Jason Pfeiffer - on twitter!!! @JasonPfeiffer1



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Well, given enough rope, people usually hang themselves. Jason just did.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I was shocked Jason dm me on twitter and says

    So I have removed all blog links from my blog It was never my intention to advertise the blogs and I publicly stated that .
    I have asked him a few times why they were there when they are michaels nightmare
    He said it's my blog I do what I like because I follow does not mean I agree
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Hetero, gay, bisexual Michael, I could not care less. Jason and Klein should take their business not naming Michael.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Yes - its no crime to be gay - if MJ were gay, I'm sure he would have said so.
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Yes - its no crime to be gay - if MJ were gay, I'm sure he would have said so.

    I agree with this statement... however, the problem i have with this perspective is that it might not have been Michaels perspective.
    His mother, and himself in the early days, is heavily into the jehovahs witness religion. This religion is STRONGLY against homosexuality.
    Also, his father Joe is very much the alpha male.

    I think, if MJ was gay, he would have hid it because he loved his mother so much that he wouldnt want to hurt her by "coming out".

    Thats my opinion on it.

    I personally do not care what persuasion MJ is/was. I do not know the truth because i did not know the man intimitaly. But i understand why he may have hidden certain feelings.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I agree michaels private life is nothing to do with anyone else
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Oh my God, guys... he has updated his blog again, and ive copied and pasted a bit that has made me feel VERY uneasy about what he is about to say.....

    I will be posting a large update next week... "The Doctor Who Cried Wolf," along with paternity information. One post is a collaboration of several people. I am looking forward to that. And as we all know, FrankenKlein continues to Fail!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Something along these lines?
    <!-- m -->http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http ... 0gHV_OnNBg<!-- m -->
  • eternalflameeternalflame Posts: 195
    I´m so annoyed and disgusted I don´t know where to vomit first <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ --> <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ --> <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ --> <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ --> <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ --> <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->

    This guy gets 58 posts here but he isn´t even worth a single letter!!!!!!

    Thank God I´m a lady and I don´t know too much words for cursing in English cos otherwise this post would look waaaaay different and Souza would complain a lot!!!!!

    I´m only sorry for the time I wasted reading this bloody stuff so called Jason Klein blogspot and twitter.

    C´m on Jason Pfeiffer, get adult, get a job and a life, take Arnie outside the bar for some private fight if you dare, but leave the public alone with this crap!!

    I think we all agree that we don´t give a **** if Michael is gay, if he has relationships with men, even if he had one with J.P., but after watching this incredibly disgusting and immature behavior for a while I strongly doubt that MJ even thought about having an affair with this guy, not even in his wildest horror dreams!!! <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ -->

    Sorry for this eruption, I´m done with these guys anyway. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    @eternal flame.
    I totally understand your feelings, but i think Klein and Jason cannot be ignored..

    I only look at this blog to see if it gives anymore info on Klein really... and i will be seeing what he posts about the paternity claims.

    Jason was on the inside, if only for a short time... so its worth listening to what he has got to say, as the smallest thing he may let slip may give us a lot more information.

    Blessings. x
  • @eternal flame.
    I totally understand your feelings, but i think Klein and Jason cannot be ignored..

    I only look at this blog to see if it gives anymore info on Klein really... and i will be seeing what he posts about the paternity claims.

    Jason was on the inside, if only for a short time... so its worth listening to what he has got to say, as the smallest thing he may let slip may give us a lot more information.

    Blessings. x

    I agree with you. Also, regarding the paternity part, I think someone had asked Jason what he thought of Klein's comments about it, and Jason said that he would address it soon. They way he answered the person gave me the impression that he doesn't think Klein is the biological father.
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    @eternal flame.
    I totally understand your feelings, but i think Klein and Jason cannot be ignored..

    I only look at this blog to see if it gives anymore info on Klein really... and i will be seeing what he posts about the paternity claims.

    Jason was on the inside, if only for a short time... so its worth listening to what he has got to say, as the smallest thing he may let slip may give us a lot more information.

    Blessings. x

    I agree with you. Also, regarding the paternity part, I think someone had asked Jason what he thought of Klein's comments about it, and Jason said that he would address it soon. They way he answered the person gave me the impression that he doesn't think Klein is the biological father.

    I think that too... and its going to be interesting to see what he posts. Hopefully it will be enough proof to finally shut those people up who claim Klein is the kids father. I dont believe he is, but unfortunately there are many people out there who do.

    If we ignore the gay claims (i know that is incredibly difficult to do) - maybe this is Jasons role... to finally shut that rumour up once and for all.

    I will be interested to see what he writes about it all, anyways. Jason seems to be intent on proving Klein is a liar.

