Assuming this is a hoax planned for YEARS...

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in News
Some of you believe this, so here's a question then:
Do you think MJ would have 3 kids (whom he clearly had intentionally) before pulling off a disappearing act? And assuming that the kids are part of the plan, do you think they'd be left alone with grandma Katherine (which they seem to be)?! Wouldn't MJ try to stay with them?! Assuming Michael planned this years ago, try to think how he'd go about it. Would the hoax look like it does, or would it look different?

I personally think that it would have made more sense to move abroad first (i.e. MJ and the kids + personnel), in some relatively secluded location, and THEN do the hoax thing. It seems it would be harder to investigate if this happened abroad, and after a while the attention would wane and MJ could keep living there with the kids... There ARE American celebrities who live abroad, such as Johnny Depp, and I often wondered why MJ didn't move out of the U.S. (especially Calif) if he wanted privacy so much. I mean, everyone knows that places like LA and Las Vegas are not exactly great for privacy! I believe MJ had conflicting sides to him... He wanted/needed the love of the fans, but the problem was that love & attention couldn't be separated, and MJ couldn't have the love without the attention (i.e. the hordes of people mobbing him)...

If you want to argue that Michael is hiding in plain sight, such as at Neverland, and keeps seeing his kids, then how long do you think he can keep this going?! Don't you think it would leak at some point? I really think he'd have to reveal the hoax one day in that case, but that would mean that the hoax was done for a short term, and what kind of purpose would be compatible with a short-term hoax that risks massive backlash when MJ comes back? A "saving the world" theory doesn't make sense to me b/c I don't think MJ would expose his kids to a fake death (and the subsequent oddities) to help a world that was so MEAN to him! Sure, he cared about the world, but I think he loved his children too much...

I'd love to know your thoughts on this.


  • jilljill Posts: 917
    The one thing that bothers me about the whole hoax thing is why didn't he make a new will with different attorneys? He knew Branca was bad news. I still don't get that one.
  • truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
    The one thing that bothers me about the whole hoax thing is why didn't he make a new will with different attorneys? He knew Branca was bad news. I still don't get that one.

    I agree that's strange! Given how smart MJ was, I don't understand how his most recent will could be from 2002, regardless of whether this is a hoax or not...
  • The one thing that bothers me about the whole hoax thing is why didn't he make a new will with different attorneys? He knew Branca was bad news. I still don't get that one.

    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> How Do You know he Didn't make a New Will with a New Attorney <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    We also beLIEve that Michael will come back. Therefore we can say that the purpose of the hoax is not to hide from the spotlight forever. In this case there would be no inconsistency or hint to anything.
    Why would there be a massive blacklash ? We don't really know what could be the reaction of the people and I personally think that it will be the contrary. Most of people will be with him. We don't know for sure the reasons of the hoax but we all can assume that Michael has valuable reasons to do a thing as huge as this one.
    The world was not and is not mean to him because there are more people who love him in this planet than people who hate him. The only difference is that the haters have greater exposure. But things will change soon God willing and Michael's army of L.O.V.E. will help the truth unfold.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    If he wanted to live a quiet life with his kids elsewhere than US he had ample opportunity from 05 to 09 in Bahrain, Ireland, Germany etc. These 3 kids have lived a unique life since birth, and he has been grooming them for a somewhat mysterious relationship with the public. MJ has been almost inseparable from them up till his "death". If this hoax is the "dream" he had yet to fulfill, this is part of his career, his job. He's a dad going to his job, which means some periods of separation, some family anxiety. I personally think all the "leaks" of the kids with videocam, and the Grammy's presentation, other pics, etc. are to show they are not suffering but contented strong kids. The absolute number 1 thing these kids need is to know their Daddy deeply loves them unconditionally, to succeed in life. They will succeed!

