edited January 1970 in General Discussion
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BELIEVE Program: Latest Democrat Proposal to Control the Citizenry
May 7, 2010
By Mondoreb

Enforce the Border? NO, Let's Force All Legal Citizens to Carry Biometric ID Cards!

Want to posture on illegal immigration, but don’t want to get into all of the messy details of legislation that might actually work? Time for a national biometric I.D. card that everyone in the country will have to have in order to work! It’s called the BELIEVE program–and you can believe it’s another plan brought to you by the geniuses in the congressional Democrat brain trust.


Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddle masses yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door
And bind them with biometric I.D.
–inscription on the base of the Democrat’s Statue of Liberty

Quiz time, kiddies.

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Question: Let’s say you’re a country and people sneak across the border; most of them are here to work, but others who are criminals, here to prey on the weak. There’s a system for entering your country legally, but they don’t use it. What do you do?

A. Build a fence and enforce border security.
B. Throw the book at employers who hire the illegal foreigners.
C. Jail, then deport the gangers and hardcore criminals.
D. Punish the legal citizens of the country: make them all register for a database, issue a biometric I.D. card and make the possession of such a card mandatory if you want to work in the country.

Times up!

If you answered A, B or C or a combination of those; congratulations! You’re like most Americans with a little common sense.

Those of you who answered D can quit reading and head back to the Democrat caucus on Capitol Hill.

From Seriously, Democrats, Can You Get Any Creepier Than the BELIEVE Program?

As part of a comprehensive Immigration bill, Democrats are planning to make everyone who wants to work in this country get a national ID embedded with biometric data. This will be a requirement for both citizens and immigrants. Under this plan, the government would create a national biometric database cataloging every person in the country. On top of that, Democrats chose possibly the creepiest, Orwellian name they could think of for this national ID card (which, in true 1984 fashion, they are refusing to acknowledge is a national ID card): the BELIEVE program.

What really annoys me about this BELIEVE program, besides its creepy, stupid name and dangerous implications, is the ridiculous logic being used to justify this unprecedented step. Does anyone think that the millions of undocumented immigrants in this country now working got their jobs by cleverly tricking law-abiding employers? Am I to believe that employers at some meat processing plant that employs hundreds of undocumented immigrants were tricked by the brilliant, low-income immigrants? Am I to believe the meat packers had actively taken steps to make sure they hire only people who they honestly thought were here legally? Is the government now claiming that there is almost no one out there actively trying to hire undocumented immigrants–that they are only hiring them “accidentally” because they can’t verify their status?

Many of these same Dem congressmen in on this True Plan of Genius are the same ones raising the most faux hell about Arizona’s new law which merely enforces existing federal, presently-unenforced law.

Their solution? Make every legal citizen carry this ID card in order to work? Are you f**king kidding me?

Such a truly creepy proposal calls for a little Armageddon-type Biblical prophesy.


  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    The New World Order is in march. What an odd name for this program... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Now the Biometric ID card, next the RFID chip. Their aim is to control us to the maximum. They even want to control our thoughts and emotions.

    I heard about something called "energybox"
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  • StargazerMJ11StargazerMJ11 Posts: 137
    There is also another very creepy BELIEVE theme that is also hand in hand with this and that is HelloKitty.
    The market is literally being saturated with these products worldwide and they come in every item possible. They have a mindlab for HelloKitty which is the creepiest place I have ever seen and it has BELIEVE written across it.The main lab I think is in Singapore and noone is allowed to film there.It is a place of pink - where they have a baby care unit, a unit where you can enter virtual reality machine and create your own HK doll and it even has it's own HK Doctor. The picture of this doctor is in HK form holding a syringe and this is aimed at children.It's all very weird and trippy, perfect place you would expect the MKUltra 'work' to continue??? It is now all over England with a sudden Boom - they have all the products from cradle to grave so to speak.
    Now we see the reason for beLIEve.At least we are not alone. Maybe we can love & l.o.v.e. twice as much for those who cannot manage it.
    Lots of love
  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474 this for real? Does anyone else think the BELIEVE name is extremely creepy? I mean...with all the other BeLIEve themes..especially HERE?

    It could go beyond human plans...
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
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