TIAI Update #5d: DO you Think 4 your Self?



  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Taken from: http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/my-response-to-update-5d/

    WARNING THIS IS LONG! <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    Guys, I CAN’T SLEEP!!!

    My mind is spinning and I feel like I have been vacuumed up and allowed to see a glimpse of a bigger picture.

    I pray I can verbalize this.

    First I want to thank TS, TIAI, thisisalsoit.com, and whoever else for giving me a lesson and teaching me to live in such a way that I will never ever be able to repay. From the bottom of my heart, I love you and I thank you!

    Firstly, regarding the hoax. If I go back to when I first was made aware of the possibility of a hoax, there were some foundational questions, doubts, objections I had that needed answers. Well I have wrestled with evidence over the past 10 month that have allowed me to objectively find answers to those questions and has convicted me of the hoax. Well there are many that are just coming into this now and have not had the benefit of 10 months of hell… I mean research. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Guys, we all received the message from Souza asking us to answer these foundational questions http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9863#p165808 WE NEED TO MAKE THIS A PRIORITY. Why? Well how does a teacher know that we have an understanding of the schoolwork? They give a test! Well we have been exposed to things that have us believing in a hoax death. This is our way to be sure we understand the why and are ready to state why we believe what we believe.

    Furthermore, there are still differing views within the hoax boards. We are not unified in our beliefs. If we have differences in beliefs in certain question, we can work through it to get to the bottom of things and eliminate errors through discussion… not fighting! We can sift through all these evidences together! Like gold diggers sifting through sand to find gold nuggets, we can weed out the errors to find the truth.

    Once we, the believers, understand how to respond to these questions, and find what is really the truth, we will be unified in our beliefs. If we work through these questions together, and help each other in our understanding, the truth will come out in a way that we can all unify behind. Also as we work to get our foundational beliefs down, this will help any newcomers to understand what we do.

    I believe once we get our responses down to these questions and show that we have understanding and that we are prepared to give an answer… then I believe MJ will be ready to return.

    Also, as for non-believers, we can’t force them to believe what we do. However, we can present facts, love on them, and allow them to see clearly the truth or error in their thinking.

    That’s why the answers HAVE to be based on evidence… not feelings… not what we want to believe… but cold hard facts. Once we have a concise list of our evidence for the hoax, the hoax will be indisputable and the message will spread like wildfire to the world… not only will the believers unite, I believe some non-believers will unite, the Army of L.O.V.E. will unite, and the end will come.




    This hoax has paralleled my life and my spiritual walk and I am a stronger believer in God because of the studying I have had to do to convict myself in MJ being alive and in the hoax. I have to admit… as much as I didn’t want to make Michael a god in my life… I believe I did to a certain extent. I studied and knew more about Michael and his life than I did about my Bible and my God. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    However, I was made aware of this very early on in the hoax. I have fully believed that Michael used his God given gift of his fans as an opportunity to spread the message of the Bible to the world. I believe Michael is truly a messenger of God living out a purpose far beyond a mere hoax death.

    I personally have learned to study my Bible and convict myself of my own beliefs as a Christian and I no longer sit on the fence in my beliefs. 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    But beyond that, there are many differing views of God, religion, etc. and I have had to question myself on common objections to God and make sure I understood principles and concept of what I believe.

    1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

    This my friends is a work in progress and will continue for the rest of my life.

    We are in a time like none other! I have had the ability to discuss both the hoax and God and my beliefs with people all over the world via the internet, Twitter, MySpace, etc. The gospel is has the ability to be spread worldwide and touch every inch of the earth. We have the amazing opportunity to discuss IN L.O.V.E. with people from all over the world, our differences and to genuinely IN L.O.V.E. sift through the belief sets to find the truth… TOGETHER.

    In Matthew 24:14 it says “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

    The end will come.


