TMZ Full Recap Part 12 - April 2010

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited July 2011 in News
Joe Jackson -- Let Him Eat Steak<br />Originally posted Apr 1st 2010 5:25 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Michael Jackson's dad Joe Jackson is hungry for justice ... and a good filet.<br /><br />0401_joe_jackson_ex_tmz.jpg<br /><br />Joe ate a steak dinner yesterday at Wolfgang's Steakhouse in Bev Hills.<br /><br />One of our restaurant spies asked the waiter if Joe was a good tipper ... he just rolled his eyes and said, "No comment, but that's life."<br /><br />It's hard to hit the town big on an allowance.<br /><br /> ... ip-tipper/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson Monster Truck On eBay<br />Originally posted Apr 1st 2010 10:27 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Michael Jackson's good friend and doctor is selling a truck MJ used to ride in to visit aliens and monsters.<br /><br />0401_dr_klein_photo.jpg<br /><br />See all 10 pictures: ... ost_recent<br /><br />Dr. Arnold Klein put his 2004 Chevrolet SSR up for sale on eBay, because he says he can't bare to ride in it since the singer's death.<br /><br />Dr. Klein tells TMZ Jackson loved driving over to the "Willard" house in Hancock Park (pictured above). It's the house where the movie "Willard" was filmed -- it's kind of the monster version of MJ's song, "Ben."<br /><br />Klein says Michael believed the house was populated by aliens and monsters.<br /><br />So the Chevy is now on the eBay auction block ... the highest bid so far is $9,100. Klein says it's worth $31,000.<br /><br />BTW, Time Magazine ranked the SSR as one of the 50 worst trucks of all time. Do we hear $300? <br /><br /><br />0401_klein_ex_vid.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: ... 4bbf2f1c4b<br /><br /><br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray: 'I'm Hanging On by a Thread'<br />Originally posted Apr 1st 2010 11:32 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0401_conrad_murray_bn_tmz_01.jpg<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer filed legal papers today pleading with the judge in his criminal case not to yank his medical license, because he needs it to pay for his defense.<br /><br />Murray's lawyers are responding to the State Attorney General's motion, asking the judge to suspend his medical license as a condition to bail.<br /><br />Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, says his client was in financial hot water before Michael Jackson's death and is now, "without fear of overstatement, hanging on by a thread."<br /><br />Murray believes if the judge suspends his license, Texas and Nevada will follow suit and the doctor won't be able to make the money required to mount a defense. We're now told Chernoff will be earning some sort of fee, and Murray is also responsible for expert witness fees and other trial-related expenses.<br /><br />0401_murray_thanks_youtube_video.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: ... ba7fad8427<br /><br /> ... slaughter/<br /><br /><br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray -- On the Run<br />Originally posted Apr 2nd 2010 11:56 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />After flying into LAX from Vegas last night, Dr. Conrad Murray tried to maintain his health by running on a Southern California beach this morning.<br /><br />0402_conrad_running.jpg<br /><br />See all 23 pictures: ... ost_recent<br /><br />Looks like Doc can still get his heart racing ... for his court date on Monday.<br /><br /> ... urt-photo/<br /><br /><br /><br />Joe Jackson 'Horrified' at Dr. Murray Defense<br />Originally posted Apr 4th 2010 11:55 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0405_joe_jackson_tmz_ex.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's father says he is "horrified" by the prospect Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team will argue that Michael Jackson accidentally killed himself by pumping a lethal dose of Propofol into his body.<br /><br />TMZ broke the story that the defense believes Jackson woke up shortly before noon on the day he died, when Dr. Conrad Murray stepped out of the room, and injected enough Propofol in himself to almost immediately stop his heart.<br /><br />Joe Jackson tells TMZ, "I don't believe it. It's not true. Why would he [Dr. Murray] hide all the bottles if such a story were true?"<br /><br />Joe Jackson added, "The Coroner's report shows the story is not true," adding, "This really upsets me to hear this."