TMZ Full Recap Part 9 - January 2010

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edited July 2011 in News
MJ Creditors Claims -- Tens of Millions of $$$<br />Originally posted Jan 3rd 2010 6:30 AM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />michael_jackson_getty_52495017_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's estate may be making serious money, but they are also dealing with claims upwards of $20 million, sources tell TMZ.<br /><br />We're told the best guess is that when the door finally shuts on people who claim Michael Jackson owed them money, the grand total will exceed $20 mil. That includes a $5 million claim from a memorabilia collector, a $1 million claim from someone who wants a cut of the "Thriller" music video, a $2.3 million claim from Dr. Tohme Tohme and a $1.5 million claim from a law firm (there are a number of other law firms that want a piece of the estate).<br /><br />That does not mean -- by any stretch -- the estate will pay all the claims. We're told some of them are patently bogus and lawyers for the estate will not pay, unless a judge orders them to ante up.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... -millions/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Unreleased Michael Jackson Song Hits the Web<br />Originally posted Jan 3rd 2010 1:36 PM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0104_mj_audio_launch_01-1.jpg<br /><br />PLAY AUDIO: <!-- m --> ... ng_1-2.mp3<!-- m --><br /><br />Much like 2Pac, Michael Jackson has no problem releasing new music, even though he's ... ya know, dead. <br /><br />An unreleased song called "Another Day" is making the rounds, an alleged duet with Lenny Kravitz. The verse Michael sings seems to be the same as from an older Kravitz song called "Storm."<br /><br />Kravitz gave an interview with Spinner shortly after Michael's death where he mentioned working with him on a song that hadn't been released. Kravitz called it "the most amazing experience I've had in the studio."<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... other-day/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Jackson Estate, Sony Pulling Leaked Track<br />Originally posted Jan 4th 2010 10:58 AM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />michael_jackson_getty_81678421_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />Every Michael Jackson fan was overjoyed at the new song that leaked this weekend -- everyone except his record label, Lenny Kravitz and all of Michael's lawyers. <br /><br />Sources tell TMZ the Jackson song, called "Another Day" and done with Lenny Kravitz, was never meant to see the light of day. We're told Sony, with the support of Jackson's estate lawyers, wants to have the song pulled off the Internet. <br /><br />For his part, Lenny Kravitz posted a video saying he didn't leak the song and he has no idea how it got out there. <br /><br />He says the song is not mixed and not a final version.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... other-day/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Dr. Murray Pays the Piper (aka His Baby Mama)<br />Originally posted Jan 4th 2010 1:21 PM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />1008_murray_ex_2-1.jpg<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray showed up to court today with $1,003 -- and left as a responsible father.<br /><br />Murray was in court in Nevada so the judge could make sure he has been making his child support payments. Murray had paid his baby mama for November and December -- and made the January payment of $1,003 right there in court. <br /><br />Both sides are due back in court in July. <br /><br />0104_conrad_murray_splash-1.jpg<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... -payments/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />New MJ Creditor -- Back of the Line, Buddy<br />Originally posted Jan 5th 2010 11:29 AM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0105_jackson_sh_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's estate is taking hits from all sides -- and big surprise, the newest creditor to enter the ring is a company that claims it's owed money for helping MJ refinance the MIJAC catalog.<br /><br />According to a creditor's claim filed in L.A. Superior Court, MJ's estate owes $328,299.03 in unpaid fees to a small investment banking firm in Baltimore called Signal Hill Capital -- for "financial services related to music publishing assets."<br /><br />As TMZ reported, the grand total for all creditors' claims against Jackson's estate is expected to exceed $20 million -- so a couple hundred grand here and there is pretty much small potatoes.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... l-capital/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />I Was Married to Michael Jackson<br />Originally posted Jan 5th 2010 9:36 PM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />michael_jackson_getty_52105837_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />A new creditor's claim in the Michael Jackson estate case ...this one filed by a woman who says she had a very special bond with MJ.