    Well I better end now as this is really really long… but I love you all and I am so proud to be on this journey with you.
  • Myriam40aMyriam40a Posts: 3
    Thank you so much, for all your updates TS.
    You really make things easier for us. Maybe I'm totally wrong, but I think that MJ wants to warn us about the anti-christ "Maitreya". The NWO is trying to create the New World Religion with this New Age Movement and through this new religion they are "trying" to contol the humanity. Maybe this can be one of MJ's message.
    Sorry for my bad english and thx again.
    Love to you all
  • kel70kel70 Posts: 182
    thank you T.S for the update.. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    God gave us all a brain, and He expects us to use our intellectual talents to understand...

    My favorite quote, this is exactly what came into my mind when I read last update, I always like to say that to people who don't think for themselves and prefer to blindly follow the crowd.

    Thank you TS for this brilliant update. Thank you Michael for what you're doing. God bless you.
  • MJJSmileMJJSmile Posts: 59
    I'll try to talk to non-believers again and open up their eyes again, but they are blind as well as being rude also <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Michael says: love those who don't love you, well in this case are the non-believers that don't love the believers <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    I will do my best because It's all for L.O.V.E. and because I'll be there <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thank you TS and God bless you <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    Michael I love you <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    TS I don't know who you are but this update is really brilliant and I MEAN IT.
    I totally agree with you and thank you for this great job.
  • jm1lvmjjm1lvmj Posts: 81
    Thank you TS for this particular post. You are not cold. The information imparted is just dispassionate as is asked for on many a site in many a thread (facts and proofs). For the waverers and disbelievers: you are here, reading this very post because you want to believe. You have what you need to make that leap. If this does not convince you, then nothing will, not even MJ returning and telling you. My awakening came 2 months late but remains unwavering. I will be there. One love.
  • FEDEFEDE Posts: 12
    Thank you so much TS!!
    I'm sure... everybody of us needed your words and your explenations to understand at the best which way to run... THANK YOU!
  • Since this website is for MJDH INVESTIGATORS: I do my best to provide cold-hard tangible evidence for the sake of investigation—not for the sake of exhilaration! If investigation leads to truth which makes you happy, that’s great! But consider it as a bonus, and not the ultimate purpose. The ultimate purpose for genuine investigation is to find out the truth—regardless of whether the truth you find makes you happy or sad, etc.

    In fact, many non-believers have accused us of thinking that MJ is alive merely because we are in denial, and don’t want to accept that he is dead. But if we are real investigators, then our feelings should not get in the way of our investigation. We should want to know if he is really dead; and if he’s really alive, then we should be able to back it up with cold-hard facts, not mere wishful fantasies.

    This is why the information that I provide is, for the most part, cold-hard evidence. In fact, beware of anyone who tries to convince you of anything whatsoever (whether related to MJ or not)—based primarily upon warm fuzzies, and not upon good solid evidence. Personally, I never have and never will try to convince you of anything, without some fairly strong evidence to back it up.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the above, this is what's needed in an INVESTIGATION. Thanks for providing 'clear and clean' evidence.
  • hopihopi Posts: 195
    DO you Think 4 your Self?

    You can also kindly remind them that the issue is what MJ believes, and his message; others are free to have their own beliefs, but the hoax forums are about MJ and his reasons for the hoax.
    And please do not get into unkind arguments with anyone; remember, it’s all for L.O.V.E.
    Preparing for bamsday means understanding the message, helping others to understand it, and most of all: living the L.O.V.E. yourself!

    That's it - the quintessence... Thank you!!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Thank you once more TS. I never thought that your posts are cold, I don't know why and how people could think that. I sent several PMs to you but never expected an answer from you. People need to stop thinking for themselves only, they need to stop being selfish. Stop being selfish and start thinking for others and this world is going to be the best for all of us.