<br /><br />Joe Jackson plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Murray. While Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, says, "His [Dr. Murray's] story is medically inconsistent with the autopsy findings, he says before knowing for sure, "I would need to see the photographs of the scene in order to assess his story."<br /><br /> ... e-autopsy/<br /><br /><br /><br />Dr. Murray Face to Face with MJ's Family in Court<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 1:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0404_conrad_murray_court_g_exd.jpg<br /><br />There figures to be pandemonium down at the courthouse Monday morning --we're told Dr. Conrad Murray will be in the building and come face to face with some of Michael Jackson's relatives.<br /><br />Our sources say the majority of Jackson's immediate family plan on being there. We're told family members, including Joe, are very upset with the information in TMZ's story Sunday -- that Dr. Murray's defense team will argue MJ killed himself by self-medicating with too much Propofol.<br /><br />As for Jackson fans, a Facebook group has organized a protest outside and so far nearly 500 people are scheduled to show. <br /><br />The hearing is set to begin at 1:30 PM PT/4:30 PM ET. We'll bring it all to you live. Stay tuned ...<br /><br /> ... -jermaine/<br /><br /><br /><br />Happy 12th Birthday, Paris Jackson<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 2:31 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris Jackson (right), celebrated her 12th birthday at the Moonlight Rollerway Skating Rink in Glendale this weekend with her brother Prince (left) and her cousin Jaafar (middle).<br /><br />0405_jackson_kids_npg.jpg<br /><br />It's stunning how fast they grow up. <br /><br /><br />0405_mj_family_300.jpg<br /><br />See all 20 pictures: ... ost_recent<br /><br /> ... far-photo/<br /><br /><br /><br />Conrad Murray -- Big Man, Big Problems<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 3:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray walked around Venice Beach yesterday with his lawyer, Ed Chernoff, possibly plotting their upcoming legal strategy. <br /><br />0405_conrad_murray_photo_launch.jpg<br /><br />See all 5 pictures: ... ost_recent<br /><br /> ... ch-photos/<br /><br /><br /><br />Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 4:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0326_michael_jackson_ex.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray's legal defense is that Michael Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of Propofol.<br /><br />Multiple sources familiar with the strategy tell TMZ the defense argument goes like this:<br /><br />- At around 10:50 AM, Dr. Murray gave Jackson 25 mg of Propofol from a 20 ml bottle -- that's only about 1/8 of the bottle.<br /><br />- The dose Dr. Murray administered would keep someone asleep for only 5 to 10 minutes, but the Propofol, along with the Ativan and Versed that was already in MJ's system, had a synergistic effect that put Jackson to sleep for a longer period of time. <br /><br />- For the next hour, Dr. Murray stayed in the room and was on the phone for much of the time. Dr. Murray didn't leave the room to make the calls because MJ liked activity in the room, regularly sleeping with the lights on and cartoons blaring on the TV.<br /><br />- At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the defense believes Jackson suddenly awakened and was frustrated he had spent nearly 9 hours trying in vain to sleep. The defense theory -- Jackson took the 20 ml bottle of Propofol and self-injected the remaining contents through the IV, causing a massive overdose that stopped his heart.<br /><br />- Dr. Murray walked back in the room and saw Jackson with his eyes open and pupils dilated. Dr. Murray dropped the phone (he was speaking with his girlfriend) and began administering CPR.<br /><br />The defense will argue Michael Jackson was a long-time Propofol addict -- something TMZ first reported shortly after the singer's death. As one source said, Jackson liked the sensation of Propofol being administered by IV, adding, "Michael liked to push it."<br /><br />L.A. County Coroner's investigators took a picture in the room, showing an empty Propofol bottle on the floor, underneath the nightstand by Jackson's bed. The defense will argue Jackson grabbed the bottle from the nightstand, injected himself and then dropped the bottle. <br /><br />Remember, law enforcement believes Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol before paramedics arrived. The defense will argue ... if Dr. Murray was really hiding Propofol, he would have removed the empty bottle under the nightstand that caused Jackson's death.