It is now our turn. Please read...



  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    TMZ is telling us this, not LMP.
    So what is true and what is fiction and what is make.believe?

    Let's look at it this way: we want the world to change right? Does that mean we have to ignore owls, sunflowers, anything in the shape of a pyramid or people that lost one eye from now on? Or should we try to see the positive side of things that were not invented by them, only used. I would hate it if I can't have sunflowers in my garden anymore because otherwise people would think I'm with some secret society.

    If you wanna get your enemy, why not use their own symbolism? When a sunflower grows, it follows the sun until it's mature and can sow it's own seeds, so more sunflowers will surface. It's all mathematics:

    Mike is the sun, feeding us, the hoaxies, until we are mature enough to sow our own seeds (information) son new hoaxers will pop up, which also will follow the sun until... well ya get me.

    If every hoaxer on this that understands the message will spread it amongst 10 new people, you get 35.000 new sunflowers that follow the sun. Those 35.000 will also tell 10 people about it.

    Not all is bad in the world, and if Harvey Levin is a bad person, then I am Napoleon Bonaparte.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I know the lyrics & the vid and that's why I spoke up.
    I am going to leave it up to you here.
    I said my 2 cents and I continue watching.

    By the way: the stairs in your signature have the colors red/white and black: Illuminati related. The flower in your avatar is purple, purple is MK Ultra related. If you will read the book about mind control, you will agree with me that if we would question and repel anything that could be linked to Mind Control or Illuminati, we couldn't wear red schoes anymore, or paint a rainbow, or watch Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz.

    It's not the sunflowers' fault some asses used it in their symbolism. I'd say run with it and use it against them.

    Just my 2 cents.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Some excellent comments there
    Now we just wait for this to start to peel off...
  • I wanted to start a new post about the recent news coverage etc because I feel there is a specific message for us here that is not being heard. I know this has been discussed very much but I would like to bring a few things together here and explain my take on it as I think it is important.

    On June 25th 2009 Michael planted a seed in the media with his supposed death. Since then he has been watering us with clues. Now this article comes out in The Sun which as we are all aware, the media has been very careful in what they have been reporting on, so now must be a very important time for us and him.
    I am aware that this has caused yet another divide between us, but I do believe that this is all planned. nothing else would make sense. They could have done this months ago and without Souzas co-operation. Why I believe that souza was needed here is because this has fueled the knowledge that the media twist things and do not honour what they have agreed to.

    So now another seed has been been planted in The 'Sun', for non believers and those who simply haven't ever questioned his 'death' . Almost immediately LMP announces that Michael has too much empty space around him. I believe that metaphors are used a lot here, so my understanding of this is that Michael needs us to bridge the gap and surround him. With the seed he planted 10 months ago he has grown beautiful flowers, which are us. Now LMP asks us to send him Sun flowers, which I believe means she is asking us to spread his message that we have become so strong and united in. Spread it everywhere, talk to whoever will listen. Comment on pages where our voice will be heard by non believers etc...

    In this time also, DD has tweeted for his 'army of me' to revolt. Why he says 'me' is because if you believe as I do that Michael played DD on LKL then he is talking about Michael's army. To revolt means to rebel/ to stand against what is against us and unite in a common purpose, in this case Love and truth and our belief in Michael.

    TS has also said that we can influence the hoax and his comeback and I think the time has now come for us to blossom and protect Michael by voicing his message. We need to be the water that makes this seed grow more beautiful flowers for Michael, as he needs major support for his return. This could be seen as a metaphor for parting the seas, carrying him so his return is safe for him and us. And most importantly that people understand why he has done this.

    LMP stated 'silk' Sun flowers, and silk is made by the silk worm which symbolizes resurrection and rebirth as well as secrets and illumination.

    LMP also said today on TMZ that her message was falling on deaf ears!

    I do understand many people's concern and anger about recent events, but this has to get out there. Piece by piece and DD was the biggest thing that would peak people's curiosity into at least having a look at this video. My husband even said to me this morning that he watched it and he really sees Michael there. The voice especially. I don't talk very much to him about the hoax usually as he finds it hard to believe and thinks I am just going off on one. Not now though!!!, so this could change many others who ridicule us and call us crazy. Maybe 'crazy' is the new 'sane'.