    Thanks to the information you have been giving to us, I tought many many people about the truths of this hoax. You helped us a lot. But if I need to talk about most of the non-believers, they make me go crazy BECAUSE it doesn't matter what evidence you give them. I try so hard to tell them about the numerology of the hoax and show them all evidences but all they say is "Numerology doesn't work for me". What else can you do for that person who denies everything? I start to hit my head to walls when they say this or when they say "You're very disrespectful. Let the man rest in peace. He's gone and let him go." kind of things. I think the vice versa about them. We're the ones who have been investigating this hoax for 10 months. Personally I haven't even slept well for the last 11 months, and I spent most of my time with the hoax. They ignore and underestimate all the work we have done. They still think that they know everything about Michael. They don't have any respect to us or to Michael. I ask them how thousands of people keep on believing in the hoax after 11 months if there was no clue. They keep on saying the same old things like we're delusional, crazy etc. I'm so mad at them because it hurts me to see how ready they were to bury Michael. They didn't even ask any questions like how it happened or why it happened. They only believed what they saw and heard. They just buried Michael alive! They think that they are investigating by talking to Karen Faye or reading Randy's tweets or by following Brian Oxman's FB page. Most of them are so narrow minded and like you wrote in your update 4, many of them will think he's just an impersonator after Michael comes back. They don't even believe their own eyes which is so sad.

    After the Dave Dave And Michael is alive news, many people wanted to learn about the hoax. So, I do my best, I show all evidences which most of them were given by you and some that I found myself, I explain everything and the ones who have brain (I don't want to be rude but how hard it can be for someone to understand it after reading your updates and me explaining them everything?) gets the main idea and starts to believe; and the ones who will never ever change and prefer to stay in the dark side and close their eyes and brains to the truths, walks away with a denial again. I'm not going to try to convince noone and I never did. I never wanted to have an argument with another MJ fan because we love the same man and with our different opinions we're the MJ family.

    And the believers who still don't believe in the numerology of the hoax, I don't believe that they read your updates carefully. They say that they do but if they're clever enough to find this hoax, they're clever enough to understand the numerology part of the hoax. It's just they start to read it and they get bored with it and they say it doesn't work for them which is an easier way for them being in a denial of TS' validity.

    The numerology even shows some of the “who”: such as Kenny Ortega, TII director; he would be the one to have the poster come out on 9-9-09, and release the film 7 weeks later, and edit the duration to 111 minutes (and add the bam after the credits, etc). This also explains why Kenny was closely involved with the memorial and burial. The family did not think that he was a murderer, even though some had already mentioned murder before the burial.

    Do we forget about Randy Jackson's tweet: "Sitting in court & I'm sad. Those profiting most from my bro’s death: AEG, Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega, Estate Executors r nowhere in sight 6:17 PM Feb 8th via web"

    I don't know what Randy's role exactly in the whole hoax BUT he's the only one who talks against the hoax and I have to admit that he ruins our effort while we try to convince non-believer fans. And I always have questions in my mind about this. If Michael wants non-believers to learn about the hoax, why doesn't he tell Randy to keep his mouth closed, as well as to Brian Oxman, Karen Faye and some others? I know that this is his show, his real life time Thriller and the film needs drama too but if he wants non-believers to be convinced by us, he should tell this to Randy and others. Randy's tweets are not very nice and not on our side. He's not helping us with tweets like these:

    "Quick note, TMZ caught me off guard as I was leaving a meeting. I never called them & I'm not their inside source. That will b revealed soon 6:22 PM Mar 4th via web "
    "A private issue, handled internally. The 1 in the house that calld TMZ&DCFS is on a mission 2 exploit us & separate the kids 4 her evil gain 6:29 PM Mar 4th via web" "Almost been a year now since I lost my big brother… The best I can do now is to protect his legacy & reputation 9:28 PM May 16th via web"
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TS A thousand thanks, as always your redirects are a good deal of optimism. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    As for the People who talk about coincidence, I think it is a resource widely Used For Those Who CAN NOT Find Consistency in Certain Situations That seems to LACK it, the more we learn are less chances.
    If you read about the origin of the numbers we see That the Hindus of Pythagoras Who Received the Knowledge, Regarded as a sacred science. Pythagoras said, "The world is built on the power of numbers."
    And if I'm going to talk about the message of Michael, and be kind AND NOT Argue with Anyone, <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> it's all about LOVE <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • The memorial program actually mentioned that MJ looks forward to the new earth. With these things in mind, how is it possible that the end of the world is not part of MJ’s message.


