THE EARTH -In the name of Michael

edited January 1970 in News
Hi Everybody!

I've been reading around this forum these last days. I also just bought the DVD TII.

What struck me yesterday is this:

Michael is all about taking care of the Earth and eachother. The Earth is changing rapidly, lastly with earthquakes and Volcanos....

Lets send som L.O.V.E to our Earth, let her know we LOVE her!

My suggestion for this is as follows:

Play the EARTHSONG 7 times, and during the listening, send LOVE to GAIA, tell her that you love her, that you appriciate her, and that you are thankful for alle her gifts!

(If you dont have the Earthsong, please use Youtube or something!)

You can do it every day if you like, the more the better!

Please come together now, our Earth really needs it, it may be a way to help the way Michael intended us to!

PEACE AND LOVE FROM NORWAY! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->


  • mjssoulmatemjssoulmate Posts: 820
    Send love to whom?
  • Send love to whom?

    Why are you asking this? You dont know who Earth is? Or you dont know the name of our Planet, Gaia?
  • mjssoulmatemjssoulmate Posts: 820
    Honestly, I wasn't thinking mythology. Thought it might have been a typo - my mistake.

    And there is no reason to get snooty. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • lravinglraving Posts: 56

    I love the fact that you want to spread the message.
    How about in addition to your idea... while you play that song, you do something good for the earth. Anything, every little thing will help.

  • I might plant some flowers next week... question is where? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
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