Even Chandler Phone Call.... the rest of it we didn't hear

edited January 1970 in News
Hi guys...came across the transcripts of that famous phone call between Even Chandler and David Swartz...the one where Even Chandler says that hes gonna get everything he ever wanted from MJ...all he had to do was make a call and MJ would be ruined forever....well, there was more to that call...lots more. Here is just some of the transcripts from it and the link so you can read the rest. I have nothing to say. I'm just gonna sit on it and think... really really hard.

1 my son is being harmed greatly and that his
2 life — he could be fucked up for the rest of his
3 life [tape irregularity].
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: You gotta tell me why
5 you think he’s being screwed up.
6 MR. CHANDLER: I have the evidence.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: I know, but what — I
8 don’t know what evidence. I don’t know what you’re
9 talking about.
10 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you’ll see.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why can’t you tell
12 me? I swear –
13 MR. CHANDLER: You show up in court and
14 you’ll see it on the big fucking screen –
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: But what –
16 MR. CHANDLER: — and then you’ll know
17 what I’m talking about.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: And you’ll hear in on
20 tape recordings.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: You’ll hear it all.
23 You’ll see it all, just like I have.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: It cost me thousands,

1 tens of thousands of dollars –
3 MR. CHANDLER: — to get the
4 information I got, and I — you know I don’t have
5 that kind of money –
7 MR. CHANDLER: — and I spent it, and
8 I’m willing to spend more, and I’m willing –
10 MR. CHANDLER: — to go down
11 financially to –
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think that’s
13 going to help Jordy?
14 MR. CHANDLER: Dave, Jordy’s — I
15 believe that Jordy’s already irreparably harmed.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: That’s my true belief.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
19 that he’s fucking him?
20 MR. CHANDLER: I don’t know. I have no
21 idea.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: But harmed in — in just
23 been spoiled?
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Just tell me –

1 MR. CHANDLER: You know, you gotta
2 forgive me for one thing, but I have been told by
3 my lawyer that if I say one thing to anybody –
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. Okay.
5 MR. CHANDLER: — don’t bother calling
6 him again. He said this case is so open [tape
7 irregularity] “You open your mouth and you blow
8 it,” he said, “just don’t come back to me.”
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. I respect that.
10 Okay.
11 MR. CHANDLER: Not that I don’t trust
12 you or anything –
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: I know. I respect it.
14 MR. CHANDLER: You have a vested
15 interest in it –
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
17 MR. CHANDLER: And let me tell you
18 this, by the way: What harm would it be to you,
19 what harm would it be to your relationship to June,
20 if Michael wasn’t around anymore?
21 You say that you [tape irregularity]
22 your fault. You say that you made her insecure.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait.
24 MR. CHANDLER: So if he wasn’t around
25 anymore –

2 MR. CHANDLER: — what do you think
3 she’s going to do? She’s going to come back to
4 you.
5 She doesn’t need you anymore. She
6 doesn’t even want you around anymore. She’s told
7 me and she’s told you — I’m sure she’s told you
8 that if [tape irregularity] Michael she’ll get rid
9 of you. She’s told me that. She means it.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well –
11 MR. CHANDLER: She means –
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: The only thing I told
13 you before is I told her I didn’t want him buying
14 her things in Europe. I gave her some money. And
15 then when he did buy her things and she told me, I
16 got pissed off at her. And that’s it, and that’s
17 really the whole thing. That’s all we ever talked
18 about.
19 MR. CHANDLER: How do you feel about
20 her going off on tour with him? You told me when
21 you were there the other day that everybody’s been
22 calling you saying “Your wife’s been [tape
23 irregularity]” –
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: It does [tape
25 irregularity] –

