest, all that would do it just to cause trouble, so it would be improper and immoral to allow to do so. We must tame the baffled flock, and not let him brame and pisotee and destroying things, which comes to enclose the same logic which says that it would be wrong to let a three-year-old child crossed the street only. We do not give to children three years this kind of freedom because we start from the basis that it does not know how to use the. Thus, is given no easily baffled flock individuals participate in the action; only cause problems.

    For this reason, we need something to tame the perplexed; flock something which is the new revolution in the art of democracy: the manufacture of consensus. The media, schools, and popular culture should be divided. The political class and the decision-makers have to provide some tolerable reality, sense but also have to instill the appropriate views. Here the premise not declared explicitly - and even responsible men have to realize this alone - has to with the question of how is arriving to obtain the authority to make decisions. Of course, how to get it is serving people who have real power, which is none other than the owners of the society, a relatively small group. If the specialized class members can come and say: I serve their interests, then become part of the Executive Group. And we must be silent and porting, meaning that they have to be to penetrate the beliefs and doctrines that will serve the interests of the owners of the society, so that, unless may exercise with master this self-training will not form part of the specialized class. So, we have an education system, private, responsible men approached the specialized class, which must be adoctrinados in depth about the values and interests of Royal power, and that it maintains with the State and that this represents corporate link character. If you can achieve this, may spend part of the specialized class. The rest of the herd baffled basically there to distract him and then turn their attention to anything else. That no one get into trouble. Make sure that are all based on action, spectators releasing their load from time to time in some other leader among those who have at their disposal to choose.

    Manufacture of opinion

    The baffled herd just never be duly domesticated: is a permanent battle. In the 1930s emerged again, but could suppress the movement. In the 1960s he appeared a new wave of dissent, which the specialized class named you crisis of democracy. It was considered that democracy was entering into a crisis because large segments of the population were organizing actively and were trying to participate in the political . The set of elite agreed that crush the democratic revival of the 1960s and to implement a social system in which resources channeled to the affluent classes privileged. And here we return to the two conceptions of democracy that we have mentioned above. According to the dictionary definition, it is a step forward in democracy; as the predominant approach is a problem, a crisis which must be defeated. Had to force the population to retrocediera and further apathy, obedience and the passivity of its natural state, which made great efforts, but it didn't work. Fortunately, the crisis of democracy is still alive, although it was not very effective for political change. But contrary to what many people believe, it can give results regarding the change of public opinion.
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    so, what else is new ?
    I find it quite significant that facts are now being repeated as re-directs from TIAI.
    It's the choice of what facts are repeated that need be noted. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    From the beginning I knew that TMZ is related to Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I LOVE YOU TMZ and Uncle Harve <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    it's easy to say "believe or not, make up your mind"
    I refuse to blindly believe.
    We need to be sure, it's normal to try to find proofs he is alive.
    Until he's back in flash and blood and we can see him we shall always have a doubt and it's normal.
    I think it's reasonable to say I believe 99% he is alive.

    As about the answers to the same question "why he did this, ask why not when" as much as we try to speculate we can't be sure why. Only Michael and his team can tell us the real reason.

    One thing I am almost 100% sure: he could not done this without the support of authorities.
    So this implies a serious threaten to his life and his fans life.

    But it's also obvious this could also be a revenge and an attempt to expose the lies in media and governments which are ruled by those phantom-organisations about which most of the people are not aware (V for vendetta message), and this can also be a lesson for people not to judge a man without a fair trial (murray). And this couls also be a wake-up call about the distruction of the planet and our wrong way of life or it simply could be about bringing back love into our lives, not that selfish kind of love, but in the biblical way - love each other (Jesus' command to his disciples). And all this can be a big show like performance art, after all he is an artist and has to do what he knows best : the show. The greatest show.

    Now these are some of my ideas and really I can't choose and I can't answer why Michael did this.

    And yes I believe he is alive, but I can't tell I am 100% sure.
    And if he does not come back soon (june-july) for me this will be the end of believing because I think that if he is alive for sure he has to come back because otherwise there's no sense into all this story.
    Oh and I believe his message and the lessons he's trying to teach us are not complete without the return.

    Only the return will expose the media (that it can not be trusted).
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Thank you GinaFelicia for your response. I respect people who take the time to respond, however, I really respect those who are from other countries, that speak languages other that English, who take the time to not only respond, but do so in another language!
    So anyways, to clarify...
    To make up your mind and close your mind is ignorance.
    By no means did I mean that.
    All I'm saying is based on the information you have gathered for yourself, and the investigation you have done for yourself, make a decision and be strong in that decision.
    If someone presents you with facts further down the road that challenge that decision, take a look at it.
    Be willing to admit your decision was wrong, change your mind in light of new information, and be convicted in that decision.
    Realize that your first decision is correct and continue to be convicted in that.
    This is how we should live our lives with any beliefs.
    I'm sorry if it came across as me saying to be a sheep make up your mind and stay on that path without thinking any further.
    You can't sit on the fence... that is death. The Bible talks about that in Revelation 3:16 - So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Choose hot or cold.
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Paula-c, I totally agree with you... I have been researching this... I see you have been too. Thank you for taking the time to write such and in depth response and it appears (since you are in Venezuela) that it's not even in your native language.

    I appreciate that!
    TMZ = The Michael Zone?
    hahahaha nice
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Yeah... i really like the vids !
    <br /><br /><br />I found what I thought was strong proof of the TMZ/TIAI/MJ connection days ago and posted it here<br /><!-- m --> ... =50&t=8382<!-- m --><br /><br />TMZ_TIAI.jpg<br /><br />1tmz.jpg<br /><br />Today somebody tweeted this video and they seem to back up my findings, because they encountered the same thing. Unless of course they had the same malfunction with cookies that some people are determined caused my find. Judge for yourself....all the evidence you, I, and others have found is overwhelming.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... vWEqYcQDEg<!-- m --><br /><br />Blessed to have been,<br />Touched By An Angel<br /><!-- m --><!-- m --><br /><br />AliveForever.jpg<br /><br />Paradigm Shift is a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation. It is driven by agents of change... US!
    <br /><br />All you have to do is change the favicon image in the URL bar to TMZ's and change the page header/title to Access Denied.<br /><br />That doesn't mean it's TMZ being involved....<br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Yes, obviously not my native language. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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