    I would also be interested to know what treatments Klein actually gave MJ and whether Jason thought they were necessary. There were several claims by the This is Not It brigade that whenever MJ left Kleins office he always smelt of hospital chemicals and seemed woozy and not himself. It will be interesting if Jason addresses any of that.

    I take Jason with a pinch of salt. Im aware that his information may not be correct and he may have an agenda... but its worth keeping an eye on what he says.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Jason does a good job at making the gay rumor so outrageous it's almost universally accepted as false now.
  • Jason does a good job at making the gay rumor so outrageous it's almost universally accepted as false now.

    LOL - you've spoken my mind, Bec. I agree - this is all so unbelievable that anyone who accepts that Michael is gay just refuses to accept reality. And, as uncomfortable as he's making us, we have to thank Jason for his role in this.

    I've long thought (and still do) that this hoax is in large part to clean up Michael's image and show the world who Michael really is. In order to bring up these lies that the world has bought into, they would need to be addressed. But how does one do that when Michael is "dead" and the world thinks the family is just covering for Michael? Answer - by having people openly expose these lies in a way that make people take notice, think about it, and face the truth once and for all.

    And, I don't know if you've noticed but more and more articles being published are accepting Michael as being the father of those children. More are recognizing him for his true talents, and less are calling him names. I think progress is being made.

  • eternalflameeternalflame Posts: 195
    Wow guys you are really brave hoaxers, <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
    and basically I know that sometimes there are things you hate do do, but they have to be done anyway... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    reading these J.P. comments for example.

    Well, probably I got an overdose of wrong gay announcements, fathership claims and strange pics of big topless men. <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->

    For my own sake I won´t read blogspot and twitter anymore for a while, I think.
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    Goodness, this guy is a mess! I don't believe for one second that Michael would waste his time with
    someone who carries himself like this. His language is fowl and he seems like he is not the brightest
    bulb in the pack. Even if Michael is gay (which I highly doubt) do you think he would waste his time on
    this guy?? Putting aside his looks, this guy has no class!!
    This guy ALSO believes Michael to be dead. That is why he is coming out lying about what happened.
    Because he thinks "Oh well, he's dead, he can't deny my claims" but I am sure Michael knows about this
    and is deeply disappointed. This guy is just one out of thousands of people to claim they had sex with
    Michael...If Michael had sex with everyone who claimed it, he would have never gotten anything accomplished!
    Look at this article and you will see how ridiculous the claims are....Jason was not the only one who came
    forward and LIED! This article is about other men who came forward. OF COURSE ITS BULL!!!

    <!-- m -->http://tvnz.co.nz/entertainment-news/bo ... ay-2842619<!-- m -->
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Ive just read Bonnie Cox latest blog here: <!-- m -->http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/20 ... haels.html<!-- m -->

    Her take on Marc Schaffel and Jason Pfeiffer is very interesting. I suggest you read it as it has made me think about this a little deeper.

    It could be a fake blog, this Jason thing..... I suppose we have no firm proof it is real. Mmmmmm....
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    i have a feeling this jason blog is not jason there so many things not right it seems like a childish tit for tat with klien revenge i just dont understant the reason for it at first i thought it was to draw attention to deseree and the evil she is spewing if you love someone why would you show that unless its to shut them down not many follow jason or go on his blog all seems odd but will watch to see what he is up too
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Jason has stated on his blog that when MJ left Kleins office he did not smell of any medice or chemicals, only of cologne. Jason says he knows this as he always walked him to his car.

    So who is lying??? Klein or Sam Gossen??????
  • I think Samantha is lying about this. Jason is always there in all of the video footage of Michael leaving Klein's office and jumping right into his vehicle, so it seems as though he is telling the truth about this. I don't see how Samantha could have gotten close enough to Michael at these times to know how he smelled. I also don't think it's a secret that Michael wears a lot of cologne so that would mask the odor of medical chemicals anyway, particularly to someone (like Samantha) who isn't right next to him.
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    I think Samantha is lying about this. Jason is always there in all of the video footage of Michael leaving Klein's office and jumping right into his vehicle, so it seems as though he is telling the truth about this. I don't see how Samantha could have gotten close enough to Michael at these times to know how he smelled. I also don't think it's a secret that Michael wears a lot of cologne so that would mask the odor of medical chemicals anyway, particularly to someone (like Samantha) who isn't right next to him.

    I also think Jason is telling the truth about this one.

    Goddam that Samantha Gossen!! I want to slap her for making these stories up!!!!!!
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    <!-- m -->http://jasonpfeiffer.blogspot.com/<!-- m -->
    Sunday, June 5, 2011


    Life is funny I guess.. I get complaints because I don't post enough, because I don't post what someone wants me to post, and because I post at all. Like "they" say, cant make everyone happy. As I stated last time, I don't have that much time and do the best I can. This week I do want to talk about Paternity however.

