Michael Jackson's Alleged BF -- On the Run

edited January 1970 in News
Michael Jackson's Alleged BF -- On the Run
Originally posted May 6th 2010 12:23 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Dr. Arnold Klein's office manager -- who claims he was Michael Jackson's lover -- is facing such intense death threats that he's moving from place to place ... hiding out from angry MJ fans.


A source close to Dr. Klein and Jason Pfeiffer tells TMZ incensed Jackson fans have walked right up to Pfeiffer's home and knocked on his door -- and they've also tracked him down at his friends' houses.

Since Jason went public last week with allegations of an affair with Michael, we're told violent and homophobic threats have poured into Dr. Klein's office by phone, fax, and email. According to the source one voicemail said, "I'm gonna put a bullet in your heads."

Klein and Pfeiffer have hired bodyguards, and reported the threats to the FBI. We're told Pfeiffer is currently at a private location with friends.

Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/05/05/michael-j ... z0n8KishyX<!-- m -->


  • Oh dear lord... It's good to defend and stand up for someone, but this is getting way out of control. No one knows what really happened, i.e. I can't get rid of the little voice in my head that keeps bugging me about the possibility of Jason having an affair with a double.

    When Mike was accused of molesting children, people responded the same way to him as people are responding to Klein and Pfeiffer right now. I'm sorry for saying this and I for sure don't want to offend anyone, let that be very clear, but why are, according to this article, MJ fans doing the exact same thing right now of which they were so outraged about when it was done to Mike? The very same thing was done to Conrad Murray. Do we have another "Trial By Media" here..?

    Again, no one knows what really happened, no one knows what made Pfeiffer and Klein say this. Please, don't jump to conclusions, don't judge instantly.

    Remember Mike's words: Don't judge a person unless you have spoken to them one on one.
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    If this is true then these fans have gone overboard. War, hunger, human suffering exists all over the world and these people are all riled up over this. There have been worse accusations against MJ than his sexuality. Would these people be as passionate over something really serious? They need to get on with their lives. Better yet would these people be as protective toward their neighbor, co-worker, classmates, family members or even a homeless stranger in need. What is this crap? People want to save far away and distant celebrities yet probably ignore and dump on the people that they come in contact with on a daily basis. Priorities are twisted.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    you know, as much as i hate money-hungry people who are willing to throw their "friends" under the bus, this makes me sad. nobody has a right to make a death threat. what happened to being the bigger person? people can write their opinions on blogs and forums, but going to this jason guy's home and sending death threats to arnie is just....not what michael embodies.

    it's okay to voice your opinions. in fact, it's imperative. it's not okay to stalk the hell out of people and threaten violence.

    spread the love, not the hate.
  • <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Some of the comments, posted on TMZ:
    LMAO I guess that was not the LOVE he was looking for... This is a good learning lesson he will keep his mouth shut from now on and hitch a ride of someone else.. like Kline... Good Run run but u can't hide MJ has fans everywhere.. while he is Running he will loose some of that weight he is carrying around... Plz MJ would not even look to seconds at him... what a F..ken joke...Kline as far as I am concerned you should be right next to murray.. and Jason... The lord dose not like Ugly... Karma is in full swing...
    I have no problem believing/accepting that MJ was gay. What I find IMPOSSIBLE to believe is that he was a chubby chaser. Considering how obsessed MJ was with perfecting his own looks I think he would have been absolutely repulsed by the tub of lard shown above.
    ok, so apparently they didn't get enough buzz with their sack of lies, so now they're claiming death threat?!!!

    Plzzzz, no one cares about ur miserable life!


    Arnold W Klein MD
    <!-- m -->http://www.drarnoldklein.com<!-- m -->
    435 North Roxbury Drive #204
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210
    (310) 275-5136
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Once again, how do we know this story is even real ???????????

    It could all just be a fabricated version of events, that generates this type of hype.

    TMZ are once again getting the attention they frequently seek.

    I'm not buying it for one minute.

    If this is for real, then those people making threats, are not learning anything.

    You never fight fire, with fire.

    Fight fire with water, and then let it simmer for a bit .!!!!!!
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    Hmmmm.... gonna add my 2 cents in here.....

