All for LOVE? Not quite.....

Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
edited January 1970 in News
So I was watching TV and came across this documentary called Who's Is This Song?. Its about the kind of chauvinistic hatred generated amongst people by a thing as simple as a song that is claimed as "theirs" by every Balkan country and yet the dispute over the song's rightful place remains unsetteled. And its likely to remain that way for the years to come as neither country is intent on entertaining the possibility that it could have been the same song that could have somhow spread over all countries in that region and therefore could serve as a unifying force in the Balkan region. They will not recognise this fact.

Its really amusing at first as to how a simple song can inject hatred good enough to send these people from different nationalities on a mutual mud slinging spree. A Bulgarian accordion player, when told that the song could be Turkish, went so far as to say " Any one who says that the song is Turkish, DESERVES TO BE HANGED ON THAT TREE". Funny isnt it? Another group of Bulgarian gangsters when confronted with the same questin had to say this "ANY ONE WHO IS NOT BULGARIAN DESERVES A KNIFE"...They said this while brandshig their knives. Not meaning to portay Bulgarians in bad light....the situation is the same in every country in that region.

In a world where we have more and more celebrities taking up "Humnitarian" causes everyday(though more of these are simply PR stunts), one wonders what could be he possible means to resolve quarells taht are instigated by issues as trivial as the one discussed above but lead to mass-hatred and misconception and INTOLERANCE.....What would be the way forward in places that are probably impermeable to HOLLYWOOD Glamour and Stardust?? On one hand we chant "WE ARE THE WORLD" and "YES WE CAN" owing to some random Adrenalin spurt we experience when we see a glimpse of what an IDEAL WORLD would look like......On the other hand, when we land with a thud into the real world full of inequalities.....where we can be judged even for the colour of our skin and the length of our BEARDS....We dont give a damn about all of that......Its this fickle minded and MALLEABLE nature that makes us a very JUDGEMENTAL group of people..that can be easily manipulated.....

I was just wondering how and when will Michael Jackson's message percolate down to these countries that seldom get any attention from the Media and people in general. Isnt there any way to change the way people think?? Why is it so hard for peopel to see that they are surrounded by not Martians but humans like them?? DAMN <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

Read about this documentary here

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  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    So I was watching TV and came across this documentary called Who's Is This Song?. Its about the kind of chauvinistic hatred generated amongst people by a thing as simple as a song that is claimed as "theirs" by every Balkan country and yet the dispute over the song's rightful place remains unsetteled. And its likely to remain that way for the years to come as neither country is intent on entertaining the possibility that it could have been the same song that could have somhow spread over all countries in that region and therefore could serve as a unifying force in the Balkan region. They will not recognise this fact.

    Its really amusing at first as to how a simple song can inject hatred good enough to send these people from different nationalities on a mutual mud slinging spree. A Bulgarian accordion player, when told that the song could be Turkish, went so far as to say " Any one who says that the song is Turkish, DESERVES TO BE HANGED ON THAT TREE". Funny isnt it? Another group of Bulgarian gangsters when confronted with the same questin had to say this "ANY ONE WHO IS NOT BULGARIAN DESERVES A KNIFE"...They said this while brandshig their knives. Not meaning to portay Bulgarians in bad light....the situation is the same in every country in that region.

    In a world where we have more and more celebrities taking up "Humnitarian" causes everyday(though more of these are simply PR stunts), one wonders what could be he possible means to resolve quarells taht are instigated by issues as trivial as the one discussed above but lead to mass-hatred and misconception and INTOLERANCE.....What would be the way forward in places that are probably impermeable to HOLLYWOOD Glamour and Stardust?? On one hand we chant "WE ARE THE WORLD" and "YES WE CAN" owing to some random Adrenalin spurt we experience when we see a glimpse of what an IDEAL WORLD would look like......On the other hand, when we land with a thud into the real world full of inequalities.....where we can be judged even for the colour of our skin and the length of our BEARDS....We dont give a damn about all of that......Its this fickle minded and MALLEABLE nature that makes us a very JUDGEMENTAL group of people..that can be easily manipulated.....

    I was just wondering how and when will Michael Jackson's message percolate down to these countries that seldom get any attention from the Media and people in general. Isnt there any way to change the way people think?? Why is it so hard for peopel to see that they are surrounded by not Martians but humans like them?? DAMN <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    Read about this documentary here

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    I see the general problem you´re trying to point out. Although this is not at all a feature that is perculiar to Eastern European States. The sentiments of people would be pretty similar if you´d put the question out: "In which american town was the Hot Dog invented?" Local Patriotism instead to agree on the commonness.
    Moreover the way and interviewer asks a question can have a great effect on the answer.
    There is a common saying: "You pick what you seed" - and journalists know how to draw that card to get what they want.

    Manipulation? Yes, of course - but sadly all along the line.
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