Jason now forced to move...

MJmakesmespeechlessMJmakesmespeechless Posts: 1,468
edited January 1970 in News
Ah yes but where will he go?

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  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Michael Jackson’s Secret Boyfriend Forced To Move

    Nobody can argue that Micheal Jackson lived a very controversial life. Now in his death, these days it seems that it has grown even more mysterious. Jason Pfeiffer, an assistant to Jackson’s dermatologist, has revealed that starting back in 2008 that he and the famous singer were involved in a gay relationship. Pheiffer revealed the information to the television show Extra.

    Pheiffer claims that the relationship simply started as a casual hug and friendly type thing but eventually he said that it was obvious that the pair had some sort of affection for each other. Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson’s skin care specialist, also said that during one doctor visit that Jackson and Pheiffer were in a waiting room together when Jackson was shirtless and both were in an embrace. Pheiffer claims that he was simply consoling Jackson when he was nervous and crying.

    Ian Halperin who has been noted as the unofficial autobiographer of Micheal Jackson has gone on record and stated that Jackson told him that he only had two gay relationships in his life with the biggest one being with a Los Angeles waiter, one that he always kept in touch with right up to the time that the died.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    'pfeiffer claims'...'halperin states'...'sources say'...'someone who knows someone said'...'someone else thinks'...YAAAAWWWN!!! WHO GIVES A RAT'S A$$? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    let mike be gay then, it won't change ANYTHING about his music, his talent, his genius or his generosity to people...and moreso, the fact that mike was highly misjudged, underestimated and a victim of tabloid press...and he still is...GEEEZZZ!!!...will it ever end?

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Maybe Michael was gay... but he spent his entire life hiding in the closet and denying it.

    Terrified of his religion, of his parents reaction, the medias reaction and his fans reaction.

    The way Jason has been treated, i can see why he would have been terrified to come out. Seem in some parts of the World and in some societie and cultures its still not accepted.

    Just putting that thought out there.. I dont know what is true and what isnt.

    Spending a life in suppression could explain the changing appearance and plastic surgery (self hatred), the mannequins, the intense loneliness and feelings that no-one understood him, his fear of his father, his struggle with religion.

    Interesting how Jason has to flee the country and live in hiding.. and yet Dr Murray, he man charged with manslaughter of MJ, stays where he is and continues working as normal. No hiding for him.

    Maybe Michael put this story out there to gauge reaction.. maybe he wants to come back as completely who he is, honest and true.. ever thought of that?
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    'pfeiffer claims'...'halperin states'...'sources say'...'someone who knows someone said'...'someone else thinks'...YAAAAWWWN!!! WHO GIVES A RAT'S A$$? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    let mike be gay then, it won't change ANYTHING about his music, his talent, his genius or his generosity to people...and moreso, the fact that mike was highly misjudged, underestimated and a victim of tabloid press...and he still is...GEEEZZZ!!!...will it ever end?

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    +1 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Maybe Michael was gay... but he spent his entire life hiding in the closet and denying it.

    Terrified of his religion, of his parents reaction, the medias reaction and his fans reaction.

    The way Jason has been treated, i can see why he would have been terrified to come out. Seem in some parts of the World and in some societie and cultures its still not accepted.

    Just putting that thought out there.. I dont know what is true and what isnt.

    Spending a life in suppression could explain the changing appearance and plastic surgery (self hatred), the mannequins, the intense loneliness and feelings that no-one understood him, his fear of his father, his struggle with religion.

    Interesting how Jason has to flee the country and live in hiding.. and yet Dr Murray, he man charged with manslaughter of MJ, stays where he is and continues working as normal. No hiding for him.

    Maybe Michael put this story out there to gauge reaction.. maybe he wants to come back as completely who he is, honest and true.. ever thought of that?

    I really don't know why you take this into consideration. There have been tons of women who claim to have had a relationship with Michael, there are many more people who claim he's had relationships with women, but when some attention seeking idiot hits the news and IAN HALPERIN claims Michael had gay lovers, you immediately consider that might be true? Why would they be any more credible than the many, many people who claim the opposite? The thing is that Ian Halperin is a proven liar, and that Jason, had he been Michael's love, would not expose and exploit Michael like that, unless Michael was very, very stupid when it came to trusting and loving that man.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    I really don't know why you take this into consideration. There have been tons of women who claim to have had a relationship with Michael, there are many more people who claim he's had relationships with women, but when some attention seeking idiot hits the news and IAN HALPERIN claims Michael had gay lovers, you immediately consider that might be true? Why would they be any more credible than the many, many people who claim the opposite? The thing is that Ian Halperin is a proven liar, and that Jason, had he been Michael's love, would not expose and exploit Michael like that, unless Michael was very, very stupid when it came to trusting and loving that man.

    If you read my post properly, i am saying i dont know what is true. I wasnt with Michael in his bedroom.

    Maybe Michael chose abstinence because he knew people wouldnt accept him?