    People scream and ask "why would you talk about this..." Well, I think its important for people to know the truth and why things happened the way they did... As I stated before, it is a way of me cleansing myself before the universe. Some may say that I helped this "rumor" for lack of a better term, along. I don't believe that. I only repeated the information I felt true and believed at the time. Don't mistake me for Paul Gohranson who stated on RadarOnline that FrankenKlein had told him he was the father of the kids. I NEVER once heard the subject spoken about before the Magazine article came out, and I would have been "in the know" as they say. Its important that this story be told as well, it gives us a peak into a disturbed mind. What sort of credibility does this person have anymore in any arena?

    The day the news broke, I was on my way to work and I heard it on the radio. I frantically called "FrankenKlein" literally sobbing, and screamed at him "why didn't you tell me...." Well, he only laughed and said we would talk about it at work. Once I saw him that morning, he asked me to come into his procedure room and close the door. Again, I asked him why didn't he say anything? He responded that "I am not the father..." and laughed. He went on to say that he was not sure how this story even came to light. At that point, I told him we had to release a statement to this effect, and he said he would consider it. This is when the media onslaught began. Around this time is the FIRST I EVER heard of FrankenKlein "donating his sperm... " LOL. Well, at least to a proper sperm bank that is. I will say that I do not believe FrakenKlein started this tall tale... He claims several other sources, but who knows that the truth is with this guy.

    He continued with his "non-denial, denials" for some time. I continued to ask him, did you really donate sperm? He would laugh, and never give me a forthright answer. Even while on Larry King, FrankenKlein stated the following...

    "I still can't answer [the paternity question] absolutely one way or another," I once donated sperm."

    FrankenKlein went on to state the following on Larry King:

    "If they want me to take a DNA test, they can have my DNA, I don't care at this point."

    This continued, on and on and on and on, with FrankenKlein even paying $50,000 to a lawyer (Mark Vincent Kaplan) to make ONE appearance at the custody hearing for the Jackson Children. Kaplan went on to state that it was his understanding that Michael asked FrakenKlein to "watch over" the kids if something should ever happen to him. Well, maybe the "Klein" of 20 years ago, but not the "FrakenKlein" of today. Michael and I had several conversations to this effect, and he would never have wanted FrankenKlein to take care of his, or any other kids. They barely spoke towards the end of Michael's life anyway.

    I had finally had enough, and I insisted FrankenKlein tell me the truth. He went on to explain that he had NOT donated sperm, and he was NOT the father. However, he felt the need to insert himself into this argument because he had been "cut off" from the kids life, and the Jackson Family wanted nothing to do with him. At this point, I was in a terrible place. I guess this was the beginning of the end of our "friendship" if there ever actually was one. I have come to believe that I was just a member of FrakenKlein's "cult" and expected to believe anything he said... I take the blame on the one...

    Its important to note that even though FrankenKlein may state publicly that he "Doesn't know..." if he is the father, privately he tells people that he is. Recently, one of his patients contacted me to apologize for his weirdness. He went on to state that FrankenKlein still continues to speak about this, and with his permission, I have included this below (I took out his name).

    "as I know you are writing a post on paternity can I repeat here that in [recently] a conversation between us went like this:

    AK: Do you have kids?
    PATIENT: No never have...
    AK: Well I'm a childless bachelor except for Michael jackson's eldest two.

    He then went on to rant about DNA and how he was biding his time with his evidence and beds and hair samples..."

    Well, the kids have not being around FrankenKlein since well before Michael passed on, and if there were to be hair samples collected, I would have been the one doing it. And trust me, if he really thought he was the father, he would be screaming at the top of his lungs because he has always thought this was his "gravy train" and we all know he needs the money to finance his over the top lifestyle. I also know this was a big reason FrankenKlein could never sell a book, he wont actually come out and talk about this stuff because he will be caught.

    So, to make this totally clear:

    1. Arnold Klein is NOT the father of the Jackson children, nor any children, period.
    2. Michael Jackson is the Biological father and the only father they have ever know (and a good one at that)

    I remember when I first interacted with the kids. I thought, what a great dad he was and what a normal and heatlhy, not spoiled life the kids led.

    Why did FrankenKlein do this? Well, I can only guess. However I know he is a publicity slut and loves the attention.

    So, this is where I will make a public plea for FrankenKlein to stop pretending to be the father... Let it go, and shut the hell up. And again, I will gladly sit down for a lie detector test as long as both sides can pick the questions... I have some really really good ones I would like to ask him.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I am glad he has said that so it seems Kline is the liar
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Hmm...what to believe and not to believe about Pfeiffer or Klein. Take it all with a grain of salt and do our own research of all the other available evidence either way.
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Just wanted to share a post from last year re Jason... http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/2010/04/29/jason-pfeiffer/

    This is all I’m gonna say on the matter


    <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
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