1 MR. CHANDLER: And let me tell you
2 something, by the way. That’s the best thing that
3 could happen to him, is that people think he’s
4 interested in June.
6 MR. CHANDLER: The fact is, he has no
7 interest in her whatsoever. The fact is he doesn’t
8 even care about her. He doesn’t even like her.
9 He’s [tape irregularity] –
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: You don’t think he likes
11 her?
12 MR. CHANDLER: I know he doesn’t. He
13 told me he doesn’t. He can’t stand her. He told
14 me that when –
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Huh! He can’t stand
16 her?
17 MR. CHANDLER: No. He told me that
18 when he was in my house.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. At that point he
21 liked us better than — Jordy too. Jordy’s the
22 same as Michael. It was a simple divide and
23 conquer. They felt us both out.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: They saw who was going

1 to let them do what they wanted to do, and then
2 they made their choice.
4 MR. CHANDLER: And until I had a talk
5 with Jordy one day at [tape irregularity] –
7 MR. CHANDLER: — they were gonna come
8 live with me. They were gonna pack up, leave
9 June’s house, and come here.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: That’s what they were
12 going to do, because they were getting more
13 resistance from her than they were getting from me.
14 You cannot tell this stuff — you cannot — I’m
15 confiding in you, okay, Dave?
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Right? That’s –
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Absolutely.
19 MR. CHANDLER: Nobody’s to know this
20 conversation –
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
23 inaudible) except you and me; is that right?
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
25 MR. CHANDLER: You promise me?

1 MR. SCHWARTZ: I promise you.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. What I’m telling
3 you is that Jordy and Michael are users.
5 MR. CHANDLER: They had — they were
6 gonna — they had their own relationship.
8 MR. CHANDLER: They want to carry it
9 out the way they want to carry it out. They don’t
10 want anybody getting in the way [tape
11 irregularity] — least resistance, and that’s the
12 way they’re going. They simply divided and
13 conquered, and June went along with it. And she
14 was wrong because she did it to the detriment of
15 Jordy.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Jordy is not old enough
18 to make these kind of [tape irregularity] that he’s
19 making.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: But is that a huge life
21 decision?
22 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, you bet it is.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you — were
24 you — let me ask you this: Did you ever pull away
25 from your parents when you were a teenager?

1 MR. CHANDLER: I hated my parents.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think Jordy hates
3 you?
4 MR. CHANDLER: If he doesn’t, he’s
5 gonna hate me tomorrow.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why do you –
7 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
8 inaudible) to –
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you want that?
10 MR. CHANDLER: It doesn’t matter what I
11 want.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why would you want
13 him to hate you, and why would you want to put him
14 through that –
15 MR. CHANDLER: Because all I care about
16 is what happens to him in the long run.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, the long run, is
18 that going to be healthy in the long run?
19 MR. CHANDLER: According to the
20 experts?
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: Absolutely.
23 According to the experts, if it goes on
24 the way it is, he’s doomed. He has no chance of
25 ever being a happy, healthy, normal human being, no

1 [tape irregularity].
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: So what happens if you
3 force him not to see him?
4 MR. CHANDLER: Not to see Michael?
6 MR. CHANDLER: Nobody’s saying for sure
7 what will happen. Most people’s feeling is that
8 he’s gonna go on and hate me for a long time and
9 then some day when he gets older he’ll thank me.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. And why do you
11 think he hates you now?
12 MR. CHANDLER: I said I think
13 he’ll — I said he may or may not hate me now –
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: — but he’ll definitely
16 hate me tomorrow.
17 He’ll hate me, why? Because I’m taking
18 Michael away from him. That’s why.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: And that’s a –
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: So you really think
22 Michael’s bad for him?
23 MR. CHANDLER: I know Michael’s bad for
24 him.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.