    All I know is there's a strong basis for believing both that the hoax was planned for years with a comeback, or that it was a well orchestrated cold-blooded murder with a coverup to bring more hype and money. I believe Michael has planned for it to look strongly like murder. Just the tape of him saying how scared he is of Tohme alone makes us think he was murdered in a diabolical plot for power. Remember he's the creator of Thriller and Ghosts, and Blood on the dance floor, Fated comic book, on and on. I personally don't think there's anyone smart enough in the industry or family (especially not Jermaine for instance) to plan the incredible detail and get all the people involved on side and acting their part. But Michael is the only one with the guts, experience, brain, resolve, genius and love from his vast entertainment people support base to do it. Someone was mentioning somewhere how well planned the Memorial was and it's impact was huge. Jermaine's attempts at a tribute event are just falling flat, just like the Jackson's recent shows. Would Michael do this to his children? He's doing it WITH his children. He`s given roles for his family, friends, and is sharing the incoming flood of profit with them. I`m telling you he`s doing more than people imagine or think, in one fell swoop!! The world is ``coming together over him``. I think it`s going to be one of the wonders of world history when it`s all accomplished. ARG!!
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    I don't know is it really so hard to investigate when something is abroad with the internet around? The majority of our members here probably reside outside of the U.S
  • Not all of us believe in a comeback. I'm still on the fence about that one. I think a lot of time and planning must have gone in to this. I don't think Mike could have planned all of this in a month or so, other wise it would have fallen apart a long time ago. If this truly is a hoax, you must admit he has done a fantastic job. Half the world assumes he's dead & no one has really messed up. The only ones catching the slip ups are us. There was an autopsy, a body, a burial. A handful of people have to be in on this for this to even be plausible. That means doctors, the coroner,paramedics, etc. Michael must have done his research and investigated who was really trustworthy. Then the entire hoax had to have been mapped out - step by step. Michael being the perfectionist that he is, probably did not leave a single stone unturned. It is a long process to get it right- which is why in my opinion, this was a long time coming. I do think though that something must have happened to speed the process up. Maybe Michael had planned on doing it a bit differently (maybe like you said, somewhere abroad) but felt he had to get out while he could. Either way, Michael is that one celebrity that is recognized in every corner of the planet. I think it would have been the same had he been living here in the U.S. or anywhere else. My personal belief is that Michael felt he was in danger and that's why he began planning this a while ago. He must have known there were some very evil, money hungry people around him & knew they would eventually turn on him. Perhaps a recent threat was the catalyst and forced him in to hiding.

    About the kids, I think he must be in contact with them. Maybe not physically but through the phone or internet perhaps. He probably has seen them in person once or twice but I don't think he'd risk going out on the streets often. And I don't believe he's hiding in Neverland lol or in the Encino house. Too risky. I also don't think he would put them through this for much longer so I expect something to happen soon. Maybe the kids will move somewhere or go on vacation--that's when I will know they are going somewhere to be closer to their father. All in all, Michael spent a lot of time planning this and has gone through great trouble to make this seem real. I don't think he'd do this to come back in a flash.There must have been very serious reasons for this. He's not just kicking back, taking a break. If he does come back, which I doubt, it will not be any time soon..
    My two cents.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    What if the fake will, is actually going to play a part in this investigation???

    It is being proved that MJ doesn't recall signing it,

    and that it is a forged signature as he was not even in LA at the time. Even Jermaine is stating that publically.

    The FBI need hard evidence to convict someone, not just heresay

    The will, with all its inconsistencies, is the hard evidence needed to put people behind bars.
    I have no doubt that MJ would have a legal will hidden somewhere else, probably with Oxman.