    Thank you MJALIVE999 for posting this image from the Memorial program. I think Rebbie has given us something important to consider.

    "I love you so much and I look forward to the time when I will see you again on Earth" John 5:28-29

    John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice
    John 5:29 And shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, And they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

    (Is this bible quote Rebbie's way of telling us of Michael's return? (Resurrection)

    Rebbie also says "...I look forward to life without end at last" Psalms 37:29

    Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.

    TS used the words "...MJ looks forward to the new Earth." While we are being told that this is the End of the World, I feel like it will just be the end of the world as we know it. The "new Earth" is the paradigm shift we will bring about because of Michael's message. The "new Earth" is the Golden Age (Age Of Aquarius)

    Michael said "I do this for the awareness, awakening, and Hope"

    We have to wake up and be aware of the problems (evil) BUT not fear. Michael is sending out Major Love to give us HOPE! The movie V For Vendetta clearly demonstrated that when you conquer your fears you are FREE. Please remember LOVE/GOOD will always conquer FEAR/EVIL.

    Michael also said "This is it, here I stand, I'm the Light of the World, I feel grand." In Spirituality Light=Knowledge/Truth.

    Michael also said "The truth will prevail." His message is L.O.V.E. (Law Of Vibrational Energy?) Everything is made of energy and vibrates. Even thoughts and emotions are made of energy. Love has the highest vibration of all! LOVE not Fear is the answer. Everyone has free will to chose.

    So LightMan (MJ) is being revealed to us piece by piece by piece. MJ wasn't kidding when he said "This Is It!" and "The best is yet to come, I promise"

    On 7/6/09 Kenny Ortega tweeted & used the word bio-luminescence to describe MJ. BIO-LUMINESCENCE-Emission of light by a living organism. Hybrid word originating from the Greek bios for "living" and the Latin lumen "light". So Kenny was describing Michael as the LIVING LIGHT.

    Blessed to have been,
    Touched By An Angel
    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM<!-- m -->


    Paradigm Shift is a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation. It is driven by agents of change... US! Make That Change!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    The memorial program actually mentioned that MJ looks forward to the new earth. With these things in mind, how is it possible that the end of the world is not part of MJ’s message.


    Thank you MJALIVE999 for posting this image from the Memorial program. I think Rebbie has given us something important to consider.

    "I love you so much and I look forward to the time when I will see you again on Earth" John 5:28-29

    John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice
    John 5:29 And shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, And they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

    (Is this bible quote Rebbie's way of telling us of Michael's return? (Resurrection)

    Rebbie also says "...I look forward to life without end at last" Psalms 37:29

    Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.

    TS used the words "...MJ looks forward to the new Earth." While we are being told that this is the End of the World, I feel like it will just be the end of the world as we know it. The "new Earth" is the paradigm shift we will bring about because of Michael's message. The "new Earth" is the Golden Age (Age Of Aquarius)

    Michael said "I do this for the awareness, awakening, and Hope"

    We have to wake up and be aware of the problems (evil) BUT not fear. Michael is sending out Major Love to give us HOPE! The movie V For Vendetta clearly demonstrated that when you conquer your fears you are FREE. Please remember LOVE/GOOD will always conquer FEAR/EVIL.

    Michael also said "This is it, here I stand, I'm the Light of the World, I feel grand." In Spirituality Light=Knowledge/Truth.

    Michael also said "The truth will prevail." His message is L.O.V.E. (Law Of Vibrational Energy?) Everything is made of energy and vibrates. Even thoughts and emotions are made of energy. Love has the highest vibration of all! LOVE not Fear is the answer. Everyone has free will to chose.

    So LightMan (MJ) is being revealed to us piece by piece by piece. MJ wasn't kidding when he said "This Is It!" and "The best is yet to come, I promise"

    On 7/6/09 Kenny Ortega tweeted & used the word bio-luminescence to describe MJ. BIO-LUMINESCENCE-Emission of light by a living organism. Hybrid word originating from the Greek bios for "living" and the Latin lumen "light". So Kenny was describing Michael as the LIVING LIGHT.