1 MR. CHANDLER: You know how I know
2 that?
3 Why would somebody, Dave — if you tell
4 me this, think of this logically. What reason
5 would he want us split up — [tape irregularity]
6 would he want me out of the way? What would be the
7 reason, unless he has something to hide?
9 MR. CHANDLER: I know what he has to
10 hide. I happen to know what it is.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: But I can’t tell you.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
14 MR. CHANDLER: I’m just asking you in
15 terms of logic. You know me. I’m not — I’m a
16 pretty liberal guy.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: I don’t get in anybody’s
19 way, okay? So, I mean, what reason would he want
20 me out of the way to such an extent that neither
21 one of them will take my phone calls, neither one
22 of them will talk to me?
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: I think Jordy’s taken my
24 route of just withdrawing.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Well, one of the lessons

1 he’s gonna learn is that that route doesn’t work.
2 See, you just learned that lesson yourself. By you
3 withdrawing, as you said in your own words, you’re
4 the cause of this whole problem.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, I think I am.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. So that’s what
7 withdrawal does for you.
8 My approach to the whole thing is that
9 the one person — the person who doesn’t talk is
10 the one who’s wrong, period –
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — no matter what the
13 action was, I believe everything is preventable,
14 every bad action that anybody takes is — unless
15 you’re truly pathologic –
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: — is probably
18 preventable if you just found somebody who would
19 sit [tape irregularity] you know what? They don’t
20 even have to talk back and give you [tape
21 irregularity] if you get it out, everything will be
22 okay, you know, but that’s my approach. My
23 approach is that the people who don’t talk are the
24 ones who are wrong.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: And I agree with that,

1 totally.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then you’re wrong.
4 MR. CHANDLER: You (inaudible) –
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: I just said I am wrong,
6 but here is the other — I mean, the thing is
7 Jordy’s 13 years old. I’m talking about adults. I
8 mean, I don’t know if he — I mean, you’re his dad.
9 You’re his role model.
10 MR. CHANDLER: No, I’m not his role
11 model.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes, you are,
13 definitely –
14 MR. CHANDLER: Not anymore.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: You are, positively, in
16 the long run, you’re his role model.
17 MR. CHANDLER: There is no — there
18 isn’t gonna be a long run if things went on like
19 this.
20 Don’t you see? As long as I go along
21 with whatever they want to do –
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — everything’s okay.
24 As soon as I say you can’t [tape irregularity]
25 anybody –

1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Did you go through that?
2 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, I went through
3 that.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: And how old were you?
5 MR. CHANDLER: Why do you — oh, with
6 my parents?
8 MR. CHANDLER: No, I didn’t go through
9 that with my parents. I never had any outside
10 influence on me –
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — was more powerful
13 than my parents were.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I mean, Michael is
15 very seductive, without even trying.
16 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, he’s trying, believe
17 me. He just looks like he’s not trying because
18 he’s so damn good at it.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I mean, it’s –
20 MR. CHANDLER: Dave, he fooled me –
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — I’ll tell you that.
23 He fooled me, for a while.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
25 this is –

1 MR. CHANDLER: There’s no reason why
2 they would have to cut me out unless they — unless
3 they need me to be away so they can do certain
4 things which I don’t think are good to be doing.
6 MR. CHANDLER: And I — and not only
7 that, but I don’t even have anything to say about
8 it, okay? [tape irregularity] I think what they’re
9 doing and it isn’t bad, and so maybe I’m wrong –
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: — but I’m not even
12 getting a chance to express that.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: I think that’s all — I
14 think it’s all fair because –
15 MR. CHANDLER: I had a good
16 communication with Michael.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: We were friends, you
19 know. I liked him.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: I respected him and
22 everything else for what he is, you know. There
23 was no reason why he had to stop calling me. He
24 could have called me.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.

1 MR. CHANDLER: In fact, Dave, I — you
2 ask Jordy. I sat in the room one day, and I talked
3 to Michael and told him exactly what I want out of
4 this whole relationship, what I want [tape
5 irregularity], okay, so he wouldn’t have to figure
6 me out.
8 MR. CHANDLER: And one of things I said
9 is we always have to be able to talk to each other.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: That’s the rule, okay,
12 because I know that as soon as you stop talking
13 weird things start going on and people [tape
14 irregularity] –
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Imaginations take over.
16 MR. CHANDLER: Imagination will just
17 kill you.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
19 MR. CHANDLER: It causes all kinds of
20 problems, and so, I mean –
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, can you do
22 this –
23 MR. CHANDLER: Do you think
24 you — look. Do you know what it’s like? You go
25 out with — listen. I — just that old expression,

