Shana M Talks About Atty. Lopez

edited January 1970 in News
Shana Mangantal (old MJ GF) says Lopez was involved in MJ's final months. I snatched this from MJJCommunity and it's from Shana's FB page....Originally Posted by 7angel
some parts of discussions from Shana Mangatal face book page:

Shana MangatalI am in a state of shock, once again. Peter Lopez, one of MJ's last attorneys was found dead today. It was an apparent suicide. He was one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. We hung together last month at the Kobe Bryant party. He seemed to be in great spirits! I just don't understand!!! If anyone has any further information, please let me know.

Shana Mangatal
Thank you guys. This craziness has to stop. Michael's death has turned the world upside down. We spoke about Michael at the party. He was one of the few lawyers who actually cared about Michael. I'm sure Michael liked him because of his gentle, caring demeanor.
18 hours ago

Shana Mangatal
Peter was very much involved in those final months. This is all very strange.
17 hours ago
Shana Mangatal
Nothing seems real anymore. Life feels like one big dream...or nightmare.
14 hours ago
Shana Mangatal
@Karla..I was with him at a Kobe Bryant party I attended about 3 or 4 weeks ago. It was the same night my current profile pic was taken. That's when we discussed MJ, and he seemed a little sad.
11 hours ago

user comment-
"Kraken reached out to Jackson last year through the singer's attorney Peter Lopez. "We wanted to tell the behind-the-scenes story of Michael Jackson the entertainer," Fowler says. The plan was to include Jackson's concerts at London's O2 Arena."



  • cleaclea Posts: 145
    Thank you Good Lets Dance <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    Thank you for posting this, it is good confirmation for us to know
    we are not alone or too suspicious as those close to him also think
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Was it discussed that Atty Lopez was the atty working for Michael right before the rehiring of Branca? He was recommended to MJ in 2006. Now he is dead. If there was anyone who could dispute the validity of Michael's will , then Lopez would be he. Now he is dead. Coincidence? Hell to the NO. It stands to reason that the attorney Michael was working with before Branca was let back in would have drafted Michael's last will. With Lopez gone, so is the tie,the proof, and the updated will.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    God bless you, Good Lets Dance! Thank you for your love and your post. I am sad when I read it. I am always sick about MJ. But, I will keep on going until we find out the truth. Thank you so much, Good Lets Dance! xxxx
    Thank you for posting this, it is good confirmation for us to know
    we are not alone or too suspicious as those close to him also think

    Yes, it is a confirmation that we are not alone in our thinking. Thank you again for giving me some peace. God bless you, Zen! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> xxx

    Was it discussed that Atty Lopez was the atty working for Michael right before the rehiring of Branca? He was recommended to MJ in 2006. Now he is dead. If there was anyone who could dispute the validity of Michael's will , then Lopez would be he. Now he is dead. Coincidence? Hell to the NO. It stands to reason that the attorney Michael was working with before Branca was let back in would have drafted Michael's last will. With Lopez gone, so is the tie,the proof, and the updated will.

    Wow, is all I can say. So very insightful, hesouttamylife. I am speechless. God bless you for your wit and quick thinking. The truth will come out. God bless you! xxxx
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