Brian Oxman speaks out against McLain and Branca

2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited January 1970 in News
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This is the latest LACRA speaks out. Brian Oxman speaks out and names the administrators, as the prime suspects.........

He also thinks the death of "Peter Lopez" is suspicious. Brian starts talking around the 09.00 minute mark.... As always, with L.O.V.E xoxoo


  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    I wonder why Eddy and his crew are waiting until September 15th for the Washington, DC visit.

    Brian's argument doesn't hold much water. He says that the sale of MJ memorabilia is for money making purposes. If the Estate wanted to make the big bucks then they would set up a Graceland style museum for MJ. Graceland rakes in millions each year and MJs museum would do extremely well too. I have to let Brian's comments simmer some more. First, he is an attorney and so is Branca. Oxman has to know that naming names and making accusations could land him a slander lawsuit.

    Does anyone follow Eddy Jones on fb or twitter? He seems quite passionate about justice for MJ. I wonder how he would react if he were directed to the hoax site.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Girl Saturday, Eddie Jones had Twiggy from MJ hoax live on an earlier broadcast. I always wondered why Eddie didn't question Twiggy about her beliefs......And yes, I am following them both on Facebook and Twitter. I agree with you about him making accusations about them, but doesn't it still seem odd that the FBI are doing nothing about it, and that it seems like they are asking "US" fans to help.........As always, with L.O.V.E xoxoxoxoxo
  • Eddie Jones had Twiggy from MJ hoax live on an earlier broadcast. I always wondered why Eddie didn't question Twiggy about her beliefs...

    Yes, I find this also very strange. They just let her ask questions and all live on radio..makes you wonder hmmmmm.. Why is she allowed to?
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Twiggy does not go on eddie jones anymore. Not for a long time. Many people have wondered why someone who thinks there is a hoax would be on that show, particularly as all the other guests do not think that at all. I think you will find that any way you look at it, it is very difficult to fit a plausible hoax thoery into the reality of what is going on now. I asked twig what she thought about the charges against Murray and the courts. She agreed that you cannot charge someone with manslaughter if someone didn't die. The charges against Murray are real. I also asked her opinion on whether she thought the courts were set-up/faked in some way. She said she thought they were real.

    In her defence, she said there was no body. People (the general public) did not witness a body. That is true, but how likely is it that you would ever see the dead body of michael jackson if you are not family? This point does not explain or reason with the issues mentioned above about Murray and the courts. You cannot get around the fact that the charges and the court hearings are real. That tells you everything you need to know.

    When people wake up to this, they will wonder how the hoax ever got started and how it ever lasted so long. You might look back on it and call it a kind of mental incarceration.

    I don't know which is more remarkable, the suspicious death of michael jackson or the hoax frenzy after his death.
  • MeandMyShadowMeandMyShadow Posts: 385
    Twiggy does not go on eddie jones anymore. Not for a long time. Many people have wondered why someone who thinks there is a hoax would be on that show, particularly as all the other guests do not think that at all. I think you will find that any way you look at it, it is very difficult to fit a plausible hoax thoery into the reality of what is going on now. I asked twig what she thought about the charges against Murray and the courts. She agreed that you cannot charge someone with manslaughter if someone didn't die. The charges against Murray are real. I also asked her opinion on whether she thought the courts were set-up/faked in some way. She said she thought they were real.

    In her defence, she said there was no body. People (the general public) did not witness a body. That is true, but how likely is it that you would ever see the dead body of michael jackson if you are not family? This point does not explain or reason with the issues mentioned above about Murray and the courts. You cannot get around the fact that the charges and the court hearings are real. That tells you everything you need to know.

    When people wake up to this, they will wonder how the hoax ever got started and how it ever lasted so long. You might look back on it and call it a kind of mental incarceration.

    I don't know which is more remarkable, the suspicious death of michael jackson or the hoax frenzy after his death.

    Am I wrong, but doesn't Twiggy believe he actually died?
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Am I wrong, but doesn't Twiggy believe he actually died?

    Nope. I know for a fact she thinks he is alive. This is largely based on some pics she took outside his house on sept 10. She says she saw a large white limo leaving his house. Unfortunately anyone could have been inside that. Aside from this, i personally have not seen any evidence presented by twiggy that proves he is alive. She thinks the estate case however is real, branca etc. How those 2 ideas exist together i don't know, but that's just my opinion.

    If MJ were alive, do you think he would drag his parents through a manslaughter trial? He is dead. The nitty gritty is finding out what happened.
  • mjj_fanmjj_fan Posts: 311
    In all honesty these trails made me wonder we are at the end of journey, how much i hate to write this , but at the same time i believe who so ever was involved in this murder it was only one person dr murray that night administrating cocktail of respiratory suppressants on his patient Micheal , why he allowed this to happen , did he know it could take his life , such question remain unanswered uptil now and are strongest point favouring dr murray because no one can prove it what mj knew what not but drugs were infused after his concent
    if this is the ugliest reality , not in my wildest imagination i expect genious like Michael to make this happen because it hurts so much .
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