    Whatever our personal feelings, lets openly unite for Michael's safe return. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Dear God your comments have left me very emotional. I have stood up for Michael since i realized this was all a hoax on August 29th!! I love him!! I miss him!! I pray that everyone unites and we all stand together as his Armor. Please everyone lets pull together and protect him and spread his message.We are here for you MJ. Our Armor is ready and we are waiting!!
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    Oh, Tears For Fears! They were on the right side many yrs ago... I saw them several times. These lyrics are good ones and so relevant! Shout was another good one... MJ had a Shout also. but yes, we should take all the Illumi symbols and use them for Good...back at em! Their symbols mean squat! I am eating sunflower seeds right now! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    There are some lovely comments here, Thank you. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I know this has not sat with some of you and I understand that this whole issue about going global has caused a rift here but I feel that this is a major piece of MJ's path to his comeback.
    On symbolism-All natural, living things originate from Mother Earth and are a part of her and some of them have had their identities stolen by greedy, power-hungry forces. Their beautiful image has been twisted and distorted and used for their control.
    We are a part of this also and many have had this happen to them.
    Butterflies are a beautiful part of Mother Earth as well as Owls and of course Sunflowers and many more.
    What is designed for good can also be used for bad. I think it's a great way to remove their power by using their own symbolism against them by using it for us, restoring it back to it's true form.
  • MJsFan4EverMJsFan4Ever Posts: 334
    Totally agree! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    U have a simple strategy for spreading the word and welcome any other practical ideas. Here's mine. I tell everyone I know that I believe that MJ is alive. I tell them with confidence that I'm '99%' certain and that he will return and that the media is not telling the truth. Most people don't ask why and I don't care if they look at me as though I'm nuts. I'm just planting a seed. I've set up my Youtube account with numerous hoax videos and, when MJ does return, I can direct people to those videos for further understanding. No doubt we will seem prescient to others when he returns, just as we now seem crazy. I also post regularly on various forums, trying to get people to investigate the hoax. If anyone would like to help me out there, please PM me and we can strategize as to how best 'infiltrate' some of these forums.

    We are so lucky to be a part of this great adventure!
  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    U have a simple strategy for spreading the word and welcome any other practical ideas. Here's mine. I tell everyone I know that I believe that MJ is alive. I tell them with confidence that I'm '99%' certain and that he will return and that the media is not telling the truth. Most people don't ask why and I don't care if they look at me as though I'm nuts. I'm just planting a seed. I've set up my Youtube account with numerous hoax videos and, when MJ does return, I can direct people to those videos for further understanding. No doubt we will seem prescient to others when he returns, just as we now seem crazy. I also post regularly on various forums, trying to get people to investigate the hoax. If anyone would like to help me out there, please PM me and we can strategize as to how best 'infiltrate' some of these forums.

    We are so lucky to be a part of this great adventure!
    that is exactly how I do the beginning of all this I wasn't confident enough to just go out there and tell everyone because they all think I'm crazy...because I seriously have no one around me here who believes at least a little bit. Kinda depressing. But now I do tell them no matter what...and I can't wait for the day when I can say I told you so <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    U have a simple strategy for spreading the word and welcome any other practical ideas. Here's mine. I tell everyone I know that I believe that MJ is alive. I tell them with confidence that I'm '99%' certain and that he will return and that the media is not telling the truth. Most people don't ask why and I don't care if they look at me as though I'm nuts. I'm just planting a seed. I've set up my Youtube account with numerous hoax videos and, when MJ does return, I can direct people to those videos for further understanding. No doubt we will seem prescient to others when he returns, just as we now seem crazy. I also post regularly on various forums, trying to get people to investigate the hoax. If anyone would like to help me out there, please PM me and we can strategize as to how best 'infiltrate' some of these forums.

    We are so lucky to be a part of this great adventure!