    Blessed to have been,
    Touched By An Angel


    Paradigm Shift is a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation. It is driven by agents of change... US! Make That Change!

    Thank you TS for your wise, warm not cold, words to help us understand. You seem compassionate as well as possessing a lawyer/journalist ability in presenting material to us! I love your post, TouchedByAnAngel. I don't feel most people are quite ready to take this hoax to the next and ultimate "level". People toy around with the subject are afraid to come out with it, for fear of offending, but it's right in our faces. However I believe in God's timing all will be revealed and all people's hearts will be prepared. It's obvious to me that we were not intended to know too much, but only tiny morsels at a time, and not move on until those ideas were thoroughly digested. MJ has a time-table, and God has a time-table. About telling everyone,

    I've tried, but everyone around me thinks MJ's dead, period, and I'm crazy, even if I give good reasons for it being a hoax. I do think that the more internet and news coverage will affect people's thinking on MJ's status. About the "Spiritual" connection with MJ, hearts and minds have to be prepared like good soil, otherwise there's no germination. MJ is "The Thriller"! My heart "thrills" to be alive and witness to all of this. I'm blown away and don't have the words to express. I so look forward to your next updates.
  • Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
    @ TS

    First off I'd like to thank you for making this post. Things certainly are getting clearer everyday.

    I just wanted to make a response to your reference to "that" person who pointed out taht we should focus on PAINS rather than on numerology. Well, "taht" person is me and yes, I havent spent years in the music industry...primarily because I am only 19 years old....and I am a medical student. So I really am not familiar with the nitty-gritties of song making. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    PAINS was upheld as a major clue in the initial days of the hoax...and also indicative of the fact that the memorial was staged. Therefore, I, like many fellow believers, took it to be a clue. If its not a clue well...then we'll let it go and discard it. But still, the anomaly would persist as to Why Was The Song Edited In The First Place when not necessary at all??

    I also suggested taht the the more digestible clues be introduced first to the non believers (like the SLIP UPS and theKenny Ortega tweets and Dave Dave.....all of which have found worthy attention in your updates....So YOU CANT say taht I am advocating JUST pains as evidence for hoax) and THEN gradually the numerology, to avoid the whole hoax theory to be discarded as a result of someKnee Jerk reaction by people.....Its something that peopel often do when they hear conspiracy theories.I said that keeping in mind General Public Phsycology....because I dont want this hoax theory to reach as many people as possible...So taht this doesnt get discarded as another "UFO" thing. Sadly enough I have no way of doing that as my friends hre in India, couldnt care less abou Michael Jackson hoaxing his death and its consequences. People are too busy with their own lives to care about this..Something that is very disappointing.

    So my idea of the hoax is not biased or baseless in any way....In case you have come to think that, its regrettable. Its just taht I am anxious of the reactions we get from people. I am worried as to how the messsage will reach out to every soul on Earth...If thats possible at all.
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    genius..thank you T.S, you and Mj are genius
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    Thanks TS all the hard work you do to keep us informed. It's long yes and really wow! Mike we waiting for BAM! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • sandythymesandythyme Posts: 365
    Thank you TS! Thank you for your guidance and patience. This has been an incredible journey and worth every step. You have given us, the believers fuel to continue and help others become aware of Michael's message. This whole idea of the hoax, the numbers, the message is truly a masterful piece of art. Pure genius on Michael's part and yours. Thanks for helping us along. I am very grateful for your knowledge and your hard work. Take care!
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    You are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I send your way all that is good and may you be protected as you spread the truth of
    WE ARE ALL ONE <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    TS, I have said this many times, and I will say it many more times:

    GOD BLESS YOU ! You have helped all of us drastically. Without you, no offense to anyone, but we would be NO WHERE near where we are now. Thank you SO much for all of your wonderful help. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Thank you once again TS for all your hard work! When you explain things for us, there is no denying why Michael planned this "hoax".
    It is so obvious that the world as we know it, is on a downward spiral and out of control. There is so much turmoil, devastation and destruction taking place around the world right now, unlike anything we have seen before and it is obvious that "mother earth" is trying to tell us something! How much of this destruction is"natural" and how much of it is being "controlled", by the government? That is the question.