1 you know. It came from some movie. How does it
2 go? “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean
3 somebody isn’t [tape irregularity].”
4 You know that expression?
6 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. What it really
7 means is that you may think I’m crazy –
9 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
10 inaudible) I’m thinking is actually right, but what
11 I’m saying to you is that I’ve had every single
12 girl — and I am not kidding you — every [tape
13 irregularity] ever gone out with, from the very
14 first girl to the very last, has cheated on me, and
15 I have never cheated on anybody.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: I would never.
18 Now, if I wanted to, based on that
19 history, I could be so fucking paranoid about
20 girls, I would never –
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — be able to [tape
23 irregularity] relationship. I wouldn’t be able to
24 [tape irregularity] was like, I couldn’t have a
25 family. I’d be a fucking raving lunatic. Okay?

2 MR. CHANDLER: But what’s my point? My
3 point is that the only thing that keeps me from
4 getting that way is that I can talk about it and be
5 reassured [tape irregularity] on it in my
6 imagination — I mean, my wife’s not home tonight.
8 MR. CHANDLER: She’s gonna be at a
9 meeting until 2:00 o’clock in the morning.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
11 MR. CHANDLER: Right? This has
12 happened many times.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: She’s going to go away
15 to Cannes Film Festival next year –
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: — right? Do you know
18 what that’s like?
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: That Film Festival’s a
21 fucking sex party.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: Next year, without me,
24 okay? Now, if I didn’t have a chance to talk to
25 her about my fears, my [tape irregularity],

1 probably shoot her, or I’d divorce her.
3 MR. CHANDLER: And I’m not saying her
4 as an individual. Wouldn’t matter who — I could
5 be married to Mother Teresa and I’d have the same
6 feeling. It’s just because of what [tape
7 irregularity] that I’ve been — my finger’s been
8 stuck in the electric socket so much that I don’t
9 want to get stuck in there again, so I keep — and
10 girls do that to me, you know? They keep fucking
11 me up, so –
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: So what was –
13 MR. CHANDLER: — bothers me. I might
14 be totally irrational –
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — but you want to know
17 why I’m not crazy about it at all and I have a
18 great relationship and I trust her and everything
19 is fine?
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: Because she’ll sit down
22 and she’ll talk to me about it.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: And she’s wildly in love
24 with you.
25 MR. CHANDLER: She tells me she is.

1 MR. SCHWARTZ: She is.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, it’s very
4 obvious.
5 MR. CHANDLER: And you want to know
6 what I told her? I told her this. I said
7 June — “Monique,” I said, “if you ever want to sleep
8 with somebody else or if you don’t love me anymore,
9 if you come to me and you tell me that [tape
10 irregularity] out of the house and fuck his brains
11 out, I’ll love you forever, I’ll support you and
12 wish you well. But if it’s the other way around,
13 you fuck him first and then you [tape
14 irregularity], I’ll kill you, period.” I said,
15 “Those are the rules. If you want to stay with me,
16 you gotta understand that’s the only way I can
17 survive. That’s how I live.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: It’s all comes — that’s
20 what really relationships –
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, trust is real
22 important.
23 MR. CHANDLER: When you get down to
24 relationships like we — like really intimate ones,
25 okay?

