Assuming MJ has really died...

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in News
Do you really think this is terrible? If yes, FOR WHOM?

I think it's a tragedy for Michael's children, but for no one else - including Michael. He was a mortal in the end, someone who had to die sooner or later... What would have been a good time to die?! Age 80? 90? 100? How would you answer this, and could you answer without bringing your own personal feelings into the answer?! Remember that Michael didn't want to grow old (see the Shmuley tapes) and when asked by Shmuley "You don't want to die young?" Michael replied along the lines, "That's an interesting question... Are you sure you want to know my answer?" That seems to imply that MJ might have had a subconscious desire to die young -- and I think some people who are fascinated by death (as Michael appeared to be) have that desire. It's not that one would commit suicide or ever want to leave their kids behind... It's that there's a desire, deep down in our brains, to run away from old age, and the only REAL way to get away from it is to die young. I also think it's likely MJ FELT he wasn't going to die of old age, that he had a different destiny. And I think that by dying at age 50 (assuming he has) he might have got his last wish granted. God's last favor. And the timing is interesting: MJ was BACK, and then he was snatched away from us... Maybe to make the world WAKE UP and realise what a gift it has lost.

Had MJ died at age 90, I'm not sure he'd take the Internet down with him... As it was, he almost did. I feel it's the way it was meant to be, like his entire life. A matter of DESTINY.

And maybe the point is to celebrate MJ's life for the VICTORY it was rather than focus on what WE want. We want him back, we miss him etc. Fair enough, but MJ has given enough of his life to the fans. Too much of it, actually. Love is wanting someone, but love is also letting go... Setting people free. If MJ has died, he's FREE. Is that so terrible, given that he was a prisoner in his lifetime?


  • No, it´s not, and you have a point in what you say.

    But as there were/are a lot of inconsistencies surrounding his "death", the idea of the hoax was born....and with it the idea of hoax forums. This is why most of the talk here is about him still being alive.

    We may never know if he is; maybe he did die. But so far, people are still looking for clues and answers.
  • truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
    No, it´s not, and you have a point in what you say.

    But as there were/are a lot of inconsistencies surrounding his "death", the idea of the hoax was born....and with it the idea of hoax forums. This is why most of the talk here is about him still being alive.

    We may never know if he is; maybe he did die. But so far, people are still looking for clues and answers.

    I understand the purpose of the forum, and I agree that there are many inconsistencies & oddities... That's why I'm still here! Am looking for answers myself. I'm just not one of those who try to fit *everything* into the hoax theory. I look at things on both sides of the argument (e.g. am not ruling out the murder theory). And I think that if MJ has died, we need to find a way to let go. Thinking about his destiny is my way of letting go...
  • No, it´s not, and you have a point in what you say.

    But as there were/are a lot of inconsistencies surrounding his "death", the idea of the hoax was born....and with it the idea of hoax forums. This is why most of the talk here is about him still being alive.

    We may never know if he is; maybe he did die. But so far, people are still looking for clues and answers.

    I understand the purpose of the forum, and I agree that there are many inconsistencies & oddities... That's why I'm still here! Am looking for answers myself. I'm just not one of those who try to fit *everything* into the hoax theory. I look at things on both sides of the argument (e.g. am not ruling out the murder theory). And I think that if MJ has died, we need to find a way to let go. Thinking about his destiny is my way of letting go...
    Ok, I see what you mean.
    Of course ppl should acknowledge the possibility that he might have passed. Although a lot points to him still being alive - as long as we dont know for sure, we actually - ...don´t know for sure! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    (I think he is still alive...but I keep it in the back of my mind that he...might not be..)
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    If he is dead he has been killed.
  • Do you really think this is terrible? If yes, FOR WHOM?

    I think it's a tragedy for Michael's children, but for no one else - including Michael. He was a mortal in the end, someone who had to die sooner or later... What would have been a good time to die?! Age 80? 90? 100? How would you answer this, and could you answer without bringing your own personal feelings into the answer?! Remember that Michael didn't want to grow old (see the Shmuley tapes) and when asked by Shmuley "You don't want to die young?" Michael replied along the lines, "That's an interesting question... Are you sure you want to know my answer?" That seems to imply that MJ might have had a subconscious desire to die young -- and I think some people who are fascinated by death (as Michael appeared to be) have that desire. It's not that one would commit suicide or ever want to leave their kids behind... It's that there's a desire, deep down in our brains, to run away from old age, and the only REAL way to get away from it is to die young. I also think it's likely MJ FELT he wasn't going to die of old age, that he had a different destiny. And I think that by dying at age 50 (assuming he has) he might have got his last wish granted. God's last favor. And the timing is interesting: MJ was BACK, and then he was snatched away from us... Maybe to make the world WAKE UP and realise what a gift it has lost.

    Had MJ died at age 90, I'm not sure he'd take the Internet down with him... As it was, he almost did. I feel it's the way it was meant to be, like his entire life. A matter of DESTINY.

    And maybe the point is to celebrate MJ's life for the VICTORY it was rather than focus on what WE want. We want him back, we miss him etc. Fair enough, but MJ has given enough of his life to the fans. Too much of it, actually. Love is wanting someone, but love is also letting go... Setting people free. If MJ has died, he's FREE. Is that so terrible, given that he was a prisoner in his lifetime?

    Well Thank You, this made me teary-eyed and looking at it this way more able to accept his death. You would make an Excellant Grief Counselor <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I don't have problems with death, it is part of life. I deeply believe in God and I know that death is one of His laws. It's hard but that's just the way it is. We'll all have to face death.
    Now regarding Michael's "death" there are strong inconsistencies that lead me and others to believe that he is still alive. It's really not because I can't accept his death, it would be almost blasphemous for me because it would be as if I did not accepted God's law.

    The thing is that there is a big part of intimate conviction that enters the game (we're only humans) and sometimes this feeling of being sure and certain that Michael is alive makes us fit everything in the mold of the hoax theory no matter what. Nevertheless we go through ups and downs also because sometimes we doubt as well.
    I hope that with time things we'll get clearer in order for me who have this intimate conviction that Michael is behind the curtain to be relieved for once and for all.

    Death is not the end, it's the beginning of eternity.
    God bless you.
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