OMG!! Bomb scare in time square NYC !! link to South Park??

cry4mj101cry4mj101 Posts: 57
edited January 1970 in News
Times Square car bomb: police investigate South Park link
Police in New York are investigating whether a car bomb in Times Square was targeted on the makers of the TV series South Park because of a controversial depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.

By Gordon Rayner and Alex Spillius in New York
Published: 8:00PM BST 02 May 2010

Link to this video The device, which failed to detonate, was left near the offices of Viacom, which broadcasts the provocative cartoon series on its Comedy Central network.

Last month a posting on an Islamic website warned South Park’s creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, that they could face violent reprisals after an episode shown on April 14th featured Muhammad in a bear suit.

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Suicide bombers kill 150 in 24 hours in IraqThe posting on the US-based Revolution Muslim website said Stone and Parker would “probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh”, the Dutch film-maker who was murdered in 2004 by a Muslim angered by his film about Muslim women.

David Paterson, the Governor of New York, described the Times Square incident as an "act of terrorism."

He said: “Luckily, no one is hurt, and now the full attention of city, state and federal law enforcement will be turned to bringing the guilty party to justice.”

Detectives are also understood to be investigating striking similarities between the New York bomb and two car bombs planted by Islamic terrorists outside the Tiger Tiger nightclub in London in 2007.

In both cases, the devices comprised cylinders of propane gas and cans full of petrol intended to be ignited by electronic detonators.

A further potential link to the London attack emerged when the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the Times Square bomb in a posting on an Islamist website.

It said the New York bomb had been intended to avenge the deaths of two "Muslim martyrs" named as Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri, also known as al-Mahajer, who were killed by US forces in Tikrit 12 days ago.

The two al-Qaeda operatives are thought to have inspired the Tiger Tiger bombings and to have met Bilal Abdulla, the NHS doctor convicted of the London attack, who wrote a dedication to the two men on his laptop computer.

However, the Pakistani Taliban have in the past falsely claimed responsibility for attacks, and US security analysts said it was too early to say whether the claim was genuine. The White House said investigators were keeping an open mind on whether the motive was rooted abroad or linked to a domestic cause in the US.

The Times Square bomb was found inside a dark green Nissan Pathfinder, left with its engine running and hazard lights flashing near the junction of 45th Street and Broadway, yards from the Viacom building.

The author of the Revolution Muslim posting had published the address of Comedy Central in New York – a separate building from Viacom - encouraging Muslims to “protest” outside.

It also included audio clips of the al-Qaeda suspect Anwar al-Awlaki calling for the murder of anyone who has “defamed” Muhammad. Yemen-based al-Awlaki reportedly helped plan the failed Detroit airline bombing last Christmas and is said to have been “spiritual adviser” to two of the 9/11 hijackers.

The author of the post, a US-born Muslim convert called Abu Talhah al Amrikee, said it had been intended as “not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them”.

The warning was taken so seriously that Comedy Central heavily censored the following episode of South Park, which had originally contained further references to Muhammad.

Images of the Prophet are widely regarded as forbidden in Islam, and in 2006 Comedy Central banned Stone and Parker from depicting Muhammad in an episode which followed worldwide protests over a caricature of the Prophet by a Danish cartoonist.

Saturday night’s incident began at 6.34pm local time (11.34BST) when a T-shirt vendor, who was a Vietnam veteran, alerted police when he noticed smoke coming out of the car.

Wayne Rhatigan, the mounted policeman who was first on the scene, said: “I did a lap around the vehicle. The inside was smoking. I smelled gunpowder and knew it might blow. I thought it might blow any second.”

Witnesses reported hearing a "popping" noise coming from inside the vehicle. New York police spokesman Paul Browne said: "It appeared that it was in the process of detonating, but malfunctioned."

The anonymous T-shirt seller who raised the alarm declined to give his name when he was approached by reporters, but asked what he had to say to New Yorkers, he said: "See something, say something."

Thousands of tourists and theatre-goers, including women in evening gowns, were evacuated from the area on Broadway's busiest night of the week.

Bomb disposal experts used a robot to break the windows on the vehicle and remove explosive material.

The car contained three propane tanks, fireworks, two five gallon gasoline containers, two clocks with batteries, electrical wires and a 4ft by 2ft metal box.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said: "I think the intent was to cause a significant ball of fire."

Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, returned immediately to the city from a White House dinner.

Speaking at the scene, he said: "We are very lucky. Thanks to alert New Yorkers and professional police officers, we avoided what could have been a very deadly event.

"The bomb squad confirmed that the suspicious vehicle did contain an explosive device. We have no idea who did this or why."