    I would be wrong to immediately condemn this story as untrue... investigating is about having an open mind. And Jason was shut down before we could see and consider his evidence.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    'pfeiffer claims'...'halperin states'...'sources say'...'someone who knows someone said'...'someone else thinks'...YAAAAWWWN!!! WHO GIVES A RAT'S A$$? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    let mike be gay then, it won't change ANYTHING about his music, his talent, his genius or his generosity to people...and moreso, the fact that mike was highly misjudged, underestimated and a victim of tabloid press...and he still is...GEEEZZZ!!!...will it ever end?

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    +1 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    thank you, CC!

    i will add this: i also firmly believe that mike's sexual orientation has little or nohting to do with the reasons for this hoax! there are waaayyy more important issues in this world today...still!

    and i also find it starnge that jason is chased now, scared sh!tless, forced into hiding and 'dr.' conrad murray is walkin' the streets unharmed and practicing as a doctor with a patient who 'died' under his watch on HIS record! and those circumstances haven't even been cleared fully! that should be staying under the magnifying glass more than any jason, waiter, aspiring actor or whatever creep comes up with the next 'hot story' on mike...rant end.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    i will add this: i also firmly believe that mike's sexual orientation has little or nohting to do with the reasons for this hoax! there are waaayyy more important issues in this world today...still!

    Maybe it has.. maybe he is testing the waters to see what is acceptable and what isnt.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    JMO but I don't believe Michael is gay. Of course I don't know for sure but Michael has said more than once that he's not gay and I tend to believe Michael. And even if it is true it doesn't change anything to me. I love him regardless.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    i will add this: i also firmly believe that mike's sexual orientation has little or nohting to do with the reasons for this hoax! there are waaayyy more important issues in this world today...still! ...
    I know right?
    Some people need to listen to "Why You Wanna Trip on Me" again. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    To me, I'm pretty sure Michael's not gay (not that it matters),
    but there IS still a chance, as there is with everyone you haven't met.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    2008 .. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> There was a relationship of two months .. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=50&t=9350<!-- l -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    2008 .. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> There was a relationship of two months .. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=50&t=9350<!-- l -->

    Yeah that's what I thought the original story said too. It was a relationship that was going on for a few months. Now it suppose to be a relationship between MJ and Jason since 2008. Okay people not even getting their stories straight sound like a lie to me.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Where's those voice-mail proofs that Jason said he had of their love relationship. That would be more convincing. And didn't the list of porn MJ had, not include gay porn? If he had leanings and he didn't expect those to be revealed he would have bought them if they turned him on. The women he's dated have all been gorgeous, slim, classy; MJ's been friends with MANY men and wouldn't he have chosen gorgeous guys with class? The entertainment industry is well populated with hunk gay men, no?
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Arnie Klein: I Did Not Betray Michael Jackson

    Originally posted 8 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

    Dr. Arnold Klein -- Michael Jackson's long-time best friend and physician -- tells TMZ he did not betray Michael Jackson by claiming to TMZ that MJ had an affair with Klein's office manager ... and he's freaked out that he's getting "a lot of horrible death threats."

    Klein and office manager Jason Pfeiffer were featured on "Extra" a few days ago -- during the interview Pfeiffer claimed to have had a romantic relationship with MJ.

    Klein called in during TMZ Live last Friday, and said Michael was gay and Jason was "the love of his life."

    On Saturday, Klein told TMZ he does not believe he betrayed Jackson because Jackson never tried to hide his sexuality. We called Klein out on his statement, because it seems to us MJ went to extreme lengths to keep his sexuality a secret.

    Klein told us Saturday, "Was he gay? Yes." He then went on to say his declaration is meant to shoot down rumors that Jackson was a pedophile. And, Klein says, as far as he knows, Jason's alleged two-month relationship is the only gay relationship Jackson ever had.

    Pfeiffer says, "Michael was not ashamed of his sexuality."

    Klein and Pfeiffer say they have received numerous "horrible death threats" since their statements became widely public this week. They have both been in touch with the FBI and now say they have bodyguards

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0mkp1Zk1w<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://extratv.warnerbros.com/2010/04/k ... friend.php<!-- m --> King of Pop's Secret Lover? 'I Was Michael Jackson's Boyfriend'

    April 29, 2010 | Michael Jackson
    Jason Pfeiffer, a former dermatologist's assistant and current CEO of a medical company, is going public in an explosive new interview, claiming he was Michael Jackson's boyfriend right up until the King of Pop died.

    Pfeiffer tells "Extra" in a new interview airing Thursday, April 29, that he had a very "passionate and sexual" relationship with the King of Pop. He also plays a voicemail message which he claims Michael Jackson left for him. The interview was conducted by special correspondent Alicia Jacobs.

    "We definitely hit it off the first time we met," Pfeiffer says, claiming he and Jackson met in 2008 at the office of Jackson's famed dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, a longtime friend of Jackson's and rumored to be the biological father of the singer's two older children, Prince and Paris.

    Dr. Klein tells "Extra" he personally witnessed Jackson and Pfeiffer together when he once walked in on them, Jackson allegedly shirtless. "When you see two people looking at each other you know what's happening. I was just very happy for both of them."