<br /><br />Ed Chernoff, Murray's attorney, could not be reached for comment.<br /><br />Jackson killed himself<br />58%B.S.<br />42%Plausible<br />Total Votes: 161,203<br /><br />Note on Poll Results<br /><br /><br />0404_murray_photos_launch.jpg<br /><br />See all 23 pictures: ... ost_recent<br /><br /> ... l-defense/<br /><br /><br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray -- Emotional Wreck<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 4:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />1008_murray_ex_2.jpg<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray is "an emotional wreck" over the prospect that the judge in his criminal case could suspend his medical license ... sources tell TMZ.<br /><br />We're told Dr. Murray knows the Texas and Nevada medical boards will follow suit and yank his license in those states if the California judge takes action -- and he is "distraught, worried sick" over the prospect of not being allowed to practice medicine.<br /><br />"It's the hardest thing he's dealt with since Michael's death," one source tells TMZ.<br /><br />But Dr. Murray is not nervous about seeing Michael Jackson's family in court today. We're told he "feels deeply for their loss but isn't responsible for his [Michael's] death."<br /><br /> ... nal-wreck/<br /><br /><br /><br />Jackson's Demanding Personality On Trial<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 6:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0405_michael_jackson_coca_cola_ex.jpg<br /><br />It sounds crazy, but Michael Jackson's Coca-Cola addiction may become a building block in Dr. Conrad Murray's legal strategy.<br /><br />TMZ broke the story that Dr. Murray's defense will be that Michael Jackson caused his own death by pumping a lethal dose of Propofol into his own body during the time the doctor was out of the room.<br /><br />Sources familiar with the defense strategy tell us one of the missions is to show that Michael Jackson was a demanding celebrity who wanted what he wanted when he wanted it, even if it posed a danger to himself.<br /><br />One of the ways the defense will prove its point is with the famous soft drink. Jackson consumed massive quantities of Coca-Cola, knowing full well it was laden with caffeine and would make it next to impossible to fall asleep.<br /><br />Our sources say the defense has numerous examples of situations where Jackson hyped himself up with caffeine from soda and then used drugs -- including Propofol -- as the ultimate sleeping solution. <br /><br />The upshot -- Jackson was a guy who wanted instant gratification ... so the notion that he would wake up when Dr. Murray was out of the room, become frustrated and self-medicate with Propofol is consistent with his personality.<br /><br /> ... addiction/<br /><br /><br /><br />Conrad Murray Judge -- So Tough, So Smart<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 9:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0405_michael_edward_pastor_ex.jpg<br /><br />Sources tell TMZ the judge who will get the Conrad Murray manslaughter case is one of the toughest, smartest judges on the bench in L.A. County.<br /><br />Court sources tell TMZ that L.A. County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will be assigned Murray's case today, following a brief hearing with the Supervising Judge of the L.A. County Superior Court.<br /><br />Judge Pastor has handled some high-profile cases, including the case involving topless pics of Cameron Diaz, Jason Priestley's DUI case, and a slew of other high-profile, non-celeb cases.<br /><br />Note to lawyers in the case -- Pastor is extremely tough, and nothing gets past him. He reads every legal doc in his cases and makes it a point to become an expert on whatever the case involves. <br /><br />Judge Pastor also knows something about addiction -- he's renowned at the courthouse as having a frequent flier mileage addiction, often flying pointlessly over a weekend just to rack up mileage points.<br /><br />He's getting the Judicial Excellence Award from the L.A. County Criminal Courts Bar Association this weekend.<br /><br /> ... slaughter/<br /><br /><br /><br />Dr. Murray: I Won't Put Them Under in Texas<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 9:41 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />conrad_murray_ex.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray struck an agreement with the Texas Medical Board which will prohibit him from administering Propofol or other heavy sedatives.