The MYTH about Cherilyn Lee

QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
edited January 1970 in News
OK. In the show on saturday, Geraldine Hughes said that if Cherilyn Lee had not come forward with the info about propofol then they would never have thought to have the blood/organs tested for propofol. Geraldine said that they 'retested the blood for propofol.' Now this is simply not true.

In the AR it it says that Ed Winter (assistant chief coroner) and Elissa Fleak arrived at MJ's house on the 25th June at 7.10pm and did a scene investigation. They found an empty glass vial of 1% Propofol emulsion as seen on the medical evidence collected sheet 3A.

Cherilyn Lee only came forward with her evidence on 30th June - after the autopsy was completed and after the vial of propofol had already been found at the scene.

I don't know where Geraldine gets her information from sometimes. When reading out the names of some people on Saturday she actually read them out wrong a number of times. She also claims that Murray left the scene - is there any evidence for that? I believe that is just her opinion. It certainly muddies the water when correct info is not put out there.


  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    OK. In the show on saturday, Geraldine Hughes said that if Cherilyn Lee had not come forward with the info about propofol then they would never have thought to have the blood/organs tested for propofol. Geraldine said that they 'retested the blood for propofol.' Now this is simply not true.

    In the AR it it says that Ed Winter (assistant chief coroner) and Elissa Fleak arrived at MJ's house on the 25th June at 7.10pm and did a scene investigation. They found an empty glass vial of 1% Propofol emulsion as seen on the medical evidence collected sheet 3A.

    Cherilyn Lee only came forward with her evidence on 30th June - after the autopsy was completed and after the vial of propofol had already been found at the scene.

    I don't know where Geraldine gets her information from sometimes. When reading out the names of some people on Saturday she actually read them out wrong a number of times. She also claims that Murray left the scene - is there any evidence for that? I believe that is just her opinion. It certainly muddies the water when correct info is not put out there.

    Thanks quirky. I don't pay Geraldine much mind but I did listen to everything she said and listen to everything period. The whole meeting could have been a little more organized but I still liked seeing them all the listening. Dr. Murray alegedly left the hospital against the wishes of police. Fact or fiction; I don't know. Dr. Murray alegedly asked Michael's guards for a ride back to the house and they wouldn't give him one. Fact or fiction; I don't know. I didn't see Conrad anywhere around the guards vehicles when they left so I'm gonna say that he didn't go with them. I kind of think he didn't ask for a ride back to the house though. That's because, the house wasn't far. He could have gone and picked up his sister's car and didn't. Then again, maybe he did ask but was getting bad vibes, changed his mind and headed to parts unknown.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    What i meant about Murray leaving the scene - i was referring to him leaving MJ's house at some point. She said he met up with a hooker.
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    Geraldine gets on my nerves. She can't even pronounce people's names, and she gives quite a bit of misinformation. She is not as informed or knowledgeable as she pretends to be. Fact is that Murray mentioned Propofol in the affidavit on the 26th, before Lee ever went public on the 30th. Geraldine is just reading crap online and picking and choosing her information and presenting it as fact. I respect her for the book she wrote to bring out the extortion against MJ in the Chandler case...but she needs to do a little more homework if she's going to keep trying to maintain her "celebrity status" in regards to MJ's "death." As far as I'm concerned, she's just another one trying to grab the spotlight and her 15 minutes of fame (which is apparent every time she plugs her book, Redemption).
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Geraldine gets on my nerves. She can't even pronounce people's names, and she gives quite a bit of misinformation. She is not as informed or knowledgeable as she pretends to be. Fact is that Murray mentioned Propofol in the affidavit on the 26th, before Lee ever went public on the 30th. Geraldine is just reading crap online and picking and choosing her information and presenting it as fact. I respect her for the book she wrote to bring out the extortion against MJ in the Chandler case...but she needs to do a little more homework if she's going to keep trying to maintain her "celebrity status" in regards to MJ's "death." As far as I'm concerned, she's just another one trying to grab the spotlight and her 15 minutes of fame (which is apparent every time she plugs her book, Redemption).

    Page 3 of the search warrant and affidavit says that they met with Dr. Murray on the 27th. I don't think Geraldine is pretending. That's her. I know what you mean about the names and all. I noticed that. Some just don't have a knack with language. But she is making an effort anyway. Guess we're not all rocket scientists.

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  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    Geraldine gets on my nerves. She can't even pronounce people's names, and she gives quite a bit of misinformation. She is not as informed or knowledgeable as she pretends to be. Fact is that Murray mentioned Propofol in the affidavit on the 26th, before Lee ever went public on the 30th. Geraldine is just reading crap online and picking and choosing her information and presenting it as fact. I respect her for the book she wrote to bring out the extortion against MJ in the Chandler case...but she needs to do a little more homework if she's going to keep trying to maintain her "celebrity status" in regards to MJ's "death." As far as I'm concerned, she's just another one trying to grab the spotlight and her 15 minutes of fame (which is apparent every time she plugs her book, Redemption).

    I don't know what to make of her either <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
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