Now taking questions.......

edited January 1970 in News
Hello. Michael is in a little deserted town in west virginia and is now a teacher at my school. He is doing okay, sorta. In the state he is in I doubt he would be coming back. I refuse to tell you what is wrong that he might not come back because it is too disturbing and might make you cry or go completely out of your mind. That's what I did when I found out about it.
But anyway, here is my story. You can either belive it or not but I am not wasting my time trying to explain to give proof of something that I already know is factual so if you doubt me then that is your idea. People on facebook would not belive my story because one time I actually did lie because people wouldn't shut up and quit asking me "can Michael come on your account. I dont have that kind of relation with him. It is just a teacher/student relation. But anyway I told them Michael was on my account and closed it two days later.
In Augus t of 2009 I started school back and I thought "wouldn't it be weird if my teacher was related to Michael Jackson not thinking at the time that it could very well be MJ himself. Then I started seeing strange clues on my papers about him being Michael which I will take a picture of and post here later for you guys to see and explain what each may mean.
Then I began to see strange activity going around in the classroom because once I was arugeing with this boy who claimed to Michael to be a pedophile while he was just sitting at his desk grading papers. I raised my voice at the boy and he just sat there still grading. Then after I got done yelling at him the teacher sprung up from his desk with grading pens in his hand and said " okay, you can pass out pens for being good." Huh?! Me pass out pens for being good? I was the one screaming to the top of my lungs. I had then realized what he was talking about because I belived he wasnt a pedophile like everyone thought him up to be.
Another suspicious thing I had come across is that Michael does not want anyone in the class to know it is him so I now have it in my head that what Mo&Sousa had been saying about the illumananti and mind control is true and that I may have something to do in the middle of his hoax for some odd reason or that maybe I am some kind of blood relation to Michael which I doubt it. But we were sitting in class one day and I was trying to conivince this group of people that Michael was alive and one of the students told the teacher to tell me to quit saying that Michael jackson was alive and the teacher looked at me and smiled and said "She knows Michael isn't alive, dont you, sweetheart." I didn't say anything after that instead I just went along with it.

And something I just recently incountered about him is that we are doing research papers in there and I told him that I was going to do my topic on the conspiracy behind celebrity death hoax and he said "Hmmmmm.....this will be interesting." I think he was looking for me to do this topic when he handed us the project.

Another reason I know it is Michael is because he has that kind of appeal to people that they just love him dearly, and hate to see him go, but I think he has met his macth with people though because there is one girl in my class that despises him with a passion. The Michael as a person is great so no need to ever listen to the media. From getting to know him this past school year he is the sweetest person you will ever meet even though he does have to get unto he students he says he hates to and he loves each and every one of us.
I am now answering any questions about Michael and his whereabouts that you might have. Remember it is your idea whether or not you belive me but i'm not wasting my time proving something that is already factual.
you tell me i'm wrong and then you better prove you're right


  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    If you didn't want people to question you, why the heck did you make this post, basically daring anyone to doubt you? Makes no logical sense at all. You clearly want the attention and you WANT people to doubt and/or question you and/or dare you to prove your statements. I'm not gonna do that, because it's completely ludicrous and a waste of my time.

    Have a great day.
  • <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • If you didn't want people to question you, why the heck did you make this post, basically daring anyone to doubt you? Makes no logical sense at all. You clearly want the attention and you WANT people to doubt and/or question you and/or dare you to prove your statements. I'm not gonna do that, because it's completely ludicrous and a waste of my time.

    Have a great day.