    Since I am a firm believer that Michael was receiving threats and that is why he had to do all of this, maybe that is what TMZ is trying to tell us in a round about way? TMZ has been dropping clues here and there for the past 10 months and when you read between the lines on the stories, you see what they are really trying to tell you. So MAYBE they are preparing the public, in their own way, to realize that Michael was getting threats and had to "move from place to place" while the FBI took care of it? Just my thoughts. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • People are judging a person and theatening him now only because the MEDIA said what was said. That doesn't mean it has to be true. Because we all know how the media works, Michael has said it a thousand times don't believe the media they are all garbage and lies and they manipulate.

    Ofcourse I'm not happy about what has been said but the media has tried to blackmail Michael multiple times by accusing him of things he didn't do or was. If Michael tried to speak out about ''them'' they tried to shut his mouth wih filthy lies. And the gay story was one of those as well and it looks to me like they are continueing with it. But we know better.
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    Is this supposed to be a recent confession, because this article says otherwise and it's from August.

    <!-- m -->http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/200 ... -21613140/<!-- m -->
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    When Mike was accused of molesting children, people responded the same way to him as people are responding to Klein and Pfeiffer right now. I'm sorry for saying this and I for sure don't want to offend anyone, let that be very clear, but why are, according to this article, MJ fans doing the exact same thing right now of which they were so outraged about when it was done to Mike?

    I don't want to defend those people, but the big difference is that back then something was claimed about Michael and he was the one being attacked. Nobody claims anything bad about Jason or Klein, they are the ones making claims, most likely false claims, about Michael. So, Michael is the victim again, and those people just react very aggressively. Ever asked those kinda fans about the Chandlers or Arvizos? Uh-oh. They've always been like that. But the question is still if those "threats" aren't highly exaggerated, because it gives them more publicity and more of a victim touch.
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    Is this supposed to be a recent confession, because this article says otherwise and it's from August.

    <!-- m -->http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/200 ... -21613140/<!-- m -->
    you are so right people needs to look at the big picture here this man made claims last year and nobody believe him then but he came back and the same day Ms. Jone program air and is now taking the attention from her and what she is trying to get to public to understand and nobody is probably after him they are using this as a diversion and I am sad that has come to this and yes nobody should be threaten but I glad somebody is coming to MJ defends a we have turn the other cheek so long it time to for us to take a stand he can't do it for himself right now.
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    Is this supposed to be a recent confession, because this article says otherwise and it's from August.

    <!-- m -->http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/200 ... -21613140/<!-- m -->

    Its been going for ages. Can't remember if it was in this thread but I put a link somewhere to an article in the sun that dated back to 21st August 09, I think the story started back in an Australian magazine in the same month. This is all sparked up again because for whatever reason Jason did the interview on Extra.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    It is true we do not know that it was what I spend actually, probably Pfeiffer it has had a romance with a double and this this being done to harm once again Michael's image, with which right there speaks Arnold Klein of the sexuality of a person that not this one to say if this is true or is a lie, that this Arnie in the hoax?. We do not know it, but it is very slightly ethical to speak about the life deprived of a patient, independently about that this is true, I do not see there is Michael as gay, does not seem to me, the same one said that it was not gay.
    That probably esten doing for money, many people do what is for money. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Oh dear lord... It's good to defend and stand up for someone, but this is getting way out of control. No one knows what really happened, i.e. I can't get rid of the little voice in my head that keeps bugging me about the possibility of Jason having an affair with a double.

    When Mike was accused of molesting children, people responded the same way to him as people are responding to Klein and Pfeiffer right now. I'm sorry for saying this and I for sure don't want to offend anyone, let that be very clear, but why are, according to this article, MJ fans doing the exact same thing right now of which they were so outraged about when it was done to Mike? The very same thing was done to Conrad Murray. Do we have another "Trial By Media" here..?

    Again, no one knows what really happened, no one knows what made Pfeiffer and Klein say this. Please, don't jump to conclusions, don't judge instantly.

    Remember Mike's words: Don't judge a person unless you have spoken to them one on one.