Mr Bloomberg said the wiring of the bomb "looked amateurish" and it had used "consumer grade fireworks" that were easily obtainable.

He added that it was too early to speculate on the motives of the bomber. He said: "There's no evidence it was tied to... Viacom or anything else."

Sal Cassano, New York’s fire commissioner, said the device had the explosive potential to “take down the front of a building”.

He said: "This wasn't make believe. This wasn't a false alarm. This was the real deal - to hurt people.”

Police have also established that the car's number plates, which were from Connecticut, were not the ones registered to it. They have already spoken to the owner of the plates who said he had taken them to a scrapyard.

Mr Bloomberg said police had no reports of anyone being seen running away from the vehicle after abandoning it, though the vehicle was caught on CCTV driving down 45th Street six minutes before the alarm was raised.

President Barack Obama praised the quick response by the New York Police Department and said the federal government was prepared to provide support.

The FBI is also investigating a 911 emergency call made from a payphone a few blocks away from the car bomb at 4am on Sunday local time, in which the anonymous caller said the Times Square incident was merely a diversion and would be followed by a “massive explosion” at an unspecified location.


  • I heard about that today! But what I didn't realize that it may have connections to the controversial new episode of South Park. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I have been following on/off on CNN about this today. Scary indeed

    Didnt realize it could be related to SP. I dont watch that
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    What horrible thing to be planning these people? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • im a fan of south park lol...i read this incident on my local's romanian newspapers but i couldn't belive it has something to do with south park lol.I saw the episodes with mohammed, but it's only a joke dude, its a damn show!Muslims should just get over it lol, no offence intended.

    //edit: btw south park has 2 episodes related of MJ...(as far as i know)...there jokes are prety offending but i like the messages and what they trying to transmit...
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Just making some connection

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Check out the tweets from May 1st, one day prior to this news.

    # What news did you miss on june 25th? 5:01 PM May 1st via web
    # Use your common sense 2:35 PM May 1st via web
    # Southpark has lots of clues 2:14 PM May 1st via web
    # "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I only want to have some fun " 2:07 PM May 1st via web
    # Southpark 8:07 1:22 PM May 1st via web
  • Just making some connection

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Check out the tweets from May 1st, one day prior to this news.

    # What news did you miss on june 25th? 5:01 PM May 1st via web
    # Use your common sense 2:35 PM May 1st via web
    # Southpark has lots of clues 2:14 PM May 1st via web
    # "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I only want to have some fun " 2:07 PM May 1st via web
    # Southpark 8:07 1:22 PM May 1st via web

    Oh my gosh! I was thinking the same thing when I saw this title. I know people were thinking the reference was to the show but could it be to this incident? Scary if it is!
  • Just making some connection

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Check out the tweets from May 1st, one day prior to this news.

    # What news did you miss on june 25th? 5:01 PM May 1st via web
    # Use your common sense 2:35 PM May 1st via web
    # Southpark has lots of clues 2:14 PM May 1st via web
    # "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I only want to have some fun " 2:07 PM May 1st via web
    # Southpark 8:07 1:22 PM May 1st via web
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Wow, it just keeps looping back and around again.
    I was wandering last night and came across this article about the Ark and though I hadn't seen this post either I was intrigued.

    <!-- m --> ... believers/<!-- m -->

    Noah's Ark Hoax Claim Doesn't Deter Believers

    "Earlier this week a group of Chinese Christians held a news conference to announce they were 99.9 percent sure they had found Noah's Ark. Most likely, the claim is false, but that won't stop Ark enthusiasts from believing the biblical boat
    is out there somewhere."

    "Earlier this week a group of Chinese Christians held a news conference to announce they were 99.9 percent sure they had found Noah's Ark — the boat the Bible says was built by God's most righteous man before a "sinful" human race drowned in the Great Flood.

    Maybe the find on Mount Ararat in Turkey really is Noah's Ark. More likely, it isn't. But if it isn't, that won't stop Ark enthusiasts from believing it is out there somewhere.

    Immediately in the wake of the news flash, experts weighed in to shoot it down. "The wood in the photos is not old enough" ... "There are no location pictures to verify the site" ... "No independent experts have looked at the data" ... "There's never been evidence of a great flood."

    And the people voicing the loudest caution are biblical archeologists who believe the ark is real and that it can be found.

    Dr. Randall Price, head of Judaic Studies at Liberty University, had been a cohort of the Noah's Ark Ministries International team until two years ago. He pulled out of the project, sensing they were being taken advantage of by Kurdish guides, who've turned Ark searching into a cottage industry.

