so it starts - the media turn

edited January 1970 in News
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Michael Jackson: A Hecklerspray Apology
By Steve Charnock on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 4:00pm36 Comments

nowBuzz up!Digg this!

In light of public opinion, some of the comments and feedback we’ve received on the subject and a recent conversion to the peaceful teachings of Buddhism, Hecklerspray has had a change of heart about Michael Jackson. All those silly things we said about the King of Pop? We didn’t really mean them. We’ve thought long and hard, meditated and pontificated on the subject and we had an epiphany; all those sly little digs, veiled insults and jokes we made about him were wrong. We see that now. You can take this as a solemn pledge to you, dear reader, that we will never speak ill of the great man again. No teasing, no mockery, nothing. We’re sorry.

And we mean that.


  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Well it's about time... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Well, Well, Well look what we have here. Like Souza said it's about time!
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    Perez Hilton’s Despicable Michael Jackson Coverage Creates Backlash

    emailshare Earlier today we mentioned the role of social media in distributing news of tragic deaths, including those of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett today. The LA Times, we noted, is frequently being cited as a source of the Jackson news, and yet the blog appears to have confirmed the story much earlier.

    Meanwhile, opportunists sprung upon the news to spread false rumors of other celebrity deaths, a situation that could once again give fuel to the argument that social media is not trustworthy.
    One blogger doing unprecedented damage to the social media cause (and in fact undermining the credibility of all bloggers) is Perez Hilton: upon learning of Michael Jackson’s() hospital admission, he posted the following, shockingly offensive piece, alleging that Michael was “lying” or “making himself sick”. The post has now been updated on his site to temper this gross insensitivity, but we fear the damage to the blogging community has already been done.

    Meanwhile, a backlash called #unfollowperez is attempting to shame the blogger through Twitter().

    Tags: celebrities, michael jackson, perez hilton, twitter
  • Well, Well, Well look what we have here. Like Souza said it's about time!

  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    Michael Jackson: A Hecklerspray Apology
    By Steve Charnock on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 4:00pm36 Comments

    nowBuzz up!Digg this!

    In light of public opinion, some of the comments and feedback we’ve received on the subject and a recent conversion to the peaceful teachings of Buddhism, Hecklerspray has had a change of heart about Michael Jackson. All those silly things we said about the King of Pop? We didn’t really mean them. We’ve thought long and hard, meditated and pontificated on the subject and we had an epiphany; all those sly little digs, veiled insults and jokes we made about him were wrong. We see that now. You can take this as a solemn pledge to you, dear reader, that we will never speak ill of the great man again. No teasing, no mockery, nothing. We’re sorry.

    And we mean that.
    I would love to read articles apologizing for what they did to him. But I think - and tell me if I'm wrong, I'm not a native English speaker so I might get something wrong - this is not a real apology, it's more sarcasm. Read the full article and the comments...
  • no i dont think so

    but i leave it to you guys to decide

    Michael Jackson: A Hecklerspray Apology
    By Steve Charnock on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 4:00pm36 Comments

    nowBuzz up!Digg this!

    In light of public opinion, some of the comments and feedback we’ve received on the subject and a recent conversion to the peaceful teachings of Buddhism, Hecklerspray has had a change of heart about Michael Jackson. All those silly things we said about the King of Pop? We didn’t really mean them. We’ve thought long and hard, meditated and pontificated on the subject and we had an epiphany; all those sly little digs, veiled insults and jokes we made about him were wrong. We see that now. You can take this as a solemn pledge to you, dear reader, that we will never speak ill of the great man again. No teasing, no mockery, nothing. We’re sorry.

    And we mean that.

    With that heartfelt oath out of the way, here’s news that Wesley Snipes had to hold perfectly normal and in no way weird or creepy Michael Jackson’s hand during filming of the ‘Bad’ video in 1987. The late singer, who was definitely only sexually interested in adult women, was reportedly so scared on-set in the tough Harlem neighbourhood where filming took place, that his co-star had to take his hand as they walked down the street.