<br /><br />Sources tell us the agreement mirrors the current condition to Dr. Murray's bail in his criminal case -- the doctor cannot administer or prescribe Propofol. He is also barred from administering "any other heavy sedative medications that should generally be administered by any anesthesiologist. And he's prohibited from sedating patients."<br /><br />We're told Dr. Murray has signed the order and the Texas Medical Board will announce it on Friday.<br /><br />Nevada has not imposed a similar prohibition to Dr. Murray's license.<br /><br /> ... ense-bail/<br /><br /><br /><br />Conrad Murray to Face Trial Judge<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 1:30 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Conrad Murray got official word that L.A. County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will control his fate during his manslaughter case in the death of Michael Jackson.<br /><br />0405_conrad_murray_video_launch.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: ... 5193e32e29<br /><br />Members of Jackson's family, including Joe, Katherine, Janet, Randy and Jermaine sat and watched as Judge Peter Espinoza told Dr. Murray to go downstairs to Judge Pastor's court.<br /><br />0405_jackson_family_court_splash_2.jpg<br /><br />TMZ first reported Judge Pastor -- a smart and tough man in black -- will preside over Murray's trial.<br /><br />Murray is on his way downstairs right now ... and there's a big decision on the line ... whether Judge Pastor yanks Murray's medical license as a condition to bail.<br /><br />We're in Judge Pastor's court ... so stay tuned.<br /><br /> ... r-hearing/<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Conrad Murray -- Still Licensed to Practice<br />Originally posted Apr 5th 2010 1:59 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />conrad_murray_bn_2.jpg<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray dodged a bullet in court today -- a judge put off ruling on whether Murray should have his medical license suspended. <br /><br />Judge Michael Pastor, in the interest of full disclosure, told lawyers for both sides he was appointed to the bench by Attorney General Jerry Brown back in 1983 when Brown was governor of California. Brown is the one who is gunning for Murray's license.<br /><br />And, in the "small world" category, Judge Pastor revealed he wrote a letter of recommendation for prosecutor David Walgren, who is looking to become a judge. <br /><br />Pastor said he doesn't think either issue will affect his judgment. <br /><br />All sides are due in court again on June 14.<br /><br /> ... ter-trial/<br /><br /><br /><br />Conrad Murray -- I Will Never Cop a Plea<br />Originally posted Apr 6th 2010 12:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0406_conrad_murray_ex_tmz_02.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray has made it clear -- he will not take a plea bargain in the death of Michael Jackson.<br /><br />Sources say Dr. Murray is adamant ... he did nothing wrong and will not plead to manslaughter or any lesser offense.<br /><br />TMZ first broke the story of Dr. Murray's defense ... that Michael Jackson accidentally killed himself by self-injecting a fatal dose of Propofol into his bloodstream. <br /><br />Dr. Murray, we're told, is "completely confident" that he will be found not guilty. He is less confident that the medical boards in Texas, Nevada and California will reach a similar result. <br /><br />Dr. Murray is extremely relieved Judge Michael Pastor did not yank his California medical license yesterday. Nevertheless, he realizes it's all but inevitable all three medical boards will go after his license.<br /><br /> ... l-license/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson -- The Eyes Have It<br />Originally posted Apr 6th 2010 12:50 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Michael Jackson's eyes could be powerful evidence in favor of Dr. Conrad Murray.<br /><br />0406_michael_eyes.jpg<br /><br />TMZ broke the story -- Dr. Murray's lawyers will argue Jackson accidentally killed himself by self-injecting a lethal dose of Propofol into his bloodstream. As we reported, Dr. Murray says he left the bedroom for a short time, came back in and saw Michael with his eyes wide open and pupils dilated.<br /><br />Medical experts who spoke with TMZ say if a patient is sleeping and dies of an overdose, their eyes most likely would not be open. The defense position -- Jackson woke up when Murray was out of the room, became frustrated he couldn't sleep, grabbed the Propofol bottle and "pushed it" -- killing himself.