TIAI July 24

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in TIAI
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So here's how we're gonna do it. I have altered one of the e-mail drafts a little and maybe it's a little long, but if the e-mail won't trigger enough, they won't click the links either.

The E-mail


Here are the e-mail addresses, you can copy them all at once, I already put the ;'s in between:

<!-- e -->Sallie.Hofmeister@latimes.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->publisher@nytimes.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->thearts@nytimes.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->stonline@sph.com.sg<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->tnp@sph.com.sg<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->feedback@inquirer.com.ph<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->editor@nationgroup.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->editor@thedailystar.net<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->khyu@heraldm.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->webeditor@mail.chinapost.com.tw<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->Malini.Faasen@bnn.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->monika.van.der.marel@sbs.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redactie-i@telegraaf.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->ad@ad.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redactie@nu.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->berlin@dpa.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redaktion@neon.de<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->kdklonia@telegraaf.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->pgraham@vancouversun.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->tabtips@theprovince.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->submit@theherald.canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->letters@theherald.canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->amayer@thejournal.canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->letters@tc.canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->localnews@tc.canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->letters@thestar.canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->mailbag@edmsun.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->citydesk@sp.canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->cal-letters@calgarysun.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->city@thestar.ca<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->info@ap.org<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->ad@ad.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->eindredactie@frieschdagblad.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->ikon@ikon.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->info@sbs6.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->kro@omroep.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->nieuwsdienst@anp.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->nps@omroep.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->radionieuws@nos.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redactie.elsevier@ebi.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redactie@adformatie.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redactie@parool.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redactie@snm.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redactie@trouw.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redaktie@gpd.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->rtlnieuws@rtl4.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->staatscourant@sdu.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->vara@vara.nl<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->bbccanada@canwest.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->icher@liberation.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->xgillet@professionpolitique.info<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->jcsully@acteurspublics.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->allegre.express@ipgp.jussieu.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->annie.demont@humanite.presse.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->christine.roth-puyo@ladepeche.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->beatrice.dillies@ladepeche.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->sebastien.marti@ladepeche.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->philippe.emery@ladepeche.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->anne-marie.chouchan@ladepeche.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->bernard.davodeau@ladepeche.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->jean-noel.gros@ladepeche.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->jenna.sloan@the-sun.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->ecoudert@20minutes.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->flecarme@20minutes.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->dphelippeau@20minutes.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->jbarbier@20minutes.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->joffrin@liberation.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->guichoux@liberation.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->vallaeys@liberation.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->dely@liberation.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->rousselot@liberation.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->fottorino@lemonde.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->greilsamer@lemonde.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->kajman@lemonde.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->ignacio.ramonet@monde-diplomatique.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->schneider@nouvelobs.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->rschneider@nouvelobs.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->c.fevret@inrocks.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->cmakarian@lexpress.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->phtd@courrierinternational.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->a.bercoff@pressealliance.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->cdvilleneuve@leparisien.presse.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->mcolomes@lepoint.tm.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->gmchauffier@hfp.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->mbombarde@radiobfm.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->jean-luc.hees@radiofrance.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->noel.couedel@rtl.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->a.chabot@france2.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->frederic.wittner@radiofrance.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->mbombarde@radiobfm.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->noel.couedel@rtl.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->chantal.doucet@radio-canada.ca<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->michele.lazure@radio-canada.ca<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->eric.chevrette@radio-canada.ca<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redaction@alterinfo.net<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->emettout@groupe-exp.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->mepstein@groupe-exp.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->fsionneau@nouvelobs.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->jdaniel@nouvelobs.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->web@courrierinternational.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->courrier@20minutes.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->frederic.vezard@publications-metro.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->redac@directsoir.net<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->alvarorioparis@gmail.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->andrei.netto@grupoestado.com.br<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->fernandesdaniela@aol.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->dberlinck@yahoo.com.br<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->divadivineproductions@yahoo.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->eugenia.fernandes@rfi.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->giannicarta@ymail.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->mariocamera@gmail.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->matni@free.fr<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->pnonato@dmco.com.br<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->raice_cabral@hotmail.com<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->editor@medialens.org<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->webmaster@medialens.org<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->richard.sambrook@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->Craig.oliver@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->peter.rippon@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->today@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->steve.herrmann@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->andrew.marr@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->james.naughtie@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->john.sweeney@bbc.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->alan.rusbridger@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->paul.johnson@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->ian.black@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->j.carvel@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->j.freedland@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->i.katz@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->reader@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->t.radford@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->w.woodward@guardian.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->a.buncombe@independent.co.uk<!-- e -->; <!-- e -->r.fisk@independent.co.uk<!-- e -->; 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The e-mail:

Dear Madam/Sir,

I hope this e-mail reaches you in good health. The following information might at first glance make you laugh and click away like I did the first time. I do advise you however to get a cup of coffee or tea and spend a few minutes of your time reading at least this e-mail, and even the information linked in it. It will make you scratch yourself behind the ears and any good reporter will be able to make a great article with the following information.

I am writing this e-mail to you with regards to the substantial surfacing evidence that strongly suggests that Elvis Presley is still alive. In addition, interesting parallels between Elvis and Michael Jackson also suggest that the King of Pop himself did not die on June 25, 2009. Again, please read on and base your judgment on the strong scientific evidence that has already been provided in court to support the first claim and most importantly made the court RE-OPEN the Estate of Vernon Presley, for the first time ever.

A woman by the name of Eliza Presley (formerly Alice Elizabeth Tiffin) claims that Elvis is alive and has been going by the name ‘Jesse Presley’, and that she is Elvis’s half-sibling. She has also provided DNA samples confirming her claims. The DNA reports reveal that Jesse Presley is biologically related to Elvis’s cousins on both sides of the family, and because Elvis did not have any siblings (besides a stillborn twin brother), it would mean that Jesse Presley is Elvis himself. The DNA has been analyzed by various laboratories, one of them is the Paleo-DNA Laboratory in Ontario, Canada and the results were conclusive. It has also been tested by DNA Consultants, an independent laboratory in Scottsdale. The Lab owner himself, Dr. Donald Yates, testified publicly that Elvis has to be alive (please see the following article published in a Memphis Newspaper on Oct 11, 2008: {http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2008/oct/11/dna-lab-owner-elvis-is-not-dead} ).

DNA is a strong and undeniable evidence, which is why Eliza Presley had submitted her case in open court. In fact, the Fox 8 and Fox 13 News channels in the United States have reported about it in 2008 (please see the following videos:
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjNJCt2y7_I<!-- m -->
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhb8jVN6Tl8<!-- m -->
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2qdrxAFVwU<!-- m -->
Unfortunately, it appears that the mainstream media had not caught on this story, perhaps with the fear of courting controversy. Eliza’s attorney is confident in the outcome of Eliza's case, which will be brought back in court next month to be finalized. In addition to DNA evidence, there exists photographic, graphological (handwriting), and lie detecting evidence to support the claim that Elvis Presley is indeed alive, as Jesse (please do read more about it in detail in Part 6-1 at the following website: <!-- m -->http://elvisandmj.com<!-- m --> ).

If we can ascertain that Elvis Presley has indeed hoaxed his death, we may infer that Michael Jackson could also have faked his own death by studying the striking similarities between the Kings in both their lives and ‘deaths’.

Let’s have a look at a few out of many:

- One was the King of Rock, the other the King of Pop
- One lived in Graceland, the other in Neverland
- One married the daughter of the other
- Both their deaths were claimed to be drug and heart related
- They both died at home
- They were both taken by ambulance, even though already dead
- They both received CPR on the way to Hospital and were both declared dead at the hospital
- Both deaths led to an investigation into their doctors
- Their middle names were different in death than in life (Aron vs Aaron and Joe vs Joseph)
- Films were released after their deaths: This is it and This is Elvis
- Elvis started his last concert with a 2001 space Odyssey song and Michael started his last tour (HIStory) with an MJ 2040 spaceship and in both cases the sum of the day month and year of their death is equal to the year of their concert intro. (Elvis 16 + 8 + 1977 = 2001; Michael 25 + 6+ 2009 = 2040; please read Part 6-9 of <!-- m -->http://elvisandmj.com<!-- m --> for more details.)