    Gestures such as these were perfectly commonplace in intimidating New York boroughs in the late eighties. The fact that Jackson was 29 years old at the time makes it even more normal and not weird, sad and slightly upsetting at all.

    Snipes said:

    “I think Michael was a little scared being in Harlem, so we held hands.”

    “I was like, ‘Hang in there, Michael. Don’t worry about it, brother – I got you’. I went from being the actor in the scene with him to bodyguarding him.”

    He added:

    “People were calling out his name – some favorably, some not so favorably… Yelling it across the street. And he’s hearing this… “And he turned to me, and he says, ‘Are you scared?’… “I was like, ‘Nah, Mike. I grew up here. This is all good. Are you scared?’ “He was like, ‘Yeah a little.’”

    Had Michael Jackson of employed the Demolition Man star to be his actual bodyguard, it’s safe to say that the job would have been ‘cash-in-hand’ and that the actor probably wouldn’t have declared it to the taxman. Snipes is reportedly facing three years in jail for failing to return his tax forms.

    Jackson himself is no stranger to unusual finances. In the 1990’s a series of unfortunate clerical errors at his bank saw large sums of money accidentally transferred to a series of families whose children had stayed at his house and slept in different beds from the singer. Accusations that the Moonwalker plied the young boys with ‘Jesus Juice’ and then ‘Jackson Juice’ could not be further from the truth.

    ‘This Is It’, the magnificent look at the young, handsome singer in his prime preparing for a string of live dates before the conspiracy to have him tragically murdered is out on DVD now
  • no i dont think so

    but i leave it to you guys to decide

    Michael Jackson: A Hecklerspray Apology
    By Steve Charnock on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 4:00pm36 Comments

    nowBuzz up!Digg this!

    In light of public opinion, some of the comments and feedback we’ve received on the subject and a recent conversion to the peaceful teachings of Buddhism, Hecklerspray has had a change of heart about Michael Jackson. All those silly things we said about the King of Pop? We didn’t really mean them. We’ve thought long and hard, meditated and pontificated on the subject and we had an epiphany; all those sly little digs, veiled insults and jokes we made about him were wrong. We see that now. You can take this as a solemn pledge to you, dear reader, that we will never speak ill of the great man again. No teasing, no mockery, nothing. We’re sorry.

    And we mean that.

    With that heartfelt oath out of the way, here’s news that Wesley Snipes had to hold perfectly normal and in no way weird or creepy Michael Jackson’s hand during filming of the ‘Bad’ video in 1987. The late singer, who was definitely only sexually interested in adult women, was reportedly so scared on-set in the tough Harlem neighbourhood where filming took place, that his co-star had to take his hand as they walked down the street.

    Gestures such as these were perfectly commonplace in intimidating New York boroughs in the late eighties. The fact that Jackson was 29 years old at the time makes it even more normal and not weird, sad and slightly upsetting at all.

    Snipes said:

    “I think Michael was a little scared being in Harlem, so we held hands.”

    “I was like, ‘Hang in there, Michael. Don’t worry about it, brother – I got you’. I went from being the actor in the scene with him to bodyguarding him.”

    He added:

    “People were calling out his name – some favorably, some not so favorably… Yelling it across the street. And he’s hearing this… “And he turned to me, and he says, ‘Are you scared?’… “I was like, ‘Nah, Mike. I grew up here. This is all good. Are you scared?’ “He was like, ‘Yeah a little.’”

    Had Michael Jackson of employed the Demolition Man star to be his actual bodyguard, it’s safe to say that the job would have been ‘cash-in-hand’ and that the actor probably wouldn’t have declared it to the taxman. Snipes is reportedly facing three years in jail for failing to return his tax forms.

    Jackson himself is no stranger to unusual finances. In the 1990’s a series of unfortunate clerical errors at his bank saw large sums of money accidentally transferred to a series of families whose children had stayed at his house and slept in different beds from the singer. Accusations that the Moonwalker plied the young boys with ‘Jesus Juice’ and then ‘Jackson Juice’ could not be further from the truth.