<br /><br />If a jury believes Jackson's eyes were open, they could also believe Jackson was awake and, perhaps, capable of grabbing the Propofol bottle which was on the nightstand. <br /><br /> ... ofol-eyes/<br /><br /><br /><br />Jermaine Jackson: Dr. Murray Using BS Defense<br />Originally posted Apr 7th 2010 3:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Jermaine Jackson thinks Dr. Conrad Murray's defense -- that Michael Jackson killed himself by self-injecting a lethal dose of Propofol -- isn't just far-fetched ... it's "the biggest lie ever."<br /><br />041010_jermain_jackson.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: ... 6d4f02af8e<br /><br /> ... ckson-lie/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson -- Strong Stimulant Found<br />Originally posted Apr 7th 2010 5:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0406_michael_jackson_ex.jpg<br /><br />There may be a clear explanation as to why Michael Jackson had trouble sleeping the night before he died -- authorities found a pill bottle in the room containing tablets that would have hyped the singer up big time.<br /><br />The bottle, which had no label, contained 13 tablets. Each tablet had a combination of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. The commercial sale of ephedrine -- a stimulant designed for weight loss -- is banned in the U.S. because of reports of heart attacks, strokes and even death.<br /><br />Each pill contained 25 mg of ephedrine, 200 mg of caffeine and 80 mg of aspirin. The caffeine alone in each pill is equivalent to nearly a 6-pack of Coca-Cola. <br /><br />One company that manufactures the drug warns against using it past mid-afternoon, because it will cause insomnia.<br /><br />According to the toxicology results, ephedrine was present in Jackson's urine.<br /><br /> ... -propofol/<br /><br /><br /><br />Conrad Murray Agrees to Propofol Ban<br />Originally posted Apr 9th 2010 12:15 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0409_conrad_murray_ex.jpg<br /><br />The Texas Medical Board has officially prohibited Dr. Conrad Murray from administering Propofol or other heavy sedatives, TMZ has learned.<br /><br />TMZ broke the story that Dr. Murray agreed to the restriction, which mirrors one of the conditions to Dr. Murray's bail in connection with the death of Michael Jackson.<br /><br />Aside from administering Propofol, Dr. Murray is banned from administering other heavy sedative medications and can't put patients under. He is still able to prescribe other medications, including pain meds, anti-anxiety medication or local or topical anesthetics. <br /><br />According to a rep for the Texas Medical Board, the license restrictions will remain in effect until the criminal case is resolved and "the Board has adequate evidence to show that Dr. Murray is competent to safely practice medicine."<br /><br /> ... -sedative/<br /><br /><br /><br />MJ Most Trusted Flack Files Estate Claim<br />Originally posted Apr 9th 2010 5:37 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />1110-michael-jackson-ex-getty-02.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's longtime publicist/manager/friend has jumped on the creditor's claim train ... and wants $360,000 from the Michael Jackson estate.<br /><br />Raymone Bain worked for Jackson for many years and says her salary was $30,000 a month. According to legal papers, Bain claims she wasn't paid at all in 2008.<br /><br />Bain filed a $44 million lawsuit against Michael Jackson just shy of two months before he died, claiming she did everything for Michael and was grossly shortchanged.<br /><br />Bain, who is quite the character in her own right, credits herself in the documents as "personal general manager to Michael J. Jackson."<br /><br />'Nuff said. <br /><br /> ... m-lawsuit/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson -- Casket Mystery Solved<br />Originally posted Apr 10th 2010 7:53 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />It's the answer to the question you were kinda curious about, then forgot about, but now you're like "Holy cow, I really want to know -- how did Michael Jackson's body seemingly disappear after his memorial, only to reappear at the cemetery?"<br /><br />photo-credit-2.jpg<br /><br />On July 7, 2009 the Staples Center memorial was held in front of thousands of people in downtown L.A. --  Jackson's body was ensconced in a $25,000 bronze casket.<br /><br />After the memorial, although hundreds of cameras and thousands of eyes were trained on the exits, no one saw any evidence that the casket left the building.  