<br /><br />Shellie Doreen Smith filed cryptic legal papers laying claim to Michael's moolah. So we got on the horn and spoke with Smith herself, who says she was married to MJ in the 1970s, though she doesn't remember exactly when. Details, details.<br /><br />Smith says the ceremony was lovely ... at a hotel in NYC. The only witnesses were hotel employees.<br /><br />We're told she's asking for spousal support. Breath holding is not recommended. <br /><br /><!-- m --> ... l-support/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Rowe Battles It Out in Small Claims Court<br />Originally posted Jan 6th 2010 11:26 AM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Debbie Rowe just went head-to-head with a photographer who claims she defamed him by allegedly lying about an altercation between them in July -- and the case is now in the hands of a judge.<br /><br />0106_rowe_tmz_video_v2-1.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: <!-- m --> ... 200d92c7d0<!-- m --><br /><br />Moments ago in Lancaster, Ca. court, freelance photographer Ed Frommer accused Rowe of slander, libel and defamation -- and wants $7,500 in damages.<br /><br />Rowe testified Frommer hounded her, repeatedly trespassing on her property, and denies defaming the dude.<br /><br />The judge took the case under submission.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... uit-video/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Taxpayer Revolt Over Michael Jackson Memorial<br />Originally posted Jan 6th 2010 11:40 AM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />1110_michael_jackson_ex_getty_02-1.jpg<br /><br />An alleged do-gooder has filed a creditor's claim against the Michael Jackson estate, on behalf of the City of Angels.<br /><br />Jose Freddie Vallejos claims it was illegal for Los Angeles city fathers to underwrite the Michael Jackson memorial last July to the tune of $3.3 million.<br /><br />Vallejos claims the memorial benefited the estate so the estate should pay the full bill.<br /><br />He filed the claim as a taxpayer for the City of L.A. <br /><br /><!-- m --> ... s-angeles/<!-- m --><br /><br /><br />1116_remembering_mj_2_300-1.jpg<br /><br />See all 90 pictures: <!-- m --> ... ost_recent<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson Death Investigation Complete<br />Originally posted Jan 8th 2010 5:30 AM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0107_conrad_jackson_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />The LAPD investigation into Michael Jackson's death has been completed and the case will go to the D.A. within weeks, law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... and, we're told, it's all but certain Dr. Conrad Murray will be criminally charged in MJ's death.<br /><br />Our sources say detectives completed their investigation late last month and the case will be formally presented to the Los Angeles County District Attorney as soon as scheduling allows. Turns out ... the presentation will draw quite the crowd. A number of members of the LAPD and the D.A.'s office will be present, and finding a date when everyone can show is a little tricky ... but we're told it will happen in a matter of weeks.<br /><br />One very informed source says the LAPD investigation was "exhaustive" and "extremely thorough" and the D.A. has enough evidence to pull the trigger on a criminal case against Dr. Murray. That said, we're told the case is complicated, in part because Dr. Murray did not break any laws in administering Propofol to Jackson. <br /><br />One law enforcement source connected with the case notes the D.A. has been actively working with the LAPD and it's all but certain the case will be filed. As for the charge -- a decision has not been made, but our sources say the likelihood is involuntary manslaughter, which requires a showing of gross negligence.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... slaughter/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray -- The Britney Connection<br />Originally posted Jan 8th 2010 2:10 PM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray just hired a brand new Hollywood lawyer to defend him against expected criminal charges in the death of Michael Jackson -- and his new legal eagle once got Britney Spears off the hook. <br /><br />0108_conrad_britney_bn_tmz_01-1.jpg<br /><br />As TMZ first reported, the LAPD is preparing to present the case against Murray to the L.A. District Attorney in a matter of weeks, so it's no coincidence that Murray lawyered up with J. Michael Flanagan -- a guy who repped Britney in a 2007 hit-and-run case. <br /><br />Flanagan managed to get the charge dismissed in the Britney case -- we're guessing he's going to have a tougher time with Doc Murray.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... onnection/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Murray's New Lawyer -- I Know Propofol<br />Originally posted Jan 8th 2010 2:40 PM PST by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray's new lawyer claims he's the best of the best when it comes to cases involving Propofol and death -- and dude has the track record to prove it.