    ‘This Is It’, the magnificent look at the young, handsome singer in his prime preparing for a string of live dates before the conspiracy to have him tragically murdered is out on DVD now

    I was about the add the same information. They aren't really's like a backhanded slap. It's to keep the backlash down from the fans while still slinging the mud around. Pathetic of them all that they can't just say those three little words (we are sorry).
  • so a person has to die in order to appologize?
  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
    Yep. Sarcasm, guys. Unfortunately. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    this is very encouraging........what we need is an avalanche of apologies now please............xxxx

  • jm1lvmjjm1lvmj Posts: 81
    Just another bottom feeder using a different tack to make fun of MJ and get like-minded readers. Loser. One love.
  • it may not be the change u want but it is change

    they werent that mean after death -dont know pre
  • XspeechlessXXspeechlessX Posts: 666
    this is very encouraging........what we need is an avalanche of apologies now please............xxxx


    Correction: "Get the point - Good lets dance."

    With LOVE. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> x
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
  • baby step by baby step - get one on side - a little and then see

    i wasnt a fan, mj was not on my radar -- get my thinking...

    pp can change their views, get a different perspective

    your greatest ally could be the person you least suspect

    look the apologised, how else has done that?

    and they listened - i think that is amazing

    sometimes pp jump on the bandwagon and then really take a different view - that is what marks them apart

    i say given them a chance
  • baby step by baby step - get one on side - a little and then see

    i wasnt a fan, mj was not on my radar -- get my thinking...

    pp can change their views, get a different perspective

    your greatest ally could be the person you least suspect

    look the apologised, how else has done that?

    and they listened - i think that is amazing

    sometimes pp jump on the bandwagon and then really take a different view - that is what marks them apart

    i say given them a chance


    We shouldn`t expect too much at a time - but it is a start ....
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    So who's next to apologize, Tom Sneddon?
  • i have found an interesting article about the fans,
    i will post the vids if you want

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    Michael Jackson: Was the Media Complicit in Destroying Him???
    Posted on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    Many Michael Jackson fans believe media coverage of the singer was distorted to be self serving. How about those who aren't his fans? What do they feel?
    By Victoria E. Christopherson

    May 03, 2010, (Sawf News) - Many Michael Jackson fans believe media coverage of the singer has been distorted and self serving. How about those who aren't his fans? How do they feel?

    Victoria E. Christopherson wasn't a Michael Jackson fan, at least not till the time he died. Here is what she had to say, and we let her say it straight from her heart.

    When Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, I honestly did not care. My impressions of him were the ever-present pictures I would see on the tabloid covers when I would enter the grocery checkout. Those freakish pictures of him, for years and years. And the ever-present child molestation charges. Other than that, I knew very little about him. So I decided to find out for myself by checking the internet for articles and YouTube for videos.

    I was not prepared for what I saw of taped interviews of Michael Jackson and of his fantastic, out-of-this world concert performances. To my surprise, by the time of his memorial at the Staples Center on July 7, 2009, I was grief-stricken. I took a vacation day from work, watched the memorial, and cried like a baby. I cried as if for a beloved brother. Not a freak-show character as portrayed by the media, but a beautiful, loving, sweet human being. A person who put his money where his mouth is, for the good of others, to our utter shame. And the greatest entertainer. I became a fan.

    In viewing interviews of Michael Jackson, I could not help but be impressed by a kind, beautiful persona. But what about the child-molestation charges? The more I tried to resolve some of my questions about his life, the more I would encounter massive contradictions in the articles about him.

    I would often see articles that were exactly the same, but have one massive fact reported differently. It seemed like intentional disinformation. For example, articles would cover Jordan Chandler's description of Jackson being circumcised. [Jordan Chandler was the 13-year old accuser/1993). Another would say Jordan Chandler described him as uncircumcised. (He was uncircumcised by the way).

    On and on, it was shocking. However, I discovered that some investigative reporters had published articles and even books about the molestation charges, giving the opinion that Michael Jackson was not guilty. Some even thought he was framed, giving reasoned arguments (see "Was Michael Jackson Framed?" by Mary A Fischer, GQ magazine, 1994).