    "I think we can't rule out the possibility that this is a hoax, because a lot of the things that happen in that region of the world, and especially with the Kurdish guides that are involved, are designed to try to extract money from gullible people," Price said.

    But he added: "I'm reserving my opinion at this point until I see how things are developing."

    Dr. John Morris, lead archeologist at the Institute for Creation Research, says "I'm leaning towards that the Chinese people have been deceived."

    Morris has led 13 expeditions to Mount Ararat looking for the ark. He knows the area well and says of the recent find, "At best, it is an elaborate deception."

    Morris and Price were contacted by the Chinese team to take part in the press event, but they declined based on how little evidence they saw.

    Professor Porcher Taylor at the University of Richmond says he, too, believes it is not Noah's Ark, because "they're digging in the wrong place on Mt. Ararat."

    Taylor says satellite imaging of the region about a half mile away from where the Chinese group says they found the ark shows what has been called "the Ararat anomaly," an area that has intrigued the U.S. intelligence community for years.

    "If the remains of Noah's Ark are on Mt. Ararat," Taylor says, "the only logical place would be at the Ararat anomaly site, and not at the site in these sensational claims made by this group."

    A fundamental question separating scientific inquiry into Noah's Ark is: Is the account of the great flood in the Bible true, or is it a mythical legend?

    Dr. Paul Zimansky, professor of archeology and ancient history at State University of New York at Stony Brook, says, "I think it has all the earmarks of a story, but in any case it isn't anything we can investigate as an archaeologist."

    A catastrophic flood on Earth is spoken of in many ancient cultures: in Sumerian, Babylonian, Greek, Hindu, Gallic, Scandinavian and Chinese legends. Some even predate the Old Testament.

    The odd thing, Zimansky says, is that even though there are written accounts of the flood in all these cultures, archaeologists have yet to find evidence of it.

    If you take the Bible literally, Zimansky says, "this ark is going to be deposited in an archaeological context which would be a flood stratum. And it's not going to be a little flood stratum. It's going to cover the entire Earth. Well, no such flood stratum exists."

    And that's where Morris disagrees with archaeologists like Zimansky.

    "It all depends on your presupposition," says Morris. "I think they're looking at it through the wrong glasses."

    Morris says a great flood would shape the landscape of the entire planet — carving out crevices like the Grand Canyon, even separating huge masses of land like the African and South American continents.

    "Everything on earth gives evidence of the flood," Morris says.

    That is why he is convinced something is up there on Mt. Ararat. He says there have been hundreds accounts from eyewitnesses saying they saw what looked like a big ship. Some of those accounts, he says, are from pilots who flew over the area during World War II. Considerable amounts of military data and ground-penetrating imaging have reported showing a shape of something manmade on the mountain.

    Taylor is also convinced Noah's Ark is there, because of the Ararat anomaly's shape and size. "The boat-shaped Ararat anomaly and Noah's Ark both have a 6-to-1 length-to-width ratio," he says.

    The Ark, depending on how you measure a cubit, could be anywhere from 450 to 600 feet long. The anomaly is 1,200 feet. But, Porcher says, scientists have debated for years the length of a cubit, which is thought to be the length of a man's forearm between the elbow and the tip of his finger. But whose elbow?

    The Bible talks of "the Nephilim" (Genesis 6:1-4) being in the world at that time. The Nephilim were giants or a very large race. If a cubit was measured by the length of a very large man's forearm, Porcher says that would mean "the ark was much larger than previously thought."

    Many experts have concluded from examining the photos that the images are of rock formations that strongly resemble the boat described in Genesis.

    Whatever it is, it convinces Morris, and countless others, to keep returning to Mt. Ararat, hoping to find what their faith tells them can be found."

  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    And this!

    Southpark has lots of clues 2:14 PM May 1st via web

    <!-- m --> ... enant.html<!-- m -->

    On this page they show a photo of the golden casket that was at the memorial, the photo is dated the 29th of June 2009. And the memorial was 7-7-2009? How did they post a photo that hadn't happened yet???? Sorry I wish I could post the page. But check it out please. I thought I was seeing things!
    In reference to the Dangerous cover art, oh we've gone through that a lot.

    " The television show South Park ran an episode in 2004 - Season 8, Episode 7 - titled The Jeffersons. Does it not seem a bit weird that the same week that Michael Jackson passes away that there is a major announcement that the Ark of the Covenant has been found? I mean think about it! The picture above is a still from the episode mentioned... One does not have to venture to far to see that something is strange when it comes to Michael Jackson and Esoteric Occultic ties. Examine the cover to "DANGEROUS" below and you will see what I mean..."
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    And this!