    All I know is that we need to join together our "Army of Love" and use our "voices" to educate the masses. It is up to us to "make a change" We need to take back control of our own lives and help save our planet, before its too late!

    I really want to thank Michael for what he is doing for us. He is not only a genius, he is a humanitarian and a true blue HERO! I will do whatever I can to spread his message and I will be waiting with open arms for his return, so together we can fight this fight...with LOVE of course!

    Michael, I love you from the bottom of my heart and with all my soul. Thanks you for risking your life, to save all of ours. God bless you always!!!

    Thanks again TS for all the time you put into your posts...much love!
  • teardropteardrop Posts: 30
    Thank you so much TS!
    I like all your posts, and they are not cold at all. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • ZIsisZIsis Posts: 165
    Thank you for your very "demonstrative" post (as usual) here, TS.

    This has most certainly helped drive home a whole lot of things/"truths" for me. One of them (which made the strongest impact on me) is MJ's REASONS for this hoax, as evident from the 'clues/hints', are based more or less on HIS OWN unique beliefs/hopes/expectations & NOT necessarily a reflection of cosmopolitan or individual ones (yes, well, MJ never really sought to much of a 'conformist' exactly, did he? Quite the opposite, actually <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->). I had always imagined from the start (since I became a "BeLIEver", that is!) that this "journey" was, for the greater part, a deeply "personal quest" to him. It was only later, after following & embarking on it ourselves that we adopted, adapted & incorporated that into our own 'personal legends' as well <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> But, somewhere along the line, I let my own feelings & convictions (now that I think about it, not to mention dregs of what was happening my non-cyber/non-MJ related/personal life too!) interfere & intermingle with that, hence clouding it ALL BIG TIME for me. I suppose time had a little something to with that as well (so, on top of my terrible multi-tasking abilities, I've got impatience, frustration/detachment/attention issues to add to that list of my "virtues" <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->). But since there's ALWAYS HOPE for ALL of us, maybe I'll live too <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Now I realise that I just simply cannot do "calculation" (in EVERY sense of the word, not just with numbers this time! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->) quite as well as I can "emotions". So, I guess, it's 'wisest' ( <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->) that I stick to the ONE "message" that is most transparent & has ALWAYS made sense to me (MJ's simple message of universal peace & love) <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Hmmm...perhaps there is something to the saying that goes, "If you don't have anything "useful" to say...(I know the word is "nice" in most parts, but in this neck of the woods, we find the substitution mostly a necessity). From now onwards, I shall TRY my best to refrain from cluttering/distracting you serious, hardcore hoaxsters' efforts to keep this as clean, clear & concise as possible (Damn my blasted, BURNING curiosity though, because that just WON'T let me disappear or stay away! So, forgive me if I make no promises on that regard, ok? <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->).

    Good luck with your "investigation", everyone. I CAN'T WAIT to see MJ's dream (& our jubilation too <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->) come true! Well, I guess, at least that part-the CELEBRATION bit-we shall ALL have no hitches or qualms managing TOGETHER!!! <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->


  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    TIAI Update #5d: DO you Think 4 your Self?

    You can also kindly remind them that the issue is what MJ believes, and his message; others are free to have their own beliefs, but the hoax forums are about MJ and his reasons for the hoax. And please do not get into unkind arguments with anyone; remember, it’s all for L.O.V.E. Preparing for bamsday means understanding the message, helping others to understand it, and most of all: living the L.O.V.E. yourself!

    Thank you for this lovely update. I especially love this part. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • sailyasailya Posts: 82
    Thank you TS <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Sure,I'll be there.
    The truth will prevail!

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