    That is when I encountered Aphrodite Jones book, "The Michael Jackson Conspiracy". A New York Times best-selling author of true crime books, she covered the 2005 Jackson trial for Fox News.

    She had thought Michael Jackson was guilty going in, but changed her mind after the 14 not-guilty verdicts were pronounced. Everyone in the media was shocked, including her. She decided to do her own research on the trial and write a book.

    One shocking fact: no publisher would touch a pro-Jackson book. No publisher would touch a pro-Jackson book??? Not even from a best-selling author? So she had to self-publish. Tom Messereau, Michael Jackson's brilliant attorney, wrote the forward. The book was an eye-opener to what lengths a District Attorney and the media will go to pervert justice.

    So when, on the early morning of April 29, 2010, I entered "michaeljackson" in Google news, I found an entry for: Aphrodite Jones True Crime: Michael Jackson, an episode to air on Investigation Discovery Channel on the following day, April 30th.

    The entry showed 3 articles. I hoped that the media would discuss the airing of the program, so that people could see the other side of the story. Because there is another side.

    By noon, April 29th, I found another entry for an allegation that Michael Jackson had a gay lover at the end of his life. Extra, an entertainment television program, was airing two interviews of Jason Pfeiffer, the alleged gay lover. Pfeiffer is an employee of Dr Arnold Klein, Jackson's dermatologist and friend, who was corroborating the story.

    I was livid, because in my research, Michael Jackson always denied being gay. And even if he was gay, why are the lover and friend going to the tabloid press???

    This was the very thing Jackson complained of. Jackson hated the tabloid press and wanted his privacy. He wrote songs about these issues. And these were his friends???

    Fans blogged and protested vehemently. Extra cancelled Part 2 of the interview. But the timing of this story was suspect. Aphrodite Jones' program would air the next night, a program which defended Michael Jackson against the child molestation charges. Could all this be by design?

    As of May 3, 2010, Google news shows 99 stories for Michael Jackson's gay lover and 3 stories for Aphrodite Jones True Crime program, the same 3 stories from April 29, 2010. The media didn't touch it.

    Aphrodite Jones: "The conspiracy is between the media and the DA to make Michael Jackson appear to be the guiltiest person on the planet, when in truth, no one could be more humble or more talented or more loving than Michael Jackson."

    YouTube now has the entire Aphrodite Jones program (with Jackson attorney Tom Messereau) shown in six parts. Here are the embeds.

    True Crime with Aphrodite Jones ~ The Michael Jackson episode Part 1

    True Crime with Aphrodite Jones ~ The Michael Jackson episode Part 2

    True Crime with Aphrodite Jones ~ The Michael Jackson episode Part 3

    True Crime with Aphrodite Jones ~ The Michael Jackson episode Part 4

    True Crime with Aphrodite Jones ~ The Michael Jackson episode Part 5

    True Crime with Aphrodite Jones ~ The Michael Jackson episode Part 6

    News Copyright © Sawf News. May not be reproduced without explicit written permission

    Michael Jackson's 'secret' wife denied cash claim by late singer's estate


    Michael and the media
    By marky of london on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    I am ashamed to say that I was one of the former fans who turned their backs on him due to the disorted portrayal of Michael by the press. I loved his music during the early eighties and and lived and breathed everything Michael Jackson. I bought all the albums from Off The Wall, Thriller,and Bad. However by the time Dangerous came along, I like most of my friends had already bought and paid for the the freak that the media sold us. We believed that he purposely tried to distance himself from his own race through cosmetic surgery. By the time the first child molestation accusation came along, we did not know what to believe. The media was filled with lurid tales. Everyone from the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker had a salacious tale to tell regarding Michael. He was no longer relevant to us and we chose to plough our energies into other artists such as Madonna, Prince, Boys to Men and so on.
    When he was on trial in 2005 I began to understand a bit more about this complex man and the circumstances surrounding the 1993 allegations. We also discovered that alot of details regarding the 1993 accusations were never reported which would have truly exhonerated Michael in the eyes of the public. However the media still continued to print salacious, sensationalist lies without checking and verifying their sources correctly. I was overjoyed when the not guilty verdicts on all counts were read out. Over the last couple of years I read with dismay how he was forced to move constanly from one country to another with no place to call home, because he no longer felt safe or welcome in the land of his birth.
    When he died I was heartbroken, and to this day I still cannot come to terms with his death. Maybe it is out of guilt for not being more vocal in my support for this caring, compassionate,generous, trusting misunderstood human being.
    I would like to say sorry, Michael. Sorry for turning our backs on you. Sorry on behalf of all those who hurt you. Sorry on behalf of for all those who used you. Sorry on behalf of the lying media who persecuted you all your life.
    I would also like take this opportunity to thank you for the music, the magic and the memories.
    I hope you are at peace where you are now.