It fueled a grassy knoll-type theory that Jackson's body wasn't really inside the casket and maybe he was still alive.<br /><br />Finally, our spies have come clean. Jackson's body did indeed arrive in a hearse, but it left in a SWAT van.  The van was driven to a secret location, where it rendezvoused with a Forest Lawn van -- which then transported the body to the cemetery without being noticed.<br /><br />You're welcome.<br /><br />Michael Jackson<br />93%Still alive<br />7%RIP<br />Total Votes: 1,430,757<br /><br />Note on Poll Results<br /><br /> ... es-center/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson Wacky Claims Rejected<br />Originally posted Apr 12th 2010 2:15 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />photo-credit-67.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned Michael Jackson's estate has rejected 6 creditor's claims, including one for a whopping $300,000,000.  <br /><br />Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, just filed legal papers rejecting Allgood Entertainment's $300 mil claim over a Jackson family concert that got derailed because of the ill-fated London concerts.  <br /><br />Now for the wacky ones:<br /><br />First up, Jose Freddie Vallejos, a pissed-off private citizen who wants $3.3 million so he can reimburse the City of L.A. for the Jackson memorial.<br /><br />Next, Claire McMillan, who wants more than $2 million for her homeschooling services.<br /><br />Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamun Jackson claims to have been married to MJ and wants custody of the 3 kids ... the estate is telling her to pound sand.<br /><br />And then there's Richard Lapointe, who wants $5 mil for an MJ  memorabilia auction that was canceled.<br /><br /> Helen Harris-Scott has also been told to take a hike.  She's demanding $50 mil because she claims Jacko had her phone wiretapped and had organized criminals watch her.<br /><br />We're told the estate will be rejecting more claims .... soon. <br /><br /> ... urt-wacky/<br /><br /><br /><br />Dr. Murray Lawyers Up for Wrongful Death Suit<br />Originally posted Apr 13th 2010 6:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />conrad_murray_ex_4.jpg<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray is already planning his legal strategy in a Michael Jackson wrongful death case ... TMZ has learned.<br /><br />Dr. Murray, we're told, has already hired a civil lawyer, Charles Peckham, who handles medical board cases and wrongful death lawsuits. <br /><br />We've learned Peckham has already been in touch with Dr. Murray's malpractice insurance carrier, and it turns out to be a tricky situation.<br /><br />Sources connected with Dr. Murray's defense tell TMZ Dr. Murray had a malpractice policy issued in Texas that covered his medical practices in Texas and Nevada.<br /><br />Here's the rub.  Dr. Murray did not have a medical practice in California, which is a prerequisite for his malpractice coverage.  So Dr. Murray's position is that he first saw  Michael Jackson as a Nevada patient and what he did for him in L.A. was merely an extension of the Nevada treatment.<br /><br />We've learned the malpractice policy would only cover civil litigation, not criminal.  In the event the doctor is sued for wrongful death -- and Joe Jackson promises that will happen soon -- Murray expects the policy would cover attorney's fees and any judgment.  <br /><br />One source told TMZ, "We fully expect the insurance company would cover such costs."<br /><br /> ... ce-lawyer/<br /><br /><br /><br />'Biological Son' of Michael Jackson Rejected<br />Originally posted Apr 13th 2010 9:49 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0413-jet-michael-ex-tmz-01.jpg<br /><br />One of the creditor's claims the Michael Jackson estate has rejected was filed by a 25-year-old man who says he's the biological son of the late singer.<br /><br />Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson had filed a claim with the estate, but he's not asking for money -- he wants a DNA test proving he's MJ's flesh and blood.<br /><br />But as we first reported, Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, formally rejected a bunch of claims yesterday, including the one from P.M.M.J.J.<br /><br />We're told more rejections are coming, so stay tuned.<br /><br /> ... on-estate/<br /><br /><br /><br />Conrad Murray's New Rx Problem<br />Originally posted Apr 14th 2010 12:25 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0409_conrad_murray_ex.jpg<br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray has more medical issues ...TMZ has learned.  