    As always, with L.O.V.E xoxo
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    as a mum i must say it bothers me a lot about the contact with the children..........11 months is a huge chunk of time at the ages they are at right now....and a lot can not only be missed ....but........emotional damage can happen....i am only voiceing my own opinion here as a mum .......xxxx
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    i agree with you loyal fan... i am a mom to a 13 year old and 11 year old. I am really worried about the children if Michael is gone and that is why I am holding on to this hoax for dear life. Nothing against Katherine really but she is 80, her husband lives in Vegas, her house has or had too many people living in it who may or may not have hers and Michael's and those kids need fun...(like michael always said) and she is emotionally distraught. I know how hard my husband and I have to work to make sure our kids feel loved - reading books, playing games and sports together, taking trips, listening to music, making sure they get to all of their activities, helping with homework, being silly, lots of hugs, giving advice, organizing parties, listening to their hopes and dreams. Who is doing all this with Michael's kids. I fear they are at loose ends and no longer getting what he was giving. Replacing him would be impossible because he was special...but is the family working hard to come close? Is Grace who is in and out, body guards who are in and out, tutors who are in and out, uncles and aunts who are in and out going to cut it? I hope I am under estimating the Jackson's and they have everything covered...I would have no way of knowing so can only hope. I know for sure I didn't like the look of the meeting up with Grandma for lunch video - not one little bit. They looked awkward and uncomfortable. So I have chosen to believe that the kids are really living with Michael...have never stopped living with Michael...and come out every now and then to show us they are with their grandmother and cousins and then get straight back home to dad...
  • fedeDAfedeDA Posts: 48
    If he wanted to live a quiet life with his kids elsewhere than US he had ample opportunity from 05 to 09 in Bahrain, Ireland, Germany etc. These 3 kids have lived a unique life since birth, and he has been grooming them for a somewhat mysterious relationship with the public. MJ has been almost inseparable from them up till his "death". If this hoax is the "dream" he had yet to fulfill, this is part of his career, his job. He's a dad going to his job, which means some periods of separation, some family anxiety. I personally think all the "leaks" of the kids with videocam, and the Grammy's presentation, other pics, etc. are to show they are not suffering but contented strong kids. The absolute number 1 thing these kids need is to know their Daddy deeply loves them unconditionally, to succeed in life. They will succeed!

    All I know is there's a strong basis for believing both that the hoax was planned for years with a comeback, or that it was a well orchestrated cold-blooded murder with a coverup to bring more hype and money. I believe Michael has planned for it to look strongly like murder. Just the tape of him saying how scared he is of Tohme alone makes us think he was murdered in a diabolical plot for power. Remember he's the creator of Thriller and Ghosts, and Blood on the dance floor, Fated comic book, on and on. I personally don't think there's anyone smart enough in the industry or family (especially not Jermaine for instance) to plan the incredible detail and get all the people involved on side and acting their part. But Michael is the only one with the guts, experience, brain, resolve, genius and love from his vast entertainment people support base to do it. Someone was mentioning somewhere how well planned the Memorial was and it's impact was huge. Jermaine's attempts at a tribute event are just falling flat, just like the Jackson's recent shows. Would Michael do this to his children? He's doing it WITH his children. He`s given roles for his family, friends, and is sharing the incoming flood of profit with them. I`m telling you he`s doing more than people imagine or think, in one fell swoop!! The world is ``coming together over him``. I think it`s going to be one of the wonders of world history when it`s all accomplished. ARG!!
  • The one thing that bothers me about the whole hoax thing is why didn't he make a new will with different attorneys? He knew Branca was bad news. I still don't get that one.

    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> How Do You know he Didn't make a New Will with a New Attorney <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I believe this as well. I think that is the OLD will and it is irrelevant