    I didn't mean it that way. I plainly just meant that if people don't believe then that is their problem, not mine. In this world we shouldn't have to prove ourselves if we know that there is no use in it. Take Michael for instance. He always had to prove his point because people were always telling things about him that was not factual in the media. The only people I worry about knowing i'm telling the truth is god, my family, and Michael(because of course he is a part of this) I have been holding off telling anyone my story for ten months and I thought since people wanted to know how Michael was doing then he wouldn't mind if I told people on MjHD his condition. I do believe he had to quit music because of his physical mistake that I mentioned might disturb people. If I show you proof of Michael still being alive will you promise not to flip out on me and go into an emotional breakdown like I did and say that evrytime you listen to his music you start thinking about what he has done to himself. I'm going to link you Michael's facebook profile but i'm sorry you can not add him because he doesn't know what i'm doing and I shouldn't even be doing this because I didn;t get an okay but his fans need answers and If I can give them to him then so be it.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • If you didn't want people to question you, why the heck did you make this post, basically daring anyone to doubt you? Makes no logical sense at all. You clearly want the attention and you WANT people to doubt and/or question you and/or dare you to prove your statements. I'm not gonna do that, because it's completely ludicrous and a waste of my time.

    Have a great day.

    I didn't mean it that way. I plainly just meant that if people don't believe then that is their problem, not mine. In this world we shouldn't have to prove ourselves if we know that there is no use in it. Take Michael for instance. He always had to prove his point because people were always telling things about him that was not factual in the media. The only people I worry about knowing i'm telling the truth is god, my family, and Michael(because of course he is a part of this) I have been holding off telling anyone my story for ten months and I thought since people wanted to know how Michael was doing then he wouldn't mind if I told people on MjHD his condition. I do believe he had to quit music because of his physical mistake that I mentioned might disturb people. If I show you proof of Michael still being alive will you promise not to flip out on me and go into an emotional breakdown like I did and say that evrytime you listen to his music you start thinking about what he has done to himself. I'm going to link you Michael's facebook profile but i'm sorry you can not add him because he doesn't know what i'm doing and I shouldn't even be doing this because I didn;t get an okay but his fans need answers and If I can give them to him then so be it.

    Question: What grade are you in?
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    If you didn't want people to question you, why the heck did you make this post, basically daring anyone to doubt you? Makes no logical sense at all. You clearly want the attention and you WANT people to doubt and/or question you and/or dare you to prove your statements. I'm not gonna do that, because it's completely ludicrous and a waste of my time.

    Have a great day.

    I didn't mean it that way. I plainly just meant that if people don't believe then that is their problem, not mine. In this world we shouldn't have to prove ourselves if we know that there is no use in it. Take Michael for instance. He always had to prove his point because people were always telling things about him that was not factual in the media. The only people I worry about knowing i'm telling the truth is god, my family, and Michael(because of course he is a part of this) I have been holding off telling anyone my story for ten months and I thought since people wanted to know how Michael was doing then he wouldn't mind if I told people on MjHD his condition. I do believe he had to quit music because of his physical mistake that I mentioned might disturb people. If I show you proof of Michael still being alive will you promise not to flip out on me and go into an emotional breakdown like I did and say that evrytime you listen to his music you start thinking about what he has done to himself. I'm going to link you Michael's facebook profile but i'm sorry you can not add him because he doesn't know what i'm doing and I shouldn't even be doing this because I didn;t get an okay but his fans need answers and If I can give them to him then so be it.

    Question: What grade are you in?

    I'm trying to hold my bitch-ness in.... but I'm somehow reminded of like 5th grade. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Middle school years (5th - 8th grade) were my main attention seeking years. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Yeah, I have a question. Can you please give me back the 3 minutes of my life I just wasted reading this? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    I suggest you get some sleep, kid. It's probably past your bed time. Good night!
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • What the hell? You have too much time on your hands. Go play with your toes instead of wasting your time trying to convince us with these stories.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    my[KING]"]:lol: <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    OMG IT'S YOU! hehehe
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    You said that you have papers that MJ signed? I would love to see them. You can PM me if you like!!
  • Mj5StarChickMj5StarChick Posts: 939
    Alright I don't wanna be mean or anything but seriously tell the truth are u making this up? Don't do that or play with emotions cause its not funny! You might be older but this sounds like this is wat I always think abt wihle in class and I'm in 7th grade abt 2 be 8th!
    Can't say I believe you BUT this isn't convincing at all.
    Honestly tell the truth tho cause this stuff isn't funny alright if u have anymore to your story PM ok so we can talk this over:D
  • its been a few weeks -now we have another one
  • You actually expect people to believe this??
  • post a pic of your teach
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