    Reply to this Comment

    Michael Jackson
    By lmt on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    Yes, the media is deeply complicit in what
    happened to Michael. All the evidence is
    available and very clear to those who wish
    to know the truth. And it hasn't stopped.
    People will still prattle untruths for money.
    It is too late to apologize or say I'm sorry
    to Michael. He's gone. His legacy and
    especially his children deserve the respect
    that their beloved father never received in
    his life.
    Reply to this Comment

    I agree
    By jmmj on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    Not only was Michael Jackson villified in the tabloid media, but mainstream media as well. Diane Sawyer, who looked at Lisa Marie Presley during a later interview with such disgust, asked, "Michael Jackson??? What about the way he looks?" Then you have Oprah who made it a point to make fun of him with every guest she had on the show that had any connection to him. Barbara Walters is another one who took shots at him and was the moderator for the Martin Bashir disgusting piece of tabloid trash. That sweet man could never catch a break no matter what he did. I'm a conservative and I cannot stand to listen to Bill O'Reilly and it's because of how he acted regarding Michael Jackson. If anyone would ever have just actually listened to the man, he said blatantly that he never invited boys into his bedroom to sleep but he never told any child they couldn't come into his room. He further stated that even if he had slept in the bed with them, there was never anything sexual going on and I think that's the main thing people need to realize. I would give anything had he used better judgment regarding this because 2 greedy families tore him and his reputation apart for it, but that was who he was -- a loving individual and as far back as I can remember even in his teens, he spoke of children and how much he loved them and wanted to help them and help children he did -- all over the world! I further cannot stand to listen to Jay Leno or Chris Rock or any other comedian who said the most vile and awful things about him in their supposed comedy routines and in Rock's case -- even in his movies he takes that forum to slam Jackson.

    I further get sick when people say things such as his children were lab created, which is absurd. How many people use surrogates to have children? What went on between him and Deborah Rowe is their business and he loved his children and they loved him very much! That youngest one is a mini-me of Michael Jackson. I really noticed it when I saw a picture of Jackson when he was young barefooted and then a picture surfaced of Blanket barefooted and they have the exact same feet as well.
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    By Colette on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    It's so sad what is still happening to Michael, these Klein people and the gay rumours are making me sick. Sawf News I hope you will continue to put out the truth about Michael and not the gossip and garbage. The timing was on purpose to distract from the Aphrodite Jones Report, this Klein idiot wants to distract people from the truth which is that Michael was innocent, he was NOT gay and he was used by everyone around him for money and attention. Don't give the loser coming forward with salacious claims any attention, I hope Michael's estate starts suing for slander and defamation of character.
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    Michael and the media
    By Ally on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    Thanks for your honesty and openness Victoria and Marky. I know so many people, friends of mine, nice people who have been swayed by the media and either believe he was guilty or are"keeping an open mind" - a phrase which infuriates me just as much,- and for a time I wasn't sure what to think, but the truth is, we weren't given any real info in the news, just as Victoria says, tabloid headlines and pictures - pictures chosen for their effect.It takes effort to find out - and also the internet which was not around years ago like now. So we were all controlled by what the media wanted us to see and know.its been drummed in for so long now, some people just take it as fact when there are no facts involved in what they fed us about Michae Jackson.