2 MR. CHANDLER: Like you and I. I trust
3 you with my life.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
5 MR. CHANDLER: And I know you trust me
6 too.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
8 MR. CHANDLER: Okay? And with Moniquw, I
9 said, “That’s all I’m after.”
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: What does she say?
11 MR. CHANDLER: She said, “I understand.
12 That’s fine.” She said, “It’ll never happen. I
13 don’t know why you’re bringing it up, but if you’re
14 bringing it up, I won’t do it. Trust me. It won’t
15 happen.”
16 I said, “Okay. I’m just — I’m telling
17 you now ahead of time” –
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: That’s good
19 communication.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. I mean, I’m not
21 being embarrassed by it –
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — I’m not keeping it
24 inside. I want to have a good marriage and a good
25 relationship

2 MR. CHANDLER: — and I know this is
3 one issue that bothers me, no matter who that girl
4 would be.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Okay? I’m not –
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: In any –
8 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
9 inaudible) personal against her.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
11 MR. CHANDLER: It’s just with me. It’s
12 my problem, and so I’m letting her know that I have
13 a problem. I’m not hiding anything. I’d not
14 trying to be macho cool dude about it.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
16 MR. CHANDLER: And so if I wasn’t able
17 to talk to her, this marriage would have been over
18 a long time ago.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Because [tape
21 irregularity] –
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Don’t we learn like
23 that?
24 MR. CHANDLER: Because of my
25 imagination, Dave.

1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but don’t we learn
2 through experiences –
3 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
4 inaudible) want to know what I really think? I
5 really think most people don’t learn. I think at
6 some point in our lives we develop behavior
7 patterns, and even if we know that they’re wrong we
8 just can’t break them.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: You know –
10 MR. CHANDLER: Most people can’t change
11 their behaviors.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well –
13 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
14 inaudible) they are at a certain –
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes and no, but I think
16 you get –
17 MR. CHANDLER: Look at you. Are you
18 going to change now because of what happened here?
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, interesting –
20 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
21 inaudible) be different? Is your marriage going to
22 be better? Are you going to — you know, you guys
23 have no right to be married. I told June that
24 myself many times. She would call me all the time
25 and say, “Did Dave call Kelly? Did Dave call

1 Jordy?”
2 No.
3 What kind of fucking marriage do you
4 guys have? Why don’t you guys just split up so he
5 could see his kids, at least –
7 MR. CHANDLER: You know, if he doesn’t
8 want to come over to the house because of you, then
9 get divorced so he could see his kids. There’s
10 nothing wrong with that. You know, you might be
11 better friends. She and I were better friends when
12 we [tape irregularity], and what I’m saying to her
13 is that if there’s no — if there’s no
14 communication, there’s no sense in being together
15 with anybody, whether it’s a marriage or a
16 friendship or a business relationship. If you
17 cannot sit down and talk [tape irregularity]
18 ultimately gonna destruct, and that’s what happened
19 here. They shut me out from the most important
20 thing in my life. In fact, I don’t have a life. I
21 don’t want to have a life [tape irregularity].
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: I understand it, too,
23 but I gotta tell you, in just talking to you this
24 time, see, Jordy’s copying me.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Well –

1 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, he’s positively
2 copying me. I mean, he’s been with both of us
3 since — I mean, I’ve had him since he’s — almost
4 as long as you have.
5 MR. CHANDLER: That’s right.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: And he’s –
7 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
8 inaudible) had him as long as he’s been cognizant
9 of the fact of who’s around him –
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right, so –
11 MR. CHANDLER: — learned a lot from
12 you.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, and one of the
14 things he learned, probably, was just to withdraw,
15 because I do it, but, you know, I’m not chastising
16 myself for it. I’m just looking at it objectively.
17 I mean, realistically. I mean, I would say –
18 MR. CHANDLER: You haven’t (inaudible)
19 and in some way it’s resonated throughout the
20 family –
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — and partly been the
23 cause of all this happening.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right, but I mean he’s,
25 you know, he’s learned a lot of good things from

1 me.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, I’m sure he –
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: But, you know, I mean,
4 everyone’s not perfect.
5 MR. CHANDLER: No. Everyone’s not.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: But I think –
7 MR. CHANDLER: (Inaudible) expect
8 everyone to be, but you gotta expect people that
9 claim to love you to communicate with you because
10 if there’s communication there’s nothing.
11 What’s the sense of having your
12 relationship? People don’t even care enough about
13 you to — you tell them — I actually told June how
14 much I was hurting. I said –
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — “I’m hurting, June.
17 I’m crying every day. I’m dying.”
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but they’re going
19 through every –
20 MR. CHANDLER: Do you know what she
21 said to me?
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: What?
23 MR. CHANDLER: Well, that’s just too
24 bad.
25 Fuck that.