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... z_01-1.jpg<!-- m --><br /><br />TMZ spoke to J. Michael Flanagan who told us, "I'm probably the only attorney in town that has successfully tried a Propofol case involving death."<br /><br />Back in 2004, Flanagan defended a nurse who was accused of wrongly administering the stuff to a patient who later died. The nurse was charged with involuntary manslaughter -- the same crime we're told the D.A. is likely to charge Murray with. But with Flanagan by her side, the nurse was acquitted.<br /><br />As for Murray's role in the Michael Jackson case, Flanagan told us, "I am totally unaware of any facts that would give rise to an involuntary manslaughter charge." <br /><br />As TMZ first reported, the LAPD is expected to hand over their case to the L.A. District Attorney in a matter of weeks. We're told the D.A will almost certainly criminally charge Murray in MJ's death.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... -propofol/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray -- Too Early to Deal<br />1/11/2010 5:30 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray -- who is in the crosshairs of the Michael Jackson homicide investigation -- is in no position to even discuss plea bargaining a criminal case ... this according to his lawyer.<br /><br />0110_conrad_flanagan_ex3-1.jpg<br /><br />Attorney Michael Flanagan tells TMZ he has already been in touch with Pat Dixon, the Head Deputy District Attorney in the L.A. County D.A.'s office, and Dixon is not sharing any info about the case against Dr. Murray. According to Flanagan, Dixon said he can't share information in a case that could go to the L.A. County Grand Jury.<br /><br />A spokesperson for the D.A.'s office tells TMZ Flanagan did speak with Dixon on Friday, but all Dixon said was he could not discuss the case. The spokesperson says Dixon never mentioned a possible grand jury. As we first reported, there is a "strong likelihood" the D.A. will go after Dr. Murray for involuntary manslaughter, but it's not a done deal. <br /><br />Law enforcement sources say they don't know if the big wigs in the D.A.'s office will sign off on involuntary manslaughter. The LAPD will be formally presenting the case to the D.A. soon, and the presentation, we're told, will be critical in the decision-making process.<br /><br />Flanagan tells TMZ as far as he knows Dr. Murray has not violated any law in connection with Michael Jackson's medical care the day he died. Flanagan believes it will be "very difficult" for the D.A. to base a case on gross negligence -- a requirement in proving involuntary manslaughter. As Flanagan puts it, even if there's proof of "an error in judgment," it's a giant leap for a jury to conclude the lapse of judgment constitutes manslaughter.<br /><br />But, law enforcement sources say the LAPD has experts who have gone on record saying Dr. Murray's conduct constitutes gross negligence that supports a manslaughter prosecution.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... y-to-deal/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />MJ Attorney -- Now Ya See $20 Mil, Now Ya Don't<br />1/11/2010 2:50 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0111_mj_extrajet_bn_tmz_01-1.jpg<br /><br />In a stunning reversal of fortune, a California appeals court has overturned a massive judgment against the jet company that secretly videotaped Michael Jackson and his lawyer, Mark Geragos, as they were flying to Santa Barbara in 2003 when Jackson turned himself in to cops.<br /><br />Geragos had sued the now-defunct XtraJet and the owner of the company, and the famed lawyer won a whopping $20 million judgment.<br /><br />But the appeals court ruled the judgment was excessive and is now giving Geragos two choices -- either take $750,000 or retry the case. <br /><br />We're told Geragos is leaning "heavily" toward retrying the case.<br /><br />The former owner of XtraJet, Jeff Borer, tells TMZ, "Hopefully the courts will come to their senses and see there is no real harm done. Shame on Mark Geragos for trying to take advantage of a nothing situation."<br /><br />P.S. Borer pled guilty to conspiracy in connection with the taping. Not so "nothing."<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... nt-appeal/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Accusations Fly in Sudden Deaths of MJ Giraffes<br />1/13/2010 4:30 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />The owners of two celebrity giraffes -- which once belonged to Michael Jackson and roamed freely in Neverland -- are crying "foul play" after the animals mysteriously died.<br /><br />0910-media-removed-spencer-pratt.jpg<br /><br />PETA sounded alarms this morning when news broke of the giraffes deaths, pointing fingers at the Banjoko Wildlife Preserve in Page, Arizona -- where the giraffes had been living since 2006 -- claiming the preserve was responsible for the deaths due to "improper feeding and/or exposure to cold temperatures."