About Back

StargazerMJ11StargazerMJ11 Posts: 137
edited January 1970 in News
Hello everyone,
I don't know if you remember 'BACK' and his news letter about TM? I have his website if you want it. The TM is the key = Transcendental Meditation . He has formed a group to show art that represents our fears. It is our fears and our lack of understanding about how they manifest them on our planet that is causing the suffering of everyone.
Please have a look at his site and pass it on to others http://www.talismanicidols.org/thm/html.Called Kymatica.
Clue - also do you remember the picture on the horse Michael had commissioned? Well on the JFK video they called him the king of Camelot , I then thought of Project Camelot - an organisation that collects information from whistleblowers and gives the information to us. There are all sorts of videos so I suggest only watching the ones you feel comfortable watching.
There is also a connection for the sevens though - this is about our history and our ancestors.In Summeria they have SEVEN tablets of creation,as written up (falsly) in the SEVENTH book of Genesis, made on the seventh day.They have the origins of who we are in them - in detail ! I also found the archaeology site digs where they have actually FOUND the skeletons of our ancestors - 60 GIANT ones in a cave and ALL over the world. They call them ANNUNAKI - fallen angels and their home is NIBIRU which is also called planet X which the government and NASA know about .They have footage of it leaked from NASA- THIS is why we are having environmental upheaval.
Remember this- Michaels History is blank for a reason - WE CREATE our own evil acts from our collective fears ( watch Forbidden planet- old movie of a race who created an invisible monster because they didn't understand how their fears worked) and we have the power to change , recreate and create a vision of beauty on this planet- think big , think positive and TM.
Here is some things to read - very beautiful books:
The Celastine Prophecies- shows you how we relate to eachother
The crystal skulls - 13 quartz crystal skulls that are ancient and act like computers in crystal ball fashion and they are part of the Mayan Prophecies who say that these will also save our planet.
It is an awfull lot to take in but the youtube vids are so interesting even if that is all you derive from them.Planet X - leaked NASA footage youtube and loads of others- C what U can find.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-8bVEIVUh8&feature=related Peace out x


  • hey, very interesting. what is the website?
  • Hi, The website is http://www.projectcamelot.org/ and it has everything on there. I hope it is interesting for you too . Peace!
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    More about fear:
    Like oil and water, faith and fear do not mix. If we start with faith and express it by resisting the devil, our enemy will flee from us (Jas: 4:7). If we cover in fear, the powers of darkness (the devil and demons) will enslave us and faith will flee from us.

    Fear is destroying our world
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    I have a book about Nibiru/Planet X/the Annunaki, called the 12th planet, it's written by Zecharia Sitchin and it's very interesting!

    <!-- m -->http://www.sitchin.com/<!-- m -->
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