    In my tours of the internet recently I came across this quote from JFK, " Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought". it is so true, nobody THINKS, they just swallow whole what the media want us to.
    Why do we want to be controlled like this? Why do we not want to have real information and think for ourselves, to come to informed opinion?

    Michael Jackson's fans / admirers are often described as 'obsessed' 'crazy' et.c but, because they care, they are the only ones that properly investigate the issues and think about them and come to their own conclusions.( I know there are some exceptions as they are human beings, but in the main). Many Jackson admirers are doctors, nurses, lawyers, therapists, accountants, academics, these are not ignorant people, they are intelligent people, many of whom are in their 50's, who have been trained in assessing people and situations on a daily basis, in understanding and weighing up medical and therapeutic information and in critical thinking. Yet these same people who save lives because of their thinking skills are labelled obsessed crazies by, not just the person on the street but by writers in media, a non-profession - there is something very strange and wrong there and then the person on the street believes it - could be about the same doctor that just performed their mother's brain surgery.Do you really think your surgeon is crazy?

    Why is someone who defends Michael Jackson attacked as stupid and crazy, when they are actually sticking up for justice and for not labelling a man guilty for crimes FOR WHICH THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE? anybody can make allegations about someone else, - allegations don't make the issue true, they are just things someone has said for some reason of their own. That is why there are juries to listen to and weigh evidence to see if its true or not. when someone has gone through that process and been found innocent, how can people who were not even present to see the evidence say the person was in fact guilty? it makes no sense. But this is what the media did to Michael Jackson.
    If I said that such and such politician molested and threatened me at a party and sold it to a paper, it affects his reputation immediately. the fact that its not true makes no difference, by the time its been reprinted in a couple more papers it takes on its own life and people start to think "there's no smoke without fire". well guess what - very often there IS all smoke and NO fire - as with Michael Jackson.

    So was the media complicit in his destruction - absolutely!
    If anyone doubts this, just take some time to objectively look at the so called evidence against him, look at the person not the media images, listen to Aphrodite, Tom Mesereau, Larry Nimmer, Geraldine Hughes, and so many people who knew him. and the ask yourself - why was none of this information reported, why were we only given sensationalist headlines and no facts. Read the court transcripts and see for yourself all the lies and inconsistencies of the arvizo family, the totally ludicrous allegations that make no sense at all, watch Larry Nimmer's film where you can see the police interview of Gavin- it is SO obvious he is lying. See the evidence the jury saw and then see why they found him innocent. Listen and think before you just believe what the media wants you to think so it can sell you its papers.
    and stop letting the media control your minds.
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    Michael Jackson
    By Tinkerbell on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    Thank you Mrs. Christopherson and Sawf News. This is responsible journalism and justice. Even when the reporter's and publisher's opinion regarding an artist, theme, is not positive they should be objective in order to be responsible and just. Such attitude leads to the truth and veracity of the opinion. I want to thank you for your job with this article. My story is eearily similar to you Victoria and after a long year or research I've come to the same conclusion. Shame for others that refused to investigate and decided to cruxify this man. May God have mercy on them.
    Reply to this Comment

    I can't believe my eyes! Finally!
    By nagla on Monday, May 03, 2010 (EST)
    Since June 25th 2009 I've kept wondering "Oh God, why did I live to see that day?" The grief and agony would just deepen every day with all the horrible stories on the tabloids, which spread so rapidly all over the internet. Yes, even death could not humanize Michael Jackson! And his fans had to endure the pain of his loss doubled by the cruelty of the media's handling of it. I'd watch news anchors saying, "Well, he was a musical genius, but he was also so and so and so..." All of the things which followed "but" were rumors, lies and speculations, yet they seemed more powerful than all the facts. There is absolutely no proof till the moment I'm writing those lines to support any allegations made against Michael Jackson. On the other hand, we have seen by our own eyes his talent, his generosity, his care for the children, animals and the planet. We've seen him doing everything he could to bring joy into our lives and the lives of those who are suffering around the world. We've seen him give his all on stage and off stage to perfect his artistry. MJ never cheated on us. But look how the media paid him back! The backstabbing would not stop even after he's gone. They're mercilessly continuing to insert their daggers and slander him in death. Why? There is absolutely no reason. What if he has his eccentricities like we all do in our own ways? Is the media punishing him for being rich and famous during his life? Well, he earned those things! He worked really hard. And he shared his gifts with humanity at large. He gave over $300,000,000 out of his own money to help those in need. What more could a single person possibly do?