<br /><br />TMZ spoke with the Banjoko Preserve founder, Freddie Hancock, and she tells us -- "We suspect foul play with the giraffes. There is no other explanation for their deaths. There is currently a police investigation going on. Someone has hurt these giraffes, they were healthy."<br /><br />A necropsy is currently underway to establish an official cause of death -- but Hancock insists the animals were well taken care of: "There is no sign of infection, abuse, or neglect."<br /><br />The giraffes -- named JJ and Rambo -- had been at the center of a vicious legal battle between Banjoko and the local city council over a $100,000 bond to cover the animals in case of emergency.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... -giraffes/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson's Insane Interior Design<br />1/13/2010 10:30 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />Michael Jackson spent more than $700,000 on all sorts of flamboyantly bizarre furniture before he died -- but now, it could be yours ... if the price is right. <br /><br />0910-media-removed-lindsay-lohan2-1.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned MJ ordered the incredibly unique items for a London mansion he was supposed to live in during the run of his "This Is It" tour ... but he died before the Italian furniture maker -- Colombostile -- could deliver the goods. <br /><br />Colombostile tells us they gave the $700,000 back to Katherine Jackson and they plan to auction the items off in the near future. <br /><br />Among the items -- lavish sofas, a crystal-encrusted chair, a desk with a secret compartment and much more -- check out the gallery for more details. We're told Jacko bought one of the chairs specifically for his friend Elizabeth Taylor to sit in when she came to visit. <br /><br />There's also a seashell-studded chair that was intended for MJ's "Little Mermaid" room -- we're guessing it was for his daughter Paris, but then again, ya never know...<br /><br />UPDATE: Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Adam Streisand, tells TMZ, "It's an outrageous lie that Mrs. Jackson has received even a cent. She's never even heard of these people."<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... or-design/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Crazy Creditor's Claim Against Jackson Estate<br />1/14/2010 2:27 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0630_mj_ex_tmz_06-1.jpg<br /><br />A woman who claims to have spent 2,000 hours analyzing the extended family of Michael Jackson -- including children, birth mother(s), sperm donor claims ... and on and on ... wants more than $2 million from Michael Jackson's estate.<br /><br />Claire McMillan says she's a "homeschool expert" who did "a thorough analysis" of Jackson's complete extended family, to determine ... well, it's not clear why she was doing it.<br /><br />Whatever ... she concluded that Katherine Jackson is doing "a poor job outside of the home, related to - grooming, age, and psyc appropriate activities, same-sex, academic & soc interactions w/ non-extended family children .... " oh, what's the use? It makes no sense.<br /><br />McMillan says she also inquired as to whether Dr. Arnold Klein would be interested in obtaining guardianship of the children with McMillan and her husband.<br /><br />Anyway, McMillan says her time is worth $1,000 an hour, and she wants $2,002,000 for her efforts.<br /><br />Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the Michael Jackson estate, tells TMZ "To the best of our knowledge, Ms. McMillan never did anything for the estate and the estate owes her nothing." <br /><br />Translation -- she's crazy.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... l-probate/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson's Kids - Best Allowance Ever!<br />1/15/2010 5:36 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0626_michael_jackson_ex_12-1.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's kids just got their allowance upped -- from $60,000!<br /><br />TMZ obtained court documents showing that Wednesday, the judge in the Michael Jackson estate case increased the monthly allowance, which totals $60,000 for Prince, Paris, and Blanket.<br /><br />Sources tell TMZ the reason for the change -- the accounts guardian and lawyers underestimated the monthly expenses.<br /><br />We don't know how much they're getting now, but it's a good bet Prince won't be slinging newspapers on your front porch anytime soon.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... allowance/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />A&E to Jackson Bros -- The Offer's on the Table<br />1/17/2010 8:20 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon, and Tito may be as tired of their A&E show as everybody else in America -- we're told the network has already offered them a second season ... but so far, the bros. haven't bitten.