This time Nevada is after him.<br /><br />We've learned the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners has contacted the Texas Medical Board, asking for info on how Texas was able to legally restrict his license so quickly. <br /><br />TMZ broke the story .... the Texas Medical Board prohibited Murray last Friday from administering Propofol or other heavy sedatives.  The restriction -- which Dr. Murray himself signed off on -- reflects his bail restrictions in California while he awaits trial in the death of Michael Jackson.<br /><br />A source connected with Dr. Murray tells TMZ they fully expect Nevada to impose a similar condition and Dr. Murray will gladly agree to the restriction.<br /><br /> ... r-license/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson's Secret 'Wife' Denied<br />Originally posted Apr 16th 2010 4:50 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />1110_michael_jackson_ex_getty_02.jpg<br /><br />The woman who claimed to be Michael Jackson's secret wife will not get a cent of his money, according to new court documents.<br /><br />Shellie Doreen Smith filed a creditor's claim with the Jackson estate back in December.  She claimed they got married sometime in the 70s in New York City.<br /><br />According to the docs, the court overseeing the Michael Jackson estate case denied Shellie's request for spousal support yesterday. Shocking.<br /><br /> ... fe-denied/<br /><br /><br /><br />Mattress King: I Took Care of the Jackson Family<br />Originally posted Apr 19th 2010 12:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Michael Jackson's family had a lot to deal with in the wake of his passing -- but one thing they didn't have to worry about ... beds. <br /><br />0418-leeds-mattress-video-tmz-credit.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: ... eb92529fe1<br /><br />Neil Leeds, owner of the popular mattress chain Leeds Mattress Stores, tells TMZ he "took care of" the Jackson family when it came to their mattress needs.<br /><br />Never underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep.<br /><br /> ... ess-video/<br /><br /><br /><br />MJ Estate to Publicist: You're Not Getting a Cent!<br />Originally posted Apr 19th 2010 2:09 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Michael Jackson's former right-hand woman just tasted a $44,000,000 defeat -- after MJ's estate rejected 2 creditors' claims she filed earlier this year. <br /><br />0419-michael-jackson-raymone-baine-tmz-getty-ex.jpg<br /><br />Raymone Bain -- Jackson's longtime publicist/manager/friend -- had filed the docs claiming MJ owed her more than $44 mil in back wages and profit sharing. <br /><br />But today, MJ's estate finally got back to Bain -- with a big, fat, rejection stamp. <br /><br />Bain is the latest in a series of creditors' claims to be denied by the estate -- with more denials expected to be on the way shortly.<br /><br /> ... on-estate/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson -- The Cirque Comes to Town<br />Originally posted Apr 20th 2010 8:59 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />0420-michael-jackson-cirque-ex-getty.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned the executors for Michael Jackson's estate have signed a huge deal with Cirque du Soleil. <br /><br />Co-executor John Branca tells TMZ, the first show will open in fall of 2011 -- and will travel throughout North America including the Staples Center in L.A. ... the same venue where MJ's memorial was held.  <br /><br />The show will be heavily focused on dancing -- honoring the legendary moves of MJ.  It will also feature Jackson's songs and have the trademark Cirque du Soleil acrobatics.<br /><br />In 2012, a second show -- in partnership with MGM MIRAGE -- will open in Las Vegas which will be far more theatrical with emphasis on technology and 3D. "It will be a theme-park-like show," says Branca. <br /><br />Sources say the shows will be worth a fortune to the estate.  Cirque and the estate will split costs and profits 50-50.<br /><br /><br />0420-mj-promo-cirque-video.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: ... 91b69e07b5<br /><br /> ... hn-branca/<br /><br /><br /><br />MJ's Dancer -- I Wanna Join the Cirque<br />Originally posted Apr 21st 2010 12:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />All sorts of people connected to Michael Jackson are bursting at the sequined seams to be a part of the upcoming MJ-themed Cirque du Soleil show -- including one of the dancers from Michael's "This Is It" tour.<br /><br />0420-michael-jackson-dancer-ex-getty-credit.