    Pfeiffer says he and Jackson instantly connected because of their childhoods. Pfeiffer was smitten. He tells "Extra," "We were just sitting there and we both started to cry and I got up and went over to him and said it's going to be okay Michael... We hugged. And it was kind of then that the hug was a little bit more." He goes on to say, "It wasn't until a few months later that it was obvious that Michael had feelings for me as well." Their friendship soon blossomed into something more, according to Pfeiffer.

    Jackson emphatically denied throughout his life that he was gay. "I just assumed that he was probably bisexual," Pfeiffer says, claiming their relationship lasted until the day Jackson died. "I know we loved each other, I know he told me that all the time. I believe that he was probably my soulmate."

    So why come forward now?

    "Setting the record straight and telling the truth, as opposed to hiding in some house in the middle of nowhere... I think he would have approved of that, yes."

    Tune in to "Extra" for more of Jason Pfeiffer's interview.

    What strikes me as strange is that AK says that Jason was the love of MJ's life. But, Jason says that MJ was probably his soulmate. That is what really strikes me as strange from the beginning when I read about Jason's story on Extra. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Plus, I would like to know how this Jason got a visa to flee the country, so quickly that also strikes me as strange! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Very strange! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • michkymichky Posts: 11
    i respect the right to everyone having their own opinion,
    so also it's my right to say this:

    i really do not care what anyone else does with their own private
    sexuality. i don't care who they are in to, what they like to do
    and if they like girls, boys or both.

    it's this sort of obsession with the private lives of others
    i find to be an intersting quirk of human nature.
    i 'm sure if we focused less on the minutae of others we
    would have greater understanding of ourselves.

    MJ's life has surely taught us this.
  • i dont particularly care what sexuality mike had, but i do care that these pp take it upon themselves to out him or make up falsehood

    if these pp cared about thim they would kind their mouths shut.

    i am very affectionate to my girlfriends, i hug them, touch them on their arms whatever and greet them with kisses on both cheeks - that does not make me gay.

    i just care about pp important to me - better now they are alive feel the affection then place flowers when they are dead

    jason you can run but your cant hide
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Where's those voice-mail proofs that Jason said he had of their love relationship. That would be more convincing. And didn't the list of porn MJ had, not include gay porn? If he had leanings and he didn't expect those to be revealed he would have bought them if they turned him on. The women he's dated have all been gorgeous, slim, classy; MJ's been friends with MANY men and wouldn't he have chosen gorgeous guys with class? The entertainment industry is well populated with hunk gay men, no?

    I would have to hear that voicemails first. And as far as my knowledge reaches, they only found straight porn in the house.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    I suppose it was Gay (happy) porn?
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I wouldn't care if Michael was totally gay. I would love him anyway. It makes no difference to me. IMO he was if anything at all *Bisexual*. He loved the ladies. You could just see it was for real. But for some reason this supposed lover just comes across to me as making this all up. It seems to me that Michael would have been with a very hot gorgeous type guy if he wanted to be with a guy at all but that's just my opinion so take it as such.
  • I think those guys don't understand WHY they are so much hated...They think it's because of telling Michael is gay. It has nothing to do with this. It's just about claiming something that the more concerned one cannot proove. I mean, considering Michael is dead, how could we accept them to say such things when Michael isn't there anymore to say the truth and to say what he wishes to say about his homosexuality or non-homosexuality.
    The main problem is here...they just played with Michael's image, his past, his private life, without his agreement. This is what drives people mad. Lies and disrespect. if Michael said he was gay ther woudl have been no big deal about it (maybe a few female suicide <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) and he could have come and say : i'm gay and here is the love of my life, Jason Pfeiffer...Every fans would have say ok in the main idea (there are always fans to consider they know better what's good for Michael)

    I'm not surprised he had to run away...he did a really bad thing breaking this "wall" Michael wanted around his private life. Whether it's true or not.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    For me the problem is not whether gay or not, as I love him, the matter is that these people speak when Michael is not to say yes or no to this. Many people want to make money with the image of Michael or maybe have other purposes <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • MercurialMercurial Posts: 101
    This is so stupid.Last year the same story was reported and no one really care but now it happens again and just catches fire like this?Looks like the 2nd try totally backfired. Jason,next time dont wait until the 2nd episode to present your evidence.sorry.<!-- s:-| -->:-|<!-- s:-| -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    This is so stupid.Last year the same story was reported and no one really care but now it happens again and just catches fire like this?Looks like the 2nd try totally backfired. Jason,next time dont wait until the 2nd episode to present your evidence.sorry.<!-- s:-| -->:-|<!-- s:-| -->
    It's like what happened with the hoax in general.
    It seems like hoaxes take time to catch on..
  • billiejean17billiejean17 Posts: 266
    I have absolutely no sympathy what so ever for this man ... it serves him right if he has to move who really cares or gives a damm, i'm sure i certainly don't.
    If Jason really did have something going on with Michael he would have kept it to him self...
    and not tried to get money form opening his big fat mouth!
    I think that Jason has imagined the whole thing!...
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    But what does all this have to do with the hoax? the case? I mean, why bring this all up now!!!
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