<br /><br />0115_jackson_five_tmz_ex_01-1.jpg<br /><br />TMZ spoke with a rep for A&E, who confirmed the offer and told us the network would gladly have MJ's male siblings back for another round of "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" -- which airs its last episode this Sunday.<br /><br />But there's one problem: we're told the brothers haven't responded to the offer yet.<br /><br />It's unclear why the brothers wouldn't jump at the chance for a paycheck ... but then again, it's the Jacksons ... so nothing is ever as it seems. <br /><br /><!-- m --> ... lity-show/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />La Toya Jackson Wants Simon Cowell's Seat<br />1/18/2010 2:00 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0113_latoya_jackson_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />La Toya Jackson is next in line to fill Simon Cowell's shoes on "American Idol" -- that's if La Toya Jackson has anything to do with it.<br /><br />We're told MJ's sister and former "Idol" producer Nigel Lythgoe cozied up at a housewarming party for Kathy Hilton in Bel Air recently -- before Simon broke his big news -- and the topic came up of La Toya possibly guest-judging on the show.<br /><br />But now that Simon's out of the picture, La Toya wants more.<br /><br />We spoke to her and she tells TMZ: "I would LOVE to be a judge on 'American Idol.' I would love to have a chance for the public get to know the real me. I would be thrilled."<br /><br />In other news: there's a "real" La Toya Jackson.<br /><br />Crazier<br />La Toya 86%<br />Paula Abdul 14%<br />Total Votes: 64,445<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... dol-judge/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson's Brother Wants Estate To Pay<br />1/21/2010 6:00 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0630_mj_ex_tmz_04-1.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's brother, Randy Jackson, is in the middle of a creditor's claim filed against the estate and according to legal docs ... Randy is on the side of the creditor.<br /><br />Stabler & Associates, a company that claims it was hired to handle Michael Jackson's business matters -- in particular, a humongous Bank of America loan and the funding of his 2004 child molestation trial -- claims the estate owes the company $275,446.08.<br /><br />Here's the problem. The statute of limitations has run on the debt. But Perry Wander, lawyer for Stabler & Associates, tells TMZ the company relied on Michael and Randy's repeated promises that the debt would be paid, so the estate should not be able to raise the technical, statute of limitations defense.<br /><br />Howard Weitzman, lawyer for Michael Jackson's estate, is unmoved, telling TMZ, "The claim needs to be investigated and it appears to be barred by the statute of limitations."<br /><br />And this is interesting ... included in the $275,446.08 -- a late penalty of $81,946.08. <br /><br />And you thought credit card interest was high.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... ors-claim/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Jackson Estate to Joe -- Off the Money Train!<br />1/22/2010 9:15 AM PST by TMZ Staff <br /><br />0717_joe_jackson_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's estate does not want to pay Joe Jackson an allowance, because Michael Jackson did not want his dad to be a beneficiary under the will and Joe wants to use the money for lavish expenses -- not maintenance.<br /><br />According to legal docs just filed, estate lawyers say Joe was never legally dependent on Michael Jackson during his life.<br /><br />And, according to estate lawyers, the so-called "maintenance expenses" Joe wants include vacations, air travel, hotels, assistants and legal fees.<br /><br />And Joe Jackson says the allowance will include money so he can "support his children or grandchildren."<br /><br />Joe deserves an allowance<br />No way 95%<br />Yes 5%<br />Total Votes: 79,486<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... nce-court/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson Estate -- We Need Help!<br />1/22/2010 12:11 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0630_mj_ex_tmz_05-1.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's estate needs young, talented, self-motivating people who didn't pay attention to the news in 2004-2005.<br /><br />Lawyers for Jackson's estate have just filed legal docs asking the probate judge for permission to hire people to run Michael Jackson's business.<br /><br />Specifically, the estate needs co-executive and creative directors. <br /><br />According to the docs, "With the proper executive and creative management and leadership, the opportunity exists for the MJJ Business to become one of the most profitable companies in the music industry."<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... ate-court/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson Executors Want 10%<br />1/22/2010 1:19 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0630_mj_bn_tmz_01.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's executors want 10% of the profits from most things Michael Jackson.