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned Danielle Rueda-Watts -- one of the 12 dancers picked by Jackson for the London concerts -- has actually worked with the Cirque before (on the "Love" show) and she tells us it would be "great to work with these people again."<br /><br />As we first reported, the first Cirque show will open in the fall of 2011 and will be focused heavily on dancing -- with the trademark Cirque acrobatics. <br /><br />Watts just happens to be a master of all of the above ... not to mention a pro at pole dancing. <br /><br /> ... eda-watts/<br /><br /><br /><br />TMZ Live: Michael Jackson, LiLo & Charlie Sheen<br />Originally posted Apr 23rd 2010 3:30 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />We took your questions on everything -- including Michael Jackson's involvement in the Nation of Islam, Lindsay Lohan's downward spiral, and Charlie Sheen's adult diapers.<br /><br />0423-tmzlive-big.jpg<br /><br />WATCH VIDEO: ... 4c44956dfe<br /><br />Plus: Lindsay's 16-year-old sister Ali Lohan could file for emancipation from her parents.<br /><br /> ... ce-scalia/<br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson's Mom Cleans House<br />Originally posted Apr 27th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />TMZ has learned ... Katherine Jackson is downsizing the number of grandchildren in her San Fernando Valley mansion -- and the stun gun incident was the catalyst.<br /><br />0425-jacksons-ex-getty-credit.jpg<br /><br />Sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell TMZ ...  Katherine has told Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza -- who is currently living at the estate, along with two of her kids by Randy Jackson and two others by Jermaine Jackson -- that she must take the kids and move out of the estate next week, because supervising seven children is just too much for the 79-year-old grandmother.<br /><br />But don't think Katherine is heartless.  It's the opposite.  She's moving Alejandra, along with Jaafar, Jermajesty, Donte and Randy Jr. to a San Fernando Valley condo owned by the estate. <br /><br />0426-jackson-kids-alejandra-02.jpg<br /><br />We're told the move was prompted by the stun gun incident last month. TMZ broke the story that 13-year-old Jaafar bought a stun gun online and fired it in the house.  Sources say Jaafar pointed the gun at two of Michael's kids, but the family denies that.  <br /><br />The L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services came to the estate, took the gun and interviewed people in the home, and it became apparent seven kids were too much for Katherine to handle.  <br /><br />So as of next week, Prince, Paris and Blanket will have the run of the mansion, unobstructed.<br /><br /> ... sty-donte/<br /><br /><br /><br />MJ Estate Stops 'Heal the World' Copycat<br />Originally posted Apr 27th 2010 9:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Score another crushing victory for the Michael Jackson estate -- this time the MJ squad dropped the hammer on a woman who allegedly set up a sham Heal the World Foundation to dupe Jackson fans into buying merchandise. <br /><br />0427-mj-logos-ex.jpg<br /><br />TMZ has learned a Federal judge issued an injunction against Melissa Johnson -- the woman behind a Heal the World Foundation website -- requiring her to stop "exploiting Michael Jackson's name, image and likeness." <br /><br />According to the court order, the judge ruled that Johnson -- who has attempted to register at least 40 trademarks with a direct connection to MJ -- operates websites that "convey to consumers a false affiliation with Michael Jackson."<br /><br />As you may recall, Jackson operated a legit Heal the World Foundation back in the day, but it had been inactive for many years prior to his death.<br /><br /> ... n-charity/<br /><br /><br /><br />Catherine Bach's Husband Found Dead<br />Originally posted Apr 30th 2010 1:08 PM PDT by TMZ Staff<br /><br />Peter Lopez -- the husband of Catherine Bach from "The Dukes of Hazzard" -- was just found dead in Los Angeles ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.<br /><br />0430-peter-catherine-credit.jpg<br /><br />Paramedics responded to a report of a shooting at Lopez's home in Encino at around 11:30 AM. Cops tell TMZ his death is being investigated as an apparent suicide. <br /><br />Bach married Lopez -- who was one of Michael Jackson's music attorneys -- in 1990. They have two children together.<br /><br />Story developing...<br /><br /> ... d-suicide/

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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