    Thats a great idea about setting up your youtube account with hoax videos. I know there are many on the net but by choosing the best and most appropriate ones for new comers is perfect. We have come so far in this investigation that a new comer would not be able to understand a lot of it and the 'why' is a huge concept for them to get their heads around.
    I talk to many people now about it and I am gaining confidence in voicing our discoveries. I do get a lot of blank reactions but this is understandable as they are completely unaware. They are so used to believing the 'believable' and not what is actually possible and achievable. This is going to shock so many people but we can be confident enough now in the truth to gently show others.
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    I'm so delighted that others are feeling more confident about vocalizing our discoveries. I realize none of this would have been possible had we not all found our way to each other on the internet......the spider's web.

    I've been encountering lots of people lately who believe that 'something is up,' though most are fearful of catastrophe rather than optimistic about opportunity. Is it possible that we are all walking together through the valley of death, following Michael's example, being without fear because we have God in our hearts? Does anyone else feel so suddenly enthusiastic about the future? I used to be a gloom and doomsayer, but now I feel L.O.V.E. in the air, though I occasionally get distracted by sounds of discord in the distance.
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    I'm so delighted that others are feeling more confident about vocalizing our discoveries. I realize none of this would have been possible had we not all found our way to each other on the internet......the spider's web.

    I've been encountering lots of people lately who believe that 'something is up,' though most are fearful of catastrophe rather than optimistic about opportunity. Is it possible that we are all walking together through the valley of death, following Michael's example, being without fear because we have God in our hearts? Does anyone else feel so suddenly enthusiastic about the future? I used to be a gloom and doomsayer, but now I feel L.O.V.E. in the air, though I occasionally get distracted by sounds of discord in the distance.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • a18wheelsladya18wheelslady Posts: 287
    I would like to add that Miko Brando who was on LKL with DD has now given 'flowers' to Larry for his 25th anniversary and he has a shop called 'Flowers from Michael'.

    The connections are everywhere. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=9777<!-- l -->
    interesting that the number 25 for the 25th anniversary comes up. is this another link.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    I believe that metaphors are used a lot here, so my understanding of this is that Michael needs us to bridge the gap and surround him. With the seed he planted 10 months ago he has grown beautiful flowers, which are us. Now LMP asks us to send him Sun flowers, which I believe means she is asking us to spread his message that we have become so strong and united in. Spread it everywhere, talk to whoever will listen. Comment on pages where our voice will be heard by non believers etc...

    I´m no Sun-reader, not even within the last days - therefore I would have never ever made a connection to "SUN-flowers."
    But due to you, I think I got the message now...

    Thank you! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    I believe that metaphors are used a lot here, so my understanding of this is that Michael needs us to bridge the gap and surround him. With the seed he planted 10 months ago he has grown beautiful flowers, which are us. Now LMP asks us to send him Sun flowers, which I believe means she is asking us to spread his message that we have become so strong and united in. Spread it everywhere, talk to whoever will listen. Comment on pages where our voice will be heard by non believers etc...

    I´m no Sun-reader, not even within the last days - therefore I would have never ever made a connection to "SUN-flowers."
    But due to you, I think I got the message now...

    Thank you! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I'm no Sun reader either, this was the one and only copy I've ever bought. It is notorious for writing trash.
    I'd like to think this connection is right, it does seem to make sense. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    I believe that metaphors are used a lot here, so my understanding of this is that Michael needs us to bridge the gap and surround him. With the seed he planted 10 months ago he has grown beautiful flowers, which are us. Now LMP asks us to send him Sun flowers, which I believe means she is asking us to spread his message that we have become so strong and united in. Spread it everywhere, talk to whoever will listen. Comment on pages where our voice will be heard by non believers etc...

    I´m no Sun-reader, not even within the last days - therefore I would have never ever made a connection to "SUN-flowers."
    But due to you, I think I got the message now...

    Thank you! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I'm no Sun reader either, this was the one and only copy I've ever bought. It is notorious for writing trash.
    I'd like to think this connection is right, it does seem to make sense. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Yes, it does absolutely. "The garden of live flowers". <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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