1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, but you can’t — I
2 mean, you know June.
3 MR. CHANDLER: I can’t make excuses for
4 June.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: There’s no way to
6 make — there’s nothing to make an excuse. I mean,
7 we all have our good points and our bad points, and
8 we all have things that –
9 MR. CHANDLER: I think, you know, her
10 bad points [tape irregularity] gone too far. I
11 really do.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: I think you gotta look
13 at the overall picture. I mean, now we’re
14 talking –
15 MR. CHANDLER: I am looking at — I’m
16 looking at Jordy’s picture. That’s the only
17 picture I’m looking at. I — June’s not part of
18 it.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: But do you think that –
20 MR. CHANDLER: I know that after
21 tomorrow — in fact, not even after tomorrow. It’s
22 already happened. I don’t ever want anything to do
23 with June anymore because June is not part of my
24 family. In my mind, she’s died. I don’t ever want
25 to talk to her again. [tape irregularity] sitting

1 on the stand being totally humiliated or at the end
2 of a shotgun. That’s the only way I want to see
3 June now. She’s gotta [tape irregularity] do this
4 to kid. Again, it’s not right. Can do it to me.
5 Can’t do it to my kid. It’s not right.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
7 that whatever’s happening, if you think it’s bad
8 for him, she’s done, you know, out of malice?
9 MR. CHANDLER: You want to know
10 something? You don’t even have to ask me. You
11 could — as you said before, you want to sit down
12 and talk to the people I spoke to –
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: — you’re going to have
15 a chance to do that if you want to. You go and ask
16 the experts –
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — and you won’t have to
19 ask. They will be there anyway.
20 There’s not one person in this world
21 [tape irregularity] can’t find a person –
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — disagree with me.
24 I’m the one that disagreed with — I
25 didn’t even want to know about it.

2 MR. CHANDLER: I kept saying, “No, this
3 is okay. There’s nothing wrong. This is great.”
4 It took experts to convince me [tape
5 irregularity] that by not taking action –
7 MR. CHANDLER: — my son was going to
8 be irreparably damaged for the rest of his life
9 [tape irregularity]. That was what I heard.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because his friend is
11 older, or because of all the seduction?
12 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you know, age in
13 and of itself is not a harmful thing.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: But it could have been
16 used to advantage, and in some ways Michael is
17 using his age and experience and his money and his
18 power to great advantage to Jordy. The problem is
19 he’s also harming him, greatly harming him, for his
20 own selfish reasons. He’s not the altruistic, kind
21 human being that he appears to be.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think –
23 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
24 inaudible) selfish motives here.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: You mean, harming Jordy

1 because it’s taken him out of reality?
2 MR. CHANDLER: It’s not so much really
3 what he’s taken him out of. It’s what he’s brought
4 him into.
6 MR. CHANDLER: I mean, I don’t mean to
7 be devious. I just can’t be –
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: You can’t tell me.
9 MR. CHANDLER: — specific about it,
10 but I tell you that, again, it all comes down to
11 one thing. They don’t want to talk to me.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
13 MR. CHANDLER: Jordy — yeah, he’s 13
14 years old. He’s only [tape irregularity], hoping
15 that the problem will go away by itself, but June’s
16 old enough to know better.
17 June’s the one that’s frustrated me.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, you know, this is
19 the deal: I talked to Jordy about it today, about,
20 you know, his not contacting you and not calling
21 you on Father’s Day and not sending you anything.
22 He’s confused June — and this is the truth and
23 from him. June did everything to get him to send
24 you a card, to call and everything. He’s just
25 frustrated, you know, and I don’t know about what
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