Geraldo Investigates FInally Dec 20th,09 10pm EST

edited January 1970 in News
I just say in another topic that Geraldo is going to have a show on the Michael Jackson Investigation tomorrow night Dec, 20th,2009 at 10 pm EST ..

Has anyone else heard about this?


  • Oh I am so glad somebody woke up in at least USA TV land. Besides that I have always respected Geraldo for the way he interviewed Michael Jackson. I hope some one will put a report on this site about Geraldo's investigation and maybe some good reporters come to Souza and Mo for information. They and some others can teach them HOW TO RESEARCH ALL AND EVERYTHING. After that a whole lot of hot shots have some explaining to to. "Be my quest" I'd say. Emily.
  • Good I was kind of concerned it was some personal reason he dropped the investigation. I love the humane conversational way he interviewed MJ,like they were just guys talkin.
  • I just say in another topic that Geraldo is going to have a show on the Michael Jackson Investigation tomorrow night Dec, 20th,2009 at 10 pm EST ..

    Has anyone else heard about this?

    Haven't heard about this. Very interesting. How did you hear about it?
  • I just say in another topic that Geraldo is going to have a show on the Michael Jackson Investigation tomorrow night Dec, 20th,2009 at 10 pm EST ..

    Has anyone else heard about this?

    Haven't heard about this. Very interesting. How did you hear about it?

    When I read this thread I saw it on this womens website/blog on the richt hand side

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1773<!-- l -->
  • nellyka7nellyka7 Posts: 218
    I just say in another topic that Geraldo is going to have a show on the Michael Jackson Investigation tomorrow night Dec, 20th,2009 at 10 pm EST ..

    Has anyone else heard about this?

    what channel?
  • Fox News Channel
  • so i'm guessing he's not in the hoax? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Reports were out that Geraldo stripped his website of all things MJ related. i wonder why the sudden renewed interest ?

    It's a good thing that A&E runs repeats of their programs otherwise I would have to flip a coin for what to watch Sunday at 10pm. Geraldo vs Jack5ons. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Reports were out that Geraldo stripped his website of all things MJ related. i wonder why the sudden renewed interest ?

    It's a good thing that A&E runs repeats of their programs otherwise I would have to flip a coin for what to watch Sunday at 10pm. Geraldo vs Jack5ons. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    yeah I was thinking the same thing..good thing I can DVR one and watch the other.

    Interesting that all of a sudden Geraldo is investigating again..hmm maybe its all the emails he got from all of us <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I will be watching Geraldo. I feel the rest of the Dynasty will be focused on their plans for the future which doesn't affect me one way or the other. Well may I'll switch back and forth. I want to see the reveal of Jermaine finally losing his mind. It's got to come sooner or later.
  • I will be watching Geraldo. I feel the rest of the Dynasty will be focused on their plans for the future which doesn't affect me one way or the other. Well may I'll switch back and forth. I want to see the reveal of Jermaine finally losing his mind. It's got to come sooner or later.
    That is hilarious! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> maybe that is the surprise ending! or maybe he will try that for ratings <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • I want to see the reveal of Jermaine finally losing his mind. It's got to come sooner or later.

    Jermaine is quite entertaining. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Gosh, guys, this isn't very good, there's not supposed to be any more "investigation", remember?
  • Gosh, guys, this isn't very good, there's not supposed to be any more "investigation", remember?

    maybe he will be talking of "our investigation"?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    This sounds very interesting. Geraldo was always a loyal supporter of Michael.
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    Here's the exact official description of tomorrow's new Geraldo at Large broadcast:

    "Everyone is making money off of Michael's death! Has that become more important than bringing his alleged killer to justice?"

    In other words, Geraldo and his panel will probably discuss law enforcement's investigation into Michael's alleged death, but the primary focus will be the fact that so many people in Michael's world have been trying to profit financially from the event.

    It's good that Geraldo is discussing the situation again after such a long time. But considering that Susan Etok is one of Geraldo's guests, I definitely wouldn't get my hopes up too high expecting anything substantial or mind-blowing to be revealed.

    Etok is a complete faker and another one of the people trying to profit from her prior slight association with Michael. Round and round it goes...
  • Here's the exact official description of tomorrow's new Geraldo at Large broadcast:

    "Everyone is making money off of Michael's death! Has that become more important than bringing his alleged killer to justice?"

    In other words, Geraldo and his panel will probably discuss law enforcement's investigation into Michael's alleged death, but the primary focus will be the fact that so many people in Michael's world have been trying to profit financially from the event.

    It's good that Geraldo is discussing the situation again after such a long time. But considering that Susan Etok is one of Geraldo's guests, I definitely wouldn't get my hopes up too high expecting anything substantial or mind-blowing to be revealed.

    Etok is a complete faker and another one of the people trying to profit from her prior slight association with Michael. Round and round it goes...

    Isn't Etok the one who fantasized that Michael wanted to have a baby with her <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    Isn't Etok the one who fantasized that Michael wanted to have a baby with her <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Bingo! You win the big prize, hesouttamylife! That's exactly who she is. Ugh...
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    I can't wait to hear what has to report! I just posted in another thread about how quiet the media has been regarding Michael's case.
  • julietjuliet Posts: 491
    Thanks JENNYAPPLEHEAD for opening this topic and thanks LORRIE for the Geraldo contents.

    Lucky to the people who can watch the show. I don't think it will be shown or be aired here in Asia.
  • Yes.. her presence on the panel takes a little steam out of this for me as well.
    Here's the exact official description of tomorrow's new Geraldo at Large broadcast:

    "Everyone is making money off of Michael's death! Has that become more important than bringing his alleged killer to justice?"

    In other words, Geraldo and his panel will probably discuss law enforcement's investigation into Michael's alleged death, but the primary focus will be the fact that so many people in Michael's world have been trying to profit financially from the event.

    It's good that Geraldo is discussing the situation again after such a long time. But considering that Susan Etok is one of Geraldo's guests, I definitely wouldn't get my hopes up too high expecting anything substantial or mind-blowing to be revealed.

    Etok is a complete faker and another one of the people trying to profit from her prior slight association with Michael. Round and round it goes...
  • What the heck is having her on there for?
  • Ok so I am gonna jump back & forthe b/c it seems like MJ is just a part of the show. SO I will jump to the The Jackson
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    This sounds like a very interesting telly program. I hope that I will be able to watch it. Thanks for posting!
  • This Dr Etok chic claims she was asked by Michael to provide Diprivan. And that Lawyer for the Jackson family said 6 mnths is a long time and we should be hearing something soon.WOW it was a 5 minute segment!!!
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