    Today, I thank Swaf News for this article. I just wanna add that Michael Jackson's fans have also had their share of being misrepresented. The media always refers to them as "crazed fans". I don't know of any other fan group who has been stereotyped in such a way. The rare loyalty they show may indeed be considered outlandish in today's world. However, I believe this is something that should give them credit, not be held against them. I believe we should rather have an honest look around and be brave enough to ask what is wrong with the world that is labeling this sincere and noble human sentiment as crazy. "All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us".. You were so right, Michael. If you hadn't cared, you would have been normal and accepted, maybe respected too. They wouldn't find that wacko! And if your fans didn't care, they wouldn't be bearing their cross the way they do.

    Ms. Victoria, it is not a matter of being or not being a fan of Michael Jackson. Anyone who will be allowed a chance to see the truth will agree to what was expressed in your article. The question is: will mainstream media ever allow them this chance?
  • sorry for the bit at the end i could not edit it without losing the comments

    well i managed to edit - thought this was interesting - what are your views

    as i said it is a start
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I remember Oprah's sort of almost apology, just jumping on the bandwagon to get MJ fans on her side. She took a little heat for not saying anything about his death for ages. Of course she jumped on the vilifying Michael when it was in style. People are either weak or strong, independant or followers, arrogant or humble, seekers for truth or trusting in popular opinion.
  • better late than never

    i found her interviews when at neverland hard and hostile

    but better now than never
  • [youtube:3frlii76]



    we all have a part to play - my reference to the play/movie an inspector calls
  • like the man in the mirror we each have to look to ourselves.

    look at what and how we on this site post, our public comments about this dear man. when we dissect and comment - is it totally hoax investigation - is it, is there no element of anything else? are we all being truthful?

    we should question ourselves too.

    we cant change things in one day or anyone person or organisation - where we start is today, right now and with ourselves, sure the road will not be easy sure we will mess up and revert back to type

    but if we want change - it has to come from within
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    There is only one thing that I have to say to the tabloid press that tormented our beloved MJ is:

    I hope that you know how his fans are suffering because of the lies that you print about MJ. I feel like I am living through a death sentence since June 25, 2009. I am tormented daily since that fateful day. I wonder if the press ever tried to put themselves in MJ's shoes, and bear-up under the lies that were told about him. I wonder if the press ever thinks about how he must have felt to be facing a possible jail sentence for a crime that he did not commit. The press was humiliated when MJ was found innocent. I think that the press could not believe that someone like MJ is to good to be true. His heart is as wide as the ocean and swimming with pure love for the planet. I think that the tabloid press is too jaded to believe that pure L.O.V.E. exists in a cynical world like this. Well, I still believe in L.O.V.E. as the most important force in God's universe. I just think that these writers who make these careers as tabloid journalists have God-given talents, and why not use them to make the world a better, loving place like our beloved MJ does. He uses everything that God has given him, whether it be dancing, singing, or simply loving those less fortunate than himself. To the tabloid press, I would like to leave you with something to mediate on that MJ said, and it is very wise advice:

    In the end, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and those you love and work hard. Work like there's no tomorrow. Train. Strive. Really train and cultivate your talent to the highest degree. Be the best at what you do. Get to know more about your field than anybody alive. Use the tools of your trade, if it's books or a floor to dance on or a body of water to swim in. Whatever it is, it's yours. That's what I've always tried to remember.
  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    So who's next to apologize, Tom Sneddon?

    haha I bet hell freezes over before that guy even comes close to an apology <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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