    Yes Mo, I agree,your words are correct...but...
    is not the first time this MICHAEL'S "FRIEND" comes to media to say or confirm facts that only he could know... as "urine in the cup." !!
    We really can not judge because Michael has also said: "If you see a tabloid, BURN IT, ALL THE MEDIA LIES!"
    I understand, maybe you've reason: we cannot know what is really TRUE OR NOT ... and we should not JUDGE ... despite doubts!!
    Thank you by help, I need think about...BEFORE getting ANGRY...& JUDGE WRONG...
    L.O.V.E. for all BELIEVERS!!
  • "*Mo*&quot wrote:
    Oh dear lord... It's good to defend and stand up for someone, but this is getting way out of control. No one knows what really happened,

    Totally agree with you, let's imagine for just one second that this guy is telling the truth, the only thing he is doing wrong is going on tv shows to earn money and this is somethig that many girls do everyday and imo nobody deserves to be killed for this.
    i.e. I can't get rid of the little voice in my head that keeps bugging me about the possibility of Jason having an affair with a double.

    When Mike was accused of molesting children, people responded the same way to him as people are responding to Klein and Pfeiffer right now. I'm sorry for saying this and I for sure don't want to offend anyone, let that be very clear, but why are, according to this article, MJ fans doing the exact same thing right now of which they were so outraged about when it was done to Mike? The very same thing was done to Conrad Murray. Do we have another "Trial By Media" here..?

    It's not exactly the same, in the case of Michael he was not the one who proclaimed having had sex with the kids, he was falsely accused.

    Again, no one knows what really happened, no one knows what made Pfeiffer and Klein say this. Please, don't jump to conclusions, don't judge instantly.

    Remember Mike's words: Don't judge a person unless you have spoken to them one on one.
    "*Mo*&quot wrote:

    It is indeed a good sentence but imo it can't be used for everybody, i have never spoken with Hitler or Pinochet and i really don't need it to judge them, i'm not trying to compare this guy with the dictators, i only use them as an example.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Remember an article a while back about Murray "being on the run"... and he was pictured running on the beach?

    Seems like a com,on theme... interesting how there seems to be more venom directed towards these two that the actual Dr Murray who supposedly KILLED Michael!!!
  • Wow. I think that is so wrong on the fans part. Yea, What if this guy is telling the truth? We have no idea, we weren't in Michael's home or in his personal relationships. People please stop threatening this man and wait til the truth comes out. Innocent Until Proven Guilty. We don't know if he is Lying or telling the truth. There's always a possibility. This man shouldn't be riddled with death threats, that's Just wrong. Despite of this all I don't think Michael would even approve of such behavior by the fans. We are an Army of L.O.V.E., let's open-mindedly listen to both sides of the tale.
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    Seriously seems we get what we ask for here. We've been asking ourselves why hasn't a crazed MJ fan attacked Murray? Now, we see it we get the response now Klein and Arnie getting death threats. I do think the man is making a point and we are getting the answer of his disappearance. Michael I believe didn't do this cus wow I'm gonna teach the media a lesson I do believe he was threatened. I do think this "death" turned into something useful for him he's not one to let opportunities pass him. I doubt anything will happen to Arnie and JP just like nothing is happening to Murray we see him still alive well whatever happened to him hey TMZ we need to know where is Murray? Is he on vacation? lol! How did he spend cinco de mayo?
  • michaeljackson12.jpg
    this picture seems to me like if Klein and Jason were the true lovers, not MJ and Jason..
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    If I'm wrong I'm sorry, but he's getting what he asked for. If he wanted to step outside the box and put a red target on his behind well hello somebody's gonna wanna hit the bullseye. There was no earthly reason for this man to be making these kinds of allegations 10 plus months after Michael departed. He decided to do it, possibly or moreover probably for some money and so now he's having to put his ill gotten money to use right away. RUN FOREST...RUN. <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> Maybe next time, he'll remember the times and won't be so quick to challenge the lunacy (since that's what they call us anyway) of MJ's Army.
  • I find this appaling, discusting. First of all I do not believe that MJ is gay. Second of all like someone said here, Maybe this pfeifer did go with an impersonator and he thought it was MJ.. I hate when people talk and the other person is not there to diffend himself.. Well I will defend MJ.. Mr. Pfeifer what ever you name is. you would only wish to have MJ as your boyfriend. DREAM ON....... and dr Klein, I do not wish death to anyone, but you deserve a kick in you know where. How can he betray Michael like that. I hate this.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    this picture seems to me like if Klein and Jason were the true lovers, not MJ and Jason..

    Oh my, is this a real cover of Us Weekly????? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> I agree with you about Jason and Kline. All I can say is, MJ, you are looking so fine, Daddy. Baby, I love you. xxxx
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