thriller jacket = "i´m not gay" jacket

CCCC Posts: 2,136
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
when mj comes out of the spider he uses a black jacket that i found weird... why this jacket? he is all the movie with the same pants, the black ones, and he uses a t.shirt over a shirt and different coats, but in thriller is a different outfit.
he uses the same jacket that he uses in 1996 when he say is not gay and all that BS... maybe a clue? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->




  • I didnt notice that but wo It does look like the same Jacket or similar. Great find!

    BTW i love how Michael looks in that video from 1996
    when mj comes out of the spider he uses a black jacket that i found weird... why this jacket? he is all the movie with the same pants, the black ones, and he uses a t.shirt over a shirt and different coats, but in thriller is a different outfit.
    he uses the same jacket that he uses in 1996 when he say is not gay and all that BS... maybe a clue? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

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    It's a similar jaket but not the same, the thriller one doesnt have the yellow stripes down the arms <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    It's a similar jaket but not the same, the thriller one doesnt have the yellow stripes down the arms <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    you are right, but is the same style... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Just noticed it yes same style not exactly the same. Could definately mean what we think it does!!!
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Just noticed it yes same style not exactly the same. Could definately mean what we think it does!!!

    i hope, really, that it means something... like all the other things, but how we will know???
    he is so smart but this is not a game, this is much bigger than we could imagine... i really feel like thriller in TII have a BIG meaning, like smooth criminal, all the spider thing and the dancers with all the clothes at the staples (when they filming with the outfit on culver studios, the same hapen with TDCAU) and a part of threatened and ghosts songs... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> it´s like a puzzle... i´m trying to make the all picture <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I would like to point out the Ed Hardy bulldog pants.

    The spider scene is marking the center of the Thriller sequence.
    It is like an key angle point.
    The spider robot get's on stage after having been announced in the back screen.
    Michael is getting out and - does wear a very unusual outfit - at least compared to the other outfits he choose in TII. It is casual wear for spending a relaxed time, lose, easy going.
    The Ed Hardy pants are showing two bulldogs.

    What is the character and the symbol meaning of bulldogs? Some descriptions:

    Bulldog Temperament
    The Bulldog is a gentle, easy going, and affectionate dog, with a wonderful nature, a comical outlook on life, and a really entertaining personality. The national symbol of Great Britain, the Bulldog is known to be extremely amiable, friendly, and loving, and loves to spend time with his family. Known to be one of the most dependable breeds around, the Bulldog makes a wonderful family pet, and is fine for the more inexperienced dog owners as well as those with experience. The Bulldog can have a stubborn streak, but is also a very docile breed with plenty of affection and devotion to give to his family.

    The Bulldog is known to be excellent with children and will get along with other pets too, but be way of his jealous streak of another animal tries to take his food! His sweet nature and comical attitude makes him a big hit as a family dog. This is a breed that has inbuilt laziness, however, so don't expect your Bulldog to go romping around and playing Frisbee with you. It is important to exercise him for health reasons, but this should be along the lines of gentle strolls and walks in cooler weather. With strangers the Bulldog may be reserved, although some will be quite friendly. He is a sensitive and intelligent dog,and is ideal as a pet in a relaxed household.

    (I think this is a very charming description of a character.)
    USMC [U.S. Marine Corps] Bulldog Tattoo - The tradition of using an English bulldog as a mascot for the United States Marine Corps has its roots in the early part of the last century, in the fighting campaigns of World War I. In an interesting bit of turnaround, it is not an image which comes from within Marine Corps ranks but instead comes from the hard won respect of their foes. German soldiers referred to the Marines as teufel hunden or “devil dogs” undoubtedly owing to their hellacious fighting ability.

    This ebay offer shows the pants from all sides:

    This gives the scene in TII:

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