<br /><br />In legal docs filed today, lawyers for John Branca and John McClain asked the court to green light compensation to the tune of 10% of all profits, excluding profits from "This Is It" and profits from the Sony/ATV and Mijac catalog.<br /><br />Howard Weitzman, Branca and McClain's lawyer, notes that the estates of other big musicians pay out 15 to 25 percent of profits to people who run their businesses after death.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... e-profits/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Jackson -- Creditor's Claim for Film Venture<br />1/22/2010 9:17 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br /><!-- m --> ... n_ex-1.jpg<!-- m --><br /><br />An entertainment company wants a piece of Michael Jackson's estate -- $285,000.<br /><br />The Machine Management claims Jackson hired the company to develop commercial relationships in the animation world. And MJ wanted help in creating a Michael Jackson film label that would package original film projects.<br /><br />The claim also says Jackson wanted help in creating a "Michael Jackson Global Warning Awareness Initiative" and to create a Michael Jackson film festival located in the Sultanate of Oman.<br /><br />Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, tells TMZ he's aware of the claim and mulling it over.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... m-lawsuit/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson Filipino Inmates Strike Again<br />1/25/2010 11:34 AM PST by TMZ Staff <br /><br />With all the time in the world on their hands, the inmates of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in the Philippines have learned another Michael Jackson routine ... with some help.<br /><br />[youtube:1y3lcw4e] /><br />Jackson's long-time choreographer Travis Payne, with dancers Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid, taught the inmates routines from "This Is It."<br /><br />It's just how Michael would have wanted it.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... tes-video/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Jackson Creditor's Claim -- Mad Libs Style<br />1/25/2010 11:35 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0626_michael_jackson_ex_12-1.jpg<br /><br />Creditor's claims against Michael Jackson's Estate are like a game of Mad Libs. Here is today's version:<br /><br />The Jackson estate was sued on January 22 by someone named Craig A. Johnson. He claims he was never paid for the engineering and research work he did. <br /><br />Johnson is suing for $374,403.24. <br /><br />Now here's the fun part -- Johnson submitted 345 separate charges for "chart compilations." He doesn't explain what those are, but each hit is anywhere between $865 and $1,950.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... im-estate/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Gardener to Jackson: I Did Bring You Flowers<br />1/25/2010 3:52 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />Michael Jackson's landscaper has a tulip or two to pick with the estate -- to the tune of $4,722.01. <br /><br />012510_michael_ex_doc-1.jpg<br /><br />Jose T. Mareque has filed a creditor's claim against Michael Jackson's estate, claiming he filled Michael's home with trees, orchids, roses, poinsettias, tulips and other plants -- only to be stiffed. It's the same home where Michael died.<br /><br />According to the invoices, Mareque did the work in December, 2008. He says the bill came to $14,722.01, and Michael's people sent a check for $10,000 and that's it.<br /><br />Slight problem -- the final invoice notes that the services were performed in December, 2009 -- Michael had been dead for 6 months. <br /><br />We called Mareque who said he didn't know he had put the wrong year. But as we know, ignorance of the lawn is no excuse.<br /><br />Mareque says he'll file an amended creditor's claim to correct the problem.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... rs-estate/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson -- Live in Concert? Not Exactly<br />1/26/2010 4:00 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />Michael Jackson is back ... at least according to a Ticketmaster email. <br /><br />0125_michael_email_2-1.jpg<br /><br />The email above sure makes it seem like Michael is performing in San Diego on Valentine's Day. But the show is actually a laser light show set to Michael's music. It's an hour and a half long and tickets are around $40. The show starts at 5:00 PM and there is a Pink Floyd one at 7:30 PM. <br /><br />Plenty of good seats still available. Shocker.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... san-diego/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Fan Buys Michael Jackson's Vegas Home<br />1/28/2010 7:00 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />Michael Jackson's Las Vegas home is now in good hands -- a fan of MJ's just plunked down $3.1 million to be the new king of the singer's old castle.