With the pending court hearing of Eliza Presley (refer to {http://www.probatelawyerblog.com/2010/05/the-elvis-presley-conspiracy-part-iv-what-does-it-all-mean.html} for an overview of the case by probate attorney Andrew W. Mayoras, who has actually seen and read the DNA reports) potentially revealing a new truth to Elvis’ death,
I really believe that an article on the striking parallels between the 2 kings would be timely, appropriate and amazing. You could refer the readers to <!-- m -->http://www.elvisandmj.com<!-- m -->

For more information about Michael Jackson’s hoaxed death, you may wish to read this very short recap: <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php<!-- m --> (click the flag of your country to read in your own language).

Eliza Presley’s official website: <!-- m -->http://www.elizapresley.org<!-- m -->.

Thank you very much for your time.

Warmest regards,

Your name + your country



As for Twitter it's best to use Twitlonger (<!-- m -->http://www.twitlonger.com<!-- m -->). That way you can copy the entire e-mail in your tweet plus all the receivers and you will also reach your own followers. I will put the text "IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ & RT" in front, to trigger them to open the tweet and for people to RT it. It should look like this:


The tweet list:

@wblau Die Zeit
@RomanusOtte Die Welt
@Stephanie Stricklen

Let's prepare the media for The Greatest Show On Earth, and their well deserved BAM <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


The more people that will visit here, understand the message and join The Army of L.O.V.E., the safer Mike's return and also of course the bigger the chance that he actually WILL return:
As he said at the end of the movie: I will come “in my own time”; it is up to him alone, and nobody else will be able to figure it out for sure. Some distinct possibilities include: 12-25-09 (Christmas), 12-31-09 (full moon & New Years Eve), 1-1-10 (New Years Day), 1-18-10 (MLK Day), 1-25-10 (seven months since the “death”, and same time as the DVD release), or beyond. Hopefully not beyond; but that may depend, to a certain extent, on whether MJ fans are ready for the return (understand the TIAI message, join the Army of L.O.V.E., etc).
“However, WHEN the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.” (Acts 14:20, NKJV). As usual, not only was the quoted verse important, but also the context (previous verse): “Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.”

Here again we have parallels, like with David: enemies trying to kill him, God saving him from death, yet they think that he is dead (like most think MJ is dead), and then a “resurrection” and return to public life (he rose up, etc).

Although many saw the parallels here, it seems that nobody noticed the key word “WHEN” (which is why I have emphasized it here). Do you want to see MJ return to public view? Of course, we all do! Then we need to “gather around him” by joining Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E. (see R28 & R39).
This is another one of the clues that needs little if any explanation. A picture is worth a thousand words. We need to join the Army of L.O.V.E., and give Michael our “love and support”—as well as caring for each other.


Recruiting Soldiers for Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E. <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1934<!-- l -->

Please comment in this thread if you participated, to keep track of the amount of e-mails sent. I myself will create a couple more e-mail addresses and send the e-mail multiple times.

If you don't agree, that is fine, but please use the discussion thread to comment in that case, otherwise we will again start a new discussion about this.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."


  • Thank you TS!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I started last night <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Thank you TS..I have sent the emails and the twitters...Lets hope we get some reaction now! God Bless You TS. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

  • I'm in Gmail Jail for the rest of the day... First Twitter Jail, now Gmail Jail, what's next? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I was also in yahoo jail. I just had to send it a few times with fewer recipients. They finally released me from jail. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    About to start! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    thanks girls for this wonderful idea!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Well already in yahoo jail... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I only sent the email to the first three "sections" of email addresses so far.
  • Mj5StarChickMj5StarChick Posts: 939
    Done and done weeeeee!!!! You guys have sum great heads on your shoulders <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    This is such a great idea <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I kno Hotmail had me in jail lols but I was released on probation lols <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Thnx 4 this wonderful idea this is definitely exciting <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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