    I think Michael is close...closer than we think to his kids so they are fine

    Everything will be alright when he finally comes BACK!
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    If Michael is alive, that means a hoax is in play. This is an irrefutible fact. If Michael is alive, I guarantee you he is spending a lot of time with his three children. How, you ask? These children are home-schooled by a tutor, are they not? (If I am mistaken about that and they instead attend a private or public school, I have never seen that information in print or on video) If they are indeed being home-schooled, there are big chunks of time when they are not being seen or photographed. For the last 7 or 8 months, we have been getting a steady stream of them out doing "fun" things on occasion....I believe each and every one of these outings has been planned for the media's benefit, by the way, and yes, to show the strength of these show that they are "OK"....but starting way back before Michael "died", in fact, right before he "died", suddenly we see the famous pic of MIchael and Prince I walking and talking under the embrella, with Paris trailing them...prior to that, the kids always had scarves or masks over their faces...I believe that was a deliberate move on Michael's part to show their faces to the world because they were about to become very, very famous faces...and because of how famous they are, no one would question if they are sequestered and educated within the Encino compound and not seen but only occasionally....who knows who could be in any given black-tinted-windowed-SUV that comes in or out of that driveway? you get where I'm going with this?....I also believe that the recent movement of others out of the compound is part of a plan to get Michael in there with them all the time....but he couldn't do it at would have seemed too obvious to family members whom he couldn't trust to be in on it....but right now, who do we believe is living there with Katherine and the Kids? Who is left besides them and whatever staff they need? Think about it...I'm not saying he's been there before now....but I think he recently has come home or is about to....Mother just turned 80....he might be working on that time table....his beloved Mother may be nearing the end of her her most devoted child, isn't it plausible that he has carefully weeded out those that were entrenched before finally making his move home? But this can't continue like this will take its toll on the kids and Katherine too...perhaps that's a little of what we saw at the lunch at that cafe recently?...the players getting a little weary....there is a shelf life to all of this cannot go on indefinitely...but again, these are just my opionions and I may or may not be full of just seems logical to me...Peace, y'all!
  • truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
    I don't know is it really so hard to investigate when something is abroad with the internet around? The majority of our members here probably reside outside of the U.S

    What I meant was that MJ could probably have had more privacy on some island or some mountains or a village in France/Germany/Ireland/Africa... There are places where he would have been less hounded, and tabloids like TMZ wouldn't be snooping around. In LA Michael had paparazzi and fans posted outside his doors at all times. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> There's a web of connections in that town, and MJ could have kept himself more distant from all that had he chosen to. Now it could be that some people/publications would still track him and follow him... But it seems that less was written about Michael when he was living in Bahrain? He faded a bit from the spotlight, and that was my point about living abroad.

    The investigation people do on the Internet can only go so far... We still don't know, for instance, what the deal is with the 2002 will. Or the autopsy report. Or Jermaine (who seems to be quite money hungry and a huge attention seeker)! And what would we know about the 2005 trial if the "MJ Conspiracy" book hadn't come out?! Not much at all. In many respects we're all scratching the surface, b/c we don't have the facts!!
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265

    Your name says it all. The truth always prevails. This hoax has been set up for the truth to be known.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    If he wanted to live a quiet life with his kids elsewhere than US he had ample opportunity from 05 to 09 in Bahrain, Ireland, Germany etc. These 3 kids have lived a unique life since birth, and he has been grooming them for a somewhat mysterious relationship with the public. MJ has been almost inseparable from them up till his "death". If this hoax is the "dream" he had yet to fulfill, this is part of his career, his job. He's a dad going to his job, which means some periods of separation, some family anxiety. I personally think all the "leaks" of the kids with videocam, and the Grammy's presentation, other pics, etc. are to show they are not suffering but contented strong kids. The absolute number 1 thing these kids need is to know their Daddy deeply loves them unconditionally, to succeed in life. They will succeed!

