Time To Boycott A Certain Network

edited January 1970 in News
Guys, if you haven't already done so Please visit MJTruthnow and sign the petition to get rid of Martin Bashir. Here is a direct link: <!-- m -->http://mjtruthnow.com/MJ/<!-- m -->
They are at 58% of signatures needed, and I just signed it.

I have already been Boycotting ABC TV since 6/09 but now I'm going to go even further. I am going to watch a little just to find out Who their advertisiers and Sponsers are (I don't know how else I can find out) then I am going to the ads/sponsers Websites and tell them Why I will never purchase their products or services or watch Channnel 7 (ABC) If enough of us to this maybe it could have an impact.

Nothing burns me up more than Bashir killing MJ and still enjoying a cushy broadcast job. This is absolutley Insane that ABC keeps this Monster on board. It shows total insensitivity to American Public and adds insult to injury in regard to MJ's demise.


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