<br /><br />0127_mj_vegas_launch-1.jpg<br /><br />Problem is ... selling the house wasn't as easy as you think. One of the real estate agents tells us after Michael's death, tons of fans flooded the mansion pretending to be potential buyers ... but were lying just to get a peek at the King of Pop's old digs.<br /><br />One deep-pocketed fan ended up being the real deal -- and ended up buying the nearly 16,000 sq ft. palace.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... egas-home/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />R. Kelly Ain't Cheap, Even for Michael Jackson<br />1/28/2010 3:30 PM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0630_mj_ex_tmz_04-1.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's estate has a new creditor's claim -- thanks to one R. Kelly.<br /><br />Michael sang Kelly's song "Ignition" in his car as part of the TV show, "Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies" -- but never paid for it.<br /><br />Universal Music Publishing Group, which owns the rights to the song, wants Jackson's estate to pay $3,000. Universal attached a contract to the creditor's claim, showing the fee in black and white.<br /><br />Will estate lawyer Howard Weitzman pay the claim or pee on it? <br /><br />Stay tuned...<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... z_04-1.jpg<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson -- Dr. Murray Set to be Charged<br />1/29/2010 8:50 AM PST by TMZ Staff <br /><br />The D.A. is ready to charge Dr. Conrad Murray in the death of Michael Jackson, multiple law enforcement sources tell TMZ.<br /><br />0127_conrad_jackson_ex-1.jpg<br /><br />Our sources tell TMZ that members of the D.A.'s office -- including Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley -- have already met about filing a criminal case against Dr. Murray. <br /><br />Members of the LAPD still have not met with the D.A. to present the case, however, our sources say the deputy D.A. assigned to the case -- David Walgren -- has worked closely with LAPD detectives on the case, is intimately familiar with the investigation, has all the LAPD investigative notes and has already briefed Cooley and others in the office.<br /><br />We're told Dr. Murray could be charged with involuntary manslaughter as early as next week.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... slaughter/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Joe Jackson Gunning to Sue Over MJ's Death<br />1/30/2010 2:00 AM PST by TMZ Staff <br /><br />0630_mj_ex_tmz_01-1.jpg<br /><br />Joe Jackson is trying to force UCLA to hand over all of their medical records on Michael Jackson -- because daddy is looking to sue whoever is responsible for killing his son ... according to documents obtained by TMZ.<br /><br />TMZ has obtained documents that Joe filed Friday in L.A. County Superior Court -- in which he claims, "The UCLA records will permit [Joe] to determine with medical experts and then present to this court, how much support [Joe] needs to pay for the prosecution of his wrongful death action against those responsible for his son's death."<br /><br />Michael was transported to UCLA on June 25, 2009 -- where he was pronounced dead on arrival. <br /><br />Joe says in the documents that Michael was already dead when he arrived at UCLA so there is no physician-patient privilege for a dead man.<br /><br />Joe Jackson filed the papers in the Michael Jackson estate case -- responding to the Estate's opposition to Joe's motion for Michael's medical records. Joe claims the estate has refused to file a wrongful death lawsuit on his behalf and it is costing him money.<br /><br />According to his legal docs, Joe thinks the medical records will show what really happened to Michael, and that will help Joe determine how much he'd be able to collect from those responsible for Michael's death.<br /><br />UPDATE: Howard Weitzman, lawyer for Michael Jackson's estate, tells TMZ, "The estate continues to believe Joe Jackson's claims are not well taken and he should not have access to Michael's medical records."<br /><br />Joe Jackson ...<br />Get lost, Joe! 86%<br />Give him MJ's records 14%<br />Total Votes: 43,421<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... e-lawsuit/<!-- m --><br /><br />
<br /><br />Michael Jackson Kids Prep Acceptance Speech<br />1/30/2010 5:20 AM PST by TMZ Staff  <br /><br />0129_mj_kids_88917189_ex2-1.jpg<br /><br />Prince and Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's two oldest children, have been sweating over addressing the audience at tonight's Special Merit Awards ceremony .. where their dad will be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award.<br /><br />Joe Jackson tells TMZ Prince and Paris have each prepared a speech. Joe says they are both great speakers and Paris has been working on her speech for a week. <br /><br />As for the buzz that the kids will perform at the Grammys on Sunday: Joe says it ain't happening.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... mmy-award/<!-- m -->

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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