    All I know is there's a strong basis for believing both that the hoax was planned for years with a comeback, or that it was a well orchestrated cold-blooded murder with a coverup to bring more hype and money. I believe Michael has planned for it to look strongly like murder. Just the tape of him saying how scared he is of Tohme alone makes us think he was murdered in a diabolical plot for power. Remember he's the creator of Thriller and Ghosts, and Blood on the dance floor, Fated comic book, on and on. I personally don't think there's anyone smart enough in the industry or family (especially not Jermaine for instance) to plan the incredible detail and get all the people involved on side and acting their part. But Michael is the only one with the guts, experience, brain, resolve, genius and love from his vast entertainment people support base to do it. Someone was mentioning somewhere how well planned the Memorial was and it's impact was huge. Jermaine's attempts at a tribute event are just falling flat, just like the Jackson's recent shows. Would Michael do this to his children? He's doing it WITH his children. He`s given roles for his family, friends, and is sharing the incoming flood of profit with them. I`m telling you he`s doing more than people imagine or think, in one fell swoop!! The world is ``coming together over him``. I think it`s going to be one of the wonders of world history when it`s all accomplished. ARG!!
    Totally agree.
  • XspeechlessXXspeechlessX Posts: 666
    Some of you believe this, so here's a question then:
    Do you think MJ would have 3 kids (whom he clearly had intentionally) before pulling off a disappearing act? And assuming that the kids are part of the plan, do you think they'd be left alone with grandma Katherine (which they seem to be)?! Wouldn't MJ try to stay with them?! Assuming Michael planned this years ago, try to think how he'd go about it. Would the hoax look like it does, or would it look different?

    I personally think that it would have made more sense to move abroad first (i.e. MJ and the kids + personnel), in some relatively secluded location, and THEN do the hoax thing. It seems it would be harder to investigate if this happened abroad, and after a while the attention would wane and MJ could keep living there with the kids... There ARE American celebrities who live abroad, such as Johnny Depp, and I often wondered why MJ didn't move out of the U.S. (especially Calif) if he wanted privacy so much. I mean, everyone knows that places like LA and Las Vegas are not exactly great for privacy! I believe MJ had conflicting sides to him... He wanted/needed the love of the fans, but the problem was that love & attention couldn't be separated, and MJ couldn't have the love without the attention (i.e. the hordes of people mobbing him)...

    If you want to argue that Michael is hiding in plain sight, such as at Neverland, and keeps seeing his kids, then how long do you think he can keep this going?! Don't you think it would leak at some point? I really think he'd have to reveal the hoax one day in that case, but that would mean that the hoax was done for a short term, and what kind of purpose would be compatible with a short-term hoax that risks massive backlash when MJ comes back? A "saving the world" theory doesn't make sense to me b/c I don't think MJ would expose his kids to a fake death (and the subsequent oddities) to help a world that was so MEAN to him! Sure, he cared about the world, but I think he loved his children too much...

    I'd love to know your thoughts on this.

    But abroad always has to be somewhere. and with fans in every country... it wouldnt make a lot of difference. like to me.. america is abroad... see?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I really think that after the 2005 trial, the media, Tom Sneddon and his accomplices thought they finished Michael off, dusted their hands off, and just to make sure the media continued to make MJ's good name into every vile thing imaginable. Over in Bahrain I feel Michael needed to heal and I think his 3 kids helped him heal, loved him back to life. His time there was a gift to him to quietly organize his plan, build his inner strength for his "crowning" achievement. I agree that we only see snippets of MJ and his kids lives. What's happening in between is anybody's guess. The media only prints the stories that fit their agenda--Michael's dead, he was weird, his kids and nephews are cared for only by one little old Granny. Meanwhile Michael could still be meeting them in secret locations (like after their martial arts class, halloween night, etc.) and communicating by phone. He knows about security. Michael would find a way, wouldn't we all as parents? I remember last fall someone saying that there was no one around the Carolwood Manor anymore, but that there was security like Fort Knox at the Encino compound. For who, the children g et out and about, no one cares what MJ's siblings do in everyday. The snips of photos of guards covering "someone" going into and leaving UCLA hospital give hints to the fact that MJ may be moving in and around regularly. I wonder has anyone ever made a list of all these occasions and all speculative appearances ( a timeline) that indicate what Michael's itinerary has been in the US, all through this 10 months?
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