    Southpark has lots of clues 2:14 PM May 1st via web

    <!-- m --> ... enant.html<!-- m -->

    On this page they show a photo of the golden casket that was at the memorial, the photo is dated the 29th of June 2009. And the memorial was 7-7-2009? How did they post a photo that hadn't happened yet???? Sorry I wish I could post the page. But check it out please. I thought I was seeing things!
    In reference to the Dangerous cover art, oh we've gone through that a lot.

    " The television show South Park ran an episode in 2004 - Season 8, Episode 7 - titled The Jeffersons. Does it not seem a bit weird that the same week that Michael Jackson passes away that there is a major announcement that the Ark of the Covenant has been found? I mean think about it! The picture above is a still from the episode mentioned... One does not have to venture to far to see that something is strange when it comes to Michael Jackson and Esoteric Occultic ties. Examine the cover to "DANGEROUS" below and you will see what I mean..."

    Sorry, I'm confused, can someone explain...
  • i'm honestly OFFENDED
    by the news report .
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    It's all fear mongering.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    It's all fear mongering.

    Yes.. it is indeed. Thats how terrorists work their magic. Not so much about the bomb.. but the FEAR that it creates.

    Im in the UK and car bombs, unfortunately, are nothing new. It was a favourite tactic of the IRA years back. They did a few in my home town.
  • There´s something about the timming that I don´t understand here.
    I heard of it yesterday (05/02) in the morning in Spain, what whould be 6 in the morning NY time.
    So I guess it was on 05/01 night.

    <!-- m --> ... quare.html<!-- m -->
    The New York time news says it´s from 05/01, but the press conference would be 2:15 a.m on 05/02. And I dind´t see about people starting to know here until 20:00 05/02. Was just that people were bussy, at work and could´n´t heard it before? Or was it that it took long hours till the news came out?
    How is it that NY Times dates the report on 05/01?

    Maybe everything was normal and it´s my perception...
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    It's all fear mongering.

    Yes.. it is indeed. Thats how terrorists work their magic. Not so much about the bomb.. but the FEAR that it creates.

    Im in the UK and car bombs, unfortunately, are nothing new. It was a favourite tactic of the IRA years back. They did a few in my home town.

    And theyre still doin them over here now, but in realation to South Park, I really dont understand the whole muslim religion, but really Its only a cartoon, they were mad about mohamad in a bear suit !! come on really ?!?
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    C'mon, you ignoramus, stop living in the obscurantism ! There is nothing to do with muslims or South Park... it's all american government plan... Terrify the population to show that the false terrorist threat still there and to justify bad foreign policies. You make a mistake about enemy, shit ! C'mon, you don't understand Michael's message ?


  • Yes, but not in the streets <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Is it a coincidence that this attack occurs when Ahmadinejad is in New York for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty ?
  • And he said a couple of undesired truths <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Good for him!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Cameron wrote;

    C'mon, you ignoramus, stop living in the obscurantism ! There is nothing to do with muslims or South Park... it's all american government plan... Terrify the population to show that the false terrorist threat still there and to justify bad foreign policies. You make a mistake about enemy, shit ! C'mon, you don't understand Michael's message ?



    He is right, would have to look at the history of 11/09.
    Is, using it on film and television so as to prepare people for a future "terrorist attack" in this case South Park, I have not seen it <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And while we're talking about television and film, watch this video.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • LaLove09LaLove09 Posts: 120
    My gut says that this is another diversion/ illusion.
    Okay what was really going on
    THEY didn't want us to know about <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    I don't buy all the terror stuff anymore! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    "If ya don't stand for something; you'll fall for anything!" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    And he said a couple of undesired truths <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Good for him!

    The scarecrow is back.
    Indeed I feel like it's another false flag terror attack in order to discredit Ahmadinejab speech by raising terror level again.
    Even if the President of Iran is not perfect he says some truths nobody dares to tell. This attack is perfect for the US government and Israel's because their target is Iran and its president and it happens right when they're talking about Nuclear weapons that USA and Israel want to keep exclusively while Ahmadinejab is critizing their hypocrisy and asking for a world without any nuclear weapon.

    Nuclear weapons are strategic because they're used as a threat to other countries which don't possess it. This situation helps the world to be insecure. Nuclear weapons should not be the exclusive rights of some countries they should be prohibited for every country.

    The link with South Park and a supposed cartoon with religious contain has been thrown in the medias to link the attack to Muslims without any verification as always. I'm tired of this situation.
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    In french TV yesterday when they talked about it they showed that USA has been "attacked" with failure and then they showed the Illuminati sign
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    In french TV yesterday when they talked about it they showed that USA has been "attacked" with failure and then they showed the Illuminati sign

    Vraiment ? Quel signe ?
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